Is This Medically Kidnapped Girl in Atlanta Being Murdered for Medical Research Due to Rare Genetic Disorder?

According to doctors at Atlanta's Egleston Children’s Hospital at Emory, ten-year-old Nhyariah Mack is on death's door. Her mother Jasmin Mack has been told that she could die at any moment because her heart is failing her. Jasmin says that the hospital offered her a very large sum of money as a settlement if she agree to a heart transplant and just walk away, leaving her daughter with the hospital and the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS), and stop talking about her daughter's situation. She believes that they are more interested in her organs and the research they can use her for than they are in her. Nhyariah has an extremely rare chromosomal disorder - Trisomy 9 mosaic. There are just over a hundred people worldwide who have that diagnosis, making Nhyariah a prime target for those who would like to use her as a lab rat for medical research. Jasmin wants to know - what is really going on? Why has this hospital given her daughter a death sentence? Why won't they allow her to transfer to another hospital that gives her hope of survival? If she is really at death's door, why is she so full of life? If Child Protective Services is about protecting children, why aren't they letting her transfer to the hospital that believes that she has a chance to live? Why did the hospital offer her such a large sum of money to keep quiet and walk away from her daughter? If they actually expected her to take it, does that mean they are accustomed to other parents complying with such offers? How many other parents have sold their children to be studied and turned their backs on their own flesh and blood? How can this be happening in America? How can a child so full of life be sacrificed on the altar of medical research, while her mother fights for her life? Why cannot a parent get a second medical opinion in the land of the free and the home of the brave? How can Child Protective Services push aside an innocent, loving mother and allow a hospital to experiment on her child?

Grandparents Fight State of Kansas Over Attempted Forced Vaccination of Grandson Residing in Their Home

The war against parents who choose not to vaccinate their children, or to not follow the CDC vaccine schedule which requires more vaccines for children in the U.S. than any other developed nation of the world, rages on all across America. Citizens of the United States are waking up and recognizing that with no legal accountability for pharmaceutical companies to produce safe vaccines in the U.S., unlike most other countries of the world where one can sue a vaccine manufacturer for damages resulting from their vaccine products, the proliferation of vaccines and their known side effects carries tremendous risk of injury and even death. Parents and physicians in the U.S. are increasingly standing up for their rights to choose medical procedures for their children and resisting coercion by government agencies who seek to mandate vaccines even against the desires of parents and sometimes their physicians as well. In Johnson County, Kansas, one 2-year old little boy has been taken away from his mother and placed in foster care with his grandparents. The young boy was born with a serious heart defect, and has never been vaccinated. The mother and the grandparents, for both health and religious reasons, have utilized Kansas' legal vaccine exemption laws to prevent the young boy from being vaccinated. But since the child has been removed from his mother and placed into the temporary custody of the state of Kansas, the state is now trying to force the child to be vaccinated against the wishes of both his mother and grandparents, even while he continues to live under the care of his grandparents.

Indiana CPS Drops Case Against Family Giving Daughter Hemp Oil for Epilepsy

Last month (September 2017) we published the story about Jaelah Sue from Indiana, and the struggle her parents were having with CPS and Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis over her medical care. Jaelah Sue was diagnosed with epilepsy at Riley Children’s Hospital, and her parents had great success in allegedly reducing her seizures from 50+ a day to 2-4 a day using CBD Oil (also known as “Charlotte’s Web Hemp Oil”). CBD Oil is made from hemp (not marijuana), which is not psycho-active (produces a "high") and is legal in all 50 states. Doctors from Riley Children’s Hospital allegedly did not approve of the parents' use of CBD Oil, and allegedly told the parents they were "killing their daughter" and reported them to CPS for medical neglect. CPS then forced the family to put Jaelah on a dangerous drug that gave her a negative reaction. Indiana for Medical Freedom, a group that has advocated for the Jerger family, has reported that CPS has closed the case, due to refuted evidence.

Oregon Judge Tries to Silence Mother of Medically Kidnapped Children: Orders Website Taken Down

Multnomah County Oregon Circuit Court Judge Susan M. Svetkey recently ordered Trisha Delaurent of Vancouver, Washington, to take down a website and Facebook page that chronicled her struggles with Oregon CPS to get her children back. Trisha was charged with "medical neglect" of her oldest son, Max, who is 15. Oregon CPS not only removed Max from her custody, but also his 3 siblings, including a newborn baby just 12 days after he was born. The website chronicling the family's struggles is, which has since been taken over by other interested parties, so that Trisha no longer has control over the website. The website was ordered to be taken down by Oct. 2nd, but is still up at the time of publication. The Facebook page for injusticeoregon has apparently been removed. Delaurent’s motivation to develop a website was to publish her family’s story. It was born out of her frustration which stemmed from what she believed to be a biased investigation on the part of Oregon CPS. Medical abuse cases typically involve parents who fail or neglect to seek medical attention for their children, especially those children who have life threatening ailments. Delaurent has done the exact opposite. Delaurent has sought out medical treatment for her children and accepted the medical advice given by her doctors. She has made certain that doctor’s orders were followed. Then why has Delaurent been accused of medical child abuse?

Why I Canceled My Netflix Account and You Should Too: Promoting Pedophilia is NOT OK!

Since starting the Medical Kidnapping division of our Health Impact News network, we have covered many angles to the medical kidnapping issue, explaining why children are routinely taken away from families where they are loved, and put into a multi-billion dollar foster care and adoption system that is best described as "child trafficking." One of the reasons children are taken away from their families and put into foster care is, sadly, for sex trafficking to pedophiles. In a 2015 interview with filmmaker Sean Stone, Tammi Stefano of the National Safe Child show reported that the Los Angeles Times published the fact that there were 1000 “convicted sex offenders” that had been given a “green light” by CPS to become “approved foster parents” just in Los Angeles County. She went on to state that the child trafficking industry, or human trafficking industry right now, makes more money than the illegal drug trade, and illegal arms trade, combined. Netflix is apparently airing a new show that attempts to normalize sexual behavior that encourages pedophilia. It is a new original animated show named "Big Mouth," and the outrage over the openly pornographic nature and clear references to pedophilia has shocked many. We don't need shows normalizing pedophilia and helping to perpetuate this very evil and dark section of our society. I cancelled my Netflix subscription today, and I encourage you to do the same thing.

Medical Kidnapping in Atlanta! Child with Rare Disorder to Die for Medical Research?

A little girl's life literally hangs in the balance in Georgia. Nhyariah Mack's mother wants her to be transferred back to their hometown hospital in Pensacola, Florida, but Child Protective Services and Egleston Children's Hospital at Emory refuse to allow her mother to transfer her or get a second opinion. For months doctors at Egleston have been telling Jasmin Mack that Nhyariah doesn't have long to live and will need to go into hospice care soon. This week, a new cardiologist told Jasmin that they have a heart for her daughter and they want to do a heart transplant. At first Jasmin was hopeful, thinking that maybe, finally, doctors were going to try to save her child's life. Then she says that she saw the doctor "skipping down the hallway" toward the front desk. That was when it hit her like a ton of bricks: "They want my baby's heart! These people are still trying to research my child!" Jasmin went to court Monday, hoping the judge would hear her request for a transfer again and look at the evidence that she did not miss any doctor appointments and that it was Nhyariah's Trisomy 9, not medical neglect on her part, that was responsible for her small size. Instead, she found that the judge had removed herself from the case. She had court again on Wednesday, September 26, but she never saw a judge. A sheriff simply gave her a piece of paper informing her of yet another court date - October 18. Jasmin doesn't even know if her daughter will live that long. There will be a rally for Nhyariah on Friday, October 6, at the hospital. The family welcomes any and all supporters to help them to call for Nhyariah to be released to go to Pensacola for a second opinion and a chance at life.

Babysitter Arrested for Shaken Baby Syndrome – But CPS Still Refuses to Return Baby to Parents

When Michael and Chelsea Wolken of Canyon County, Idaho, picked up their 5 month old baby last month from the babysitter's house, they were concerned that she wasn't acting right. Now, the babysitter has been charged with felony injury to a child and accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Now that the parents are no longer being blamed, their baby should be home. Child Protective Services doesn't see it that way, and they appear to be looking for any reason they can find to keep the child in their custody. The parents are devastated and just want Baby Rylee home, where she belongs.

3 Day LIVE Event FREE: Preventing, Treating and Beating Cancer

Ty and Charlene Bollinger are hosting their critically-acclaimed health summit, The Truth About Cancer LIVE, from October 5th through October 7th, 2017. This year they’ve gathered an impressive collection of alternative health and natural cancer experts, maybe some of the best in the world, to present. It’s a “who’s who” of the very brightest minds and caring hearts in the field of alternative healing. Here’s just a taste of who’s coming: Dr. Patrick Quillin - Beating Cancer with Nutrition, Dr. Joseph Mercola - Ketogenic Diet and Cancer, Dr. Robert Scott Bell - Gut Health, the Microbiome, and Cancer, Dr. Rashid Buttar -The Cancer Conflict: Resolving the 5th Toxicity, Dr. Tony Jimenez - Treating Cancer with Sound and Light, Mike Adams - The importance of "ORGANIC", Del Bigtree - Freedom of Choice in Medicine, Chris Wark - How "Chris Beat Cancer" - Plus SO many more! These experts will share their most front-line, advanced and important information about healing and preventing cancer and other chronic diseases. And you have a front row seat - from the comfort of your own home. Here’s the best part: it’s absolutely FREE to you! The broadcast starts Thursday, October 5th at 9am Eastern.

Medical Tyranny: Indiana Hospital and CPS Force Parents to Give Toddler Dangerous Drug After Seeking Second Opinion

An Evansville, Indiana couple has had the medical care of their toddler taken over by Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis, and Indiana Child Protective Services (CPS). Jade and Lehla Jerger, parents of Jaelah Jerger, sought answers for more than 8 months for their daughter's "uncontrollable jerk of her body." When a neurologist at Riley Children's Hospital diagnosed her with epilepsy, they began to research the best treatments for their daughter. A Chiropractic Neurologist began treating Jaelah with CBD oil (also known as "Charlotte's Web Hemp Oil"), and reportedly at the lowest dosage they saw a reduction in seizures from 50+ a day to 2-4 a day. CBD oil is derived from industrial hemp, and is not psycho-active due to almost no THC (the chemical that makes one "high"). It was made famous through national TV exposure from Dr. Gupta Sanjay’s CNN documentary “Weed,” featuring a young girl’s struggle with a life threatening type of chronic epilepsy called Dravet’s syndrome. However, doctors at Riley Children's Hospital disagreed with the treatment of CBD oil, allegedly telling the parents they were "killing" their daughter by not giving her the pharmaceutical drug Keppra. The parents sought a second opinion from another pediatric neurologist who told them to continue with the CBD oil, but doctors from Riley allegedly reported the parents to CPS, and now the parents are being forced to give their daughter a drug that gives her serious side effects, or have their daughter taken away from them.

Pennsylvania Civil Rights Attorney Medically Kidnapped for “Mental Health” Evaluation – Whereabouts Unknown

Andy Ostrowski was kidnapped by law enforcement from his home in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania this week while live-streaming on Facebook. Police entered his home without knocking, carrying tasers and clubs, claimed they had a warrant (which they apparently never showed to him) to take him in for a "mental health evaluation," and proceeded to turn off his computer and remove him from his home by force. His current whereabouts is unknown at the time of publication. Mr. Ostrowski is a former Civil Rights attorney, past candidate for U.S. Congress, author, radio show host, and judicial reform activist. Ostrowski exposes judicial corruption, something we have covered extensively at Health Impact News, particularly on our website. Earlier this year, Ostrowski filed a federal lawsuit in Pennsylvania, naming the “American System of Justice” as a Defendant, along with the Federal Reserve, the Rothschilds, Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and others who are alleged to have compromised our access to justice, and the loss of basic rights and protections. The kids for cash, Penn State/Sandusky, and porngate email scandals are cited as examples of these influences. Mr. Ostrowski believes they are using the veil of "mental health" to attack him, since they cannot fight him in the legal system. The public needs to demand to know where Mr. Ostrowski is located, and ask for his immediate release!