Top Left: Scott Lindsay, former attorney for the Cherokee County Department of Social Services, Top Right: Cindy Palmer, former DSS director and wife of Cherokee County Sheriff and Baptist Pastor Derrick Palmer, Bottom: David Hughes, former Cherokee County Department of Social Services supervisor. Image source.
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
The Carolina Public Press reported this week (May, 2020) that three current and former Cherokee County Department of Social Services leaders have been arrested on dozens of criminal charges for separating children from their parents without the oversight of a judge, a practice that is alleged to have been going on for years.
The three are: Cindy Palmer, former DSS director and the wife of Cherokee County Sheriff and Baptist Pastor Derrick Palmer, former Child Protective Unit supervisor David Hughes, and former DSS attorney Scott Lindsay.
Kate Martin and Frank Taylor wrote the article in the Carolina Public Press.
This is not the first time that Health Impact News has reported news about corruption in Cherokee County, North Carolina, over illegally kidnapping children through Social Services.
In 2018, Associated Press reporters Mitch Weiss and Holbrook Mohr broke the story of how social workers in Cherokee County had been reportedly coercing parents and taking their children illegally, bypassing the court system by threatening to adopt out their children or throw the parents in jail if they refused to sign paperwork known in NC as a CVA – Custody and Visitation Agreement. See:
Child Protective Services in North Carolina using Blackmail to Illegally Seize Children from Families
In 2019, Kate Martin, reporting again for the Carolina Public Press, reported that an internal memo revealed that state officials knew that Cherokee County Department of Social Services was illegally removing children from their homes, allegedly HUNDREDS of them, before a civil lawsuit was filed in 2018 and before a request was made for a State Bureau of Investigation probe into the matter. See:
Investigation Reveals North Carolina CPS Took HUNDREDS of Children Away from Parents Illegally
In the report published yesterday (May 19, 2020), Kate Martin writes:
Grand jurors had agreed to indict three current and former employees of the Cherokee County Department of Social Services on all 41 charges. The N.C. attorney general’s office is handling the prosecution of the three defendants. The indictments come after more than two years of investigations by state and potentially federal authorities. They also do not cover all of the allegations of misconduct, meaning more charges could surface in the future.
But they stand to shake up Cherokee County because of who was indicted and why, as well as who had backed them despite ongoing criminal investigations.
The indictments may also have important implications for the accountability of social services agencies across North Carolina, as well as the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services, which intervened in Cherokee County while the investigation was underway.
Health Impact News has published many stories of corruption in the State of North Carolina over the years on our MedicalKidnap.com website, suggesting that Cherokee County is not the only place where children are being illegally removed from their parents in the State of North Carolina. See:
Native American CPS Whistleblower Goes Missing in North Carolina – Daughter on the Run
North Carolina Child Medically Kidnapped Starving to Death in Foster Care
Infant with Brittle Bones Medically Kidnapped in North Carolina as Mother is Arrested (Also featured on the Dr. Phil TV Show)
North Carolina Kidnaps Children from Grandparents because of Medical Kidnap Article
North Carolina Military Family’s Breastfed Infant Daughter Medically Kidnapped for 305 Days
North Carolina Mother Flees State to Protect Children from State-sponsored Kidnapping
North Carolina Man Records Call with Social Worker Asking Him to Date Her to Get His Kids Back
If you are new to the topic of “medical kidnapping” or kidnapping of any kind by State funded social workers, you might be tempted to wonder why North Carolina has such a horrible problem of corruption and of kidnapping children based on these reports.
However, this goes on in all 50 states within the U.S., and since we have been reporting on these horrible stories since 2014, North Carolina might not even make our top 5 in States that have the worst record of abusing children and kidnapping them.
And now with the current COVID-19 government response, this problem could get a lot worse, as states have even more reasons to take children away from their parents and traffick them through the foster care system. See:
If Your Child Tests Positive for COVID will They be Removed from your Home? Washington Hires More CPS Workers to Prepare
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