Former FDA Commissioner and Current Pfizer Board Member Scott Gottlieb Admits Not Enough Children Under 5 Have COVID to Test Vaccine

Scott Gottlieb is the poster boy for everything that is wrong with America today. He was the top dog at the FDA being appointed as its Commissioner from May 11, 2017 to April 5, 2019 before joining the Board of Directors of Pfizer. This morning CNBC interviewed him to explain why the FDA decided to delay approving Pfizer's COVID-19 shots for children between the ages of 6 months and 4 years old. Gottlieb was NOT interviewed as a guest, but as a "CNBC contributor," which means he also works for the corporate media. When you look at the government statistics regarding the COVID-19 "vaccines" which clearly show that these products are maiming and killing millions of people, and yet the corporate media never publishes these statistics that the government has, and the government health agencies never take action to stop these crimes, you can look to Americans like Scott Gottlieb to understand why nothing ever happens to bring these criminals to justice. While in past years it was Big Oil that fueled the Wall Street Billionaires and Central Banks which allowed them to totally control all aspects of America life, today it is clearly Big Pharma. Big Pharma, especially since COVID and President Donald Trump's Operation Warp Speed that robbed what was remaining of America's wealth and handed it over to his buddies on Wall Street, now controls all aspects of American life, including the corporate media, the government health agencies, the politicians at the national level, and the U.S. Military along with their various intelligence agencies. So what did the Big Pharma mouthpiece Scott Gottlieb say this morning to explain the FDA's delay in approving his company's COVID-19 vaccines for young children? He said there were not enough children that young who were sick with COVID-19 to be able to complete the studies. The woman at CNBC interviewing Gottlieb stated that she had talked to people over the weekend that questioned whether or not children that young actually needed the vaccine, but Gottlieb assured her, and Pfizer's investors, that the 400 alleged deaths from COVID over the past 2 years in this age group, and the difficulty they were having in finding children that young infected with COVID-19, was not going to stop them from rolling out this shot for babies and toddlers.

3,573 Fetal Deaths in VAERS Following COVID-19 Vaccines – 1,867% Increase Over Non-COVID Vaccines

The most recent update of the U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database shows that there have now been 3,573 fetal deaths following COVID-19 vaccines. Using the exact same search parameters for all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30+ years before the COVID-19 vaccines were given emergency use authorization in December of 2020, we find 2,519 fetal deaths, the vast majority of which followed vaccines produced by Merck. Here are the yearly averages: 82 fetal deaths per year following non-COVID vaccines - 3063 fetal deaths per year following COVID-19 vaccines. To get a more accurate percentage of how many more fetal deaths are following the COVID-19 vaccines than all other FDA approved vaccines, we have to also factor in the number of doses administered. The U.S. Government's Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) complies data on the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, and a report that they published on 12/01/2021 shows that there were over 4 billion (4,092,757,049) doses of vaccines administered in the United States between 1/01/2006 through 12/31/2019, a year before the COVID-19 vaccines were given emergency use authorizations. Using that date range I repeated the exact same search for fetal deaths recorded in VAERS during that time, and VAERS reports 1,369 deaths from among those 4 billion+ doses administered between 1/01/2006 through 12/31/2019. The CDC reported this past week that there have been 543 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered as of February 3, 2022. So from 2006 through 2019, there was 1 fetal death recorded in VAERS for every 2,989,596 doses of vaccines administered. From December, 2020 through February 4, 2022, there has been 1 fetal death recorded in VAERS for ever 151,973 doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered. That's a 1,867% increase of fetal deaths recorded in VAERS following COVID-19 vaccines. I've run out of superlatives to use in the English language to describe this. Here are two recent stories from young mothers who lost their unborn babies just after receiving a second COVID-19 vaccine. Perhaps their words and their experiences, which obviously represent, at least, many thousands of others, can better communicate just how truly horrible this is.

Did Recent Court Rulings Force the FDA to Delay Approving Pfizer’s COVID Shots for Infants?

Operation Warp Speed has hit its first bump in the road. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced yesterday that it was delaying approval of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccines for young children between the ages of 6 months and 4 years old. Since up until this point the FDA has illegally approved all other Pfizer COVID-19 "vaccines" by simply rubber-stamping Pfizer's own data which is hidden from the public, the question that begs to be answered is, why? Pfizer has worked hard to hide the clinical data from their trials from the public, but recent court rulings have not exactly gone their way. The FDA had originally asked the court to delay releasing their clinical data for 75 years, but then agreed to provide 500 pages per month. In late January, Attorney Aaron Siri reported that a federal judge shot down the FDA’s requested rate of 500 pages per month and instead ordered the FDA to produce at the rate of 55,000 pages per month starting on March 1. Siri also reported that Pfizer was joining the FDA in the case. And why not, since the FDA basically works for Pfizer? Last week, the judge in this case, U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman, denied Pfizer's request (for now) to join the case. The next day, Pfizer redlined changes in their 4th quarter earnings release from 2021, adding language warnings that 'Unfavorable Pre-Clinical, Clinical Or Safety Data' may impact business in 2022. It's too bad for Pfizer that Donald Trump is no longer president, because he could have intervened to help Pfizer get their shots out to those 18 million children by strong-arming the FDA, like he originally did back in December 2020 when he threatened the FDA head, Dr. Stephen Hahn, to approve the COVID-19 shots or be fired.

Where are All the Migrant Children Coming Across the Border Going?

After months of delay, the Department of Homeland Security replied late last month to a Congressional demand for information about the number of illegal migrants the department has flown from border towns to communities around the country. In 2021, it said, 71,617 were dropped off in nearly 20 cities including locales as far from the Mexican border as Atlanta, Chicago, New York and Philadelphia. Immigration experts critical of the Biden administration’s permissive immigration policies believe those numbers are incomplete, especially regarding the most vulnerable migrants, those under 18, whom DHS classifies as "unaccompanied children." The agency says some 40,000 of the total transported are such minors, but that number is only a fraction of the 147,000 "encounters" the agency reports having with unaccompanied migrant children at the southern border between January and October 2021. Paramount among the questions raised by the transports is what happens to the unaccompanied children once they leave the airport?  The major cities DHS lists, the experts say, are probably simply way stations rather than final destinations. “Everyone wants to know where they’re going, but nobody knows,” said Todd Bensman, a national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington-based think tank. “Well, somebody knows,” he adds. “The government knows. But they are being as opaque and ‘darkened-windows’ as they can be about the entire matter.” The difficulty of getting answers from the Biden administration is frustrating many state and local officials who say that tracking the thousands of illegal immigrants apparently melting into their communities is a maddening endeavor. “The Biden administration is running a clandestine, covert, middle-of-the-night, special ops mission using the same tradecraft the military does in operations against foreign enemies,” said Larry Keefe, a senior policy adviser to Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis. “We don’t know what’s going on because the states are not designed to mount intelligence-gathering operations against our own government.”

Canadian Government is Getting Desperate as Ontario Premier Doug Ford Declares State of Emergency over Trucker Blockades

Major border entries from Canada to the U.S. remain closed today, Friday, February 11th, as the Canadian Government appears to be reaching a point of desperation in their efforts to shut down the Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy, as today Ontario Premier Doug Ford declared a state of emergency in Ontario, with yet more threats made against the protesters who seem to have become immune to the government's scare tactics. Announcing the stiffest penalties yet, Doug Ford has threatened the protesters with fines up to $100,000 and a year in prison if they don't stop the blockades.  Canadians, however, seem unfazed, fully understanding that they are indeed in control, and that the government does not have the resources to tow away their trucks nor arrest them all. 

Trucker Freedom Convoy Now up Against Both Canadian and U.S. Government as They Try to Seize Funds on New Platform

The Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy continues on as the largest border between the U.S. and Canada remains closed, and the Biden Administration is reported to be getting involved now with Homeland Security, as hundreds of millions of dollars are reportedly being lost every day while the Ambassador Bridge remains closed.

Who You Allow to Define “Sickness” Determines if You Live in Slavery, or Freedom

In the mornings I listen to a "Christian Radio" station that plays uplifting and encouraging music to start my day. I listen for the music, but invariably these "Christian" radio stations feel the need to also feature speakers, usually "pastors," who share short little stories or messages played between songs that are supposed to represent Biblical teaching. Yesterday, the following story was shared on this particular station (I could not find this story in written format anywhere, so I am recalling this from memory and it may not be 100% accurate.). "A young mother was recently diagnosed with advanced cancer. Her doctors gave her two choices. One, she could go to a place like Acapulco and live out her remaining few days in comfortable surroundings. Or alternatively, she could undergo chemotherapy which would extend her life by about 5 years, but she would live in constant agony and suffering during those 5 years from the effects of chemotherapy. The young mother made the tough decision to go through with chemotherapy so she could extend her life by 5 years, because she said that she wanted to spend as much time as possible with her children, so that if they needed her, she would be there for them." The reason that this story was broadcast on a Christian radio show, is obviously because in Christianity today, choosing to make sacrifices for the sake of your family is considered very noble, and because Christians have a very high regard of the medical system, and doctors, whom Christians are taught are to be obeyed. Her choice was obviously being broadcast to communicate that she chose the most moral, and noble option available to her, the "Christian" thing to do. Well I am here today to tell you that she made the wrong choice, and that her choice was neither moral, nor noble. First of all, given only those two options, the better choice would probably have been to pack up the whole family, put life on hold for a while, and head to a beautiful place like Acapulco in Mexico with warm, sunny days by the ocean. Being in such a relaxing and restful atmosphere with her loved ones might have literally cured her cancer without pharmaceutical products. But most of all, her choice was the wrong one because she chose to obey her doctors, and accept their diagnosis of her alleged "sickness" and their prescribed treatments, which only provided two options, as if there were no others available. Who is missing in this story? God. Did God diagnose this young mother as "sick" according to how the Bible defines "sickness"? Were her options really only the two options her doctors gave to her? How you view the definition of "sickness" and who you view as the authority in diagnosing someone as "sick," determines if you are living a life of slavery to medical "authorities," or you are living a life of freedom, where "sickness" has no power over you, because you do not fear it.

Bank Of Canada Warns “Very Distressing” Bridge Blockade Could Impact Economy

At least one hundred protesters and dozens of vehicles blocked traffic between the busiest commercial crossing between the U.S. and Canada, the Ambassador Bridge, for the third day on Wednesday as some truckers have been given orders to re-route deliveries hundreds of miles to avoid logjams. "Problems for motorists heading toward the U.S. border continue. The Ambassador Bridge between Windsor and Detroit remains closed," according to CityNews Toronto's traffic reporter Kyle Hocking. Bank of Canada (BoC) Governor Tiff Macklem explained this afternoon that the Ambassador Bridge blockade is very distressing and could impact the economy. He said the disruption at the busiest commercial crossing between the U.S. and Canada could further strain supply chains.

California Lawmakers Fast-Tracking Child Health Bills to Erode Parental Rights

California lawmakers have chosen to fast-track several key child health bills that will further erode parental rights and infringe on parents’ ability to maintain medical freedom. Specifically, three fast-tracked bills involve forced COVID-19 vaccinations for children for school enrollment, and another allowing minor children to make their own vaccine decisions away from a parent. A third bill requires health care staff to complete cultural humility training to provide trans-inclusive health care. The Globe spoke with Karen England, Executive Director of the Capitol Resource Institute (CRI), a pro-family public policy organization educating, equipping, and engaging California citizens for 34 years. England shared her grave concerns about the bills, as well as the legislative processes being circumvented. “California has become like a co-parent in a divorce,” England said. “Government is the parent with custody and we are the visiting parent which has little say in important decisions. They think parents are the enemy and the barrier for what government wants to do.”

The Sick and Twisted Culture of Disney and ABC

Project Veritas released a recording of ABC anchor Amy Robach’s hot mic on how that network spiked and killed the Jeffrey Epstein story. She specifically mentions the “palace” (British Royals) as being behind the killing of the story. Question: Who, precisely, in the Disney-ABC complex made the decision to kill it? We want names. Come out from underneath your slimy rocks. Disney Chairman Richard Cook took trips on Epstein’s jet, dubbed the “Lolita Express,” which scuttled guests to Epstein’s pedo-island paradise. Then he was appointed to chairman. Increasingly, Disney has been using their cartoons and shows to sexualize young children. Indeed, Disney Pixar’s John Lasseter took leave amid harassment scandals. Recently, unsealed Epstein documents revealed that victim Virginia Roberts-Giuffre had named, among others, Sen. George Mitchell (D-Maine) as one of her rapists. Mitchell served as chairman of Walt Disney Company from March 2004 until January 2007. Director of music publishing at Disney, Jon Heely, was arrested on three counts of lewd and lascivious acts on a child and is accused of abusing two underage girls. Disney V.P. Michael Laney was convicted of sexually abusing a 7-year-old girl. He was sentenced to more than six years in prison.