Truckers Block Windsor-Detroit Border as Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe Announces End of Vaccine Mandates

The Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy entered its 11th day today, as two border crossings from Canada to the U.S. were closed down by protesters. Rebel News is reporting that the Alberta - Montana border at Coutts has been closed again, this time by farmers. The border crossing in Alberta was not the only border closed down overnight, however, as the bridge between Windsor and Detroit was also blocked and shut down. Ian Miles Cheong of Rebel News reports: "The Ambassador Bridge that connects Windsor, Ontario to Detroit, Michigan has been completely blockaded by a convoy of trucks protesting the COVID-19 vaccine mandates, which remains ongoing in Canada’s capital city of Ottawa. Efforts by the Freedom Convoy further in the north spilled over to the border crossing, the largest international suspension bridge and a major transportation artery between the United States and Canada as protesters blocked traffic on Monday evening. Speaking to the Detroit Free Press, Gregg Ward, the president of Detroit-Windsor Truck Ferry said that the bridge closing is unprecedented and that the last time the bridge closed for a protest was in 1990." Meanwhile, back in Alberta, Pastor Artur Pawlowski was arrested, again, as he tried to join the protesters in Coutts. Rebel News is reporting that he was arrested by an undercover SWAT team that had staked out his home in Calgary. In Saskatchewan, Premier Scott Moe announced today that all proof of vaccine mandates in Saskatchewan will end this coming Sunday. He did not reference the Truckers Convoy, but instead used the excuse that the COVID-19 vaccines were "not effective" in stopping transmission of the current variant, Omicron, and that therefore the mandates are no longer needed. Since he erroneously stated that the vaccines were effective for past variants of COVID-19, he obviously left the door open to issue mandates again in the future, and of course never mentioned just how deadly these shots are, especially for children. In fact, his Chief Medical Health Officer, Dr. Saqib Shahab, followed his remarks by encouraging children to get one of the deadly shots. However, Premier Scott Moe said it was "time to heal" and time for people in Saskatchewan to come together and stop judging their neighbors and others in their community for having differences of opinion on the wearing of masks and getting vaccines. Will this announcement now pave the way for the rest of the Canadian Government to end vaccine mandates while still "saving face" and not referencing the Trucker Convoy protests?

6-Year-Old Minnesota Boy Develops Myocarditis And Becomes Severely Injured After Receiving Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

A six-year-old boy from Minnesota has suffered life-threatening injuries after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, reports Alpha News. Milo Edberg, who was alert and walking in early December before he got the COVID shot, is now confined to a hospital bed after he was diagnosed with myocarditis. On December 10th, Milo received the Pfizer vaccine and suffered breathing difficulties shortly afterward. He was hospitalized two days later at Masonic Children’s Hospital where he was intubated and diagnosed with myocarditis. He remained intubated for a month and a half and is still in the hospital nearly two months later. Milo can’t sit up on his own and is unable to even swallow his own saliva. His mother, Carrie, told Alpha News: “He was perfectly fine and then he wasn’t.” Milo’s life has never been easy. He was born a micro-preemie at just 23 weeks and has battled chronic lung disease his entire life. Despite his struggles, he learned to walk and his mother said he was alert and expressive in early December when a doctor at M Health Fairview’s Masonic Children’s Hospital decided that he needed the COVID-19 vaccine. Milo’s mother said she didn’t want her son to get the shot as only three Minnesota children under the age of 10 have died of the virus since the pandemic began two years ago — yet his doctor said that he was at special risk of having a “severe case”. Ultimately, Carrie abided by the doctor’s recommendation after being told that the shot was ‘safe and harmless’. “I went against my gut and said OK, do it. Unfortunately, you can’t go back in time."

The Truckers vs The Canadian Government: Be Prepared for What’s Coming Next

As we head into the second week of the Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy, the news from those on the ground is that the Government is about to bring in riot police to Ottawa and start arresting people, treating them as "terrorists," rather than negotiating with the protesters. Several former Canadian police have also voiced their opinions about the current tactics the government is using against the protesters, and one of them is Danny Bulford, a former tactical officer with the Canadian Police who was previously assigned to guard Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. He states that these arrests are not lawful, but a "scare tactic to coerce people into submission." He encourages the protesters to "hold the line."

In Second Weekend Trucker Convoy Spreads to Other Canadian Cities as Ottawa Declares State of Emergency

The Canadian Truck Convoy entered its second week this weekend as protests spread to the other major Canadian cities, including Toronto, Quebec, Edmonton, Winnipeg, among others. Earlier today, Sunday, February 6th, Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson declared a "state of emergency" in Ottawa which apparently gives police in Ottawa the authority to arrest people trying to bring food and fuel to the truckers. Things don't appear to be winding down yet in Canada, but in fact spreading. And yet Canadian officials could end all of this in less than a day by simply ending the COVID Vaccine Mandates.

Double-Vaccinated 20-Year-Old Florida Model Develops Myocarditis, Suffers Heart Attack And Has Both Legs Amputated

A previously healthy model from Florida has been in hospital fighting for her life after suffering a heart attack earlier this month (January, 2022). Claire Bridges, 20-years-old, was admitted to Tampa General Hospital on January 16th with severe leg pain and was diagnosed with myocarditis, rhabdomyolysis, mild pneumonia, cyanotic and acidosis. A few hours after being admitted, her heart stopped. Two weeks ago, Claire’s health rapidly deteriorated when her heart and other organs were impacted. She was quickly put in ICU on life support. Her father, Wayne, said about the ordeal: “She has been through so much with this. The last two weeks have felt like two months.” Wayne received a call from the ICU doctor saying CPR was being administrated because his daughter’s heart had stopped. Over the span of an hour and a half, the 20-year-old had to be revived two more times. Doctors and surgeons worked together to come up with the next course of action for her heart and other organs. The next morning, she was placed on a Tandem Heart and additional life support. And only a few hours later, she was placed on continuous dialysis because of her failing kidneys. While all of this was going on, pressure was building in her legs, not allowing blood to flow. Ultimately, it was decided the damage to her legs was too severe and irreversible — they needed to be amputated. Both her legs were surgically removed on Friday.

Comedian Collapses on Stage During Joke: “I’m vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted, and Jesus loves me most”

Pro-COVID-19 vaccine fanatics who criticize or mock in public those who refuse the COVID injections continue to experience the principle found in the Bible that states "you reap what you sow" or what others refer to as "karma" as they are struck down dead or injured, sometimes in full view of the public. TMZ is reporting today that Comedian Heather McDonald, the former "Chelsea Lately" star, was headlining a sold-out show in Tempe, Arizona, when she collapsed on stage during her second joke. "Comedian Heather McDonald fell hard during a show in Tempe, Arizona, but it was no joke ... it was a medical emergency. Eyewitnesses tell TMZ ... the former Chelsea Lately star was headlining the sold-out show, when she delivered her second joke ... 'I'm vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted ... and flu shot and shingle shot and haven't gotten COVID and Jesus loves me most.' As soon as she delivered the joke, she just collapsed and hit her head on the floor. Everyone thought at first it was all part of the act, but it was not. She was conscious, but clearly, all was not well. An EMT and a nurse happened to be in the audience ... they rushed up on stage to provide first aid. The 911 call came in as a seizure, but no one really knows yet. An ambulance came and paramedics tended to Heather."

Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy Day 7: GoFundMe Shuts Down $9 MILLION Fundraising Page

The Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy has now spread to other cities in Canada and around the world, besides Ottawa, and officials are preparing for more crowds this weekend. The big news today is that GoFundMe has been pressured by Canadian officials to seize more than $9 million collected for the Truckers.

Life Insurance Companies Suffered while the Funeral Industry Prospered in 2021 After COVID Vaccines were Rolled Out

Year 2021 will go down in history as the "Year of the COVID-19 Vaccines" as life insurance claims skyrocketed, and the funeral industry prospered, as about 400,000 excess deaths occurred with the roll out of the COVID-19 vaccines. Scott Davison, the CEO of OneAmerica, a $100 billion insurance company based out of Indiana, was the first one to report the excess in number of death claims in 2021 last month (January, 2021). Earlier this week, Mike Adams from Natural News reported on news out of Holland where Dutch insurer Aegon revealed its third quarter 2021 life insurance payouts skyrocketed 258% compared to third quarter 2020 payouts. Today, February 4, 2021, ZeroHedge News published an article with an analysis of both the Life Insurance and Funeral Industry in 2021 by a former Blackrock fund manager. "Long funeral homes short life insurance. Not investment advice but illustrates my point. One industry is growing the other is not."

38,983 Deaths and 3,530,362 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database as Mass Funeral for Children who Died After Pfizer Vaccine Held in Switzerland

The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 38,983 fatalities, and 3,530,362 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots. From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,672,872 ) are serious injuries. On January 29, 2021 a mass funeral protest for children who have died after receiving a Pfizer vaccine was held in Geneva, Switzerland. Someone recorded the event and made a short video.

Occupy Ottawa Day 6: Truckers at Alberta-Montana Border Decide to Relocate their Protest to Edmonton at Premier Jason Kenney’s Place

The Trucker Freedom Convoy in Ottawa, Canada entered its 6th day today, as rumors spread that the Ontario Government might call in the military this weekend as crowds are expected to swell. Meanwhile, Rebel News is reporting that the standoff at the Alberta-Montana border is ending, and that the protesters, which include not only Truckers now but also farmers driving heavy farm equipment, are relocating to Edmonton, Alberta, at the home of Premier Jason Kenney.