Harvard-trained Beverly Hills Doctor Mom Still Fighting for Kids After 6 Years

Reporter Sara Tiano of The Chronicle of Social Change, an online news publication dedicated to solution-based news coverage of child welfare, juvenile justice, mental health and educational issues faced by vulnerable children, has written an investigative report about the case of Dr. Susan Spell, a Harvard-trained Beverly Hills California doctor who has been fighting to regain custody of her children for over 6 years. Health Impact News originally reported on Dr. Susan's case back in 2015, and Tammi Stefano of the National Safe Child Show first brought Dr. Susan's story to the public in LA County in 2014 by having Dr. Susan on her show. Tammi Stefano of the National Safe Child Show first brought Dr. Susan's story to the public in LA County in 2014 by having Dr. Susan on her show. The Chronicle of Social Change is reporting that: "In March, Los Angeles County paid a $150,000 settlement to a celebrity Beverly Hills doctor after social workers lied under oath and falsified evidence to take her four kids from her, amid a thorny custody battle. But despite the payout — and the help of top-notch private lawyers — Susan Spell, whose TV credits include Oprah, CNN, Good Morning America, and Dr. 90210, still doesn’t have her kids back."

Canada Supreme Court Orders New Trial for Non-vaccinating Parents Accused of Son’s Death – New Evidence Points to Cover-up of Medical Malpractice

The Supreme Court of Canada issued a stunning reversal this week in a case that could have far-reaching implications for parental rights. David and Collet Stephen were convicted last year of "failing to provide the necessaries of life" when their son Ezekiel died. On Tuesday, May 15, 2018, justices in the highest court in the land deliberated for only a few minutes before issuing their unanimous decision. The Court could have waited months to render a decision, but Chief Justice Richard Wagner said that the consensus was that it was "appropriate to release the decision as soon as possible." Thus they gave a rare verdict from the bench on the same day that arguments were heard. Justice Michael Moldaver read the decision, stating that they would: "allow the appeal, quash the convictions, and order a new trial." A great deal of new information has surfaced since the trial 2 years ago, and it is apparent that there has been a massive cover-up, involving doctors, hospital staff, government officials, and the media. Almost from the beginning, the pro-vaccine lobby has seemed intent on blaming Ezekiel's death on the lack of a vaccine. People involved on every level worked together to paint a false narrative of events.

Philadelphia Family Court Judge Exposed and Charged with Illegal Medical Kidnapping

A state appeals court has accused a Pennsylvania judge of “judicially created parental alienation” and a failure to provide due process when she kept a baby in “protracted foster care” after receiving no explanation for broken ribs and then terminated parental rights. The judge, Lyris Younge of Philadelphia Family Court, abused her discretion when she refused to place the child known as N.M. in the care of a grandmother, according to the May 4 decision by the Superior Court of Pennsylvania. Younge also refused to allow the child’s mother to be represented by two lawyers at once, and refused to allow introduction of expert medical reports that attempted to explain N.M.’s broken ribs, the court said. Judge Younge has a history of violating parental rights in her courtroom, but because family court records and rulings are kept confidential on a non-public docket—unless appealed—they do not draw scrutiny. How many other families has Judge Younge destroyed?

A Mother’s Day Message for Grieving Mothers – A Message of Hope

To the mother whose children have been medically kidnapped or taken from them by Child Protective Services, the idea of Mother's Day can seem like a cruel mockery. There is no greater grief in the entire world than to lose a child. How can there be hope today when the children you carried in your womb are not with you? You are a mother. Nothing will ever change that. No judicial decree, no act of a social worker, and no piece of paper can ever undo the fact that you are the mother of your children. Even if a judge writes on a piece of paper that your parental rights are terminated, no judge is powerful enough to ever stop you from being your child's parent. There is an eternal bond between parent and child that no force on the planet can take away from you or your child, no matter how much they may try. It is written in every cell of your child's body. It is written on their heart. You are part of their soul. Even if your baby was taken away from you at birth, you carried your baby in your womb and formed a bond that no one can ever replace. This isn't wishful thinking or empty words to try to comfort hurting people. It is science. It is psychology. It is Scripture.

Mother’s Day Reunion: Military Dad and Mom Reunited with Children 3 Years After Kansas Took Them Over Medical Cannabis

Shortly before Mother's Day 3 years ago, on April 26, 2015, the Department for Children and Families (DCF) in Kansas seized 5 children from Raymond and Amelia Schwab over false allegations. Now, just before Mother's Day 2018 - 3 years later - their nightmare is officially over. The children are home and the case against them is finally closed. The final closure of the case was not expected to happen for another 2 months, but the unexpected email arrived Thursday, May 10, 2018 to announce the good news. Even so, Raymond told Health Impact News that even this is not really a "win" because they lost so many years with their children. Those are years they can never get back. Health Impact News has previously reported that, under DCF care, at least one of the Schwab children was sexually assaulted, and others were abused. The parents want to encourage other parents who are fighting for their children: "We've just got to keep up the fight and hope that our story inspires people to never give up. Never quit. Never surrender." The part of fighting DCF to get their children home is indeed over. But the battle for families is not over by any means. Raymond and Amelia Schwab and Jennifer Winn have each stated that they intend to keep fighting for justice for all families.

2-Year-Old Girl Taken Away From Parents Because Military Vet Dad Chose Medical Cannabis Over Dangerous Psych Drugs for PTSD

Parents Ashley and Edward Thomas of Idaho recently had their 2-year-old daughter taken out of their home, as police arrested them and locked them up in jail. Their crime? Edward is a disabled military veteran who suffers from PTSD after serving in a combat role in Iraq. Not doing well with toxic pharmaceutical drugs, which many reports link to an alarming increase in suicide rates among veterans, Edward turned to medical cannabis to ease his stress and stop his seizures. In many states, this would be perfectly legal, as most states are moving towards approving legislation for the medical use of marijuana, if not decriminalizing entirely. But not in Idaho. Idaho is the home of these young parents, however, who need the support of their family in their home state. Now Edward and his pregnant wife face a future as branded criminals as the State of Idaho takes custody of their children.

Almost 40% of American Families at Risk to Have Their Children Kidnapped by the State – Over 50% if You Are Black

A stunning number of American children are subjected to at least one Child Protective Services investigation by the time they reach 18 years old. According to a study published by the American Journal of Public Health, almost 4 out of every 10 American children will experience some kind of social worker investigation into allegations of child abuse or maltreatment at some point in their childhood. The rate is even higher for African American children (53.0%). Alarm bells should be sounding for every family in America. According to the 2010 Census, there are 74.2 million children under 18 in the United States. If 37.4% of American children will be investigated by Child Protective Services, at some point, by the time they turn 18, that means that the strong arm of the law, via social workers, is investigating almost 28 million children. Odds are strong that your children or your sister's or best friend's children will be investigated. Will the social worker be one who believes that they are justified in lying about you? Will the allegations be made up? Will they be from a doctor that the court will believe over you, no matter how much evidence to the contrary you have? Do you have the money to hire an attorney to help you fight? Will your newborn be deprived of vital bonding time and breastfeeding? Will your child be abused or trafficked in foster care while you fight in court? Will you lose family and friends in the face of accusations of things you never did? Yours could be the next family investigated. Chances are almost 40% that you will be investigated one day. Isn't is time to pay attention?

Texas Foster Care: “Rape, Abuse, Psychotropic Medication, and Instability” Still the Norm as State Fights Against Reform

The battle continues between the State of Texas and attorneys who represent more than 12,000 children in the state's foster care system. A panel of three judges in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans heard arguments Monday, April 30, about the constitutionality of the state's troubled foster care system. This is the latest chapter in a fight to change the system in which, according to U.S. District Judge Janis Graham Jack, "... children have been shuttled throughout a system where rape, abuse, psychotropic medication, and instability are the norm." After Judge Jack ruled in December 2015 that the system as it stood was unconstitutional, Texas Attorney General Kenneth Paxton appealed the decision, defending the state's foster care system. Many of the original plaintiffs in the lawsuit, who were formerly foster care children, have now become adults and aged out of the system and are missing. The San Antonio Express ran a story looking into what has happened to these Texas foster children who aged out of the system, and they found that most of them suffer unemployment, homelessness, and sex trafficking as adults.

U.S. Press Condemns U.K. Treatment of Baby Alfie While Ignoring Same Medical Kidnapping Seen in U.S. Every Day

The tragic medical kidnapping story of Alfie Evans and his resulting death in the U.K. has been widely published in both the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media as well as in the alternative media. While this story is being spun as a tragic rare event that only happens outside the U.S. in places like the U.K., the fact is that this story is being repeated every single day right here in the U.S. So it begs the question: why are similar stories happening right here in the U.S. not getting the same kind of media coverage? I am very glad that the public and the media was outraged over the injustice of Baby Alfie in the U.K., so much so that there were demonstrations in the streets protesting medical tyranny and standing up for parental rights. But why is that not happening right here in the United States, where the problem is probably much worse? America's children are being kidnapped by the state every single day. They are being used for drug trials, they are being put into pedophilia sex trafficking rings, they are dying at the hands of medical authorities, and American taxpayers are paying BILLIONS of dollars to employ hundreds of thousands of government employees, from social workers, to psychologists and medical doctors, to attorneys and family court judges and workers who profit from this child trafficking system, and allowing it to continue. What is it going to take to get the American public out into the streets to protest this gross injustice against our children?

Parents File Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit Against Minnesota Because CPS Kidnapped Their Children

This past week (April 2018) a group of Minnesota parents filed a federal civil rights lawsuit accusing Dakota County and the State of Minnesota for kidnapping their children and placing them unnecessarily into foster care. The lead plaintiff in the lawsuit is Dwight D. Mitchell, who founded an association of parents called Stop Child Protection Services From Legally Kidnapping, which has about 250 members in Minnesota. Mr. Mitchell and several parents held a press conference at the State Capital last week, and Mr. Mitchell was interviewed by several local media sources. Mr. Mitchell explains how he had his three children removed from his home because a family babysitter reported him to CPS for a "bottom spanking" with one of his children. It took him almost 2 years to get his son back home.