Refusing to be Silent, Parents Come Forward to Describe How their Children Suffered Painful Deaths After Being Vaccinated

Ron Kennedy, MD, is a California doctor currently suing the State Medical Board for intimidating doctors in California who write vaccine exemptions for their patients. He recently asked for parents who had children that died as a result of vaccines to email him their stories, and then another California doctor, Dr. Robert Rowen, who has a large following on Facebook, published their stories today. Dr. Rowen commented that these stories brought him to tears, and warns his readers that they may also have the same effect on them. We reproduce these stories here for greater public awareness, and to make sure their voices are not silenced by the Social Media tech giants. There are common themes in many of these tragic stories where once healthy and normal children deteriorated in health after receiving vaccines, and then died. From child protective services (CPS) threats against parents who question vaccines and risk losing their children if they do not comply, to doctors who refuse to admit vaccines cause harm and therefore will not treat vaccine injuries, these testimonies show that we are facing a real crisis and tragedy in the U.S. today when it comes to vaccine policy. These are among the few and brave parents who will not be silenced, risking their reputations and careers to tell their stories publicly in a country now ruled by medical tyranny.

Child Abuse Pediatricians: Exposing Their Role in Medical Kidnappings to the Public

Recently, a judge in Boise, Idaho allegedly ordered a mother in court to have take down a picture of a Child Abuse Specialist, Dr. Amy Barton, from one of our articles, because publishing her image allegedly is “not acceptable” and violates her clinic's policies. The clinic is St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital CARES (Child At Risk Evaluation Services) in Boise, Idaho. Maybe Judge Courtnie Tucker is not aware that St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital CARES belongs to the National Children’s Alliance, which in 2019 will administer a total of $10,271,000.00 in federal funds under a cooperative agreement with U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, as reporter Allie Parker will explain below. Because if Judge Tucker is aware of this, then she should certainly understand the First Amendment of the Constitution protects Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press to publish and criticize any public servant, meaning anyone receiving public funds. Child Abuse Pediatricians are not regular doctors. They are not hired by parents, but work together with Child Welfare programs all across the country looking for child abuse, and as such operate more like law enforcement than they do like doctors. Therefore, if you are being accused of any wrong-doing by a Child Abuse Specialist doctor, you are free to publish criticisms of them, and if any judge tells you otherwise, the judge is on the wrong side of the law. And this holds true for any other "public servant," such as law enforcement, social workers, judges, and anyone else working for an entity receiving public funding.

Adult Medical Kidnapping: Euthanizing America’s Seniors – Orlando Medical Guardian Resigns After Getting Caught, but How Many More Are There?

The Orlando Sentinel is reporting that professional guardian Rebecca Fierle has resigned after an investigation revealed that she had filed unauthorized “do not resuscitate" orders on almost all of her senior patients, against the wishes of the patient and their families. The investigation was prompted by the Orlando Sentinel's report that one of her patients died due to her "do not resuscitate" (DNR) order, even after the patient and family requested that the DNR be rescinded. The Sentinel reports: "A man died at a Tampa hospital after staff could not perform life-saving procedures because of a “do not resuscitate” order his Orlando guardian filed against his wishes, state investigators determined. The investigation into the final days of 75-year-old Steven Stryker of Cocoa caused Circuit Judge Janet C. Thorpe to seek the removal of his court-appointed guardian, Rebecca Fierle, from 95 Orange County cases at once in a hearing sealed from the media last week. Thorpe found Fierle had “abused her powers” by requesting that incapacitated clients not receive medical treatment if their heart or breathing stopped — without permission from their families or the court, records show. The investigation concluded that Fierle refused to remove the DNR despite Stryker’s desire for life-saving actions, and that her claims about his final wishes contradicted his daughter, friend and a psychiatrist." We applaud the work of the Orlando Sentinel, fulfilling their role as the media was originally intended to be: a voice educating the public on matters that government and medical authorities would prefer remain in secrecy. Too often in our own investigative work here at Health Impact News, we find that the corporate-sponsored media is the mouth-piece of the medical system and government, rather than exposing its corruption. If not for the investigative work of the Orlando Sentinel, this professional guardian working for the State of Florida may have continued to euthanize seniors against their wishes and the wishes of their families. Rebecca Fierle has now resigned and faces criminal charges, but how many more like her are still out there?

“They Took My Daughter Away From Me Alive and Gave Her Back Dead” 6-Year-Old Medically Kidnapped Girl in Kentucky Dies in Foster Care

Charity Lewis took to social media earlier this month (July, 2019) to tell her story about how Kentucky CPS medically kidnapped her special needs daughter because they did not think she was capable enough to take care of her, and now she is dead. She died while in the custody of the State of Kentucky and her foster home. Charity's video on Facebook has been viewed almost 1 million times at the time of publication of this story. It has resulted in a flood of traffic to to read our previous stories about the abuses of Kentucky CPS. Charity has put up a GoFundMe Page where she has also told her story: "This is my story my 6yr old special needs daughter Demiyah was taken to the pediatrician September 21, 2018 because she wasn’t looking too well. The pediatrician examined Demiyah and said she was ok but I know my child I knew she wasn’t ok. On September 22, 2018 I personally rushed Demiyah to the E.R. Test were done on Demiyah and the results came back showing Demiyah was having heart failure. Child Protective Services we’re called when Demiyah was being discharged from the hospital. I didn’t understand why. She told me she felt like Demiyah was being neglected. The caseworker and the state of Kentucky accused me of my daughter being born with special needs. This broke my heart completely. July 1, 2019 I received the news that my baby had passed away. She was gone. The state of Kentucky took my baby away from me. They let these people abuse my baby and did nothing. The state of Kentucky stole my baby from me. The caseworker who was responsible for this was fired. They fired her but couldn’t give me back Demiyah. They seen my baby as a check!! These people sold my baby! They told me she was perfectly fine two days before she passed away! They lied!! The state of Kentucky won’t let me view my daughter’s body. They are trying to hide what they have done to my baby."

How Many Children Have Been Kidnapped by State CPS Agencies? One Woman Creates A Plaque for Each One

There are approximately 450,000 children currently in foster care in the United States, and nationwide statistics show that only about 15% of them were removed from their homes due to allegations of abuse, but instead for "neglect," which could be something defined as "medical neglect" because a parent disagreed with a doctor over medical treatment, or even just wanted to seek a second opinion. The vast majority of these children come from poor homes, where parents cannot afford legal help to fight the system. Even in cases where parents are accused of "abuse," many cases are not substantiated and charges are never filed against the parents. Foster care is also the #1 pipeline for children to enter the lucrative child sex trafficking networks. One woman has taken it upon herself to make sure these children are not forgotten, as she makes a plaque for each one she is aware of, and hangs it up on her fence surrounding her yard. She reportedly has over 3000 plaques representing over 4000 names.

Texas Senator Exposes Corruption with CPS and Child Abuse Doctors Over Medical Kidnapping of 4-Year-Old Child

When the overreaching heavy hand of the government leads to even one instance of injustice, a little bit of liberty is lost for all citizens. On July 2, 2019, in Kaufman County, Texas, another piece of liberty was chipped from our society. Once again, in a very sad courtroom scene, the “legal” abduction of a 4-year-old child by the Texas Child Protective Service (CPS) was upheld by what can only be described as an egregious miscarriage of justice. During a hearing, that lasted more than six hours, little to no evidence was presented that indicated either parent, of the 4-year-old boy, had actually done anything remotely close to child abuse. In fact, no one involved in the whole prosecution process had ever met or talked with either parent, or met or talked with the child. The doctor from Children’s Hospital, who apparently initiated the forceful removal, had no history of treating the child, had never seen the child, and did not make a complete review of all of the child’s medical records. The CPS caseworker, responsible for initiating the legal process, as an “emergency” necessity, had no firsthand knowledge of any of the alleged charges she levied against the parents, had never met or talked with the child, and had made no attempt to complete a background investigation, as required by CPS policy. Yet, the courtroom judge insisted that the process to permanently terminate parental rights be continued, that no further interaction between the child and the parents be allowed except with CPS approval and supervision, and that CPS be granted total control over all needs of the child. Yes, that is the same Texas CPS that is notorious for the extensive abuse and high rate of suicides of children, in their care and in their foster child care system.

Idaho Judge in 16-Year-Old Medical Kidnap Case Orders Video and Picture of Doctor Removed from as Cell Phones of Supporters are Confiscated

For the last month, Kristine McCreery has been working to bring truth to light in an extremely complex Idaho medical kidnapping involving her 16-year-old son, Brandon. When a public defender failed her in court, and she spent all of her resources on paid attorneys that she felt weren’t speaking for her, Kristine reached out to her local legislators in desperation. Kristine took it upon herself to start learning the system and how to speak for herself in court. However, after she had submitted a motion to discharge her attorney and requested an evidentiary hearing, Kristine learned that Judge Courtnie Tucker blocked her submission of any further motions, instructing the Canyon County Court Clerk to refuse any documents that Kristine attempted to submit to the court, temporarily silencing her voice to the court once again. On Tuesday, July 16th, Kristine appeared in court for a six-month review of the CPS case. In the week before court, Brandon’s story had made a monumental impact in Idaho, garnering support from all over the state. Idaho House Representative Christy Zito was also at the court and said: "What impressed me the most is the community support. It is so important for our citizens to know their rights, to know what due process is and to make sure it is being followed. I so admire Kristine for standing strong, for fight so hard for her son, for allowing her story to be put out there so that other parents can learn and know what to do if they are ever in this kind of a situation." But Representative Zito and the other supporters were not allowed into the courtroom, and all of them had their cell phones confiscated for trying to record. Shari Dodge, Canyon County prosecutor, and Judge Tucker ordered Kristine to take down a video of Brandon and a picture of Dr. Amy Barton, the Child Abuse Specialist, from the article, in spite of the fact that Kristine has no control over the content of what is published on, where both the video and image remain.

Attorney Arrested in Tennessee Refuses to be Gagged – How One Woman Dares to Take a Stand Against Child Kidnappings by CPS

They arrested a 67-year-old grandmother who has been practicing law for 25 years and advocating for the rights of families, fully intending to intimidate her and silence her, as she exposes the corruption in Tennessee family courts where parents are denied due process of law in the seizure of their children. What has happened instead, is that Tennessee's corrupt Department of Children Services (DCS) has given attorney Connie Reguli a national platform she did not previously have, to expose the abuses happening not only in Tennessee, but all across America in child welfare proceedings, which we have exposed here at Health Impact News over the years as a U.S. taxpayer-funded child trafficking business. This child trafficking business uses foster care as the #1 pipeline for feeding children into sex trafficking, and also uses children in foster care for drug trials to develop and market new pediatric drugs and vaccines, as two of the more unsavory reasons why a steady supply of children are needed in the nation's foster care and adoption system. The system in place, the American foster care and adoption system, is legal, as it was setup by Congress. It needs to be de-funded and dismantled, which is no easy task given that the system employs hundreds of thousands of people, and brings in billions of dollars of revenue to the states. Each state has a quota of how many children must be put into foster care to receive federal funding, and keep the system alive. The process of how children are taken out of their families and put into the system, however, is seldom, if ever, legal. And this is the part of the system Attorney Reguli is exposing in Tennessee. It is a system that kidnaps children, and trafficks them.

Tennessee CPS Attorney Connie Reguli Arrested for Defending A Mother’s Constitutional Rights to Due Process

Attorney Connie Reguli turned herself into authorities in Brentwood, Tennessee today (July 17, 2019) after learning that there was a warrant out for her arrest. She was released the same day without bail, on her own recognizance. Attorney Connie Reguli is well-known to the readers of Health Impact News and our website. She is the head of the LawCare Family Law Center in Tennessee, and also the founder of the Family Forward Project, which advocates for the rights of parents and children nationwide on matters related to abuses in Child Protective Services and Foster Care. She is a frequent speaker nationally, and educates legislators on matters related to family law and child welfare. She has been practicing law defending the Constitutional rights of parents for over 25 years. Yesterday she received a phone call informing her that there was a warrant out for her arrest, encouraging her to turn herself in rather than having police come in to storm her office or home to arrest her. Attorney Reguli states that she has: "never broken the law and never been arrested for nothing. I am 67 years old, I've never had a DUI... never had a single criminal charge. And here we are because I tried to get a parent due process, which means notice and opportunity to be heard. I am now going to be criminally charged for that." At a recent legislative session in Tennessee before a committee that provides oversight for Tennessee's Department of Children Services (DCS) Attorney Reguli says: "I told them that this system is so broken, and that parents' rights are being violated, that nobody will stand up for them. There's no oversight, there's nobody looking over their shoulder. I've been an attorney for 25 years. I know the law. I know what Constitutional rights are for parents, and I have been a thorn in their side."

Child Abuse Pediatricians Destroying Families by Diagnosing “Abuse” When Medical Condition is Rickets

The method of diagnosing rickets in infants has been proven to be incorrect, yet it is still considered the standard practice used by child abuse pediatricians to diagnose abuse in infants and children with blatant disregard for laboratory testing showing a vitamin D deficiency or other metabolic bone disease. The diagnosis of rickets in infants is left solely on a radiologist, despite blood tests showing deficiency, insufficiency, and efficient vitamin D levels. The American Academy of Pediatrics: Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect (AAPCCAN) has issued guidelines for the evaluation of children with multiple unexplained fractures, concluding they are almost always due to abuse. However, common sense questions still need answering: Why would abusive parents repeatedly seek medical care for the infant they abused? Why would chest trauma severe enough to fracture ribs not also results in lung damage? Why wouldn’t blunt chest trauma cause some inwardly angulated rib fractures instead of all perfectly aligned fracture ends? Wouldn’t parents who beat their infant severely enough to cause multiple fractures show evidence of psychopathology? Do infants who are beaten severely enough to cause multiple fractures show fear in the presence of the abuser? How often do the eyewitnesses to parental/infant interactions report the parents were concerned and loving parents?