Revealed: The Israel Lobbyists Writing America’s News

MintPress News recently published an excellent investigative report about how the Israeli lobby controls the U.S. media. I am republishing it here. Here is a short video clip posted on X by Dillon Hosier of the Israeli-American Advocacy Organization who admits that they have put up an "Iron Dome for Israel" in the United States where they monitor "every elected official at every level of government" in the entire U.S. and then monitor them to "stop them" if they don't support Israel.

The Bewitching of America with the Evil Eye and the Mark of the Beast

While anyone is free to read this article, I want to make it clear in the beginning just who my intended audience is for this article. This article is written to the true saints of The Faith, who do not worship idols, but are faithfully waiting for Jesus to come back and judge this world, and the ruler of this world. The purpose of this article is to explain, from the Holy Scriptures, just how it could be that so many Americans who are citizens of the United States of America, are now siding with the pedophiles and evil people who run this country, while at the same time claiming to serve God and remaining active in their churches, as they rejoice in their newly elected King of America, Donald Trump. The truth is that America is fulfilling its destiny, and that most people in America are now under a "bewitchment", a spell that has been cast upon them, the spell of the "evil eye", as they welcome the mark of the beast as prophesied in the last book of the Bible, Revelation.

Trouble in MAGA Land? Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims Taxpayer Funds Used to Silence Victims of Sexual Abuse so “Epstein files, tapes, recordings, witness interviews” Never See the Light of Day

In one of my editions of SWAMP WATCH last week, I reported that Florida Representative Matt Gaetz was appointed to be the next U.S. Attorney General, and that he resigned from Congress the same day, which meant that an ethics report regarding his sexual conduct with minors that was due to be published in the House would no longer be published, because he resigned from Congress. Gaetz was also previously being investigated by the Department of Justice for the same thing, so Gaetz, if appointed, would oversee the very agency, the DOJ, that was investigating him. I had a couple of angry MAGA people email me, claiming that Gaetz was innocent and the victim of his enemies regarding such allegations, and criticizing me for publishing this. I always find it somewhat amusing when these MAGA cult members email me in a condescending tone, claiming that they know the "truth" while I am obviously ignorant of these matters. Do they know Matt Gaetz personally? How do they know that Gaetz is innocent of these charges? The thing is though, none of these people who chastised me mentioned the fact that Gaetz resigned from the House before this ethics committee report was released. This begs the question, if he is so innocent and has nothing to hide, why didn't he let the report come out and exonerate him before resigning? If he is appointed as head of the DOJ, he won't start work until January, after all. This MAGA "reasoning" also ignores the fact that the House of Representatives is not made up of "liberal democrats" who hate Gaetz and are his enemies. The House is controlled by Republicans, most of them full on board with the MAGA agenda, including Mike Johnson, the Speaker of the House, who has said that releasing the ethics report on Gaetz after he already resigned, would set a "dangerous precedent." "Dangerous" for whom? Well, today it is being reported that Congresswoman Majorie Taylor Greene, who can hardly be labeled as an "enemy" of the MAGA movement, or even an enemy of Matt Gaetz, has joined in with other Republicans who think that not only should the ethics report on Gaetz be released, but that a whole lot of other things should be revealed to the public because "there’s other lawmakers with skeletons in their closet", and that her Republican colleagues in Congress have covered up “sexual harassment and assault claims” by paying off victims with taxpayer money.

Body Parts of Women and Children Fly Through the Air as U.S./Israeli Bombs Massacre Hundreds this Past Weekend

As the corporate and alternative media report their headline news today that Biden has now approved long-range missiles to be used inside Russia, what should be the REAL headline news is that hundreds of people, including women and children, were massacred over the weekend by U.S. and Israeli bombs in Gaza and Lebanon, and now extended into Syria as well. As I looked at all the headlines and news articles from yesterday through today about Biden's new announcement that the U.S. was now allowing Ukraine to use long-range missiles to launch attacks inside Russia, I noticed how almost all of the media, including the English Russian media, were using the term "World War" in conjunction with this announcement. And while I am not denying that this is a very dangerous policy change, my concern is that this is probably being overstated when almost all of the media is reporting almost the exact same thing, and that a potential future event that has not even happened yet is getting more press coverage than what has already happened this past weekend with the slaughter of innocent women and children in the Middle East. Ukraine forces have already been inside Russia since August, with their offensive into the Kursk region where tens of thousands of Ukrainian troops have already reportedly been killed, so authorizing missile strikes in that area to counter the alleged North Korean troop buildup there, is not headline news in my opinion, given what is currently going on with the genocide and ethnic cleansing in the Middle East which has significantly escalated since the Trump presidential victory during the past several days.

Trump on Musk: “He won’t go home! I can’t get rid of him!” – Musk Drops out of Top 20 on Diablo to #43

Since winning the national elections on November 5th, Elon Musk has been seen together with President-elect Donald Trump in most of his public appearances, leading many in the corporate media to comment about how Musk's influence over Trump seems to have grown significantly since spending millions of dollars to help get him re-elected. But an interesting article published on CNBC suggests that Musk's lingering presence at the Trump estate in Florida is annoying people among those close to Trump. Musk followed Trump to Washington D.C. last week, where he joined Trump's meeting with House Republicans, which prompted Trump to say: “Elon won’t go home. I can’t get rid of him.” It's somewhat interesting that Trump said Musk "won't go home" and not "he won't go back to work," since Musk owns several large companies such as Tesla, X, SpaceX and others. This begs the question, how does this man have so much time on his hands?? As I wrote on Election Day, Musk was on the Joe Rogan show just before the elections, where Musk revealed that he loves to play the online game called “Diablo”, which is a Spanish word that means “Devil”, and was ranked in the Top 20 WORLDWIDE for the highest scores in this game, with only one other American in the top 20. So with Musk spending so much time following Trump around everywhere for the past several days, I decided to check the leaderboard for Diablo, to see if Musk was still ranked in the Top 20 Worldwide. It turns out that Musk has dropped out of the Top 20 Worldwide, and fallen all the way down to #43 since Trump won the elections. Elon! Go home!!! Your ranking as a Top Diablo player worldwide is suffering if you don't get back to work!!

Make Israel Great Again! Zionists Preparing to Take Control of the U.S. Under President Trump

It's been difficult to determine just who President elect Donald Trump is planning to put into his administration this past week following the U.S. elections, as often rumors get spread so quickly that they are presented as true, only to find out later they were not. For example, there was a widely spread rumor that Alex Jones was going to be Trump's new Press Secretary. Alex Jones even stated publicly that he had "formally" accepted the position, that many were claiming he was offered. Candace Owens joined the joke, stating that she would even "crawl across glass" and pay his salary if Trump appointed Alex Jones as his Press Secretary. Well, it turns out this was not true, as yesterday Trump named Karoline Leavitt, who at age 27 is reported to be the youngest White House Press Secretary ever: "Leavitt entered into Trump’s world at a young age, working as an assistant press secretary for the former president during his first term—from 2017 to 2021. After President Joe Biden’s win in 2020, Leavitt went to work for US Representative Elise Stefanik, a Republican from New York." Having worked for Zionist Elise Stefanik, we can safely assume that Leavitt is also a Zionist. One of Trump's new appointees who I have not really covered yet in my SWAMP Watch series, is Pete Hegseth who has been appointed as the Secretary of Defense. I wanted to wait a bit and see if this was a joke also, because Hegseth is a news commentator for Fox News, and only served in the National Guard. How could someone with so little military experience, and apparently no political experience, run the entire military for the U.S.? Well it appears that Hegseth has the one quality that Trump and the Israel Zionist lobby require, and that is to be a hardcore Zionist. Israel apparently loves this guy, because he supports Trump in wanting to build a new temple in Jerusalem. The former Governor of South Dakota, the pro-COVID vaccine Kristi Noem, who has been appointed to the head of Homeland Security, is also a hardcore Zionist who has passed "antisemtism" legislation in her state that I am sure the pro-Israel lobby would like to become national law. Zionism, vaccines, and child sex trafficking are all part of the Zionist New World Order, and if all these appointments are actually approved by the Senate, you can be certain that WW III will quickly accelerate.

Jewish Zionist Lee Zeldin Appointed Head of EPA – Trump Administration to Continue Climate Change ESG Carbon Taxes

Lee Zeldin, a former Jewish Congressman from New York and former candidate for the Governor of New York against Kathy Hochul, has been appointed by Trump to head up the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Lee Zeldin has received millions of dollars from pro-Israel lobby groups, and endorses the genocide against Palestinians and the bombing of Iran. He has almost ZERO experience in environmental issues. However, as Whitney Webb wrote this week, the Trump administration is being heavily influenced by figures tied to carbon markets and efforts to implement dubious climate finance schemes. David Knight also covered Lee Zeldin and the Republicans' "carbon capture" grift in his show this week. With all of these Zionists filling up the Trump administration, one has to wonder if Trump is going to give Benjamin Netanyahu a position in his administration as well.

New Ancient Grain All-Purpose Flour Blends that are Glyphosate-Tested for Holiday Baking!

Back in September of this year (2024) we announced that my online store, Healthy Traditions, was now offering Ancient Grain and Heirloom Wheat All-Purpose flours, which are tested for the presence of the herbicide glyphosate, and with no other chemicals or additives added that are present in modern wheat flours that fill the shelves of grocery stores in the U.S. Now, two months later, we have come up with two new blends of these Ancient Grain All-Purpose flours; one for baking products, and one for bread recipes where the flour needs to "rise" with yeast or sourdough cultures. Our Ancient Grain All-Purpose Baking Flour is great for flat breads, short breads, crackers, biscuits, brownies, cookies, and more! This flour is a blend of Einkorn, Spelt, and Khorasan Ancient Grain all-purpose flours, which are also available as single grain all-purpose flours. Our Ancient Grain All-Purpose Bread Flour is a special blend of Khorasan, Spelt and Turkey Red Wheat flours. These Ancient and Heirloom grains are known for being great for rising with yeast and sourdough bread recipes, which are also available as single grain all-purpose flours. These Ancient Grain All-Purpose flour blends are available in sizes of 2 lbs., 5 lbs., and 25 lbs. The holiday season can be challenging for those with dietary restrictions, as people tend to allow themselves to "splurge" a bit on sweets and baked goods. If you are preparing traditional holiday sweets and baked goods, at least be sure you are using uncontaminated flours with no chemical additives. These premium, high quality flours are not likely to be found in your local grocery store, even ones that are "organic" or "health food stores."

Will Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Matt Gaetz Appointments be Approved by the U.S. Senate?

President elect Donald Trump has announced that Florida Representative Matt Gaetz is appointed to be the next U.S. Attorney General, and that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is appointed to the position of Secretary of Health and Human Services, making these two appointments his most controversial appointments yet. Matt Gaetz has been under investigation for child sex trafficking in the House of Representatives, and he promptly resigned from the House as soon as Trump appointed him as the AG, just days before a House ethics committee was due to release their findings. Pam Martens of Wall Street on Parade reported today that Gaetz has previously been under investigation for child sex trafficking by the Department of Justice (DOJ), which then suddenly dropped the case without explanation. The DOJ is being sued by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), for failing to honor their Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to find out what they had on Gaetz. Gaetz, if appointed, would oversee the very agency, the DOJ, that was investigating him. How convenient. Much to the pleasure of the MAGA crowd, Trump announced that he was appointing Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to the position of Secretary of HHS. This surprised many Republicans who are skeptical of Kennedy, due to his "anti-vaccine" claims, even though Kennedy has worked hard trying to convince everyone that he is NOT anti-vaccine, but pro-vaccine. Was AIPAC behind this appointment? Will Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s pro Zionist views, as well as the history of the Kennedy family, including his father, being pro-Israel Zionists help him with this appointment?

Trump Appointing COVID19-Vaccinated Cabinet Members Who Supported His Operation Warp Speed

President elect Donald Trump is moving swiftly to appoint people to key leadership positions in his new administration, and it appears that he is giving preference to those who supported his Operation Warp Speed military campaign in 2020, and who reportedly received his COVID-19 shots, and encouraged others to get them also. President elect Donald Trump visited Washington D.C. today, to ensure that the new Senate Majority leader would be the man he wanted, and would assure him that the Senate would approve the people he wanted in his administration, by agreeing to "recess appointments", allowing him to install his own appointees without using the Senate confirmation process. This news thrilled the MAGA crowd, because they saw it as a chance for Trump to get more "MAGA" people into his administration who would not otherwise have been able to be confirmed by the Senate, such as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. They were positive that Trump was going to make sure Senator Rick Scott was going to get that position, because Elon Musk and RFK Jr. told them so. Well, it didn't happen. Much to the dismay of the MAGA crowd, Trump apparently wanted Senator John Thune instead, and he is now the new leader of the Senate. All of this is unfolding today as I write, so I have not had a chance to see how the MAGA folks are going to frame this one, but you can be sure that they will believe that Thune is pulling this off by himself, defying Trump, and he will become the new enemy of the MAGA folks who will now blame him for everything Trump cannot deliver and that he promised in his campaign lies. That's because they don't understand how Washington D.C. actually works. They foolishly believe that the "elected" politicians in D.C. are there to represent their constituents, but in fact they are there to make deals, and become rich and powerful. This is actually a brilliant political move by Trump, no doubt orchestrated by Susie Wiles, so that if they actually don't want someone approved, they can just let Thune handle it.

The Day Rabbi Jesus Met with Moses and Elijah to Discuss the Beginning of the New Covenant

There is an event in the life of Jesus Christ, when he walked the earth in the flesh, that is recorded in three of the four historical accounts about the life of Jesus Christ as found in the New Testament section of the Bible. Christians refer to this event as "The Transfiguration." Most modern-day Christians and Christian teachers such as Pastors, are so blinded by Zionism that they fail to understand the full significance of this story, even while acknowledging it's true. Moses received the Ten Commandments and the entire Law on Mt. Sinai, which represents the Old Covenant, and Elijah represents all the prophets, who taught and preached the Old Covenant, as he was the greatest of the prophets since he never died, but went directly to Heaven. The parallels of this event with John, James, and Peter on top of a mountain with Jesus, is strikingly similar to the event of Moses receiving the Old Covenant Law on Mt. Sinai. God spoke to Moses out of a cloud, and God spoke to John, James, and Peter out of a cloud. God told Moses what to write down as The Law, which the prophets then used to tell the people what God was communicating to them. God told John, James, and Peter to listen to Jesus, who implemented the New Covenant, with his death and resurrection. The fact that there were 3 people with Jesus at this event is also significant, because under the Old Covenant law, a person could only be convicted criminally based on the "testimony of 2 or 3 witnesses" which were needed to determine legal truth. What the story of "The Transfiguration" really means, is that the New Covenant instituted by Jesus has replaced the Old Covenant, and that those who actually sat under the teachings of Jesus, and then later wrote down much of what he said, is "Scripture."

Jared Kushner Returns as Advisor to Donald Trump to Oversee Putting More Zionists into Trump’s Administration

Yesterday morning (Sunday 11/10/24) the Israeli publication Israel Hayom published an "Exclusive" stating that Jared Kushner, Donald Trump's Jewish son-in-law who orchestrated the move of the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem during Trump's first administration, has returned as an advisor to Donald Trump, in spite of his public statements that he would not have a place in Trump's second presidency. As you can read from the Israeli report, it is also widely expected that fellow Zionist Marco Rubio will become the Secretary of State. And while Israel Hayom claims that this was an "exclusive," the fact is that Trump's head of his transition team, Billionaire Jewish Howard Lutnick, stated in late October that Jared was already advising Trump on cabinet positions, as reported by the Wall Street Journal. The Trump team has also announced who their Ambassador to the United Nations will be, and it is Zionist Elise Stefanik, a congresswoman from New York. Nobody should be surprised (at least those outside of the MAGA cult) that Trump is working with Jared Kushner again, and is filling his administration with Zionists. Donald Trump is, unofficially, the first elected Jewish President in U.S. history. He reportedly converted to Judaism in 2017 during his first presidency. Jared Kushner was behind Trump's decision to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, which made Trump a hero among Zionists. But they also believe Trump never finished the job, because he did not serve a second term, and that to finish what he started he needs to oversee the construction of a new temple in Jerusalem, which would replace the Mosque already there. This is why the recent re-creation of the Ark of The Covenant, which must go into a new Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, was recently taken to Trump at his Mar-a-Lago residence before being taken to Jerusalem.

InfoWars Interview of Tom Renz Exposing Trump’s Chief of Staff Susie Wiles Banned from BANNED.Video by Alex Jones

After publishing yesterday's article showing how MAGA Trump supporters who previously exposed Susie Wiles as a Big Pharma pro-vaccine lobbyist while she was his campaign manager, but now are deleting some of their previous exposure of Susie Wiles' ties to the "Deep State" because she is now Donald Trump's Chief of Staff, one of our readers alerted me to a much longer video of Tom Renz being interviewed by Alex Jones about how corrupt Susie Wiles was. However, that video which was apparently filmed in April of this year (2024), disappeared from the site shortly after it was filmed. InfoWars and Alex Jones have their own video platform these days called "BANNED.VIDEO". I tried to find this video on the BANNED.VIDEO website, but the most recent interview with Tom Renz listed was 11 months ago, before his interview with Alex Jones about Susie Wiles. So apparently that interview was banned on BANNED.VIDEO shortly after it was published! Why was it banned? Tom Renz asked the same question on his Twitter/X account when it happened. I found the video, and it is now on our Odysee channel, and will soon be on our other video channels as well. Watch for yourself and see what Alex Jones and Tom Renz exposed about Susie Wiles back in April of the year, so you can get some clues as to why InfoWars banned it from BANNED.VIDEO almost as soon as it was published.

Trump Supporters in Panic Mode? Let the Censorship and Revision of History Begin to Serve King Trump

When I watched Donald Trump's acceptance speech just after Fox News declared him the winner of the elections this week, I was amazed at how he singled out one person on his campaign team whom he credited his "winning" the elections to the most, Susie Wiles. I spent the next two days researching this person, as I had never heard about her before. From some of the things I was reading about her, specially that she was a behind-the-scenes person who shunned the spotlight, many in the media who knew about her speculated that she could be Trump's Chief of Staff, but that it would be highly unlikely, because she did not want to be in the spotlight. When it was quickly announced by Trump himself on Thursday that he did, in fact, appoint her to be his Chief of Staff, which would give her incredible sway to decide who the other cabinet members and other heads of federal agencies would be, I decided to publish my research on her, and specifically, that she was a Big Pharma lobbyist. The graphic I used that shows Susie Wiles' connection to "Mercury Public Affairs" where she worked as a lobbyist for Big Pharma vaccine industries, was from Liam Sturgess and his article published earlier this year on The Kennedy Beacon on Substack. But when you click on the link to that article where the graphic was published earlier this year, you will now get the error message: Page Not Found. They took it down! My guess is that they were pressured by the Trump Team to take it down, because someone also contacted me and demanded that I take it down. Well I am not going to do that. Anyone who participates in censoring negative information about Donald Trump and his criminal enterprises with Operation Warp Speed four years ago, and tries to scrub those truths off of the Internet, does not deserve your readership. WE WILL NOT FORGET WHAT TRUMP AND HIS CRONIES DID FOUR YEARS AGO! And we will not give him a free pass in trying to cover this up, as he fills back up the Swamp. Stand up for TRUTH, who is a person, and not the one who serves the Father of Lies. Being willing to stand for the Truth, no matter what the cost, is following The Way, the path least traveled.

The Genocide Continues – 70% of Deaths in Gaza are Women and Children According to New UN Report

A new report was released today by The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) which stated that 70% of the deaths of innocent civilians in Gaza have been women and children. 52 nations at the UN co-signed a letter calling for the immediate halt to arms sales to Israel, including Russia. I agree with these nations calling for a halt to selling arms to Israel. Israel is simply a proxy state for the Zionists in the U.S., most of whom are Evangelical Christians, and not even Jews. Zionist Evangelical Christians who support genocide and ethnic cleansing today are the true "Synagogue of Satan" that Jesus mentioned in the book of Revelation. AMERICANS HAVE INNOCENT BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS! Israel could never do what they are doing in Gaza and Lebanon, without U.S. weapons, and without U.S. Big Tech. U.S. Big Tech companies are the largest employer in Israel, and their genocide against the Palestinians and constant bombing and committing acts of terror in Lebanon would never be possible without U.S. Big Tech. Here is a good report about Silicon Valley's role in this genocide, which includes interviews of tech workers who were fired from Google and other companies for daring to talk about the genocide in Gaza, and the role of Big Tech.

Trump Announces Former Big Pharma Lobbyist to Run White House Staff

The filling back up of the Washington D.C. Swamp has begun. Two days after his victory from "winning" back the Office of the President of the United States, Donald Trump made his first appointment for his new administration today, announcing that the co-chair of his campaign, Susie Wiles, will become his Chief of Staff. The President Chief of Staff is a position that does NOT have to be approved by the Senate, and is typically one of the first appointments made of a newly elected President, as this person will guide the President in choosing the rest of his staff and cabinet. This speaks volumes about who Trump is going to surround himself with in his new administration, and remaining true to his original loyalties during his first term, he went with former Big Pharma lobbyist Susie Wiles, who has previously worked as a lobbyist for some of the largest manufacturers of vaccines, including Pfizer. So who is Susie Wiles? She is someone who mostly stays behind the scenes, until today, and is called by some people the "most powerful and feared woman" in America. Liam Sturgess, writing for The Kennedy Beacon, profiled her earlier this year: "Susie Wiles Is a Lobbyist for Big Pharma. She’s Also a Key Advisor to President Trump. That’s a Problem. On April 26, former president Donald Trump revisited one of his most controversial pet projects: Operation Warp Speed. This time, he dragged his political opponent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. into the fray. 'His Views on Vaccines are FAKE, as is everything else about his Candidacy,' wrote the former president about Kennedy in a post on Truth Social. This ignited significant backlash from Trump’s base, highlighting the extent to which they disagree with him on COVID-19 vaccines. Given the increasingly vocal opposition to the COVID-19 vaccination program, including among his base, why does Trump continue to demand acclaim for his role in pushing the shots through? We find the answer in Susie Wiles, who appears to be the connective tissue between Trump and Big Pharma."

The Rich Get Richer: Elon Musk’s Net Worth Soars $20 BILLION Higher Day After Trump Wins Election

Elon Musk's goal to purchase a U.S. President took a huge step forward yesterday when Billionaire Donald Trump was named the winner of the U.S. 2024 Presidential elections. The New York Stock Market rejoiced in trading today knowing that one of their own had been elected again to the Presidency, as the DOW was up over 3.5% in what was reported as the largest post-election increase in over 100 years. This follows a recent statement by Elon Musk a few days ago who stated that a stock market crash would follow a Trump victory. That stock market crash did not happen today, as Musk saw his net worth soar $20 billion higher by the end of the trading session today. While almost every manufacturer of electronic vehicles (EVs) saw their stock FALL in value today due to Trump's promise to end government subsidies to purchase EVs, Tesla's stock soared, thanks to Trump. Trump completely betrayed his supporters in 2016 when he promised to "drain the swamp," by doing the exact opposite, as one of his first cabinet positions, Secretary of State, went to Chairman of the Board and CEO of ExxonMobil, Rex Tillerson, and then he appointed pharmaceutical company executives to most of the health agencies, especially during COVID. Will he come through this time and actually keep his promise to drain the swamp? I published a report earlier this year about some of the names that were being dropped for possible cabinet positions in a new Trump administration, and they sound pretty "swampy" to me. "Multiple sources have reported that Trump is considering Jamie Dimon, the Chairman and CEO of the largest, most complex and scandal-ridden bank in the United States, JPMorgan Chase Bank, as the Secretary of the Treasury. In a recent article in the NY Post, however, reporter Charles Gasparino writes that the Secretary of the Treasury job is more likely to go to Larry Fink, the head of BlackRock and believed by some to be the most powerful person in the world." The one name that is being floated for a cabinet position for Trump and strikes fear into the corporate media, is Zionist Robert F. Kennedy Jr., another former Jeffrey Epstein associate and known heroin addict who has been documented as a serial adulterer who also kept a sex diary of the women he has conquered, and has recently been reported as still having affairs at the age of 70. The "alternative" media is all abuzz these days with hopes that Kennedy will be given a cabinet position to dismantle the FDA, and stop the COVID vaccines. Does anybody seriously believe that Big Pharma would just stand by and let this happen, especially with how rich they all became under Trump's first presidency?? Nevertheless, the corporate media has freaked out so much, that Mr. Kennedy had to issue a public statement today stating: "I’m not going to take away anybody’s vaccines."

Elon Musk Wants Americans to Vote because “Your” Life Depends upon it, or “His” Life Depends on it?

I am writing this on November 5th, election day, with the declared winner of the (s)election still not announced, and by the time most of you read this on November 6th, there may still be no winner declared yet. But yesterday, Elon Musk went on the Joe Rogan show where he stated: "Vote like your life depends upon it!" And, of course, both he and Joe Rogan jumped on the Donald Trump bandwagon with such apocalyptic warnings. But Musk revealed something else in this interview that was very interesting. I have read in the past that Elon Musk loves to play the online game called "Diablo", which is a Spanish word that means "Devil", and that sometimes he plays for many hours. However, Musk revealed that not only does he play this online game, but that he is in the Top 20 WORLDWIDE for the highest scores in this game, with only one other American in the top 20. I'm not an expert in gaming, since I do not game because I have no time for such activities, but I know how popular online gaming has become in the past few years worldwide. The top gamers in the world earn $millions in gaming. I suspect that this is NOT a hobby for most of these serious gamers, but that it is basically a full-time job, one that can be very profitable, at least for a select few who are among the top players worldwide. So if someone can claim that they are in the Top 20 of a game that millions of online gamers play worldwide, what does that say about that person and the amount of time he spends online gaming? I would assume that pretty much everyone reading this article knows of people who are addicted to online gaming just as much as some people are addicted to gambling. What kind of people are they, if you know them, or know of them? Are they the type of people who are corporate CEOs, rich doctors, rich lawyers, etc.?

Are Non-Zionist Middle Easterners More Knowledgeable About American Politics and Elections Than Most Americans?

A dumbed-down, vaccine-damaged American public heads to the polls today to pretend that they are voting for candidates running for political offices, even as both sides of the political spectrum admit that massive voter fraud is real, while making statements such as, "This is the most important election of our lifetimes!!!" or "Democracy will END if you don't vote for [fill in the blank with your favorite candidate]!!!", being completely ignorant about the way American politics actually operate, and the fact that elections are controlled by the wealthy Wall Street and Silicon Valley billionaires who actually run the country. However, if one surveys the English media sites from those reporting in the Middle East, outside of Israel and the control of the Zionists, you might actually find that these Middle Easterners have a greater understanding of American politics than most Americans do themselves.

Who Controls the World? by Dr. A. True Ott

An amazing interview from 2013 with Dr. A. True Ott, PhD, has been republished by a couple of people within the past few days, and I just got done watching it today. Talk about "truth bombs", many of those were dropped in this amazing interview, including revealing who really runs the world today and controls both political parties today. Dr. Ott's work has been censored in a major way, and fortunately is currently operating well enough for me to retrieve Dr. Ott's full bio from his original blog which has since been scrubbed from the Internet. This 2013 interview was published by Ken Adachi yesterday, where he wrote: "This is one of the most powerful and convincing presentations that I've ever heard from Dr. A True Ott, whom I've known personaly since 2008 to the present day. Despite talking with him on the phone on many occasions over many years, I had no idea of the existence of this fabulous 2013 interview until just a day ago when Jim Rizoli posting it on his Bitchute channel. There are so many important insights and revelations expressed in this video that you'll have to listen to it on multiple occasions to fully grasp the significance and historical gravity of the information being presented. For example, at the 8:04 minute mark in this video, Dr. Ott mentions that at his (1982) meeting with Fed Reserve chairman Paul Volker at the New York Stock Exchange in New York City, Volker told a group of 24 young, aspiring Jewish stock market rising stars (and 19 year old A. True Ott), that U.S. currency (cash) was slated to be eliminated entirely and replaced with an electronic digital payment system (although Volker didn't know whether it would take place within his lifetime or not, he did say that he was SURE that it would happen in the foreseeable future)." Dr. Ott is a former Mormon who grew up in the Mormon Church. Dr. Ott exposes much about Zionism, the Satanic Jews and the Mormon Church, and the Freemason principles that rule this world by what the Bible refers to as "the root of all evil" which is the "love of money." Like myself, he believes that all the answers we need to fight this evil are found in the Bible, and he exposes who is at the top rung of the ladder ruling the world today.