Today I am publishing more recent articles by Sam Parker at Behind the News Network, who has posted a flurry of articles within the past few days, and offers a contrasting commentary on rapidly developing world events from a non-American corporate media perspective, much of which is not easily found from other sources, at least not in English.
In the two articles I am republishing today, we will see the perspective that we are already in World War III, and that it is currently a financial war, with the main hot zone being limited to Ukraine, for now.
You will also read a totally different perspective on Russia, and how Russia is not actually America's enemy, but instead Europe is.
And when I used the term "America" in this context, I am not referring to the people, nor even the politicians, but as Parker states, the Rockefeller Empire - the Wall Street billionaires and Bankers in the U.S. we usually refer to collectively as "the Globalists."
Change is coming, major changes, and the more you can learn about the perspectives, motives, and plans of those outside of the U.S. and western culture, and what we might be facing in the not-too-distant future, the better you will be prepared for this change that is inevitable now, and not be enslaved by the one-sided propaganda that exists in the corporate media and western culture.