75% of Children Taken by Texas CPS are Based on Unfounded Accusations

Meagan Corser of the Texas Home School Coalition recently published an article about the status of Child Protective Services (CPS) in Texas regarding the evidence required to terminate parental rights. What she reports confirms what Health Impact News has exposed in many other states, that the vast majority of children taken away from parents are not for actual "abuse" where the child is in imminent danger. Corser reports that by Texas CPS' own admission: "in 75 percent of cases they lack sufficient evidence to support the accusations they made against the parent." That may seem like a high number to those who do not follow the articles we publish regularly at MedicalKidnap.com, but from our sources that number is probably too low, not too high. CPS whistleblowers have told us that only about 5% of the cases where children are removed from their parents are for actual cases of abuse that can be substantiated. In a recent report by ABC TV6 in Indiana, attorneys there report that "only 15% of children taken away from their parents are ever substantiated for abuse or neglect."

Nevada Judge Rules Against Seizure of Shoars Baby – Baby Returned Home to Parents

Tabitha and Jeff Shoars are celebrating that their youngest child, 10 month old Nytallieya, is back home after being seized by Nevada Child Protective Services just after noon on Monday, June 5, 2017. The baby was taken from their Las Vegas home after Arizona Department of Child Safety social workers sent a report to Nevada CPS alleging that the Shoars left the child with an "unsafe caregiver." The Shoars disputed that claim, saying that the caregiver to whom Arizona DCS refers is someone that they feel quite confident about - a retired police officer and his wife. The judge ruled that there "was no impending danger to remove the child." He noted that Nevada CPS has been in the Shoars' home on previous occasions, and found no cause to remove the child, who was born in Nevada. He stated: "There is not a factual statement within the report to warrant removal of the child."

Arizona Convinces Nevada CPS to Kidnap Shoars Baby Despite No Imminent Danger

Tabitha and Jeff Shoars' youngest child, Nytallieya, was seized early Monday afternoon by Nevada Child Protective Services. The Shoars are devastated and shocked at the strong arm of Arizona DCS and their apparent ability to influence Nevada to take their only child who was still living with them. According to the documents given to the Shoars on Monday, June 5, 2017, they are being accused of leaving Nytallieya "in the care of an unsafe caregiver when they left to visit Arizona." The babysitter that is being called "unsafe" is a retired police officer and his wife, and the Shoars have left the baby in their care several times a month during their visits with their other children in Maricopa County, Arizona. A social worker in Nevada had advised them to keep the baby out of Arizona as much as possible, since she was born in Nevada and thus out of Arizona's jurisdiction. Thus, they had to have a babysitter that they trusted to care for the baby during the visits. When family members were unavailable to babysit, they relied on their retired police officer friend and his wife. It looks like Arizona DCS (Department of Child Safety) has found a way to get to the baby. Tabitha told Health Impact News that she believes that Arizona Assistant Attorney General Bonnie Platter has a vendetta against the couple, and that this is retaliation by her. Those who have been following the Shoars family saga are angry and upset that the Child Protective Agencies have the power that they do. The family believed that Nytallieya was safe. She was well cared for and was thriving. There was no immediate threat and no danger to the child. Since the parental rights, and therefore visits, were terminated, there was not likely a need for the family to need a babysitter in the near future. The family has a 72-hour hearing on Thursday (June 8) morning at 9 am. They have no attorney yet. All of their attorneys are in Arizona, and Nevada family court doesn't assign a court-appointed attorney until the first hearing. Tabitha and Jeff are hopeful that the judge in the case will dismiss the case and return their baby home.

Civil Rights Abuse? Judge Only Gives Parents 24 Hours to Find Doctor Before Baby is Removed from Life Support

After a long day in court, the Rivenburg family did not get the news they wanted to hear about Baby Steffen. Last week, a judge approved a temporary injunction to keep the 7 month old baby from being taken off life support. On Monday afternoon, Judge Wayne Shelton ruled that Baby Steffen's mother does not have the right to make the decision of whether or not to take him off of life support, and he denied the request to extend the injunction. The family has a short 24 hour, up to 48 hour, window to find a pediatric cardiologist in the South willing to testify that the baby is eligible for a heart transplant and would survive it. Unless they find such an expert, Vanderbilt doctors, not the parents, will decide when to take Baby Steffen off of the life support machine that is keeping him alive at this time.

Baby Scheduled to go Off Life Support Responding to Family – Rally and Court Date on Monday Morning

We asked grandmother Lisa Rivenburg if Baby Steffen is showing any signs of responding to family. She responded: YES! ALL signs! He opens his eyes, squeezes my hand, puts his hands up in the air, kicks his feet. He smiles. He grimaces. He makes his little "Elvis face." She told us that he lifts his hands up when she plays his favorite song, "Awake, My Soul," by Chris Tomlin. He's completely cognizant when he's not heavily medicated. Steffen responds to his family as much as he can while being limited by wires and tubes. Lisa said that he fights the medications that make him sleep. The family has court on Monday, the day before the court order expires that is keeping Baby Steffen alive. They have been told that Vanderbilt Hospital intends to bring in a doctor from their hospital "to say the baby has no chance."

FREE Online Summit Teaches How to Grow All Your Own Food & Medicine from 38 Experts

On Monday, June 12th at 9:00 a.m. CT, 38+ leading experts will teach you how to become free of supermarkets and drugstores! Watch 100% online from the comfort of home as 38+ real people “living it” reveal their best secrets for growing all your own food and medicine. And be empowered with the practical skills you need to feed and heal your family!

85% of Reports to Indiana Child Protective Services Unsubstantiated – Families Destroyed Needlessly

Kara Kenney of ABC TV6 has reported on an investigation into the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS). She interviewed Bryan Ciyou and Robert Schembs, Indianapolis attorneys who represent families in cases involving DCS. They give good advice to parents who are being investigated by DCS. They explain many of the problems and corruption found in Child Social Services that Health Impact News and MedicalKidnap.com report about regularly, including the fact that only 15% of children taken away from their parents are ever substantiated for abuse or neglect. And as we have reported many times, often the category of "neglect" is used very broadly for poor living conditions where abuse is not present.

Medically Kidnapped Baby Scheduled for Execution TODAY!

Doctors at Vanderbilt Hospital in Tennessee want to take a baby off of life support Tuesday, May 30. His family is fighting for his very life. They believe that there is still hope for 7 month old Steffen Rivenburg Jr., who was born with heart defects but was not sick until after Child Protective Services seized custody of him and his older sister on February 2. His mother Patricia Tornberg told Health Impact News that, even though he is very sick now: I feel like he can make a turn-around. My husband and I want to give him a chance by keeping him on life support. After baby Steffen was taken from his parents and placed into foster care, he caught a very serious viral infection on February 17 which caused damage to his heart. A heart surgery that the parents were told would not be needed until he was 6 months old became necessary on February 23. That was followed by 3 more heart surgeries and other procedures on his tiny body. Patricia and Steffen Rivenburg Sr. have told the hospital and the Department of Children's Services (DCS) that they refuse to consent to taking their son off of life support, but the doctors reportedly plan to unplug him by noon on Tuesday, May 30th. The family is requesting that everyone call the Governor of Tennessee to prevent this from happening.

Vaccine Damaged Child Medically Kidnapped when Parents Refuse Toxic Chemicals and Choose Organic Foods

On May 19, 2017, 4-year-old Chase Walker-Stevens, a vaccine-injured child with severe cerebral palsy and epilepsy, was forcibly removed from his parents because they had chosen to wean their son off all pharmaceutical products and treat him holistically with organic food. In a video taken minutes after Chase was stolen, his father, Marc Stevens, wept as he told friends and supporters how police had stormed into the hospital, locked him into the bathroom and snatched Chase from his mother’s arms, before arresting her. During the distressing six-minute footage of events which has gone viral and has now been viewed over 3 million times, we can witness for ourselves how supporters of the family are pepper sprayed by the police as they watch the child’s mother, Cini, being dragged from the hospital kicking and screaming. Today, Chase is being looked after by complete strangers in another state, whilst his parents have been kept in the dark as to where their son is.

Replay Weekend: FREE Online Cancer Summit Reveals Forbidden Cancer Cures

Ty and Charlene Bollinger's famous life-changing Truth About Cancer docuseries has been viewed by millions of people worldwide. Originally produced in 2015, you will learn about safe and effective cancer cures from 131 doctors, scientists, and experts who know how to treat and cure cancer. This Memorial Day weekend, the entire 9-part series is offered FREE to the public!