Colorado Mom Fights Back Against Government Tyrants Who Tried to Kidnap Her 2-Year-Old Son – Wins $3 Million Lawsuit

In my over 2 decades as an independent publisher, I don't think there has been another story I have reported on that gives me more satisfaction than this one out of Aurora, Colorado. Danielle Jurinsky, an Aurora city councilwoman, spoke out on a radio program and criticized the city's chief of police, Vanessa Wilson, back in January of 2022. The next day, police chief Wilson's lover, a child welfare social worker, made an anonymous call to Child Protective Services (CPS) falsely accusing Danielle Jurinsky of sexually molesting her 2-year-old son. When CPS opened a case against Jurinsky, the social worker who made the anonymous call, Robin Niceta, requested that she be given the case. Her intent was to apparently take permanent custody of Danielle Jurinsky's two-year-old son. But Danielle Jurinsky was not intimidated, and as she later stated: "You picked a fight with the wrong person!" Jurinsky found out that it was Robin Niceta who made the call, and called her out publicly, which resulted in Niceta resigning from her position. She was later arrested on criminal felony charges, which allowed the local media to report on the story bringing even more pressure to the story. Being in the public spotlight now, other families came forward to report that Robin Niceta had taken similar actions against them. In fact, one of Niceta's reported MOs was to approach a mother under investigation with sexual advancements, and if the mother resisted, she ended up losing her children. So what at first appeared to be just a political retaliation story soon blew up to a systemic problem within the county child welfare department, and soon a local attorney had over 40 families making complaints in what has now become a class action lawsuit. Jurinsky did not stop there, however. While waiting for the criminal trial to begin, which is scheduled for later this year (2023), she filed a $1 million defamation lawsuit against Niceta, and a few weeks ago a judge ruled in her favor, awarding her $3 million in damages.

Is the U.S. Preparing to go to War Against China?

While China recently laid out a peace plan for the Ukraine conflict, the U.S. is sending signals that they are about to go to war against China, claiming that China is about to join the war in Ukraine. Adding to the demonizing rhetoric against China the past few days, now all of a sudden it is OK to blame China for creating the COVID-19 "virus" in a laboratory where it allegedly leaked out, something that the corporate media has been proclaiming is a "conspiracy theory" for the past couple of years. Clayton and Natali Morris of Redacted News do a great job of analyzing all of this propaganda and showing how the U.S. Government is lying, and in some cases even admitting that they have been lying to the public. Is China a real danger to attacking the U.S., or is the U.S. spreading propaganda as a pretext to drawing China into a military confrontation?

Over 96 Canadian Children Ages 2-19 have Died Suddenly or Unexpectedly in the Past 3 Months

In the August 2022 James Gill paper titled “Autopsy Histopathologic Cardiac Findings in 2 adolescents following the second COVID-19 vaccine dose”, two teenage boys died in their sleep within the first week after receiving the 2nd Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine dose. Both boys were pronounced dead at home. Sudden deaths of Canadian children have skyrocketed in recent months. I have tracked these deaths since November 2022, when healthy Canadian children began to die from influenza, strep, myocarditis, blood clots, strokes, sudden deaths while playing sports and sudden deaths in their sleep! Due to the aggressive, unscientific and unethical rollout of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in Canadian children in 2021 and 2022, parents must be on guard for COVID-19 mRNA vaccine toxicity, which has been implicated in severe damage to the immune system, heart, brain, kidneys, liver, endocrine system, reproductive organs, as well as autoimmune diseases and cancers.

Ohio Community Fights Back Against Globalists: “We’re Dying Slowly – They’re Poisoning us Slowly”

After national celebrities have stopped off in East Palestine, Ohio, to get their photo-ops with the local residents who continue to suffer from the effects of blowing up derailed train cars carrying toxic chemicals, local residents are starting to form their own group, knowing that the news cycle will soon end with little to no help coming from the U.S. Government or the corporations that caused this disaster. Jami Cozza, a lifelong East Palestinian resident, has now teamed up with River Valley Organizing, and held their own "town hall" meeting with local residents. River Valley Organizing has already been in the community for years trying to fight back against corporate tyranny. Cozza has a message for her fellow residents, and it is a message that ALL of us in the United States need to hear right now if we are going to be successful in building community support to fight back against the Globalists, and that message is that we need to put aside our political differences and unite to fight back against the corporations we are all at war with today.

An Invitation to the Technologists to Join the Winning Side

The techno-prophecies of the past several decades predicting that technology would produce higher "life" forms through Artificial Intelligence have completely failed. And yet these prophecies continue today, with entities like the World Economic Forum predicting that the "Fourth Industrial" revolution is upon us, and the age of "Transhumanism." But the reality is that the technology is failing, not advancing. As we approach the end of the second month of 2023, 118,726 employees from Big Tech have already been laid off, following 161,061 layoffs in 2022, mostly in the second half of the year. The entire world economy is on the brink of collapse, and the banking industry is already bracing itself for bank runs, and the implementation of "bail ins" because there will be no "bail outs" this time, as happened in 2008. Techno-prophecies of a Technocratic New World Order run by robots and AI are pure insanity at this point, as the immediate future is going to be consumed with supply chain disruptions where it is going to be difficult to service the existing technology, as well as potential energy shortages and massive inflation. People are going to be more concerned about things like being able to fix their electric vehicles, or affording the electricity to power them, rather than worrying about robots and AI replacing them. And if a full blown kinetic war breaks out, the most pressing concern may be simply how to stay alive, and where to find one's next meal. There is almost nobody still alive in the U.S. today who went through WW II and the Great Depression, and even then, the war was "over there" in Europe, and the Pacific, and not in the heartland of the U.S. Massive cyber attacks, power grid failures, and supply chain disruptions could very well be in our not-too-distant future, or even worse. Look at what the people in Ohio near East Palestine are currently suffering through, and we still do not know the full scope of that disaster. Which side is more believable? The technocrats' side that keeps making techno-prophecies about how the technology is going to evolve and take over the world replacing human beings, or the side that has been written about in the Scriptures for over 2000 years, that the earth is going to be destroyed and that a new one is going to be created, ruled by Jesus Christ?

Who Owns the World Health Organization and Their Plan to Vaccinate and Digitally Track Every Human Being on the Planet?

It has been widely reported in the Alternative Media this past week that the World Health Organization (WHO) is drafting a new "Pandemic Agreement" that would turn over all future pandemic responses to the WHO and would be legally binding worldwide. The WHO, however, is simply a puppet organization that is funded by Globalist Billionaires, so let's put some faces to this organization and reveal who is really behind this effort to vaccinate every single person on the planet, and then track everyone via digital IDs.

Triple COVID Vaxxed 25-Year-Old Medical Doctor Dies Suddenly – 132 Canadian Doctors Have Now Died Since COVID Vaccine Roll Out

Dr. Anthony Emanuel Chifor grew up in Windsor, Ontario. His family, like mine, was from Slovakia and had emigrated to Canada to find a better life. He graduated from University of Windsor where he was celebrated as an Outstanding Scholar and a Lead Gold Medallion Scholar, earning his B.Sc. in Biology and Biochemistry with Great Distinction and was part of the Dean’s Honour Roll. He was studying medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, in Detroit Michigan (USA), when he was forced to take three COVID-19 vaccines to continue his medical training. He was in the process of completing his 3rd year of medical school when he died suddenly at the age of 25, on January 17, 2023. He is currently the youngest Canadian doctor death in my database. According to my research, deaths of Canadian doctors under the age of 30 increased by 900% in 2022 compared to the 2019-2020 average. His medical school continues to enforce its COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

DOJ and FTC go After Big Tech and Their Apps for Selling Personal Medical Data

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced yesterday that together with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) they had reached a settlement with GoodRx Holdings Inc., which markets an online prescription drug app, GoodRx. They settled for $1.5 million after they filed a complaint earlier this month alleging that GoodRx had disclosed millions of users’ personal health information to third parties without the users’ authorization, consent, or knowledge. Rebecca Pifer, writing for, states that this is the first time the FTC has taken action against Big Tech by using the "Health Breach Notification Rule" which was passed in 2010, and signifies the U.S. Government's intent to start going after more online digital health companies who sell users' personal health information without their consent.

WW III Update: China and Russia Join Forces to Fight Back Against the U.S.

Earlier this month (February, 2023) I reported how we are already in the midst of World War 3, albeit in the early stages. Based on media reports this week, it appears that the next stage of this war is about to be launched, as Russia has publicly warned the U.S. about the threat of nuclear confrontation, and China has announced that it is joining forces with Russia. Financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong believes that this WW III is needed to cover up sovereign debts that the U.S. can no longer pay. Edward Dowd, the former billion dollar hedge fund manager at Blackrock, predicted this week that the U.S. stock market might fall apart in the next "week or two."

Eating Lab Grown Chicken Equivalent to Eating Cancer Tumors?

This past November we reported how a new lab-grown chicken product is being developed and could soon be available commercially. The company, Upside Foods, is run by a medical doctor, and they put out a press release last year claiming that the FDA had "cleared" the product. But that was simply a clever marketing campaign, as the FDA does not approve foods, like they do drugs. Unlike other lab-produced meats which are vegetarian and plant based, this product uses cell lines from chickens. Bloomberg did an investigative report on this product this week, and reported that these cell lines are "immortalized" and are basically the same as cancerous tumors. They reported: "Thank the biotech revolution. Under the right conditions, animal cells can be grown in a petri dish, or even at scale in factories full of stainless-steel drums. For decades, companies such as Pfizer Inc. and Johnson & Johnson have cultured large volumes of cells to produce vaccines, monoclonal antibodies and other biotherapeutics. Now the idea is that we might as well eat these cells, too."

Tens of Thousands Worldwide Protest War in Ukraine as Biden Secretly Shows up in Kiev to Support War and Pledge Half $BILLION More in Weapons

With Ohio suffering one of the worst disasters in recent times, as another explosion in Ohio happened today with "mass casualties," and with tens of thousands of people DEAD in Turkey and Syria as today another 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit the same area while Israel bombed Damascus killing and injuring dozens, tens of thousands of protesters gathered in Munich Germany and Washington D.C. to protest the war in Ukraine, as President Biden secretly flies to Kiev to meet with Zelenskyy to show his support for the war and pledge another half $BILLION in weapons.

Florida Parents Beware! Your Children are NOT Safe! Pastors and Foster Parents in Florida are Sexually Trafficking Children

Sheriff deputies in Hillsborough County, Florida, arrested a youth pastor and a foster parent this week for sexually trafficking children. Nathaniel Rodriguez and Nicole Rogers reported the story on WFLA in Tampa: Hillsborough County deputies arrested a youth pastor and a foster parent on human trafficking charges involving teenage victims, according to a Friday press release. The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office said their investigation began on Feb. 9 after a local mother said she found “disturbing content” on her 16-year-old child’s cell phone. Deputies said their suspect, 36-year-old Moises Escoto of Temple Terrace, had first contacted the victim two years ago on an app called Sniffies. Escoto serves as a youth pastor at Iglesia de Cristo Misionera Mahanaim Church on North Amenia Avenue. “It started with, hey I’ll give you gifts and money in exchange for sexual photos and videos,” said Marco Villarreal. “Over time, they started meeting and having secret sexual contact.” According to deputies, the youth pastor also was meeting the teenager in secret and having sex with him. He was arrested by human trafficking deputies on Feb. 9.

2 Years Too Late: Florida Surgeon General Only Now Highlights VAERS Increase in COVID Vaccine Adverse Events – Fails to Call for Halt of COVID Shots

Since early in the year 2021, Health Impact News, and many others, have been warning the public on the sudden increase in injuries and deaths occurring after people took experimental COVID shots, as the sheer number of adverse reactions began to sky rocket in the U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). Our goal in sharing with the public these statistics in VAERS that were NOT being reported in the corporate media, was to warn the public that these shots were NOT safe, and that they were not even vaccines in the traditional definition of vaccines, but bioweapons designed to reduce the world's population while bringing in great profit to the pharmaceutical companies producing them. And now 2 years later here in 2023, after 670,987,625 doses of COVID-19 bioweapon shots have been injected into the bodies of Americans, and with people currently receiving COVID-19 shots at the lowest level since they were given emergency use authorizations, Florida's Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has issued a "Health Alert on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Safety" on February 15, 2023 based on the Government's own statistics in VAERS. If people like me and many others have been able to pull these statistics out of VAERS and warn the public for over 2 years now, what took Ladapo so long? And now that he is finally admitting this problem, what is he doing about it? Is he calling for an immediate halt to these killer shots? Is he calling for prosecution of the murderers who implemented these weapons of mass destruction? No, he issued a "scathing letter" to the FDA and CDC "requesting" that they "promote transparency in health care professionals to accurately communicate the risks these vaccines pose." I'm sure the people at the FDA and CDC are shaking in their boots over this letter.

Resistance is NOT Futile! Woman Sues White Castle for Using Her Fingerprints Without Her Consent – Burger Slinger Could Lose $17 BILLION

American burger-slinging giant White Castle is almost certainly regretting its decisions about employee monitoring after the Illinois Supreme Court Friday issued an opinion opening the fast "food" corp up to potentially billions in fines. In what we imagine was a gut-wrenching decision for White Castle's legal team, the court ruled in a 4-3 decision that White Castle could be held accountable for every instance in which it scanned the fingerprints of its 9,500 employees without their consent. Illinois has required companies to obtain permission before collecting or transmitting an individual's biometric data since 2008. The fine for failing to do so was between $1,000 and $5,000 per infraction, depending on the circumstances. In the proposed class action case, the plaintiff sued White Castle on accusations the fast-food chain had "unlawfully collected her biometric data and unlawfully disclosed her data to its third-party vendor" without her consent for several years after implementing fingerprint-scanning for employee computer access, according to the Illinois Supreme Court document.

Was the Train Crash and Chemical Burn in Ohio an Act of Domestic Terrorism?

The train derailment over two weeks ago in East Palestine, Ohio, and the "slow release" burn-off of hazardous chemicals, is starting to look like it was potentially an act of domestic terrorism. Many questions are being asked about eerie "coincidences" surrounding the crash, which the federal government has been very slow to respond to, with FEMA originally denying a request for federal assistance, until reversing that decision late yesterday more than two weeks after the crash. Perhaps an exclusive story published earlier in the day yesterday by The Daily Mail out of the UK, highlighting how people were suffering, was instrumental in putting pressure on the Biden Administration. Citizen journalists and Internet Sleuths have uncovered several suspicious events that happened prior to the crash. I have all the evidence that this was possibly an act of domestic terrorism in a video compilation which is less than 10 minutes long.

Florida Goes After Homeschoolers by Offering Money in Return for Government Oversight

Florida legislators have introduced a new bill that could become a blueprint nationwide for how States deal with parents who choose to educate their children at home, opting out of the system. Since many families struggle financially to have one spouse stay out of the workforce to educate their children, Florida is introducing a bill that will give funding to these families. But that then opens the door to let the Government into your home and have a say on how you educate your children.  As Alex Newman, who himself lives in Florida, reports, this is NOT a good idea, and homeschool families and organizations should absolutely oppose this bill, and any others like it that pop up in other states.

Bill Gates Wants to use Artificial Intelligence to Combat Conspiracy Theories

That Borg-like greeting could be coming soon to the internet in the form of new AI overlords. In a recent chilling interview, Microsoft founder and billionaire Bill Gates called for the use of artificial intelligence to combat not just “digital misinformation” but “political polarization.” He is only the latest to call for the use of either AI or algorithms to shape what people say or read on the internet. The danger of such a system is evident where free speech, like resistance, could become futile. In an interview on a German program, “Handelsblatt Disrupt,” Gates calls for unleashing AI to stop certain views from being “magnified by digital channels.” The problem is that we allow “various conspiracy theories like QAnon or whatever to be blasted out by people who wanted to believe those things.” This is not the first call for AI overlords to protect us from ourselves. Last September, Gates gave the keynote address at the Forbes 400 Summit on Philanthropy. He told his fellow billionaires that “polarization and lack of trust is a problem.”

“Dataism” is the New Religion of AI and Transhumanism: Those Who Own and Control the Data Control Life

Yuval Noah Harari is an Israeli professor in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is one of the leading technocrats today who promotes Artificial Intelligence (AI) and makes techno-prophecies about the future, claiming that AI is advancing so rapidly, that we are the last generation of homo sapiens, because transhumans will soon replace us. Harari makes it clear that "dataism" is the new religion that fuels AI, and he claims: "We are probably one of the last generations of homo sapiens. Within a century or two earth will be dominated by entities that are more different from us than we are different from neanderthals or from chimpanzees. Because in the coming generations, we will learn how to engineer bodies and brains and minds. Now how exactly will the future masters of the planet look like? This will be decided by the people who own the data. Those who control the data control the future, not just of humanity, but the future of life itself, because data is the most important asset in the world." Yuval Noah Harari believes that one day we will be able to "hack humans", because he believes that the human mind is no different than a computer, and our thoughts are simply "biochemical algorithms." This is a religion, not science. It is based on a Darwinian biological view of life, which sees reality as simply the observations of the physical world, ignoring the human soul and spirit. In this new religion called "dataism," you must surrender your data to the network, whether you want to or not, because refusing to share all the personal data of your life is "a sin."

What is the Future of “Virtual Reality” and the Metaverse?

Author and futurist Bernard Marr says, “I’m super-excited about this technology,” but that comes with a warning about the potential perils of the metaverse. He has identified seven major problems and disadvantages highlighting the downsides to the virtual worlds. Most are quite knotty challenges, which won’t be easy to solve in a malleable, constantly evolving world open to deviant behavior.

No Vaccine No Food? Grocery Industry Merging with Big Tech and Big Pharma as New App Tracks Drug and Vaccine Purchases Along with Food

Big Food is making its move into the "digital health space" as grocery chain giant Albertsons announced the roll-out of its "Sincerely Health" platform along with a new app where customers "can connect data from wearables, integrate prescriptions, design their diet and make telehealth or vaccination appointments." Albertsons, which includes other mega grocery chains such as Safeway, Vons, Shaw’s, Jewel-Osco, Acme and Tom Thumb, among others, is currently in talks to merger with Kroger, another mega grocery chain, which would give them 36% control over the grocery supermarket business in the United States. Walmart, the largest grocery chain in the U.S., offers something similar, as they recently teamed up with Avanlee Care, which offers caregivers a similar platform integrated with Walmart shopping lists and pharmacy tools. Your grocery purchasing habits have been considered very valuable data for decades now, with most major supermarkets offering things like "loyalty" cards that give discounts on grocery products. But now, Big Food wants to merge that with your Big Pharma purchases as well, which would include prescription drug purchases as well as vaccines. It's not difficult then to see just how Big Food can now potentially use this data against you. These apps that combine your drug, vaccine, food, and doctor appointment purchases could easily be used in the future to prevent you from accessing these purchases if you do not comply with their requirements, such as being up-to-date on your vaccines. Those who receive government aid, such as food stamps, Section 8 housing, Medicare/Medicaid, etc., could all be tied into the information you provide on these apps. Don't do it! It is not worth the rebates or food coupon discounts you receive if you have to surrender your personal data to receive such "benefits."