FTX Created Money Out of Thin Air Like the Federal Reserve – NYSE Crash Will be Next After U.S. Banks Fail
Pam Martens of Wall Street On Parade exposed in her column today how the FTX crypto exchange, which is now bankrupt because too many people tried to withdraw their funds at the same time exposing how it was all a big Ponzi scheme, operated the same way as the Federal Reserve does in printing money out of thin air. What does this mean? It means that U.S. banks are just as guilty in running a fraudulent Ponzi scheme as FTX, and that we are just one bank run away where too many people try to withdraw their funds all at the same time where the entire U.S. financial system will collapse. Meanwhile, across the pond over in Europe, German authorities are actually planning for bank runs and social unrest as they face blackouts this winter, which would prevent people from being able to withdraw their money in a society that values cash and privacy. The entire world is about to find out just how fragile the technology is, where all it takes to bring down the entire system is to pull the plug on its energy source, electricity.