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Editor - Health Impact News

I Can Do All Things Through Christ: Natural vs. Supernatural

What is better: natural or supernatural? Is the supernatural available to us today? How can one experience the supernatural life?

9-Month-Old Baby Taken from Parents on Routine Traffic Stop in North Carolina

New Jersey couple Raymond Sykes and Kaila Boulware were traveling back to their home in New Jersey with their 9-month-old son after visiting Kaila's father in Florida for the Thanksgiving holiday. Also in the vehicle were their two dogs, MANUELA and Rayla. Rayla is the 9-month old baby's puppy. On the night of December 3rd, 2020, while driving through Troy, North Carolina at around 3 a.m., the family was stopped by two sheriff deputies. Reports from the sheriff department states they were pulled over because they were driving with "a white tail light" and it was “being driven in a manner, place and time that was suspicious.” When one of the officers stated that they were going to search the van, Raymond allegedly asked them "why?", raising concerns about the legality of searching their vehicle without a warrant. That's when the situation took a bad turn, according to media reports. Rebecca Panico, writing for NJ Advance Media on NJ.com reports: "Sheriff’s deputies from Montgomery County, N.C., drew their guns, violently beat Sykes with a baton in the baby’s presence and searched their vehicle for two hours. The couple told NJ Advance Media they nervously complied with officers’ orders prior to the traffic stop escalating." “Yahweh, please protect me,” Sykes said he shouted, hands in a prayer formation in the air as he walked toward the hood of the deputy’s car. “Don’t let these people hurt me.” At the end of the two hour search of their vehicle, both parents were arrested and locked up, the baby was turned over to Child Protective Services and placed in Foster car, the two dogs were taken to an animal control center where the older one ended up dying, and the car was towed away. Welcome to North Carolina.

Brazilian President on Pfizer Vaccine: “I won’t get vaccinated.” Cites Fact that Pfizer has No Liability for Side Effects

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is refusing a COVID-19 vaccine, citing liability concerns for his skepticism of the experimental shots prepared by monolithic pharmaceutical corporations for profit. He made the point in colorful terms, singling out the Big Pharma giant, Pfizer, as a vaccine maker that is benefiting from liability waivers. “In the Pfizer contract it’s very clear: ‘we’re not responsible for any side effects.’ If you turn into a crocodile, it’s your problem,” Bolsonaro said on Thursday. “If you become superhuman, if a woman starts to grow a beard or if a man starts to speak with an effeminate voice, they will not have anything to do with it,” he added, calling out the vaccine manufacturers. Bolsonaro has vowed to make COVID-19 vaccines free for the people Brazil, but he refuses to make them compulsory and does not plan to ever take one, which has enraged technocrats urging blind compliance. “It will be available for everyone that wants it. But me, I won’t get vaccinated,” Bolsonaro said. “Some people say I’m giving a bad example. But to the imbeciles, to the idiots that say this, I tell them I’ve already caught the virus, I have the antibodies, so why get vaccinated?” the Brazilian president remarked.

Moderna Experimental mRNA Vaccine Issued Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA Illegally

After an FDA Advisory Committee voted 20 to 0 with one abstention to issue Moderna emergency use authorization (EUA) for their mRNA experimental COVID vaccine, the FDA took their advice today and issued the EUA. As is the case with the Pfizer mRNA experimental vaccine which received an EUA last week, it is important to understand that this vaccine is NOT approved by the FDA. It is only authorized to be used in emergency situations, and the Health Bureaucrats who make these decisions for everyone have already planned to make COVID an "emergency pandemic" that apparently will last for more than a year, if not longer. The Advisory Committee that met on Thursday, much like the same Advisory Committee that met last week to give the go-ahead to the Pfizer experimental mRNA COVID vaccine, is entirely comprised of pharmaceutical industry insiders, such as Paul Offit of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia who himself is a patent holder of a vaccine in the CDC Childhood Vaccine schedule, and Paula Annunziato, a top executive for Merck pharmaceutical company, a major producer of vaccines. The sole abstention came from Michael Kurilla, who works for the National Institute of Health. He stated: “I abstained because I am uncomfortable with the language. In the midst of a pandemic and with limited vaccine supply available, a blanket statement for individuals 18 and older is just too broad. I’m not convinced that for all of those age groups that the benefits do outweigh the risks. I want to see it more targeted toward people at high risk of serious and life-threatening COVID-19 disease.” The other concern that was allegedly discussed was the fact that three of the trial participants contracted Bell’s palsy, which causes paralysis in the face. The trial group also saw 13 deaths, 6 in the vaccine group, and 7 in the placebo group. There were only 6 deaths total in the Pfizer trials. Nevertheless, the only thing they were voting on for emergency use authorization, was whether or not the potential benefits of the vaccine out-weighed the risks, and not whether or not people were going to be injured and killed by the vaccine, as that just seems to be an acceptable side effect.

Tennessee Nurse Manager Passes Out on Camera After Receiving Pfizer COVID Vaccine

Shortly after publishing our lead story today about how healthcare workers in the U.S. are suffering serious side effects from the illegal Pfizer COVID vaccine, a video from a news report in Chattanooga, Tennessee at Channel 9 has surfaced. Nurse Manager Tiffany Dover from CHI Memorial Hospital passed out live on air while giving a press conference about the vaccine. Since these kinds of videos have a way of disappearing from the Internet rather quickly, we put a copy up on our Bitchute Channel under the Fair Use Act. The doctors from the hospital were quick to inform the public that her passing out was in no way related to the ingredients in the illegal Pfizer experimental vaccine. Tiffany Dover recovered later and also assured everyone her passing out had nothing to do with the vaccine. What else would you expect them to say? And how could they possibly know this without even examining her or running any tests first?

Health Impact News is on Gab!

Twitter has already banned any articles from Health Impact News being shared on their platform, and Facebook has been removing our posts on the experimental COVID vaccine and is about to unpublish our main page, so we have now moved to Parler.com, MeWe.com and Gab.com for our Social Media posts. In the event that our websites are seized, please go to our Parler account or our MeWe account until we get back up and running. For the past month or so Parler and MeWe have been two of the most downloaded apps in the various app stores, which is why we chose to start with these two for now. Both claim to provide free speech and no censorship. Thank you for your continued support in trusting us for publishing the truth about Medical Tyranny and the rapid take-over of America and most of the world happening right now as the Eugenicist Gloablists make their move very rapidly now with the new COVID vaccines, and their stated goals in reducing the world’s population and installing a New One World Government. This is no longer a conspiracy “theory,” but is unfolding before our very eyes right now.

LONDON OUTRAGE! Massive Police Brutality Recorded with Attacks Against Peaceful Protesters Over COVID Restrictions

The citizens of London were strictly ordered NOT to protest outdoors on Saturday, November 28, 2020. Tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, disobeyed their government and took to the streets in peaceful protests over new COVID restrictions. (The "official" corporate media report is that "300-400" turned out to protest. Watch the video below to see for yourself.) And the police responded. They ganged up and assaulted women, old men, and others. The corporate media is reporting "over 60" were arrested, but other reports state "hundreds" were arrested. Their crime? Walking in parks and on public streets. That's it.  Words cannot describe what I have seen in recordings filmed during the protests in London earlier today and posted on Social Media. I grabbed as many of these video clips as I could as Twitter seemed to be deleting them as fast as I was downloading them. Watch for yourself.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Files Amended Complaint in Lawsuit Against Facebook and “Fact Checkers”

The amendment details allegations about how Facebook accomplishes its censorship of CHD's page through its surrogate "fact-checkers," who are neither "independent" nor objective, and why this agency relationship cannot insulate Facebook from liability under the federal Communications Decency Act, Section 230.

Facebook’s “Fact Checkers” Call Danish Study on Facemasks in Annals of Internal Medicine Journal “False”

On Wednesday, scientists in Demark published a "revolutionary" study that demonstrates mask-wearing does very little to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. By Friday, an Oxford University professor, citing the study in an article published on The Spectator, reported that he was flagged by Facebook for "false information" as he attempted to repost the article on the social media platform.  Before we begin, we want to remind readers that hours after the study's publication in Annals of Internal Medicine, titled "Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearer," we asked a straightforward question of how social media companies would respond to these new developments.  Well, that answer quickly appeared as director of the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University Carl Heneghan tweeted Friday that his article titled "Landmark Danish study finds no significant effect for facemask wearers," citing the new study, was flagged as false information by Facebook. 

The COVID Cult: Greatest Public Health Fiasco in the History of the World

This is the greatest public health fiasco in the history of the world, and the media has distorted it so badly, that much of the general public is celebrating villains and hissing at heroes. And, even — perversely enough — celebrating the destruction of their own lives and their children's lives.

USA Today Reports How Florida Takes Children Away from their Parents and Puts Them with Pedophiles in Foster Care

As we have reported many times over the years here at Health Impact News, the U.S. Foster Care System is the #1 pipeline to child sex trafficking. Numerous studies over the past several years have confirmed that children do far better when left in their homes, even troubled homes where parents may have drug issues and other problems, than when they are placed in foster care. Investigative reporters at USA Today have done an excellent job in showing just how corrupt the child welfare and foster care system is in Florida, documenting hundreds of cases where children were removed from their homes and then put into foster care settings where they were sexually abused. Several stories are highlighted in their report, including the case of longtime Florida foster father Rick Hazel, who they say repeatedly raped a child in his care, taking videos of the molestation and hiding a camera in the bathroom to watch her shower. More than 70 children allegedly passed through his home. When deputies arrested him in 2019, the Hazels were the longest-tenured foster parents in St. Augustine. More than 70 kids had passed through their home. In addition to the rape victim, the family members of two other foster children came forward with concerns of abuse or neglect. But following Hazel’s arrest, no one – not caseworkers, not child abuse investigators, not law enforcement – talked to all of the other children who had lived in the home to see if they had seen or suffered abuse. Those children were all adopted or moved on to new homes. Until contacted by reporters, the adults in their lives had no idea they had spent time with a man who ultimately was convicted of child sex abuse. Rick and Shirley Hazel were considered model foster parents. They took in children of all ages and races, including kids with autism, and adopted three of them. They were active at church and the foster parent association, meeting with biological parents on nights and weekends to make visits easier. “Wonderful human beings, blessed, doing God’s work,” one social worker commented in their file. “One of the very best places a child could be,” wrote another. As they gained a rapport with workers in the system, St. Johns County sent the Hazels more and more kids, even when their home reached – and surpassed – the state-mandated capacity of five total children. The stream of kids finally ended in 2019, when a 13-year-old told detectives that her foster-turned-adoptive father had “raped me like I was his wife.”

COVID Plans Include Family Separation and Involuntary Quarantine in “Camps”

The CDC calls for “Isolation Camps” as part of a “Shielding Plan.” The plan subjects U.S. Citizens and residents who are deemed “high risk” for Covid-19 to be forcibly removed from their families and homes, and be involuntarily isolated in guarded camps. The public first got wind of this impending nightmare on May 4, 2020, when Governor Gavin Newson of California announced that the “army” – his word – will start with a deployment of 3,000 and grow to the 20,000 mark to chase down who, what, where, and with whom COVID positive people have had connections. In a video, Robert Levin, MD Health Officer / Medical Director of Ventura County, California, elaborated with details about the state’s plans — which included the forcible removal of people from their homes and the establishment of mass community contact tracing.

What does President Trump’s Firing of Defense Secretary Mark Esper Mean?

Today President Trump announced that he had fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper, replacing him with Christopher C. Miller, the Director of the National Counterterrorism Center. So why is Trump making this move now, and what does it mean?

U.K. REBELLION! Students, Medical Professionals, and Public Resist Lockdowns!

While the U.S. Presidential elections continue to dominate the media in the U.S., citizens all across the U.K. protested the nation's new lockdowns this week. At Manchester University, students woke up on the first day of lockdowns to find fences had been erected around their dormitories, penning them in like a prison. They had apparently had enough, and by that evening, the fences were tore down, and the University backed down. In Cornwall, an NHS nurse turned whistleblower publicly resigned while wearing her uniform before releasing the real numbers of COVID patients in her hospital and denouncing the government’s disastrous lockdown policy, stating that other doctors and nurses were trying to speak out. It was recorded, but quickly removed from YouTube and Twitter. We found a copy. Breitbart News, which has correspondents in London, is reporting that police in London arrested 190 anti-lockdown protesters at the so-called ‘Million Mask March’ against the second national lockdown in England. They have exclusive video coverage.

Everyone’s Life is at Stake Now: Don’t Get Distracted by Politics

As Americans are fixated on the U.S. elections, which it appears will dominate the corporate news cycle for days on end now, the truly big story is not what is happening here in the U.S., but across the pond in the U.K. where the medical tyrants try to force a second lockdown on its citizens today (November 5th). The second lockdowns are scheduled for here in the U.S. as well, by the tyrannical medical oligarchy, and no matter who is crowned President of the U.S., all these political medical authorities will keep their jobs which many of them have had for decades, as they watch presidents come and go. And please make no mistake about this: the results of these lockdowns will be death and destruction, unless a large enough percentage of the public wakes up and figures out that their enemy is not a politician, but the evil forces behind the Globalists and their agenda of using medical tyranny to bring in their New World Order.

NYC Families Unable to Have Kids Log into Online Classes Fear Being Reported to Child Services for Truancy

Some New York City students who’ve missed too many remote classes because of faulty devices and unreliable internet are being threatened with having child services notified, parents and advocates told the Daily News. At least two parents say their children are being unfairly targeted for virtual absences stemming from circumstances outside their control, including malfunctioning city-issued iPads and spotty internet in city homeless shelters. South Bronx mom Regina Alston’s two Education Department iPads have been on the fritz with a repair request pending for months, forcing her two elementary school kids to share a single laptop and miss classes when the siblings' schedules overlap. But she said that even after she alerted officials at Grant Ave. Elementary school about the issue, an administrator this week warned Alston’s 9-year-old daughter the school would have to alert child services if her virtual absences continued, the furious mother said. “I’m angry,” Alston fumed. “I think the DOE is trying to put the fault on the parents, but it’s not. This whole remote learning is an epic failure.”

Foster Care Industrial Complex: It Is Not a Broken System, It Is a System That Needs to be Broken!

The trauma and harm to families and communities caused by intrusive child welfare system interventions is well documented by multiple sources – to the degree that many argue the system can be more accurately viewed as the family policing system, family regulation system, or foster care industrial complex. In our paper It Is Not a Broken System, It Is a System That Needs to be Broken, we outline research that shows that the act of forcible separation of children from their parents is a source of significant and lifelong trauma. As we summarized in the article, “trauma associated with separation has been shown to result in cognitive delays, depression, increased aggression, behavioral problems, poor educational achievement, and other harmful outcomes.” Youth and parents who have experienced child welfare services regularly testify to the harm of separation and the failures of and trauma created by both short- and long-term involvement with the foster care system. Advocates and those working to reform child welfare from both within the system and without, regularly document this harm. It is within the context of this knowledge and understanding and our many years of concerted reform efforts that we have launched the upEND movement, an emerging collaborative aimed at creating a society in which the forcible separation of children from their families is no longer an acceptable solution when help is needed. This movement seeks to protect the health of children, which requires us to center our work around keeping them with their families and communities.

Holocaust Survivor: I Saved my Own Life by being “Oppositional Defiant” – Americans are not Rebelling Against Things that are Wrong!

Vera Sharav was recently interviewed by Attorney Leah Wilson, the Executive Director of Stand for Health Freedom. Vera Sharav is the Founder and President of Alliance for Human Research Protection, and is a frequent guest contributor on Health Impact News. Vera was 3 years old when her family was taken out of their home in Romania and herded into a Nazi Concentration Camp. Her father died soon afterwards of typhus. She lived in this camp for more than two years, when plans were put in place to close the camp and annihilate everyone. She reports how a deal was made to allow the orphans to leave the camp if they had someone to sign for them. So her mother sent her out of the camp as an "orphan" to stay with other families. Vera claims this "saved her life." But it came at a cost: "I can't stress how awful it is for a child to be separated from their parents. It's really, really devastating." As a wandering child, she learned how to select adults whom she could trust. She did not trust being with her peers (other orphan children). She was supposed to board a boat with other orphan children, to be taken to Israel.  But she refused. She did not want to be separated from the family she was with and became attached to. She became a "problem" by crying and putting up a fight to not go on the orphan boat. So she ended up going on one of the other two boats with the family she was with. Vera states that if it had been today, she would have been labeled as ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, etc. She was six years old at the time. But during the night, a submarine sunk the boat with the orphans, the boat she was supposed to be on. "I knew that I saved my own life by being (labeled as) 'Oppositional Defiant Disorder.' That's a lesson that right now is very needed. Adults now are not rebelling against things that are wrong. People are being pushed around, being denied normal interaction, and they're just following it like sheep. There's something very wrong. Part of what's wrong is the idea of just following authority without considering, 'What if they're wrong? What if it's not in my best interest? Why?' This is very dangerous that we have so many people, good people, people who think that they are doing the right thing."

I Called Everyone in Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Black Book: What I Learned from 2000 Phone Calls

Leland Nally, writing for Mother Jones, has just published an article about his efforts in calling everyone in Jeffrey Epstein’s "Little Black Book" - an effort that ended with nearly 2000 phone calls. Given what has happened to Jeffrey Epstein and the inability for all the alleged victims to face him in a court of law, we are reproducing Leland's entire article here under the Fair Use doctrine. It is already being republished across the Internet, helping to ensure that this information does not disappear. But as long as it is still up at Mother Jones, please go read it there, and support this incredible piece of journalism from Leland Nally. Such journalistic masterpieces as this are truly rare these days.... He writes: Totaling 97 pages and containing the names, numbers, and addresses of a considerable cross section of the global elite, Epstein’s personal contact book first turned up in a courtroom in 2009 after his former butler, Alfredo Rodriguez, tried to sell it to lawyers representing Epstein’s victims for $50,000. Rodriguez described the book, apparently assembled by Epstein’s employees, as the “Holy Grail.” It is annotated with cryptic marginalia—stars next to certain entries, arrows pointing toward others–and the names of at least 38 people are circled for reasons that aren’t totally clear. There are 1,571 names in all, with roughly 5,000 phone numbers and thousands of emails and home addresses. There are celebrities, princes and princesses, high-profile scientists, artists from all over the world, all alongside some of the world’s most powerful oligarchs and political leaders—people like Prince Andrew (circled), Ehud Barak (circled), Donald Trump (circled). In 2011, Rodriguez was sentenced to 18 months in prison for having tried to sell the book to an undercover agent after failing to notify investigators about its existence. Rodriguez said in court that the book was “insurance” against Epstein, who wanted him to “disappear.” Rodriguez died of mesothelioma shortly after serving his sentence. The public first became aware of the book in 2015, when the now-defunct website Gawker published a version of Rodriguez’s copy, revealing for the first time just how ludicrously connected Epstein was to the people who run the world. Gawker’s file showed only names; attached phone numbers and emails were blacked out. Shortly before Epstein’s mysterious death in August 2019 in his cell at the Manhattan Correctional Facility, an unredacted version of the book popped up on some dark corners of the internet, with almost every phone number, email, and home address entirely visible, and I got my hands on a copy. Epstein collected people, and if you ever had any interaction with him or Ghislaine Maxwell, his onetime girlfriend and alleged accomplice, you more than likely ended up in this book, and then several years later you received a call from me. I made close to 2,000 phone calls total. I spoke to billionaires, CEOs, bankers, models, celebrities, scientists, a Kennedy, and some of Epstein’s closest friends and confidants. I sat on my couch and phoned up royalty, spoke to ambassadors, irritated a senior adviser at Blackstone, and left squeaky voicemails for what must constitute a considerable percentage of the world oligarchy. At times the book felt like a dark palantir, giving me glimpses of dreadful, haunted dimensions that my soft, gentle, animal being was never supposed to encounter. I was interrupted [one day] by a call from a restricted number. The guy on the line said he was with the FBI. He said there were “reports of fraudulent phone calls” being made on this line, which I immediately understood as bullshit—I wasn’t committing any phone crime or trying to trick someone into doing so. “I don’t know about fraudulent, but I have a feeling I know what you’re talking about,” I said, undoubtedly sounding cool, relaxed, unbothered. He hung up and never called again, as far as I know. Whether the guy was FBI or a private security goon posing as a fed, the call was an important development—it told me that the book I was dealing with and the numbers it contained were genuine. Every cell phone, every yacht line, every private office number—they were all real, and every one of them was about to get a call from me.

Study: Woman Suffers Brain Injury from COVID Cotton Swab Test

Back in August this year we published an article written by Makia Freeman of The Freedom Articles titled:  "Are the COVID Tests a Way to Surreptitiously Infect or Implant People?" The very long cotton swab used for some of these COVID tests is very unusual, prompting speculation as to why such a long cotton swab is necessary.  I asked a retired medical doctor at that time who is known to Health Impact News about what Makia was saying in the article regarding the need for long cotton swabs penetrating so far into the body, and this doctor replied: "There is no valid reason for swabbing the naso-pharynx so deeply that it causes pain and injury to the extreme back and roof of the nose. Whatever microorganisms are there are distributed throughout the entire nose and throat. They are supposedly easily communicated by a sneeze, hence the 'need' for masks.. You don’t have to go digging for them. You could even blow your nose into a tissue and that would be a sufficient sample to culture." Yesterday, October 1, 2020, a new study was published in JAMA Otolaryngology, documenting one case where a woman suffered a brain fluid leak after doctors punctured the lining during a coronavirus test. Surgery was required to repair the leak. The title of the study is "Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak After Nasal Swab Testing for Coronavirus Disease 2019."