UPDATE: Family Fights for the Life of Senior Medically Kidnapped from her Home and Forced onto Drugs

The fate of 69 year old Beverley Finnegan of Massachusetts remains up in the air for now. Attorneys met on the Friday before Christmas to argue for and against pulling the plug on the medically kidnapped senior citizen. After several hours in court, attorney Lisa Belanger told Health Impact News that they had expected Judge Mareen Monks to rule by the end of the day on Friday, December 23, 2017. That didn't happen. The verdict was not handed down until after Monday's Christmas holiday. The ruling is a temporary victory for Beverley's life. The court requires additional information and will appoint a Guardian ad litem to gather information on the motions submitted by both sides. The next court hearing will be on January 29, 2018. While attorneys and guardians argued in court Friday that Beverley Finnegan should be put to death by "pulling the plug," attorney Lisa Belanger fought valiantly to save the life of a woman that Dr. Paul Byrne, a medical expert on brain death, says is reasonably likely to improve if she were to have proper treatment: Beverly has a functioning brain. Beverly Finnegan does not fulfill any set of "brain death" criteria. In Dr. Byrne's medical affidavit, he states that proper medical treatment of her condition did not occur and still has not occurred. He asserts that if she were to receive the proper treatment, there is a "reasonable likelihood of improvement" of her condition.

Broken Brain: Dr. Mark Hyman Presents FREE Online Series on Holistic Mental Health

Starting January 17, 2018, NY Times Bestselling author Dr. Mark Hyman is offering a docuseries called "Broken Brain." This 8-part docuseries will you give a better and much deeper understanding of our most precious and dynamic organ - the brain. Over 50 experts will give you their top tips for creating your best brain. You can achieve more mental clarity, become sharper, more focused and live a more joyful, healthier life.

Navy Veteran Makes Christmas Eve Plea for His Children

It is Christmas Eve, and the Schwab children were supposed to be home for Christmas. They are not. Earlier this month, a judge assured Navy Veteran Raymond Schwab and his wife Amelia that their children would be coming home in time for the holidays, but in a heart-wrenching turn of events, efforts to get them home have been thwarted by the children's attorney ad litem. The role of the ad litem is to advocate for "the best interest of the children," but the children have called their mother in tears because their foster parents told them that they aren't going home. They obviously don't agree with their court-appointed representative about what constitutes their best interest. They were never abused or neglected at home, but there is a great deal of evidence that they have suffered abuse in foster care. Now their Christmas hopes of being home and together again have been cruelly dashed. This is their 3rd Christmas apart, and Christmas day is young Asher's birthday. Child Protective Services has, once again, stolen the Christmas wishes from the children. Raymond Schwab took to YouTube this afternoon to plead with the public to help them to get their children home.

What This Homeless Woman Taught Me About Life Today

It was the day before Christmas Eve, and as I drove to a city where I was to meet my sons for lunch, it was hard to find a parking spot, as so many people were out and about on the last shopping day before Christmas. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood in this upscale downtown area where I was meeting my sons for lunch. Many were dressed in their holiday best, and there were families everyone; children giddy with glee as they undoubtedly were looking forward to opening presents soon. Since I had to park quite far away from the restaurant where I was to meet my sons, I had a few blocks to walk. At one corner, a woman who was sitting down by herself and talking caught my eye for just a moment. She was on the other side of the street, so I did not get a close look at her. "Why is she talking when she is all alone?," I quickly thought, but I was late for lunch and I pushed the thought to the back of my mind thinking "she probably has an earbud on and is talking on the phone to someone." Later, as we were finishing up our lunch on a table that was outside in front of the restaurant (the restaurant was very busy, and the only table available was outdoors as it was quite cold out), a woman walked by that caught my eye. She was not neat - she was dirty, carrying a backpack, smoking a small stub of a cigarette that I guessed someone had discarded, and had multiple layers of clothing and jackets on, well worn and dirty. I later learned she was in her mid 40s, but she looked older than that. She noticed me looking at her, and said to me: "God bless you! Jesus has redeemed me, and God is the God of second chances." I replied: "Amen! He certainly is the God of second chances. God bless you too." We began a short conversation, and I was waiting for and expecting the imminent request for money - but it never came.

Oklahoma Mom Gives Legal Cannabis Oil to Epileptic Daughter to Stop Seizures – Now all 5 Children Medically Kidnapped

Advocacy for effective medical treatment of her epileptic daughter has led to the medical kidnapping of an Oklahoma homeschool mom's 5 children. When ordinary medical treatments failed to help her child, Tammy Searcy learned that cannabis oil might be able to help her daughter's life-threatening seizures. She was not willing to break any laws, so she worked to change laws in her state. Only after medical cannabis use became legal did she begin treatment for 14 year old Brianna, and the results were almost miraculous. Now, all 5 of Tammy's children have been seized by Child Protective Services, and many believe that this was retaliation for her activism. Her children have been separated and Tammy fears for their safety. Brianna's health has declined sharply, and social workers want to force-vaccinate her children.

Active Senior Medically Kidnapped from her Home and Forced onto Drugs in Nursing Home Now Near Death

Earlier this year, Beverley Finnegan, age 69, of Newton, Massachusetts, could walk, talk, and discuss the events from the daily newspaper. That was before she was seized from the condo that she shared with her sister. Police and "Elder Protective Services" social workers literally broke down her door to enter her residence, and then forced her into a nursing home, and drugged her against her will. Years before, she had named her sister as her medical proxy, but the state of Massachusetts has ignored her wishes and placed her under guardianship with strangers. Her whole life, everything she had ever known, was gone with the stroke of a judge's pen. Now, she is on life support, and on Monday, December 18, guardians and their attorneys petitioned the court in the attempt to have Beverley Finnegan euthanized. They go back to court on Friday, December 22. Janet Pidge is fighting for the very life of her beloved sister who is just one court decision away from having her life snuffed out forever.

56 Year Old Man Enters Hospital with Shoulder Pain – Dies 6 Weeks Later After Developing Infection in Hospital

The following is a true story that is, unfortunately, typical of the dangers in being admitted into hospitals today in the U.S. Carl was a fighter, a survivor. Nothing was handed to him in life. When he was 15, both his father and mother walked out on him and his younger brother, leaving Carl alone to raise his sibling. Somehow, the two of them managed to earn enough money to keep paying the mortgage and save the family home. Carl was a handyman, seemingly able to fix anything. He went on to become a master plumber. He was a tall man (over 6 feet tall), and always seemed to turn up anytime someone was in need and could benefit from his services. When Carl started experiencing shoulder pain in his rotator cuff, one of his friends eventually convinced him to go have it checked out. Carl was not one to visit doctors or seek medical care, and he would have rather endured the shoulder pain than ask for pain medication. But his friend was insistent, so for her sake he begrudgingly agreed to be taken to the hospital, as he had been lying in bed with pain for so many days, that now his hip was starting to bother him also. Tragically, after the hospital admitted him, he soon developed pneumonia, and a Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection. 6 weeks later he was dead. Carl's friends watched their friend who entered the hospital system due to chronic shoulder pain be tortured and killed by the hospital, and they were powerless to do anything about it.

Massachusetts State Auditor Finds Widespread Rape and Sexual Abuse in Foster Care but DCF Officials Won’t Report It

On December 7, 2017, Massachusetts State Auditor Suzanne Bump released an appalling audit of her state's Child Protective Services, the Department of Children and Families (DCF). The audit, which covered 2014 and 2015, found that there were many instances where children in state care, whether in foster homes or group homes or other facilities under DCF care, were abused physically or sexually, but DCF failed to report the incidents to the proper authorities. DCF officials told Auditor Suzanne Bump that they don't see sexual abuse as a serious enough problem that they need to report it.

18 Year Old Wrongly Convicted of Shaken Baby Syndrome Set Free After Serving 17 Years in Prison

Thanks to new scientific knowledge about Shaken Baby Syndrome, a man wrongfully convicted in 2002 of killing his 4-month-old daughter has had his conviction reversed after spending nearly 17 years in prison. The San Francisco law firm Keker, Van Nest & Peters and the Northern California Innocence Project (NCIP) at Santa Clara University School of Law brought forth the new evidence, which reflects updated knowledge about the causes of Shaken Baby Syndrome and the risk of parents improperly being charged with murder in cases of household accidents. The California Superior Court of Sacramento reversed Zavion Johnson’s murder conviction, which occurred when he was 18 years old. In what he has always claimed was a tragic accident, Johnson’s daughter, Nadia, slipped from his arms and fell in the bathtub while Johnson was bathing her. She later died from internal injuries. Despite 15 witnesses including Nadia’s mother, testifying that Johnson was a loving, caring father, medical experts at the time cited the then-medical consensus that the only possible explanation for Nadia’s injuries and death involved Shaken Baby Syndrome. Jurors called the medical evidence “overwhelming,” and sentenced him to life in prison, even though, as one juror recollected, they “felt that Zavion Johnson was a good young man, very loving to his girlfriend and their baby girl, and that it would seem horribly out of character for him to murder his baby.” The juror went on the say, “without that evidence, we certainly would not have convicted Zavion Johnson.” Using modern science, medical experts, including the original pathologist that testified at Johnson’s trial, have since reviewed the case. The experts agree that Nadia’s injuries are consistent with the fall originally described by Johnson 17 years ago and they can no longer say it was abuse.

Michelle Malkin Investigates Show Gives Terri LaPoint “Bulldog” Award for Medical Kidnapping

Michelle Malkin, from Michelle Malkin Investigates, gives the "Bulldog" award to Terri LaPoint of Medicalkidnapping.com