California Governor Wants to Shield Corrupt LA County Social Workers by Making Child Death Files Secret

Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration has quietly drafted a bill that would gut key portions of the state's landmark law requiring child protective services agencies to release records when a youth dies of abuse or neglect. A vote is expected within the next week. It is the second time in two years that California Department of Social Services Director Will Lightbourne has introduced the bill on an emergency basis through a "trailer bill," introduced as part of the state's May budgeting process. That approach bypasses the usual committee review and fast-tracks the proposal for a vote. Earlier this year, Los Angeles County prosecutors filed criminal charges against four social workers who handled the case of 8-year-old Gabriel Fernandez in the months before he was tortured and killed. The case was first reported in The Times based on information that included documents released through the disclosure law. The social workers union has staged protests against the criminal charges and worked with the administration to craft the bill that would reduce public scrutiny of the case files for child fatalities. The state child welfare directors association also supports the administration’s bill.

“We Don’t Need a Warrant” — Police Enter Home Through Window, Rip Infant From Mother’s Arms

In February, a family experienced a horrifying home invasion during which their children were taken from them, and they were assaulted. The father and husband, Ilya Petrenko caught the perpetrators on video — they were police officers with the Vancouver Police Department. After more than an hour of asking the police to politely leave, Ilya began filming. Police had guns and tasers drawn as they swarmed the house to attack the family. The entire time, the couple is demanding to see a warrant and they are told by the police that they do not need one. The police eventually entered through a window, and began to assault the mother who was holding the child. The mother passed out, and the police carried the children from the home.

Medical Kidnapping in California Results in Infant Death

It is hard to imagine a mother hearing more difficult words than those Danielle Hines from Riverside, California heard after her ultrasound at 6 1/2 months of pregnancy. Doctors told her that her new baby would be born with a severe heart defect, and they advised her to abort her baby. She refused. There was a lot of love in her heart, and she was determined to meet the challenge, giving everything that she could to help her baby. After all of this, Child Protective Services swooped in and seized her baby before she was even two months old. In Danielle's words: "CPS removed her from our beautiful home because I have too many children and were fearful I could not care for her due to Hayden having Hypoplastic left heart syndrome." Though Danielle was able to regain physical custody, she was told that the state retained medical rights over Hayden. Now, Hayden is gone, and her mother is left asking, "Why?" She truly believes that: "If CPS hadn't taken my daughter from me, she would still be alive." She tells Health Impact News that, had they not taken her medical rights away from her, she could have researched medications and procedures and had a voice in decisions that were made. As it was, there appear to have been several medical missteps that could have been avoided, and Hayden might still be alive. The prognosis for babies with Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is a 70% chance of survival into adulthood. Hayden only lived 4 months, and Danielle believes they were using her baby as a medical guinea pig.

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy – A False Diagnosis to Blame Parents for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths?

Over the years there has been a growing epidemic of parents claiming to have been falsely accused of Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP). Many of these parents state that they were only accused of suffering from the condition after they reported that they believed that their child had suffered a vaccine injury. MSBP is a diagnosis given to a parent or caregiver to describe certain aspects of their behaviour. This behaviour usually includes subjecting what appears to be a previously healthy child, to unnecessary painful tests or medical interventions, such as scans, x-rays and surgical procedures to gain the attention of the medical profession. In this investigative report, Christina England reveals that Professor Sir Roy Meadow was the first professional to use the term Munchausen syndrome by proxy in a paper published by The Lancet in 1977. Sir Roy Meadow has strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry and vaccines, and in 2005 he was found guilty of serious professional misconduct by the General Medical Council in the Sally Clark case, and lost his license to practice medicine. Sally Clark spent 3 and a half years in prison because of false testimony given at her trial by Sir Roy Meadow, where she was being accused of killing her two infant children.

Kentucky Family Falsely Accused of Child Abuse – Children Medically Kidnapped to Cover Corruption

How does a routine trip to an E.R. by concerned parents in Kentucky turn into a terrifying ordeal where the parents were blindsided by child abuse accusations, and sent home empty-armed and broken-hearted without their children? Only recently did they discover the truth about what happened that night over two years ago when their infant son was in Vanderbilt Children's Hospital without them. They believe their baby's diagnosis was changed by a Child Abuse Specialist to cover-up Vanderbilt's medically induced injuries, blaming it instead on the parents. They have been fighting to get their children back ever since, and want to bring their story to the public. The family shares: "It is not easy to tell our story because it is embarrassing to be accused of child abuse when you know that you are innocent. We decided to share our story because we know that we are not alone. There are many other parents that have experienced and are presently going through the same thing that we are going through now. We share our story because we want to draw public attention to this dark side of the so called shaken baby syndrome which is not scientific and where innocent parents are being locked up, their children taken away from them and their lives destroyed. We share our story because the only HOPE that a poor person has is their faith in God as the legal cost of having good representation in fighting accusations of shaken baby syndrome can be tremendous. It is our hope that our voices are heard and those in position of power will take a look at how doctors are making decisions concerning the shaken baby syndrome based on one symptom or a triad of symptoms without any other evidence of physical abuse. Families are being destroyed by only the word of a doctor. In other words, a doctor’s word is allowed to become a legal conclusion rather than focusing on only the material evidence. This ought not to be and that is why we have decided to share our story."

Medical Kidnapping: A Threat to Every Family in America

The new book, Medical Kidnapping: A Threat to Every Family in America, has just been released in paper-back. Published by Sophia Media, the book documents the growing problem of families losing their children to the medical system through Child Protection Services.

South Carolina Baby with Metabolic Bone Disorder Medically Kidnapped and Harmed in State Care

Jason and Mattie Walls both began life as foster care children, so they always dreamed of having a family of their own. The South Carolina couple desperately tried to have children for years, but Mattie had one miscarriage after another. Finally, on October 1, 2014 their dream came true and little Makenzie Nicole Walls was born, against all odds. Mattie’s pregnancy was considered high risk and she was closely monitored by a team of specialists at Upstate Fetal Medicine in Greenville. Mattie claims that: "If it weren’t for Dr. Gregg and Dr. Dickert, Makenzie would not be alive." On October 24, 2014, the family’s worst nightmare began and Makenzie was medically kidnapped by Laurens County Department of Social Services (DSS) with the assistance of Greenville Memorial Hospital (GMH) Child Abuse Specialist, Dr. Nancy Henderson. They were being accused of child abuse because x-rays showed some broken bones in their baby. A medical doctor has supplied expert testimony showing that their baby had a metabolic bone disorder that explains the fractures, and that some of the infant's fractures occurred while in state custody. But this evidence apparently has not been allowed into their case. It has been 19 long months since the kidnapping of Makenzie and the Walls realize that the South Carolina family courts and DSS never intended on reunifying their family. Jason and Mattie report that Laurens County DSS and Greenville Memorial Hospital staff involved with their case have lied, admitted to incomplete investigations and have not followed DSS policies and procedures established to protect children.

Colorado Mom Loses Medically Kidnapped Son’s Childhood – Now Reveals State Corruption

When 6 year old Samuel Mitchell had difficulties in school stemming from a brain injury at birth, his mother sought help. Eventually, Child Protective Services of Colorado decided that they could do a better job of caring for Samuel, and they seized him from his family and locked him away in a facility where they turned him into a medical guinea pig. He spent years being heavily drugged, and when his mother and the ACLU investigated and exposed some of the corruption, there was retaliation. Lisa lost her son's childhood to a state that profited from years of drugging him. Her son's Guardian ad Litem (GAL) once told Samuel: "You're worth a lot of money." But now, Lisa has gained access to years of records and is blowing the whistle on the state, revealing a corrupt drugs-for-profit system that capitalizes on children seized by CPS and put into the foster care system.

Dr. Brian Hooker Exposes Fraud at the CDC – Congress Refuses to Hold Hearings

In what is perhaps one of the most in-depth public interviews ever recorded with Dr. Brian Hooker, who is featured in the recent film VAXXED which is creating major controversies in film festivals all across the U.S. as powerful vaccine special interest groups try to censor the film, Dr. Hooker reveals on the National Safe Child Show how his 10 year fight with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) resulted in one of the top vaccine scientists at the CDC contacting him to become a whistleblower regarding vaccine research fraud. Dr. William Thompson of the CDC was a co-author of a landmark vaccine research paper published in 2004 that supposedly proved that there was no correlation between the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella 3-combo vaccine (MMR) and autism. However, in phones calls between Dr. Thompson and Dr. Hooker in 2014 that were secretly recorded, Dr. Thompson revealed that the CDC deliberately hid and destroyed data that showed there was in fact a link between the MMR vaccine and autism among certain groups of children. After the phone conversations between Dr. Hooker and Dr. Thompson went public, Dr. Thompson hired a whistleblower attorney, and sent all of the data that he had retained showing the fraud to U.S. Representative Bill Posey. According to Dr. Hooker, Dr. Thompson was also deposed and filed an affidavit that Congressman Posey retains in his possession. Yet in spite of these revelations, not one Congressional committee chair has called a hearing to subpoena Dr. Thompson and investigate fraud at the CDC. In this interview with Dr. Hooker on the National Safe Child Show and Tammi Stefano, Dr. Hooker explains how he was harassed and opposed by the CDC as he spent over 10 years filing over 100 freedom of information acts (FOIAs) to recover raw data sets used to publish research on vaccines by the CDC. They even targeted his son, who was injured by the MMR vaccine and today has autism.

North Carolina Kidnaps Children from Grandparents because of Medical Kidnap Article

Two children in Greensboro, North Carolina, were seized from their family on Thursday, April 28, and placed into foster care. The only reason given to their guardian grandparents and to their mother Holly Atkins was that Holly told their story to Health Impact News and it was published on their Medical Kidnap website. A tearful Holly Atkins contacted Health Impact News shortly after her children were taken. As the children were led away upset, Cheyenne Paylor and her supervisor sat down at a table with Holly and her mother. Holly says she couldn't believe the words she was hearing Cheyenne say: "We've seen the article on Medical Kidnap, and we are now removing the children [from the grandparents' care] and putting them into a foster home." As her mother began weeping, Holly questioned the social worker: "So, basically, you're removing my children because I am exercising my right to freedom of speech?" Cheyenne Paylor reportedly told her, "Yes," and she made it clear that there was nothing that the family could do about it, and she would listen to no arguments. Holly is very afraid for her children. Baylie has been previously diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after a paternal relative allegedly molested her. The children have always been on a good organic, non-GMO diet, and they have food sensitivities. Do the foster parents know this? Are they equipped to feed them food that they will not react to?