1000% Increase in Vaccine Deaths and Injuries Following Pfizer COVID-19 EUA Vaccine for 5 to 11 Year Olds

Pfizer announced this week that they were asking the FDA to issue an emergency use authorization (EUA) for a "booster" COVID-19 vaccine for children between the ages of 5 and 11. The FDA issued an EUA for the first Pfizer COVID-19 shots for this age group of children in October of 2021. At the time, a doctor on the FDA Advisory Committee deliberating on whether or not an EUA should be given for this age group, stated that the only way to find out if the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines were safe for this age group was to start injecting them with it. “We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it, and that’s just the way it goes.” So far over 10,000 cases have been filed to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) of deaths and injuries among children in this age group following the experimental COVID-19 vaccines. By way of contrast, there have been 939 cases of vaccine adverse events during this same time period for all of the FDA approved vaccines for children in this age group. That means there has been an increase of over 1000% of vaccine injuries and deaths for this age group following the COVID-19 vaccines.

Fauci Praises China’s Lockdown in Shanghai: “You Use Lockdowns to Get People Vaccinated”

Appearing on MSNBC Wednesday, Anthony Fauci let the truth about lockdowns slip… that they are theatre designed to scare people into getting vaccinated. When asked by host Andrea Mitchell about the unfolding lockdown hellscape in China, Fauci actually praised the Communist government’s actions. Fauci stated “China has a number of problems, two of which are that the complete lockdown, which was their approach, a strictest lockdown you’d never be able to implement in the United States. Although that prevents the spread of infection, I remember early on they were saying, and I think accurately, they were doing better than anyone else.” Then came the kicker as Fauci declared “You use lockdowns to get people vaccinated so that when you open up, you won’t have a surge of infections.”

Shanghai Descends into Chaos as Taiwan Military Distributes Survival Handbook to Citizens in Preparation for China Invasion

Reports coming out of Shanghai show riots now breaking out among desperate people fighting back against police forcing people into quarantine concentration camps, and horrible side effects from the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines where people are reportedly dropping dead soon after the shots. In nearby Taiwan, the military is taking unprecedented measures by distributing a 28-page public emergency handbook to prepare their citizens to handle an imminent Chinese invasion. Shanghai is China's largest city and largest port, and what happens there affects the rest of the world, especially in regards to the collapsing supply chain. What is happening in Shanghai should be a wake up call to everyone to start preparing for what is coming next. Taiwan is doing this, by distributing information to people to get ready and prepare, but people in the U.S. seem to be distracted by an overflow of information right now, and if you don't focus on preparing for something on the scale of what is happening in Shanghai, it could literally cost you your life.

The Bird Flu Hoax is being Recycled Again to Create Fear and More Profits for Big Pharma

The "Bird Flu Pandemic" scare has been employed to create fear in the public from time to time and to use as an excuse to attack small-scale poultry farmers who raise their chickens and turkeys outdoors on pasture, rather than in confined huge warehouses that the commercial industry operates. President George W. Bush was the first one to declare a "Bird Flu Pandemic" back in 2006, with apocalyptic warnings of imminent danger that kicked in massive federal funding to develop a new flu shot that incorporated this new "virus." The pandemic never came, but people made a lot of money off of it, and they went after small-scale poultry producers to protect the large commodity poultry operations from competition. They recycled the dreaded "Bird Flu Pandemic" again in 2015 during the Obama administration, and again began destroying poultry, especially in Iowa, the state that produces the most eggs. This announcement of a "pandemic" allowed them to take certain measures and create fear among the public, but once again, nothing really came of it, other than the fact that some poultry operations lost a lot of money, while the vaccine manufacturers profited. So here we are now in 2022, fresh off the biggest and most successful "pandemic" in the history of the world, COVID-19, which has created tremendous wealth for the pharmaceutical industry while destroying many lives and economies of the working class, with another announced "Bird Flu Pandemic" to create more fear and earn more profits for Big Pharma, and to again target small-scale producers as part of the Great Reset the Globalists are implementing to move as many people as possible off of a meat diet to a plant-based diet all in the name of "saving the planet." Former CDC Director under Donald Trump, Robert Redfield, has announced that this new "pandemic," which has yet to happen, will be far worse than COVID, proving once again that all these "pandemics" are first hatched in the minds of the Globalists and then announced prior to them happening as if they have the gift of prophecy. But just like COVID, it is all hype and fear with little-to-no substance, and this one is an old one that is being recycled. There is virtually no evidence that an avian flu can be spread to humans and the CDC actually admits this (for now).

Oregon Father of Little Girl Medically Kidnapped over Medical Marijuana in 2017 Killed during Road Rage Incident

It is with a broken heart that I write to share the news of the tragic passing of Cody Stanphill-Kiser. He was killed on April 1st, 2022, during a horrific road rage incident in Caldwell, Idaho.  I met Cody, and his girlfriend Kitrina, in a Walmart parking lot in Ontario, Oregon.  Kitrina’s daughter, Kaylynn, had just been medically kidnapped through a "Safety Plan."  The Bring Kaylynn Home case is one of the most successful cases I have ever had the honor to work. I consistently point to it as a perfect example of what to do when you are fighting CPS corruption.  Both parents fired their public defenders shortly after Kaylynn was taken because they were told to just do what CPS says, and both represented themselves beautifully. They took immediately to using our method of applying the law, constitution, courts and public scrutiny for fighting back. And because of their dedication to Kaylynn - they quickly won. Cody was a passionate, courageous man, who fought a corrupt system tooth and nail for a child that wasn’t even biologically his own. He was an amazing father to both Kaylynn & her baby sister Kassandra. He was a wonderful man who did not deserve such a tragic end to his short life. 

Horrific Details Emerge on Arizona Foster Care Pedophile Trafficking Ring where Children Were Raped and Sodomized

We have exposed the deep corruption in the State of Arizona for years now, where historically they have a higher percentage of children taken away from their families and put into the foster care system than any other state in the U.S., as a state that is deeply entrenched in the child trafficking network with corruption reaching the highest levels of government. Statistics from 2015 showed that one out of every 100 children in the State of Arizona was in foster care. One of the most horrific stories we have covered from the State of Arizona was the case of the little girl named Devani, who was taken away from her mother against her will, and put into a foster care home in Sierra Vista with David Frodsham, who was running a pedophile pornographic and child sex trafficking ring. David Frodsham worked with the U.S. military at Fort Huachuca in Arizona, and had previously worked in Afghanistan as a "top civilian commander," but was kicked out of the country for sexual misconduct. His commanding officer wrote: “I would not recommend placing him back into a position of authority but rather pursuing disciplinary actions at his home station.” Nothing happened, however, and he continued as a licensed foster parent in the State of Arizona, where according to the lawsuit brought against him he repeatedly raped little Devani. He was convicted and is now behind bars. Little Devani was not returned to her family, however, but put into another foster home in Arizona, where the foster mother burned 80% of her body with scalding water resulting in the loss of her toes. Earlier this month (April, 2022), Michael Rezendes, writing for the Associated Press, provided new details of this child sex trafficking ring operating through the Arizona Foster Care system, as two adopted sons of David Frodsham have come forward to file lawsuits for the years they were sexually abused. There is no way that something as horrible as this could be allowed to exist without participation in almost every level of government within the State of Arizona. From social workers, to judges, to politicians and law enforcement, everyone has to either be complicit or too afraid to expose the corruption, in order for something like this to exist. And it includes religious and private businesses as well, benefiting from the lucrative child trafficking system funded through foster care and adoption services.

Newly Revealed Document Shows Pfizer Needed to Hire an Additional 1800 Employees to Process Adverse Reactions to Their COVID-19 Vaccine

Pfizer hired 600 employees in the months after its COVID-19 vaccine was authorized in the United States due to the “large increase” of reports of side effects linked to the vaccine, according to a document prepared by the company. Pfizer has “taken a multiple actions to help alleviate the large increase of adverse event reports,” according to the document. “This includes significant technology enhancements, and process and workflow solutions, as well as increasing the number of data entry and case processing colleagues.” At the time when the document—from the first quarter of 2021—was sent to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Pfizer had onboarded about 600 extra full-time workers to deal with the jump. “More are joining each month with an expected total of more than 1,800 additional resources by the end of June 2021,” Pfizer said. The document was titled a “cumulative analysis of post-authorization adverse event reports” of Pfizer’s vaccine received through Feb. 28, 2021. It was approved by the FDA on April 30, 2021. The document was not made public until the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency sued the FDA after the agency claimed it needed decades to produce all the documents relating to the emergency use authorization granted to the company for the vaccine.

Protests, Looting, Pets Destroyed and Mass Suicides in Shanghai China as People Starve During Lockdowns

As everyone watches the current show in the theater called "Ukraine" today, thousands of people are committing suicide in Shanghai, China, as its 25 million residents continue to be locked down and many of them reportedly starving because they cannot get food. Protests and looting have reportedly started, and horrible images are appearing of people jumping to their deaths from buildings while others hang themselves. Dogs and cats are being murdered on the streets. And this is Shanghai! I have spent time in Shanghai in the past, and it is the most modern city in China. It's financial and shopping district would rival Manhattan in New York, the Magnificent Mile in Chicago, or Beverly Hills in Los Angeles. If this can happen in Shanghai, it can happen anywhere. Words cannot describe what I have watched today from reports coming out from people on the ground there, so I have created a short video montage that will communicate what is going on in Shanghai right now, better than anything I can write. This is VERY GRAPHIC! It will disturb you. I cry like a baby every time I watch these clips. But the Big Tech social media platforms are censoring much of this, and I am not seeing much of this at all in either the corporate media nor the alternative media. But it should be headline news everywhere right now!

4,023 Fetal Deaths Now Recorded in VAERS Following COVID-19 Vaccines as US Appeals Court Reinstates Vaccine Mandate for Federal Workers

The U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) was updated yesterday (April 8, 2022) and another 100+ cases were added this past week where an unborn child died after their mother received a COVID-19 vaccine, bringing the total now to 4,023 fetal deaths following COVID-19 vaccines for the past 16 months. By way of contrast, there were 2,238 recorded deaths of unborn babies in VAERS for the 30 years (360 months) prior to the authorizations of the COVID-19 vaccines in December of 2020, following all FDA-approved vaccines combined during that time period. So just by comparing the flu shots for the previous 30 years (360 months) to the COVID-19 shots for the past 16 months, we get an average of 1.5 fetal deaths a month following the flu shots, and an average of 251 fetal deaths a month following the COVID-19 vaccines. That's a 16,633% percent increase in fetal deaths following COVID-19 vaccines as compared to annual influenza vaccines. And yet the CDC and FDA continue to recommend the COVID-19 vaccines for pregnant women. In fact, the FDA is planning on modeling the COVID-19 vaccines after the flu vaccines, so they can keep injecting people every year with these COVID-19 shots. And earlier this week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit overturned a block on the Biden Administration's COVID-19 vaccine mandate for federal workers. This action will potentially cause more harm from these experimental vaccines that are killing and crippling so many people, including unborn babies, for people desperate to stay employed.

Contamination of U.S. Food Supply Worsens as 50% of Foods Tested Contained Cancer-Causing Glyphosate Herbicide

The Detox Project recently published their latest results from the most comprehensive glyphosate testing of food products ever conducted in the U.S., showing that the contamination of the U.S. food supply with the cancer-causing herbicide glyphosate is becoming significantly worse since their first report published 5 years ago. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the world's most heavily used herbicide, Roundup. So even though it has widely been shown that glyphosate is linked to higher rates of cancer, getting it out of the food supply is no easy task. What is particularly concerning is that even foods labeled as being "USDA Organic" or labeled as free from GMO contamination, also test positive for the presence of glyphosate. Many people, for example, choose gluten free alternatives to wheat, thinking that it is a healthy choice, but the grains, nuts, and seeds that make up most gluten free products are heavily contaminated with glyphosate as well. My own company, Healthy Traditions, began testing all of the food we sell for the presence of glyphosate back in 2014, when we did our own testing and investigation and found that most of our certified organic grains that we were selling at the time were contaminated with glyphosate. We were shocked to learn that the National Organic Program for USDA certification allows for smaller amounts of glyphosate to be present even in foods certified organic. So we mostly abandoned the USDA Organic program, and started testing all of our food ourselves, practicing strict batch control so that we could trace each batch back to the producer. We now do our own testing for glyphosate, and also for GMOs, as many foods advertised as being free from GMOs, also contain small amounts of GMO DNA, especially American corn.