Common Childbirth Practice Could Lead to Later False Diagnosis of Shaken Baby Syndrome

Pitocin is one of the most commonly used drugs in childbirth, given to the majority of birthing women to either induce or augment (speed up) labor. Cytotec is also used by many doctors to induce labor. As common as they are, they are not without significant risks to both mother and baby. There are known side effects that are rarely, if ever, told to parents. Unfortunately, some of these risks also appear on the list of symptoms of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), or, as it is sometimes called, Abusive Head Trauma (AHT). Hundreds of parents each year are accused of SBS. The National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome estimates that there are 1,300 cases of SBS per year in the U.S. Many have their children seized by Child Protective Services. Some are imprisoned, and some have even been put to death. How many accused parents are aware that simply having labor induced or augmented could cause Shaken Baby symptoms in their baby? Perhaps more importantly, how many doctors, social workers, attorneys, and judges are aware of this? Or are they aware, but choose not to disclose this information?

Vaccine Requirement for Liver Transplant Nearly Cost Life of 11 Year Old Boy

Politics have no place in hospitals. My son, who is 11 years old, suffered tremendously because of a mandatory vaccine policy at his transplant hospital. Kendetrick was diagnosed with newly onset liver disease out of nowhere on October 18, 2016. From that day forward, his life went out of control. Several procedures and tests were done over the next few months. Experimenting with medications, there seemed to be no light at the end of the tunnel. He was getting worse and worse. He stopped eating, stopped playing, stopped living. He was evaluated for a liver transplant on January 12 and 13, 2017. I was told they would not transplant my son or even list him on UNOS unless I agreed to get him fully up-to-date on his vaccines. I stopped when he was a baby, with the support of his doctor, after a failed RSV vaccine and the fact that he was always sick. I did my homework. This is a child who has many problems. He has congenital heart disease as well and has never really been "healthy." When speaking with one of the members of the transplant team about the fact that they "required" him to get vaccinated I asked "what would happened if I don't get them for him" and she said "we will make him comfortable and continue to try things, but he could not get listed on UNOS."

Widespread Opposition of FDA Expansion on Electroshocking Children

Attorney Jonathan Emord and his co-counsel Kendrick Moxon have filed a Supplement to their Citizen Petition of August 2016, protesting the FDA’s Proposed Order to reclassify and make more readily available the Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Device used to give “shock-treatment.” The reclassification would make it easier for doctors to give the treatment. Shock treatment is well-known as the punishment given actor Jack Nicholson in the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. More recently it was portrayed in the TV series Homeland when given to the star, destroying her memory and intelligence. Memory loss and brain damage are the central issue in the attorneys’ filing. An NAACP Resolution calls for a banning of electroshock treatment on children, youths and young adults up to the age of 21. The Resolution points to four U.S. states—California, Colorado, Texas and Tennessee—having banned the pediatric use of electroshock and a United Nations report on Torture that recommends “an absolute ban on all forced” electroshock. African Americans are more at risk of this potentially brain-damaging procedure as: “psychiatrists now diagnose African American men in mental hospitals as having a serious mental disorder at a rate of up to 1,500 percent higher than white men,” according to the Resolution.

“Pedophile Farm” Alleged in Lawsuit Against Washington Foster Care Home for Boys

Centralia’s Kiwanis Vocational Home, open from 1979 to 1994, was intended to be a safe place for wayward boys, a state-licensed foster home where 11- to 17-year-olds could get an education and job skills in a “family atmosphere,” according to a 1986 Chronicle article. However, four lawsuits from former residents paint an alarmingly different picture. “This was a pedophile farm,” said attorney Darrell Cochran, of Tacoma, who represents plaintiffs in all four cases, two of which were filed Tuesday. The lawsuits each allege physical, sexual and emotional abuse by both staff and residents of the home, intentional understaffing with unqualified workers and financial fraud and negligence by staff and state agencies, including the state Department of Social and Health Services, which licensed the facility. “These individual defendants continued to support KVH despite clear evidence that it was a breeding ground for sexual abuse and sexually charged physical abuse,” the lawsuit states. Furthermore, Cochran said evidence gathered in the cases shows conspiracy rife with “political corruption” with the facility acting to conceal allegations of abuse while continuing to profit from state reimbursements for services.

Judge Orders Children Home in Kansas Case with Navy Dad Who used Medical Cannabis

Raymond and Amelia Schwab didn't know what to expect when they went into a Kansas courtroom on Tuesday, August 15, 2017. The Colorado couple has been fighting to get their children back since the Department for Children and Families (DCF) seized custody of them in April 2015. During that time, they have been told that their parental rights would be terminated, that their children would be returned home, and everything in between. It has been an emotional roller coaster, and 5 of their 6 children have been in foster care for more than 2 years. (Their oldest son was 19 when his younger siblings were taken and therefore avoided foster care.) Raymond Schwab, an honorably discharged Navy veteran, and his wife Amelia took to Facebook Live with an update for thousands of their followers, many of whom have been praying for their children to be returned to the family. The update was a mixture of good news and bad news - the children are supposed to be returned home, just not immediately. They were told that the children should be home by Christmas.

Mother Blamed for Baby’s Vaccine Injuries – Baby Adopted Out as Parents Face Jail

In December 2013, in the State of Florida, Ms. Rebecca Wood gave birth to Javoni, a seven-pound baby boy with mild infant jaundice. Doctors assured her that jaundice was relatively common in newborns and told her that he would recover from the condition in a few days. Although his health initially improved, his health deteriorated significantly within hours of receiving a series of several vaccinations just eight weeks later. He became very ill and he had constant diarrhea. Despite his mother following all of the pediatrician’s advice, instead of improving as one would expect, Javoni’s health continued to deteriorate. Doctors diagnosed him with various medical conditions, including metabolic bone disease. After x-rays showed several previous broken bones, the parents were investigated by DCF (Department of Children’s Families) for alleged abuse. There has been clear evidence throughout this case to support Javoni’s parents. His parents have obtained written reports from at least four separate experts, stating that Javoni not only suffered from rickets but also from a metabolic bone disease and had a family history of these conditions. Despite this evidence, it appears that Child Protective Services have chosen to ignore the evidence and are adopting out this young baby to strangers. If this is not bad enough, his parents have since been charged with neglect and abuse and are now facing the very real possibility of going to jail as a result

FREE GMOs Revealed Docuseries Seeks to Educate Public on Toxic Food System – World Experts Interviewed

On Tuesday, August 22, 2017, the GMOs Revealed Docuseries will air for the first time online, and registration is FREE. GMOs Revealed exposes the toxic, vicious and constant cycle between glyphosate and “Roundup resistant” engineered crops designed to survive large doses of the chemical that kills plants on contact! We’ll explain how consuming this hidden poison in our foods damages your body, causing an epidemic of disease that is escalating with the increased use of Roundup. What’s even worse is that the risks don’t end there. The new GMO developments have the potential to mute your genes... which can cause health issues to pass genetically to your future generations! You can’t afford to stay in the dark about the dangers of GMOs. That's why we are dedicated to providing you with this essential information free so you can protect your family before it is too late. Join us in exposing the facts about GMOs.

Texas Homeschool Family of 10 Reunited One Year After CPS Took Children

Seeing families reunited and rejoicing once again, after being unjustly separated by Child Protective Services (CPS) is the passion that fuels us to continue to expose the destructive activities of CPS agencies and Family Courts throughout the United States (and even the world). Their rejoicing is also our reward as we rejoice with them. It is with great joy that we share this story of the Rembis family in Texas being reunited and rejoicing with their 10 children!

Shona Banda Forced to Leave Kansas to Continue Using Medical Cannabis that Saved Her Life

Two years ago, a woman with two children was celebrating her renewed life after cannabis oil had taken her out of her deathbed from terminal Crohn’s disease. She had undergone 16 surgeries and several toxic pharmaceuticals, one dangerously experimental. The doctors had finally given up. Shona Banda’s health had worsened until she was bedridden and “waiting to die,” until she started using cannabis oil. The results were miraculous. Shona Banda became a medical cannabis advocate in her home town of Garden City, an hour from the Colorado border, in a dangerous state, Kansas, for that type of activity. After surviving a terminal illness by using cannabis, she was arrested in 2015 and faced a potential sentencing of 30 years in prison. Her son was taken into custody by CPS. Her trial dragged on for two years before she survived the legal system by accepting a second plea deal arrangement earlier this month, August, 2017, despite her initial feeling that she could win the case.

7 Florida Children Taken from Parents Due to Poverty and Disability Come Home After 3 Years

More than three years ago, a Filipino-American father living in Florida made a promise to his children: "I will never stop fighting for you to come home." Though there were times that Freddie Verzosa and his wife Tracey thought that it would never happen, all of the "7 Angels" have been reunited with their parents. The family is rejoicing and extremely thankful that, after all this time, they can finally all be together again. The six older children were taken from their home by Florida Children and Families (DCF) on July 9, 2014, based on the family's financial situation and allegations that Tracey, who has a mild intellectual disability, wasn't capable of taking care of her children while her husband worked. When their youngest baby Taylor was born, DCF showed up at the hospital to seize the 2 day old breastfeeding newborn from her mother's breast, simply because they already had an open case on the family. Their heartbreaking story captured international attention. The family's Facebook page quickly grew to almost 8,000 followers. Their story struck a chord with people all over the world who do not believe that the government should be able to tear a loving family apart because of poverty or a disability. There were never any allegations that the Verzosa parents ever harmed their children. Some within DCS told them that "love wasn't enough" for them to parent their own children.