ALERT! FDA Clears “Chicken” Grown in a Laboratory by Medical Doctor

The FDA has given a green light to laboratory-grown chicken cell lines that were developed by a medical doctor. Reading the headlines and press releases on this action by the FDA, one is led to believe that the FDA has approved this lab-grown "chicken." But the FDA doesn't approve foods. They monitor food safety and labeling, but they do not approve foods. They only approve drugs. So what does this actually mean? In terms of how safe this product is, it means NOTHING. This was a "voluntary," "pre-market consultation" paid for by the company planning to market this product, so that they could use the FDA logo with their product giving the illusion that the FDA has actually approved this product, when in fact they have not. Do we really need a lab-cultured product called "chicken" produced by a medical doctor who has no training in agriculture or nutrition? Who will conduct the studies on how this lab-grown "chicken" will affect human health once people start consuming it? You will, along with the rest of the public who decides to start eating it. The American consumer will become the lab rats in what will basically become the Phase III trials to see how their health will be affected after consuming this product. And who are the investors that are bringing this product to market? Investors include top meat producer Tyson, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Elon Musks' brother Kimbal Musk. Now there's a bunch of names we can certainly trust to look out for our health!

Is Donald Trump a Freemason? Is Trump Tower in New York a Satanic Temple?

This past week, I have highlighted many of the crimes that were committed in 2020 when COVID-19 started, and while Donald Trump was President. This has prompted some of the members of the Donald Trump religious cult to contact me and complain about my treatment of Trump in these articles, even though I was not attacking Trump personally, but just reporting the facts of what happened in 2020 that has now resulted in the deaths and injuries of millions of people, all implemented while Trump was president. Many of Trump's followers believe in the "Trump is stupid" view, which claims that Trump was fooled by all the people around him, and didn't know what he was doing. These people want Trump to be president again, even though he has not repented or apologized for participating in all the criminal activities that were done in the name of COVID. In this view, many believe that not only was Trump ignorant and is still not repenting of the sins he committed, but he is "God's chosen" man to be president. But what about Donald Trump? Is he truly God's chosen man, or is he a Freemason like all presidents before him, serving Satan as his master who put him into power?

The Medical Scandal of Killing Patients with Ventilators Continues

During the first weeks of the COVID-19 "pandemic" in 2020, when nationwide protocols were setup to be used in hospital settings, some frontline doctors began to question the practice of putting COVID-19 positive patients on ventilators, because so many of them were dying, and these doctors made it clear that they were dying from being wrongly placed on these ventilators. In other words, the ventilators were actually killing them, in many cases by collapsing their lungs. But the hospital protocols never changed, mainly because hundreds of millions of dollars from the U.S. Government and The CARES Act passed by President Trump, gave financial incentives for companies to produce more ventilators, and for hospitals to use them. All of that money would have been lost if they changed the hospital protocols. President Trump enacted the Defense Production Act in order to give government funds to manufacturers to produce ventilators, and gave $1.1 billion to GM and Philips to mass produce ventilators. ProPublica reported how one of those companies, Philips, had already received $13.8 million five years earlier from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to produce low-cost ventilators to stockpile in the case of a national pandemic, but when COVID hit, there were none to be found. And now earlier this week, FierceBiotech is reporting that Philips has been recalling about 5.5 million of their ventilators for the past year-and-a-half, because the ventilators are faulty and are killing and injuring people. The recall began after Philips received dozens of reports describing how the polyester-based polyurethane foam used to muffle sound and vibrations in many of its respiratory devices could break down over time, sending potentially dangerous chemicals and debris into the airway—though documents submitted in court have since revealed that Philips knew about the foam breakdown issue at least a few years before beginning the formal recall.

Pro-COVID Vaccine Authorities Continue to Die or Become Disabled After Mocking the Unvaccinated

Pro-COVID vaccine authorities who take time to go public and educate people on how safe and effective the COVID-19 vaccines are continue to die or become crippled, while many of those who take their advice fall victim to "unexpected" deaths or crippling injuries. Before dying or becoming injured, they often ridicule or mock those who refuse the vaccines. Dr. Fauci has stated publicly that the real danger to society are the "unvaccinated." Is he correct?

CIA Caught Covering Up Rampant Child Sex Crimes Inside Agency and NO ONE Has Gone to Jail

Imagine an agency so secretive and so corrupt that they can literally get away with criminal sexual abuse of children. Then imagine you are forced to pay for this agency and despite knowing that their agents are abusing children — even admitting to it — they are avoiding any kind of legal ramifications. Well, there is no need to imagine because that and more, is happening within the CIA and no one is doing anything about it.

America’s Biggest Criminal Drug Dealers Go Free and Continue to Push Their Drugs that Destroy Lives

Two of America's largest criminal drug dealers recently reached a $10 billion settlement for their role in America's opioid crisis that has cost tens of thousands of deaths and countless lives destroyed for the past several years. As part of this settlement, nobody goes to prison, and these drug dealers get to keep pushing their harmful drugs. They even get to spread out their criminal payments over several years so they don't suffer any business loss. The CDC had originally issued stricter guidelines for prescribing opioids in an effort to reduce illegal use and addictions, but a couple of weeks ago they backtracked on those guidelines making it easier for doctors to continue prescribing opioids. Deaths resulting from prescription pharmaceutical drugs far exceed deaths due to illegal street drugs, and it is not even close. The "war on drugs" started during the 1970s has created several generations now of mind-controlled drug users who incorrectly believe that illegal drugs are dangerous, while their prescription drugs are safe. The most commonly used "illegal drug" used by millions of Americans today is cannabis, or marijuana. While cannabis use has increased in the U.S. for both recreational and medical reasons, the pharma-funded corporate media continues to demonize it, and for good reason. Marijuana is best known for its recreational use, but if you can bypass the corporate censorship that obviously sees marijuana as a threat to patented pharmaceutical drugs, you will learn that the therapeutic benefits to marijuana are absolutely amazing. And some doctors are actually using medical marijuana to get people off of deadly opioids. According to data retrieved from the FDA due to a Freedom of Information Act request, nobody has ever died as a result of using marijuana, making it one of the safest natural drugs available, in spite of what you may be hearing and reading from the pharma-controlled corporate media.

The Greatest Lie Ever Told

We have spent considerable time exposing the criminals who pushed the experimental COVID shots onto the public, and the millions who are now crippled or dead. But let's not forget how we got to that point in the first place, and the multitudes who died needlessly before there even was a vaccine. There was no killer "virus." The criminal medical system and their reign of terror caused fear that destroyed lives. COVID: The Greatest Lie Ever Told!

Another Phase 3 Trial Failure to Develop an Alzheimer’s Drug Shows Why Virgin Coconut Oil is Needed to Prevent Dementia

After more than a decade of failed drug trials and $billions lost in research to try and bring an Alzheimer's drug to market, maybe the pharmaceutical industry is finally ready to admit that they don't really understand what causes Alzheimer's disease. It was announced earlier this week that Roche had failed for the second time to develop a successful Alzheimer's drug. I have been reporting on the failure of Big Pharma to produce an Alzheimer's drug for over a decade now, along with publishing numerous testimonies of how many people have reversed the effects of Alzheimer's and dementia by using Virgin Coconut Oil in their diet, especially if it is part of an overall ketogenic diet which emphasizes healthy high fats, moderate levels of protein, and small amounts of carbohydrates. There is strong evidence that one of the main contributing factors for Alzheimer’s Disease is a diet too low in fats and excessive pharmaceutical drugs. The low-fat dietary advice, and the demonization of cholesterol, has led to poor health and the development of worthless and harmful statin drugs. The data and evidence on the health benefits of coconut oil and the ketogenic diet are overwhelming today, not only for Alzheimer’s Disease, but for a whole host of other diseases as well. I have also written a booklet that not only covers the research and testimonials on how Virgin Coconut Oil has helped so many people with Alzheimer's and dementia, but also includes dietary advice on how to include coconut oil into one's diet and other tips on Holistic Geriatric Care. I am offering this booklet to the public for free....

Universal Vaccine Passports Plan Unites the World

Of all the issues facing the world today that divide nations and cause countries to go to war against each other, there is one thing that unites the world and that virtually all world leaders agree upon, even those countries at war with each other, and that is the topic of vaccines. And so at the recently concluded G20 Summit in Bali, they all put aside their differences and agreed that a universal vaccine passport is necessary for world travel, allowing the World Health Organization to be able to declare which vaccines are necessary for any current or future "pandemic." Isn't that wonderful? Just give peace a chance, and get your vaccines!

48,817 DEAD and 5,107,883 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions

The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 48,817 fatalities, and 5,107,883 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots. From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (2,177,286) are "serious" injuries: “Seriousness provides information on the suspected undesirable effect; it can be classified as ‘serious’ if it corresponds to a medical occurrence that results in death, is life-threatening, requires inpatient hospitalisation, results in another medically important condition, or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly/birth defect.” European politicians and others are waking up to the fact that these shots are killing and maiming people, especially young, formerly healthy people. So where's the justice? Not only is the EMA not halting these killer shots, they just approved a new one by GSK and Sanofi.

Who Do You Trust for Your Food? REAL Food is Created by God – Biotech Food is Polluted and Poisonous

As the techno-prophecies today are being proven to be mostly pure fantasy not based on anything real, and as we face the imminent collapse of our financial system drawing closer each day to the Great Reset, it is important that we learn from the mistakes these false beliefs that have propped up modern society have made, so that those who survive the difficult times we are now heading into, can begin to rebuild society on things that are true and lasting. And one of the most pressing needs is to decentralize food production, breaking our society's slavery to Big Food and their technology where just a handful of technocrats among the Billionaires and Bankers control most of the world's food today, food that is contaminated and poisonous. What I am going to cover in this article today are solutions to the problem of having so few people control most of the world's food, by first properly defining just what food is and where REAL food comes from, so we can break the monopolies of Big Food and their slavery over the world's population, and return to time-proven methods of food production that bring about health and food security. Most of this is information I have previously published over the past 20 years, but it is more important than ever to define real food, as we have entire generations now who have no clue as to where their food comes from, and how mass-produced biotech food affects our health.

The U.S. Medical System is Collapsing after Mass Exodus of Doctors and Nurses

The fact that there is a crisis in the U.S. medical system is not in dispute, as even the corporate media has been covering this since 2021, as many hospital Emergency Rooms across the U.S. have either closed down completely, or reduced their hours, due to lack of staffing. Earlier this month (November 2022) a group of medical organizations that include the American Medical Association and American Psychiatric Association warned President Biden that hospital emergency departments were reaching a “breaking point” as they deal with influxes of patients seeking beds that are not available. A report from commercial intelligence company Definitive Healthcare earlier this month stated that 334,000 physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and other clinicians left the workforce in 2021. While statistics for 2022 are not available yet as the year has not yet finished, a survey conducted back in March this year revealed that one third of the nation's nurses were planning on leaving their jobs in 2022. These are facts that nobody is disputing. However, when we look at the reasons why these medical staff have left their jobs, there appear to be certain reasons that are not allowed to be mentioned or discussed in the corporate news media. What is never addressed is how many of these medical professionals, most of whom were mandated to take the experimental COVID-19 vaccines, have died or were disabled following the COVID-19 shots. The other reason that is never reported in the corporate news, is the emotional and mental state of medical professionals who still work in the system, and who have come to realize what these deadly shots actually do, but are too afraid to speak out. There are no political or judicial solutions to this problem, as both the Democrats and the Republicans are pro-vaccine, as is the U.S. Supreme Court. You will not find relief there. The only option left is to stop using the medical system.

The Religion of the Technocrats is Failing, as is Their Technology

As I noted in my article about the demise of self-driving vehicles, the faith in artificial intelligence is crashing down to reality, as investors in the technology find out the hard way that computers just cannot do all the things that the techno-prophecies have claimed. This was exposed in a recently published Bloomberg article quite eloquently by publishing quotes from Anthony Levandowski, the engineer who created the model for self-driving vehicle research and was, for more than a decade, "the field’s biggest star." So strong was his belief in artificial intelligence, that he literally started a new religion worshiping it called "The Way of the Future" Church. But after several years of waiting for the AI messiah to arrive and start replacing humans, his faith was shattered. Fast forward now 5 years later where AI cannot even figure out how to make a left turn in normal traffic, and these AI believers are quickly abandoning the faith, and starting to understand the limitations of computers.

Australian Bureau of Statistics Shows 72% Drop in Births 9 Months After COVID Shots Started

Australia appears to be one of the first countries to publish birth rates for 2021, and their December 2021 statistics show that births dropped 72% over the previous December average for the past six years. This drop in births is reportedly about 9 months after the roll-out of the COVID vaccines. The belief that these experimental COVID vaccines were never designed to prevent illness, but to reduce the world's population, is looking less and less like a "conspiracy theory" every day as the facts continue to come in. The funeral industry is booming, while life and health insurance companies are suffering. Could these numbers from Australia be the start of a flood of data that will come in now showing dramatic deceases in births and fertility rates following the COVID-19 vaccines? 

Big Tech Crash! Twitter Near Bankruptcy, Amazon First Company to Lose $1 TRILLION, Facebook Fires 11,000 Employees

I don't think the technocrats will be developing any "transhumans" anytime soon. On Wednesday this week, became the first publicly traded company in history to lose $1 trillion in market valuation. And then yesterday afternoon, Elon Musk told Twitter employees at an "all-hands meeting" that the company is losing so much money that "bankruptcy is not out of the question." All of this happened after the great cryptocurrency collapse of Tuesday, when the equivalent of a “bank run” happened when crypto exchange FTX saw $6 billion of withdrawals in a 72-hour span, resulting in them stopping the process of withdrawals. The other Big Tech news on Tuesday was that Facebook parent company Meta announced it is slashing more than 11,000 jobs, reducing its workforce by about 13 percent. This follows news that we reported about 2 weeks ago that the Department of Justice has started a probe into Tesla over their claims of having a "self-driving car." At about the same time this news was reported, Ford and Volkswagen announced that they were halting further investments into AI self-driving vehicles, forcing Argo AI, an AV technology startup founded by Uber and Google veterans, to shut down. The Big Technology Crash of 2022 has started, and it will probably make the Dot-com stock market crash of 2001 look like a walk in the park when this crash hits bottom.

Ukraine’s Largest and Most Modern City has No Electricity or Running Water – Mission Accomplished?

The plight of people living in Ukraine has taken a backseat to the theatrics of the U.S. mid-term elections for the past week or so, so if you have not seen any of the news reports coming out of Ukraine, it appears that the war is effectively over, as the capital city of Kyiv, along with other major urban areas, have had their infrastructure destroyed, as people face cold weather with no electricity, and have to line up for hours just to get water. And while just a few weeks ago the corporate media was whipping everyone up into a frenzy about possible nuclear strikes by Russia, or false flag attacks inside Ukraine which would have escalated the war, this week the corporate media is widely reporting that negotiations with Russia, by both the U.S. as well as Ukraine, are now back on the table. If such negotiations ultimately end up with Russia hanging on to their annexed territories that they now claim are part of Russia, does that mean Russia "won"? Well, that would depend on what your view is regarding why this conflict began in the first place. As we reported back in September, an alleged leaked document from the U.S. military think tank RAND Corporation that was published about 1 month before Russia invaded Ukraine, stated that a weakened Germany and weakened Europe would strengthen the U.S. economy, by exporting more energy to Europe in place of the cheap energy they were purchasing from Russia, and by increasing U.S. military spending. And that seems to be exactly what has happened. So from that point of view, the Billionaires on Wall Street that control Big Oil and private corporations with defense contracts raking in $BILLIONS to send weapons to Europe, are the big winners, regardless of the outcome of the war.

Crypto Currency Billionaire Loses Fortune Almost Overnight as Crypto Ponzi Business Exposed – The Beginning of the Great Reset?

November 8, 2022 will obviously be remembered in history as the day of the U.S. mid-term elections, but could another event that happened yesterday eclipse even the national elections? Earlier this year I warned that cryptocurrencies were NOT safe havens to protect financial wealth, when Coinbase, the largest US crypto exchange service, announced that they had cut off 25,000 Russian wallets. As I noted then, I have never felt comfortable putting major resources into cryptocurrencies for several reasons, the most obvious one being that it is dependent upon “the system,” which requires, among other things, electricity and a working Internet. New problems with cryptocurrencies were exposed yesterday, when the equivalent of a "bank run" happened when crypto exchange FTX saw $6 billion of withdrawals in a 72-hour span, resulting in them reportedly stopping the process of withdrawals yesterday.  Some big investors, including Blackrock and celebrity athletes including Stephen Curry and Tom Brady, were heavily invested in FTX. Sam Bankman-Fried, once featured on the cover of Fortune Magazine as potentially the next "Warren Buffet," and has now reportedly lost 94% of his $16 billion fortune, may be better compared to Bernie Madoff, as ZeroHedge News found an interview he did a few months ago where he admitted that crypto yield farming is basically a Ponzi business. The big question now is when will the other big Ponzi scheme rupture, the New York Stock Exchange, sending the U.S. and probably the rest of the world into financial ruins and usher in the Great Reset?

A Sick and Dying Nation Partakes of a November Ritual Called “Voting” Looking for Change in the Wrong Places

Many Americans will take part in the November ritual of election years to go out and vote for their favorite political candidates today, believing that if enough people vote the way they do, positive change will be the result. This ritual is very sacred, because it is drilled into Americans from early in life that it is our civic duty to vote, and that if we don't vote and the country then falls apart and goes to hell, it will be our fault for not voting. However, the most pressing issues facing our country, and the solutions to these issues are not going to be resolved by either political party being in power. The only way this country is going to change, is if Americans decide to change themselves, and decide to divorce themselves from the Luciferian world system that seeks to enslave us, which uses both political parties to do so. We need to stop being simply consumers of technology, and that will be forced upon us as the technology continues to fail, and start becoming producers of real goods and services again, which is how this country was built following WW II. The tipping point for this country will soon arrive, and it will be marked by the total financial collapse that is a certainty now, as the only question left is "when", and no longer "if." The future of this nation rests upon YOU, and not the puppet politicians the Globalists put in place to perpetuate their plans for a Luciferian New World Order that wants to drastically reduce the world's population because the individual human life has no value to them. To them you are simply a product of Darwinian evolution, and it is time for them to get rid of all the "useless" people who stand in the way of their agendas and move on to the next stage of the evolutionary cycle, which they want you to believe is a technocratic one with things like "transhumans." And only YOU can stop that. Because it is all a lie, built upon a faulty foundation of a godless worldview that started with Darwin, and completely ignores the fact that human beings are created by God, in his image, giving the individual great worth.

Is Big Tech Monitoring and Controlling You?

Today, if you use Big Tech's products, as almost everyone in the U.S. does, your actions and speech are being monitored. If you use a mobile device such as a cell phone, and/or a laptop or desktop computer connected to the Internet, or anything else connected to the Internet such as your front door bell, or your thermostat, or if you drive a late-model car that is connected to the Internet, you are being monitored. I am not saying that you are necessarily actively being spied upon and listened to, but your actions and speech are being recorded and stored in a database in the Cloud somewhere, where it can be retrieved and analyzed at any time by a real person. For most people, their actions and communications are aggregated and analyzed by computer code, like "artificial intelligence," mainly for the purpose of making money off of you by advertising products and services customized to your personal data, such as your gender, your age, your location, what you watch on TV, your religious and political views, who you associate with, etc. That's how Big Tech primarily makes its money, through advertising. But all of that data they collect on you, which today can include everything you say and share on social media, or devices like "Alexa," what you buy including where and when you buy it, what programs and videos you watch, where you drive to, when you turn your lights off at night or turn your thermostat down, and even what you thought were "private" communications, such as social media "private" chats, conversations on your cell phone, or email correspondences on Big Tech's "free" email platforms - ALL OF THIS DATA IS FOR SALE, for the right price.

“Died Unexpectedly” Cases Surge with More Deaths in 2022 than 2020-2021 as People Continue to Get COVID-19 Vaccines

The fact that deaths of previously healthy young people are now exploding around the world is no longer in dispute, as even the corporate media has had to address this tragic phenomenon. The Telegraph reported this week: "Excess deaths in England and Wales are currently running higher than in the main pandemic years of 2020 and 2021, figures have shown. Throughout October, there have been an average of 1,564 extra deaths per week, compared with a weekly average of just 315 in 2020 and 1,322 in 2021." What none of these corporate media sources dare to address, of course, is if these young, formerly healthy people were vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines, and what possible role the experimental vaccines could have played in their "unexpected" deaths. The reason for this is undoubtedly because the corporate media today is not an industry that can exist in a free market, and is therefore dependent on sponsors to fund them, and the largest sponsors are from the pharmaceutical industry. To even suggest that the COVID-19 vaccines played any part in these "unexpected" deaths would cause people to stop wanting to receive their vaccine products, and it would also open them up to criminal prosecution. As I have previously reported, here in the U.S. the criminal government agencies that protect the pharmaceutical industry have labeled these deaths Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), and developed a new term and category to explain the diseases that are crippling those who do not die called "Long COVID." The problem with using "Long COVID" as the name for a disease, is that it is simply based on a list of symptoms, the same symptoms found in the U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID-19 vaccines, and there is no laboratory test to diagnose "Long COVID." If health insurance companies were forced to start covering the costs of treating all these cases of "Long COVID," it would almost certainly mean the financial collapse of the insurance industry.