“Terrorism” of Child Welfare System to Families to Be Addressed in Arkansas Legislature

Families caught up in dealing with Child Protective Services nationwide are frustrated with a system which allows families to be terrorized and destroyed, often based on unproven allegations and even outright lies. Legislators in Arkansas will be hearing from families and attorneys on Thursday, October 1 at 1:00 pm in a Joint Performance Review Committee meeting, who will be explaining why there needs to be an overhaul or even elimination of the current child welfare system. Hal Stanley represents one of the families who will be present at the hearing. Their homeschooled children were taken away from them in January on the basis of a mineral supplement in their home that the FDA has warned against, but is not illegal. The children are home now, but the Stanleys are determined to have legislators understand the incredible damage done to innocent families, like theirs, when Child Protective Services separate children from their parents without evidence of wrong-doing.

Medically Kidnapped Child in LA County DCFS Care Dies – Father Vows to Expose Criminal Social Workers

A report written about LA County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) revealed that during an 18 month period, of the thousands of children who were taken away from their parents and family members, 571 of them died while under the supervision of LA County DCFS. On Sunday September 28, 2015 Jason Janbahan appeared on the National Safe Child show to tell his story, and how a corrupt social service agency in LA County was responsible for the kidnapping and death of his 5 year old son. Having his son removed from his home due to a charge of "medical neglect," in spite of the fact that medical reports showed that his son was in normal health, once under the care of a foster mother in a group home, the 5 year old boy's fragile immune system deteriorated rapidly, and he died while in the custody of LA County DCFS.

3 Oppressive Texas CPS Agents Receive Felony Indictments

Criminal charges against CPS employees related to their actions in child protective services cases are rare. Indictments were handed down last Thursday to 1 of the 3 Child Protective Services (CPS) subordinates who were charged with Oppression, tampering with evidence, and falsifying and forging documents to conduct illegal searches and seizures, which are third degree felonies, punishable upon conviction by a maximum sentence of from two to 10 years in prison and an optional fine of up to $10,000. 60 year-old Laura Marsh Ard, the former program director for the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services office in Rockwall, received one indictment for tampering with physical evidence. Reynolds, of Fate, received three indictments for official oppression, and one indictment for tampering and fabricating physical evidence. All these charges stem from an alleged case where all three conspired to use false documents in an investigation of the mother of a murdered teenager Alicia Moore from Greenville. Thonginh and Reynolds conducted unlawful searches and seizures in association with CPS investigations. The tampering with physical evidence indictments say that all three defendants collaborated together back on November 6th, 2012. “to use a record and/or document to wit: the risk assessment involving Aretha Moore … with knowledge of its falsity and with intent to affect the course or outcome of the investigation.”

Surveillance Videos Show Foster Children Abuse in Connecticut

Connecticut’s Office of the Child Advocate released an investigative report in July saying children were being illegally restrained and secluded at the two juvenile detention facilities run by the Department of Children and Families (DCF). On Sept. 15, the Child Advocate decided to release confidential surveillance videos that show children attempting suicide after staff secluded them during an emotional crisis. In a web conference, Child Advocate Sarah Eagan read from staff incident reports while playing video footage from the Pueblo Unit, the DCF girls’ detention facility. One staff described how a girl was dragged from the hallway by five staff members and locked in a room with one small window, out of view. “Another staff [member] walked around outside the building to look inside the window,” Eagan said. “The resident was observed with her shirt tied tightly around the neck, her face bright red and her head swaying.” Eagan says the girl was then taken to a hospital. That incident of self-harm was one of eight incidents documented in the surveillance videos released on Tuesday. The Child Advocate’s report found that, over the course of a year, boys and girls at the facilities tried to injure or kill themselves at least 55 times.

Will Massachusetts Doctor Send Another Innocent Parent to Prison Over Shaken Baby Syndrome Accusation?

A Massachusetts father faces up to 15 years in prison after being convicted of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Sentencing is set to occur on September 24. The testimony of child abuse specialist, Dr. Alice Newton, played a major role in his conviction. She is the same doctor who accused Justina Pelletier's parents of medical child abuse so that the state could medically kidnap Justina. Her testimony was behind 2 other cases of parents spending time in jail for Shaken Baby Syndrome - cases which were later overturned and dropped.

Sacramento Grandmother Beaten and Flees for Her Life as CPS Takes Grandchildren

It is a bizarre tale of alleged police brutality and CPS corruption that has ended up with a Sacramento grandmother fleeing the state of California in fear for her very life, while the grandchildren she cared for have been seized by the state, with no apparent evidence of any wrongdoing by the grandmother. All Ann King wanted to do was to love and care for her grandchildren while the parents were unable to, allowing the babies to grow up connected to their own family roots. Apparently, that was too much to ask from Sacramento County CPS, because no one in the family even knows where the children are anymore.

Is Kentucky The Most Corrupt State in the Country Trafficking Children Through Child “Protection” Services?

Health Impact News and MedicalKidnap.com has previously reported how the FBI saying that Kentucky is “the most corrupt state in the country,” and urged families to share their stories involving alleged corruption in their dealings with Child Protective Services, or the Department for Community Based Services (DCBS), as it is known in Kentucky. It appears that corruption in Kentucky continues to run deep and wide.

Parents Protest Medical Kidnappings in Michigan

Parents in Michigan traveled to Ann Arbor Michigan this week to protest medical kidnappings, where doctors conspire with Child Protection Services to take children away from parents based solely on a doctor's opinion of "medical abuse." The protest took place at the University of Michigan Board of Regents.

Medically Kidnapped Senior in New York Hospital “Wasting Away”

Montefiore Wakefield Hospital in the Bronx, New York has allegedly refused to release Laredo Regular’s grandfather, Julius, from confinement within its walls. Has Julius Corley been a pawn in a Medicaid fraud claim? Why was Julius allowed to waste away to 135 lbs while in Montefiore Hospital when he could and would eat for his family, and when allowed to see his loved ones and those who cared about him, and could and would speak on his own behalf? Why, although the hospital claims that "sometimes dementia patients are in denial," was Mr. Corley able to speak well enough and was lucid enough for the hospital to honor his request to not have a feeding tube inserted—for over three and a half months? The family believes that someone in that hospital has a conscience, that someone there still believes that they are helping people have better lives. This is not a good life for Julius, nor anyone else who is suffering there. Speak up. Speak out!

Same Doctor Behind Two Wrongly Convicted Shaken Baby Cases in Massachusetts

Dr. Alice Newton, the Medical Director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Child Protection Program, is back in the news. Dr. Newton gained attention in the media in 2014 during the Justina Pelletier medical kidnapping case when she used the designation of "medical child abuse" to take Justina away from her parents. Justina's parents were not happy with the treatment of Justina, and had sought a second opinion, more consistent with their regular doctor. In this report from WCVB in Boston, two people who were accused of "Shaken Baby Syndrome" by Dr. Alice Newton have allegedly had their charges dropped after being wrongly convicted on false evidence. Dr. Newton is part of a recently created pediatric specialty that looks for medical child abuse. Some would say that these specialists must find medical abuse to justify their positions, and that they often are quick to make judgments without considering other evidence.