Lab-Grown Meat: Is it a Pharmaceutical Product or a Food Product?

Researchers at the University of California, Davis, have just published a study that looked at the environmental impacts of lab-cultured meat, and they have determined that based on current production methods, the global warming potential (GWP) of lab-cultured beef would be approximately 25% greater than conventional beef cows raised on farms. The study also concluded that the "fossil fuel depletion" of lab-cultured beef is "approximately 3 to 17 times greater" than producing boneless beef. This contradicts the reasoning behind those rushing to bring a lab-cultured meat product to market, who are claiming that massive production of lab-grown meat would have a more positive impact on the environment than raising beef cattle. There are currently no lab-cultured meats on the market, because the production costs are still too expensive to scale it for public consumption, and this appears to be the first study conducted to look at the environmental impacts of mass-producing red meat in a laboratory. One of the major problems so far with culturing meat in a laboratory, is that the growth mediums used to culture the meat produce endotoxins, which means pharmaceutical products are needed to reduce these endotoxins and purify the lab-grown "meat." This has led one of the researchers at UC Davis to ask what exactly is being produced in the lab with these cultured meats: "Is it a pharmaceutical product or a food product?"

Air Force Colonel Caught Lying about Rogue AI Killing Human Operator

During the Plandemic, the Alternative Media was the place to go to find alternatives to the corporate media propaganda about the killer COVID-19 "virus" and the clot shots called "vaccines." The Alternative Media was publishing the truth most of the time by exposing the corporate media lies, and so the corporate media unleashed their "fact checkers" to label anyone in the Alternative Media who did not agree with the official FDA and CDC government narrative as "Fake News." Sadly, today, the Alternative Media is full of "fake news," and much of it is surrounding the fear mongering concerning AI and how they are going to create "transhumans" and replace and eliminate human beings. One such story that was widely published as "news" last week was the story of how a U.S. Air Force Colonel was reporting that the military was training AI computers to carry out attacks against enemies, but then turned on its operator and killed him also, during a simulation. We don't have to rely on people who understand that this particular story is fake news because they understand how the technology actually works and that this would not be possible, because the U.S. military themselves came out and reported that it was fake news, because the simulation never happened. After a statement by the Air Force was made, and after Col. Tucker "Cinco" Hamilton himself admitted publicly that the simulation never actually took place, I went back to several of the Alternative Media sites who published the original story as "news", and not one of them have retracted the story yet, or provided an update to state it was false. So when it comes to "AI" today, most publishers in the Alternative Media, either knowingly or unwittingly, are participating with the Globalists who are doing what they always do, which is promote a climate of fear so that they can then come in and rescue the day with their own solutions. And when it comes to fearing AI and their "annihilation of the human race," that means new Government "regulations" to "control AI," which will include biometric scanning and a World ID in order to participate in the economy, to "prove" that you are "real," and not an AI.

Trump Owns Stock in Pfizer and Drug Companies Producing Gender-Affirming Therapies and Hormone Blockers

Trump has promised to ban child gender transitions - but owns stock in the Big Pharma companies he's promised to investigate for 'illegally marketing' hormone therapies and puberty blockers. 'The left-wing gender insanity being pushed on our children is an act of child abuse, very simple. Here is my plan to stop the chemical, physical, and emotional mutilation of our youth,' Trump said in a campaign speech on February 1.  But as recently as the end of last year, Trump held between $600,003 and $1,251,000 in three companies that make gender-affirming therapies and hormone blockers, according to a analysis of his financial disclosures.  He also owns financial stakes in Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson.

Setting the Stage for Bank Failures and Rollout of FedNow? U.S. Government Warns Consumers Not to Keep Money in Venmo, CashApp, and PayPal

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) published a warning to consumers this past week stating that funds held in popular online payment apps, such as Paypal, Cash App, and Venmo, lack FDIC insurance and should be transferred to "insured banks and credit unions." What is the "Consumer Financial Protection Bureau"? Why are they issuing this warning, which could obviously have a serious negative impact on these payment apps if many consumers take their advice and start withdrawing their funds from them? The "About Us" page on their website, which at the bottom of every page in their footer says: "An official website of the United States government", doesn't give much information about who they are. Whenever a website, especially one that claims to be "An official website of the United States government", does not give much information on their "About Us" page, the next thing to check is: who are the people running this organization? "Rohit Chopra is Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The CFPB is a unit of the Federal Reserve System charged with protecting families and honest businesses from illegal practices by financial institutions, and ensuring that markets for consumer financial products and services are fair, transparent, and competitive." Bingo! So the CFPB is a "unit" of the U.S. Federal Reserve Central Banking System. So what can we learn from this warning published on this "official website of the United States government" which is actually a unit of the Federal Reserve Central Banking System? First, it is obvious that they are expecting more bank failures. Secondly, as I reported back in April, the Federal Reserve’s new FedNow “Instant Payments” service is scheduled to launch in July, just a few weeks away now. Could it be that these particular payment apps have not enrolled in FedNow, or that FedNow will introduce their own "payment app" soon that could replace these existing apps?

American Cities are Powder Kegs Ready to Explode with Chaos Fueled by Migrant Policies

Could we soon see riots breaking out across the U.S. in major urban areas, as we saw in the summer of 2020, or even worse? With the dramatic influx of migrants crossing the U.S. border from Mexico for the past many months with many of them being transported to large cities, not only are riots and civil unrest likely, they are almost inevitable due to U.S. government policy that is funding this crisis. An independent reporter known as "Sav Says" has just published a video report about the migrant crisis in New York City, where she reports that 50% of the hotels in NYC are now filled with migrants. She interviewed a whistleblower from one of these hotels, the ROW NYC, which is just one block away from Times Square, and currently houses over 5000 migrants in rooms that used to rent out for $500 a night. Watch this shocking 14-minute report. This is a very disturbing report. These migrants are afforded more rights and privileges than U.S. citizens, including the right to refuse vaccines before they are boarded at the hotel, and the whistleblower stated that most of these migrants do refuse the vaccines. But all of their medical needs are supplied for free at local hospitals, as is their transportation. The whistleblower stated that 2-3 babies a week are being born in the hotel, and they are offered free car seats and cribs. Besides a free hotel room, they get free housekeeping and laundry services, and three free meals a day. The condition of this big NYC hotel, as reported by the whistleblower, is horrible, and characterized by drunken orgies and minors being left alone for sometimes days. The whistleblower also stated that the infrastructure of the hotel is deteriorating and that the hotel is in danger of collapsing. But city officials are too afraid to evacuate the migrants: "It's been flat out said by every agency in that hotel that they are just waiting for it to collapse. But the city does not want to start the process of getting them out because it is 5000 people. So its either going to start a riot, or during the riot its going to collapse the hotel, because they don't want to leave the hotel. They love the location. Who wouldn't love living free next to Times Square? Everybody who is staying in the hotel is in this chat group, so the minute you try to move not just one floor, the minute you try to move one room, they're going to put it in the chat, and the word is going to spread through the whole hotel. And they're not going to go quietly, they're not going to go calmly or peacefully. The City of New York does not know how to handle any of this." This situation does not only exist in NYC, but all across the U.S. in almost every major city. What do you think is going to happen when the banks fail and the economy crashes, and when not only these freebies stop for the migrants, but when people who are not migrants cannot even access their own cash in their bank accounts, and the ATMs stop functioning? I personally would not want to be in any major city when that happens...

Amazon to Pay $5.8 Million for Spying on Customers Through Their Ring Cameras

Amazon agreed to pay a $5.8 million settlement after the Federal Trade Commission found it was illegally spying on customers and failed to stop hackers from taking control of users' Ring cameras. Employees, contractors, and hackers all illegally watched videos of Ring customers. The FTC found that one Ring employee had viewed thousands of videos of female customers in their bedrooms and bathrooms over several months. The employee in question was only stopped when another employee discovered what they had been doing.

Apple Files More Patents on Biometric IDs – Is the iPhone the Most Evil Device on the Planet Now?

The Apple iPhone is currently used by over 120 million people in the U.S., capturing almost 50% of the mobile smart phone market. Worldwide, about 1 billion people use Apple iPhones. If you own an Apple iPhone, do you have any idea how much of your personal life and data are now owned by Apple in exchange for allowing you to purchase and use one of their devices? Apple works hand in hand with the U.S. Government and their intelligence agencies to track as much information about you as possible. In an article published today, June 1, 2023, Reuters reports that the Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) is claiming that the U.S. NSA has used Apple iPhones for an American espionage operation inside Russia. Apple has been awarded dozens of patents in the past few weeks for biometrics to be used with a national ID, including fingerprints, faces, and irises from your eyes. Back in April we reported how Apple was teaming up with banking giant Goldman Sachs by offering attractive rates on savings accounts through their Apple Wallet. Within four days of Apple's launch of their high yield savings account, almost 1$billion was deposited into the new account by Apple iPhone users. But now, more than a month later, many iPhone users are complaining that while it was very easy to deposit funds INTO the new Apple account, getting those funds OUT OF the account has often proved difficult. So why do you still own an iPhone? Do you not recognize that it is an instrument for evil? Just look at Apple's logo, the apple with a bite taken out of it. What does that represent?

The Western Banking System is on the Brink of Collapse

There is virtually nobody in either the corporate or alternative media these days who are not warning about the serious problems with U.S. and European banks today. Even if a U.S. debt ceiling agreement is reached this week, it will not save the banking system. I am highlighting two new articles published today that reveal just how dire the current banking crisis is, and what may be lying ahead in the not-too-distant future with a new financial system rolled out and the implementation of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). First, Pam Martens of Wall Street on Parade reports on a new IMF projection for the U.S. economy.  Next, Sam Parker, writing for Behind the News Network, just published a 2-part article titled "They're Coming for Your Money." He reports how the two families that control western banks, the Rockefellers in the U.S., and the Rothschilds in Europe, are planning on bringing down the entire western banking system to implement the "Great Reset" and roll out programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies.

Child Sex Trafficking with the Rich and Powerful: The Jennifer Guskin Story

We met Jennifer Guskin back in 2018, when one of my reporters interviewed her after Baltimore Department of Social Services had medically kidnapped her baby daughter. Jennifer was very concerned about her baby who was put into foster care, and forcibly vaccinated against her and her husband's will. She was especially concerned because she too had been put into foster care as a very young child, and then sexually trafficked to the rich and powerful in the Washington D.C. area for years. So she was understandably concerned about something similar happening to her baby, and as we have documented over the years, our nation's foster care system is the #1 pipeline for child sex trafficking. We vetted her story like we did with every other Medical Kidnapping story, by reviewing her documentation and medical records in her child custody case, and then interviewing her for her side of the story. 2018 was the second year in the Trump presidency, and the Q and Qanon movement was starting to really pick up speed, reporting many cases of child trafficking, all with the hope that President Trump was going to arrest those responsible and stop this horrible system. This led some, like Jennifer, to decide to go public with her own story of how she was trafficked. In the end, unfortunately, only Jeffrey Epstein was arrested, but he never faced trial. I've known Jennifer's story since 2018, and have had all of her videos copied and backed up in the Cloud for going on 5 years now. Her story is so horrific, far worse than anything else we have ever published, that I never published it or gave her exposure, because I knew few people would believe it. But her story is not unique. It involves MK Ultra mind control and experimentation, along with grim details of murder and Satanic ritual abuse. And because she was trafficked in Washington D.C., she names names. But now, it is time to publish her story. I tracked her down today and spent some time chatting with her, and unlike most stories similar to hers that we have covered in the past, she has not given up. She told me that her daughter is now part of her life again, and she is trying to get her back home. She wants her story told, in the hope that America will wake up and understand the full scope of just how serious of an issue this is, like a cancer that is growing and killing our nation.

Big Tech Communism has Arrived: Amazon Sidewalk Joins the Helium Network to Connect All Internet of Things (IoT) Devices

Big Tech Communism has arrived in the United States, as the U.S. has now surpassed China and other communist countries to become the world leader in spying on its citizens. It was announced this past week that Amazon Sidewalk has now joined the Helium Network allowing all Internet of Things (IoT) devices, which are currently in the homes of most Americans, to be connected into one large mesh network nationwide. The World Economic Forum's (WEF) goals for the 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Reset where nobody will own anything and be confined into 15-minute cities, is clearly a modern day Big Tech version of communism, where the rights of the individual are sacrificed for the rights of the community. This new system of surveillance, which is creating the ultimate police state, is well underway in the United States, which has, by far, the largest proportion of its population connected to the Internet, including cell phones, vehicles, cameras, and household appliances, than any other country in the world. Learn more about Big Tech's plans to monitor every aspect of your life and how to opt out.