Background image: President Donald J. Trump arrives at the InterContinental Davos Landing Zone and is met by U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein Edward T. McMullen, Jr. Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2020, in Davos, Switzerland, where President Trump attended the World Economic Forum (WEF) that year. (Source.)

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

I have been covering the child trafficking problem in the United States through government-funded child welfare agencies such as CPS (child protective services), foster care, and adoption for over a decade now.

In 2014 I started an entire website,, to document just how frequently the government kidnaps and trafficks children, usually with the help of medical doctors and psychiatrists.

The parents who lose their children to this evil, Satanic system, go through tremendous stress when they lose their children. Most of the ones who come to us to tell their story, have pretty much given up hope that they will ever get their children back, and are therefore ready to take their stories public.

We do warn them that by going public and exposing the government-funded people who were involved in kidnapping their children, which in most stories include corrupt social workers, corrupt medical doctors, corrupt attorneys, and corrupt judges, that they risk retaliation and possibly even being arrested, or worse.

Many of these parents do end up in jail or prison, and many have committed suicide.

On some occasions, they come back and attack me also, especially if a judge or attorney orders them to have us take down their stories. In some cases, the victims, the children who were kidnapped and grew up in other families believing the lie that their parents did something bad to have them taken away, also attack me and try to get me to take down their stories.

But I have never done that, not even when ordered to do so by attorneys and judges.

Because what I publish on this topic is protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and it is documentation of just how corrupt this “legal” child trafficking system is.

It is an integral part of American history, a part of American history that you will probably never read in history books, especially Christian ones, and it is a history that few others will dare to expose.

So when a parent who gives us their story to publish, and then is attacked or commanded to make us take down their story, or that they are going to take me to court and sue me for not taking down their story, I have always cut off contact with those parents.

I feel for them, and understand why they are doing what they are doing, but at that point it is no longer in my best interest to stay in contact with these parents who turn against me.

Only once has any of those parents ever come back to me later, and apologized to me and admitted that they were wrong to pressure me to take down their story.

That sole case happened just recently with Neal Sutz, an Arizona father who fled to Switzerland to try and protect his two children and wife, but ended up in an international child trafficking criminal organization who took his children, and still has not given them back.

Like many parents who go public with their story, Neal was promised by Swiss authorities that if he got his story removed from the Internet, which exposed all the criminal elements in Switzerland responsible for kidnapping and abusing his two sons, that he could spend more time with his children, and eventually get them back.

Neal was successful in getting many to remove his story off of the Internet, but he knew he was hitting a roadblock with me, and that I would probably never agree.

Neal Sutz was convinced in 2019-2020 that President Donald Trump and his administration would intervene in Switzerland and rescue his children, since he is an American citizen.

Fueled by the Q movement that kept promising the public that Donald Trump was going to end child sex trafficking during his first presidency, there was widespread belief in Donald Trump, and that he was going to help all these families who were fighting to get their children back.

Neal with his two sons in happier days.

Neal just recently contacted me after not having any communication for about 4 years, and admitted that I was right all along not to remove his story, and that Donald Trump was not only just as corrupt as any other politician, but was in fact complicit with the authorities in Switzerland to keep his children in the Swiss system, similar to the group foster homes here in the U.S., where Neal relates his children have been abused.

Neal’s story exposed the corruption in Arizona and in the Mormon Church, which has great control over the child sex trafficking business in Arizona, and worldwide.

When he took his family to Switzerland to try and escape his powerful in-laws in the Mormon Church, he did not realize that Switzerland was, in fact, one of the centers of the worldwide child trafficking network, as CPS agencies started in Switzerland after WWII to deal with the orphans from the war. See:

Is Geneva, Switzerland the Global Center for CPS and Child Trafficking?

Neal Sutz filed a $200 million lawsuit against his Mormon in-laws in 2019, pro se, and the powerful Mormon family of his wife hired one of the top law firms in the U.S. to defend them, Greenberg Traurig, with their lead attorney being the former Solicitor General of Arizona, Dominic Draye.

Even though Neal Sutz filed this lawsuit pro se while he was in Switzerland, they were taking him seriously, because Neal has a history of being a successful pro se litigant, having defeated Dr. Phil and his then producer in the late 1990s, Oprah Winfrey, in a discrimination lawsuit, which gave him national recognition at that time.

I wrote about and covered the filing of his lawsuit in Arizona.

The lawsuit named his former brother-in-law, Damian Creamer, the older brother of his wife, as a defendant. Neal stated that Damian Creamer was one of the most powerful Mormon businessmen in the State of Arizona, controlling the “political landscape”, and that he used his influence to silence Neal’s story and destroy his life.

I emailed Damian Creamer, prior to publishing my article about Neal’s lawsuit, asking him to comment and give his side of the story.

He claimed he had not seen the lawsuit yet, but was willing to comment.

So I sent him a copy of the lawsuit that Neal had given to me (which had been filed in court in Arizona the day before) and asked him some questions about it.

But after that, I never heard from him again, and went ahead and published the story.


Arizona Dad Fighting for His Two Sons Sues Mormon Business Leader and Alleged Child Sex Abusers for $200 Million

I don’t want to rehash everything we have written about this case, which is, by far, the biggest case we have ever exposed, so here are the links to read about Neal Sutz and his fight for his children and the worldwide child sex trafficking business that his children are involved in.

Most of the information in these articles you are not likely to read anywhere else.

American Dad Escapes Arizona with Two Sons Only to Have them Medically Kidnapped in Switzerland

Arizona Dad Fighting for His Two Sons Sues Mormon Business Leader and Alleged Child Sex Abusers for $200 Million

Is Paul Petersen the Only Arizona Politician Trafficking Children? The Marshall Islands Scandal

Is the Arizona Human Trafficking Council Preventing Child Trafficking, or Facilitating it?

Is There an Arizona and Mormon Connection to Child Trafficking in Arkansas and Senator Linda Collins-Smith’s Murder?

Black-Listed Documentary Banned in Europe on History of Child Trafficking in Switzerland Premieres Online

Greenberg Traurig and their powerful attorneys convinced the Arizona court to dismiss Neal’s case, and then they came after me, threatening me if I did not take down my articles about Neal’s lawsuit.

For the first time, I am publishing their threats against me in 2021 to put this into the public record.

Of course, I did NOT sign this “Declaration” that they wanted me to sign, and refused to comply.

Notice how Walsh wrote: “In fact, the raison d’ etre of your website is to viciously attack anyone who uses legal process in Arizona to protect the precious lives of innocent children from persons such as Mr. Sutz” as he protects the entire child trafficking government system in Arizona, which historically has been the WORST state in the U.S. with the highest percentage of children removed from their parents by CPS than any other state in the U.S.

Is that because the parents of Arizona are worse than the parents in the other 49 states, or is it because the child sex trafficking network run by the rich Mormons in Arizona needs a steady, fresh supply of children, as we learned in 2019 during this time when Mormon Paul Petersen, who was the Maricopa County Assessor in Phoenix, was trafficking children from the Marshall Islands into Mormon-run adoption agencies all over the U.S., and was indicted on federal criminal charges in 3 states? (Source.)

When their threats didn’t work, Creamer hired another attorney who took a more conciliatory approach and basically begged me to take down Neal’s story.

I had done quite a few articles about the corruption in the Arizona CPS system before Neal’s story, and had already had judges and district attorneys make the same threats against me if I did not remove articles that exposed their corruption.

But I had done nothing illegal, and so I have never complied with any of these requests, including many from outside of Arizona as well.

Instead, I followed the advice and command from my savior, Jesus Christ, who said:

So do not be afraid of them.

There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.

What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. (Matthew 10:26-28)

All of the articles I have published about these evil, Satanic child traffickers working in our Government, still stand today.

What I want to do with the rest of this article is report on what Neal has been doing since 2020 until today, while he still is fighting to get his children back.

Neal’s story is a stark reminder of what happens to people who trust in Donald Trump, and believe his lies that he is going to help families who have lost their children to child trafficking, and put the criminals away.

Today, Neal Sutz has filed a criminal complaint at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, and is a U.S. Vice President candidate on an Independent ticket, where he is trying to get his story out to the public.

He became a whistleblower in 2021, of not only the crimes against his family, but also the crimes committed in Switzerland in regards to the 2020 elections, and the pharmaceutical crimes committed in Switzerland during COVID.

He was invited to a meeting in Switzerland honoring whistleblowers like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, and was invited there by Julian Assange’s wife, Stella, who allegedly told Neal:

“You are the biggest unknown whistleblower on the planet.”

Neal was a speaker at this meeting, along with François de Siebenthal and Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, two other Swiss whistleblowers.

François de Siebenthal was a Swiss politician and former banker of Credit Suisse who spoke out about the corruption in the banking industry and appeared in the documentary, Jekyll Island, the Truth Behind the Federal Reserve.

He spoke out against the COVID vaccines, and shortly after the meeting he appeared at in this video, he was hospitalized for “exhaustion”, put into a COVID ward, and died shortly after that in what can only be described as suspicious circumstances. (Source.)

Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger is a scientist, researcher and teacher for 25 years at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva and Lausanne (Switzerland), and a former member of the World Health Organization. (Source.)

She was a whistleblower during the COVID Scam and frequently spoke in the alternative media.

Watch Neal Sutz speak at this Whistleblower conference in Switzerland in June of 2021. This video is hard to find as it is banned on social media, but Neal supplied a copy to me. It is only 17-and-a-half minutes long.

It is part of a larger video that is an hour long and includes his interviews on Italian TV in November of 2020 that went viral where he discussed Switzerland’s alleged role in affecting the 2020 Presidential elections between Donald Trump and Joe Biden that you can watch and read about here.

The full 1 hour video along with all the documents Neal has collected about the 2020 elections that everyone was after has been published here:

Betrayal by President Donald Trump

After getting a ton of media attention from his interviews on Italian TV Byoblu about the Swiss voter fraud connection in the 2020 elections, the members of Donald Trump’s team who were fighting the 2020 election results began reaching out to Neal, to obtain the documents and research he had uncovered that he exposed on Italian TV.

Neal, of course, wanted assurances that they would, in return, help him get his two sons out of confinement in the Swiss group home.

One of those on the Trump team that reached out to Neal in 2020 was Joseph Flynn, the brother of General Michael Flynn, Trump’s former National Security advisor.

Once they had his evidence, Neal asked who he could contact about getting his children back.

Here is a screenshot of the text message reply from Joe Flynn:

One of the people who reached out to Neal during this time was American actor Jim Caviezel, who is a strong Trump supporter, and formerly played the part of “Jesus” in a Mel Gibson film.

Caviezel still refers to himself as “Jesus” and has referred to Donald Trump as “Moses”.


Hollywood Actor Jim Caviezel Said that He’s Jesus and that Trump is Moses in Child Trafficking

When Caviezel allegedly contacted Neal in 2020, he was still trying to raise funds for the Mormon-owned Angel Studios to purchase the rights and distribute the film Sound of Freedom, and asked Neal if he knew of any venture capitalists who would be interested in bringing the film to the Big Screen.

Neal Sutz allegedly replied that he was not interested in a film that was originally funded by Mexican Billionaire and known child trafficker Carlos Slim. See:

Sound of Freedom Movie Allegedly Funded by Billionaire Philanthropists with Ties to Human Trafficking

However, due to Neal’s popularity in 2020 from appearing on the Italian TV station, Italian Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò heard about his case and sent him an email endorsing him and “blessing” him in his effort to get his children back from Switzerland. (Source.)

When Jim Caviezel heard that Neal had contact with Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, he allegedly asked Neal Sutz to put him in touch with the Archbishop so he could receive support and “blessings” from Viganò for the Sound of Freedom film.

Neal told me he did put Caviezel in touch with Viganò with the promise from Caviezel that he would help him take the story of his children’s captivity in Switzerland public, which according to Neal, he never did.

To read more about the Sound of Freedom psyop film that does NOTHING to stop child trafficking, see my previous articles:

Sound of Freedom Film Falls Short of Revealing Who are the Ones Trafficking Children and How to Stop It

Sound of Freedom: A Movie About Child Trafficking Produced by Child Traffickers?

Sound of Freedom Movie Allegedly Funded by Billionaire Philanthropists with Ties to Human Trafficking

Why did Big Tech Billionaires Fund the Distribution of Sound of Freedom? The “New Right”

 Technocrats are Redefining Conservative Politics and Religious Values

The Powerful Creamer Mormon Family in Arizona

Neal’s Mormon wife, and the mother of his two children, Cortni, was taken away from her family in Switzerland and brought back to Arizona shortly after her children were kidnapped in Switzerland by the Creamer family.

Neal has told me that the Creamer family is the most powerful Mormon family in America, even more powerful than the Mormon Smith family from whom Joseph Smith, the alleged founder of the Mormons in America, was a member.

One of the reasons why Neal filed his lawsuit against his in-laws in 2019 was to find out if his wife was still alive, since she had allegedly suffered from sexual abuse her whole life.

Neal did manage to get body-cam videos from police in Arizona who forcibly removed Cortni at her family’s request to lock her up in hospital wards against her will.

WARNING! Graphic images! (Let us know if this video disappears as there are backups.)

Sadly, Neal finally did learn just recently that his wife died in 2021, and that her children will never see her again.

Neal’s ICC Lawsuit and his U.S. Vice President Candidacy

Having already reached the Supreme Court in Switzerland and the President of the United States in his efforts to get custody of his children back, without success, earlier this year Neal Sutz filed a criminal complaint with the International Criminal Court.

Geneva Switzerland Accused of Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity in Communication to the International Criminal Court

A Communication citing Acts of Genocide and Acts of Crimes Against Humanity has been filed against 76 individuals, as well as against numerous Geneva Governmental Bodies and Geneva Government-Related Institutions at the International Criminal Court.

Geneve, Switzerland May 30, 2024 ( – Approaching nearly seven years of the seizure, forcible transfer and detainment of two young American boys by The Canton and Republic of Geneva, Switzerland, a highly comprehensive, Formal Communication, citing specific Acts of Genocide and specifics Acts of Crimes Against Humanity, has been filed against 76 individuals, as well as against numerous Geneva Governmental Bodies and Geneva Government-Related Institutions, with the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. (Full Press Release.)

Neal had to leave Switzerland last year after a criminal complaint was filed against him for criticizing the man who had direct supervision of his sons, and according to Neal, was sexually abusing them.

Eric Amato. Source: LinkedIn.

The man’s name is Eric Amato, head of the LGBTQI+ community in Switzerland, and Neal claims he is one of the most powerful persons in Switzerland.

Geneva’s LGBTQ Lobby Leader Demands Prison For Christian American Father Formerly Connected To Trump, Citing Homophobia

Neal David Sutz faces up to 3 years in prison and significant fines

GENEVA – June 16, 2024 – PRLog — Geneva’s Leader of the LGBTQ+ Lobby has filed criminal charges with the Attorney General, alleging homophobia, demanding financial reparations, as well as extensive prison time, against Neal David Sutz, a Christian, American-born father of two American boys who have been detained by the Government of Geneva for nearly 7 years. Mr. Sutz was, in 2020, the Founder of, “Switzerland For Trump.”

Sutz said, “I left Switzerland last August so that I could speak freely about the abuses my boys have been subject to for many years, while not being subject to the Swiss law called, ‘Protective Measures to Combat Terrorism (,’ a law which the United Nations and Dr. Nils Melzer, an outspoken Julian Assange ally, have said is both, ‘totalitarian’ and ‘a very bad example’ by Switzerland.'”

After his departure, Sutz publicly exposed, following numerous criminal complaints and denunciations by Sutz and third parties for years while living in Geneva, all of which were buried by every Judicial, Investigative and Prosecutorial Authority, despite their containing irrefutable, documented, audio-taped, video-taped, photographic evidence of Mr. Amato’s extreme negligence, mistreatment, physical and psychological abuses against my sons, not to mention his sexual abuse and exploitation of my boys.”

In 2017, the Sutz Family took refuge in Geneva to protect their sons from the family of Mr. Sutz’s now-deceased ex-wife, in particular her stepfather, Robert Grant Bradford. Mr. Bradford was one of three men implicated in the 2002 assassination plot to kill one of Trump’s closest allies, Sheriff Joe Arpaio ( Sutz and his now-deceased ex-wife had given to the Arizona Authorities a child sexual exploitation video that they found in which Bradford is seen naked, with his minor, adoptive, special needs son, a video for which neither Bradford nor his wife, who shot the video, were ever charged nor imprisoned.

“In January of this year, my former lawyer, Thierry Cagianut, a close colleague of former U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland, Edward “Ed” McMullen (, told me that he, “‘…was finally able to speak with Ed and that he no longer has contacts at The State Department (ève-a-d-abord-saisi-illégalement-et-transféré-de-force-les-deux-fils-américains-de-neal) that can help you…”, and the only way I could ever get my sons back would be, in Mr. McMullen’s words, to “‘…turn up the temperature on Geneva…'”

Sutz concluded, “With no road left to have my sons returned to me and now to avoid prison for homophobia demanded by the same man who has hurt and alienated my sons so beyond my comprehension, I decided to take the advice of Mr. McMullen and am fully implementing that advice.”

Read the full Press Release.

Earlier this year (2024), Neal Sutz joined the Independent U.S. Presidential campaign of a Texas school teacher who legally changed his name to “Literally Anybody Else“, as Mr. Else’s Vice President. (Source.)

As of yesterday, September 18, 2024, CSpan is listing “Literally Anybody Else” as one of eight campaigns still running for the office of the President of the United States.

They are apparently on the ballot in Tennessee, but would need to be write-in candidates everywhere else.

POWER TRIO – Donald and Melania Trump join Sean “P. Diddy” Combs at the first Art for Life Palm Beach gala fundraiser. The star-studded event, which benefited arts education for disadvantaged youth in Palm Beach County and New York, honored Combs for his philanthropic efforts. See: Zionism and Child Sex Trafficking Among the Globalists – Like Epstein, Sean Combs “P Diddy” has Strong Ties to Zionists

Neal Sutz celebrated his birthday this week, and he made a personal video message for Donald Trump (let us know if this video disappears).

Warning: Graphic Language.

My Personal Message to Neal’s Children Cory and Skyler

Cory and Skyler as young children during happier days.

I want to conclude this report with a personal message to Cory and Skyler Sutz, still being held in Switzerland, in the hope that one day they will come across this article and be able to read this.

Dear Cory and Skyler,

I was happy to hear from your Dad again last week after not hearing from him for a few years now.

I know that he thinks I am writing this article for him, but actually I am not. I am writing it for both of you.

First of all, I am so sad that you have lost your mother! I am very sure that she loved you very much.

I know that you are hearing and probably will continue to hear all kinds of bad things about your father, and I know that he is not a perfect man, as he has even betrayed me in the past, as I wrote at the beginning of this article.

But as I have come to know your father over the years, as well as many other families who have suffered like your family has, I am absolutely certain that he loves you, and has dedicated his life to trying to rescue you ever since you were taken away from him, and from your mother.

And while you may not be able to depend upon your earthly father to rescue you, you do have a heavenly father who cares very deeply for you, and created you.

A long time ago he sent his one and only son to earth, where he led a perfect life bringing a message of peace and hope for mankind, before he was brutally murdered.

The death of this innocent man named Jesus Christ, actually turned into a positive, as it allowed everyone to now come to him in faith, and receive the love and promise of being with him forever after we die.

You can read about him in the Bible, and you can know him personally by praying to him and asking him for help, at anytime.

I met him a long time ago when I was only 19 years old, and he has never let me down, even though I have had to live through some very difficult times in my life.

Please know that you are loved, and that Jesus most certainly sees your pain and difficulties, and that he will always be with you if you reach out to him and believe in him.


Brian Shilhavy

Here is a video your dad just made for you.

Music by Lydia Durham. (Is Lydia Durham the daughter of Donald Trump and Whitney Houston??)

Comment on this article at

This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

See Also:

Understand the Times We are Currently Living Through

The Five Child Trafficking Networks as Revealed by a Woman Who was Chosen to Succeed the “Queen Mother of Darkness” but was Rescued by Jesus Christ

The Bewitching of America with the Evil Eye and the Mark of the Beast

Distinguishing True Prophets from False Prophets in These Evil Modern Times

Who Controls the World? by Dr. A. True Ott

Exposing the Christian Zionism Cult

Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the World’s Oldest Secret Religion and the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order

Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the “Jews”?

The Brain Myth: Your Intellect and Thoughts Originate in Your Heart, Not Your Brain

Fact Check: “Christianity” and the Christian Religion is NOT Found in the Bible – The Person Jesus Christ Is

Was the U.S. Constitution Written to Protect “We the People” or “We the Globalists”? Were the Founding Fathers Godly Men or Servants of Satan?