Jesus Christ’s Opposition to the Jewish State: Lessons for Today

The New Testament portion of the Bible, and specifically the first four books of the New Testament which are referred to as "Gospel Accounts" documenting the historical life of Jesus Christ, has numerous accounts of Jesus' encounters with the Jewish leaders of his day, and his constant opposition against them. Much of this is recorded concerning his teaching in the great Temple in Jerusalem, and opposing the Jewish State. In John Chapter 8, Jesus debated with the ruling Jews in the Temple, refuting their claim that they were a privileged class simply based on their ethnicity tracing back to Abraham. He told them that they actually served Satan, the Father of Lies. But Jesus did more than just make fools out of the ruling Jews by debating them, he also directly challenged their authority, and the most common way he did that, was by healing people. By Jewish Law, only priests had the authority to declare anyone "healed" of diseases under the laws of Moses. Jesus knew this, and often after he healed someone, he told them to go show themselves to the priests, and let the priests take the credit for the healing, but this was mostly done in the earlier part of his ministry as he tried to avoid conflicts with the Jews as much as possible. After the debate in the Temple recorded in John Chapter 8, however, the gloves came off, and Jesus appeared to get very serious about making the Jewish rulers look like the fools they were, and demonstrating just how superior his power was over theirs. In John Chapter 9, we have the record of an amazing event, where Jesus heals a man who was actually born blind, which had never happened before. And he did it on a Sabbath, which the Jews claimed was illegal, just to piss them off even more. But in the process of receiving eyesight for the first time in his life, this man lost everything else, including his family, for admitting the truth that it was Jesus who healed him and gave him his eyesight.

Judge Rules Against Trump’s Illegal Firing of Federal Employees – Setback for Musk’s Goals as Opposition Grows

In a ruling today that was largely expected by legal analysts, but greatly upset MAGA Trump supporters, a federal judge has ruled that the firing of federal employees by the Trump Administration was illegal, allowing up to 24,000 federal employees to return to work. Because the judge was a Bill Clinton appointee, the MAGA crowd called "foul!" and blamed the ruling on partisan politics, with many claiming that President Trump has the right to fire whomever he wants to. But in rushing to judgment about this ruling, it is doubtful that the Trump supporters even read the judge's ruling and the facts of the case, as Trump's Department of Justice (DOJ) did not even argue this point (that Trump has a right to fire whomever he wants to), but in fact took the opposite position that Trump did not fire anyone, but instead gave "guidance" to the various agencies through the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), and that then the agencies themselves determined who should be fired. The judge didn't buy that, mainly because when he ordered the acting OMB director Charles Ezell to testify in court about this "guidance", Trump's legal team did not allow him to testify, and instead withdrew his "declaration" so that he did not have to testify in court and obey the judge's summons. The judge essentially accused the Trump Administration of lying.

Avian Flu Vaccines for Livestock Approved! Support Small-Scale American Farmers who do NOT Vaccinate!

The USDA has given approval to new avian flu vaccines for chickens, and is set to approve new avian flu vaccines for cattle. If you don't want to eat commercial chicken and beef from large "farms" with Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) who need vaccines and other pharmaceutical products to try and keep their animals healthy, it is time to support small-scale operations where farmers refuse to vaccinate their livestock. For those who have not yet identified sources for such meat in your local communities, we have been selling such meat for over 15 years over the Internet from small-scale farmers in Wisconsin, most of them Amish. The farmers we contract with NEVER use vaccines on their livestock. We still have some remaining stock from last year's processing that are vaccine-free, but it is moving fast.

N.Y. Judge Orders Trump Admin to Allow Mahmoud Khalil to Talk to His Attorneys as Protests Grow

A judge in federal court in New York ruled today that the Trump Administration, who arrested Mahmoud Khalil over this past weekend with no warrant, and who was being detained in Louisiana with no contact allowed between him and his attorneys and his wife who is 8 months pregnant and is a U.S. Citizen, had to allow Khalil access to his attorneys so he could appear in court. Meanwhile, protests have erupted in New York over Khalil's arrest, and many Jews are also among the protesters. At least a "dozen" protesters were allegedly handcuffed by police earlier today, but it is not clear yet at the time of this writing if they were actually charged or detained. Some news reports are claiming that the reason why Khalil was taken from New York to be detained in Louisiana is because he was not charged with any crime, and therefore they did not have to comply with Khalil's attorney who filed a habeas corpus, because it lacked jurisdiction. Did the Trump Administration Make a Huge Mistake by not Knowing Mahmoud Khalil was a Legal Resident of the U.S.? While many media sources have now stated the same thing that I published when this story broke, which is that this is a "test case" for the Trump Administration on deporting students who protest against the Israeli government, it would appear that Trump's Zionist officials did not even know that this man was no longer a student, and was not even in the U.S. on a student visa anymore. And they also seem to be completely ignorant of the differences between visas and Green Cards, which represent permanent residents in the U.S. who no longer need visas. Fox News, just a short while ago as I began to write this article and should know better by now with everything that has come out in the news the past few days, deliberately LIED to the American people by bringing in "legal experts" on to their show who stated incorrectly that Khalil's "visa as a foreign student" had been revoked, and that the "law is on Trump's side." Well, how can a "legal expert" claim that the law is on the side of Trump if they misrepresent the facts of the case? By law, only an immigration judge in immigration court can revoke a Green Card. The Trump Administration seems to have learned this over the past couple of days, because they are now backtracking on stating that they are going to immediately deport Khalil, because as a permanent resident, he will get his day in immigration court.

Peggy Hall Calls Out MAGA Supporters of RFK Jr. Who Still Defend Him

It is truly amazing how so many people in the "Health Freedom Movement" who opposed the COVID shots, are now continuing to support Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services, and his pro-vaccine agenda. After his editorial on Fox News supporting the deadly MMR vaccines, some "big names" in the movement have taken it upon themselves to criticize people like myself who continue to publish the truth about RFK Jr. as he endorses the CDC Child Immunization schedule. The latest names are Dr. Elizabeth Vliet, and Ty and Charlene Bollinger. I have intentionally hyperlinked their names so you can click on them and see all the fine articles I have written about these people over the years, as they warned people about the dangers of vaccines. But now they are turning against anyone who criticizes their hero, RFK Jr. Peggy Hall has just written an article and published a video in response, as she too has taken heat for calling out those who continue to support RFK Jr. Hall correctly articulates the issue: This is not about "whose side are you on," it is about whether or not your support the TRUTH. What are you people who continue to support the pedophile Epstein associate RFK Jr. going to say to the mother you meet in the future who listened to this man and what he says about the MMR vaccine, and every other vaccine in the CDC childhood immunization schedule, and then ended up with a dead child, or one maimed for life with autism, because they not only trusted RFK Jr., but they also trusted YOU because you said he was a good person??

Columbia Student Seized from His Private Residence with No Warrant from Wife who is a U.S. Citizen and 8 Months Pregnant

Yesterday, it was reported that ICE agents forced their way into the private residence of a graduate student from Columbia University, who is a permanent resident of the United States with a Green Card, and took him away from his wife, who is a U.S. Citizen and is 8 months pregnant. According to reports, she too was threatened with arrest from ICE agents, even though she is a U.S. Citizen. The man's name is Mahmoud Khalil, and he was a prominent leader of the pro-Palestinian protests last year at Columbia University. Khalil phoned his attorney, Amy E. Greer of Dratel & Lewis, when ICE arrived, and she later gave a report to the media about his arrest. Secretary of State Marco Rubio confirmed that they detained Khalil, and accused him of being a "Hamas supporter." Mahmoud Khalil is a Syrian national. If they deport him back to Syria, he will be going to a country that is now in total chaos, where thousands of innocent civilians have been slaughtered in the past few days. And how ironic that just last week, it was published in the media that the U.S. and Israel are actually the ones supporting Hamas, and that the Trump Administration is currently holding direct talks with Hamas themselves. No matter what your political views are, this should greatly concern ALL AMERICANS, as the Trump Administration's actions are now in blatant violation of the First Amendment that protects BOTH freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. This is the first action taken by the newly formed "Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism", and as the whole world can now see, it means entering the home of private U.S. residents and citizens, ripping them out of their homes with NO WARRANT, and sending them who knows where, cutting them off from their families and attorney. As I have been writing for many months now, the Zionist agenda, if they succeed like this, is FAR MORE dangerous than anything we saw during COVID and the lockdowns. During COVID, you could avoid the police state by just staying in the privacy of your own home, since this is what the Government wanted anyway. But as we see with this first action by Trump's "Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism", which is being led by the Secretary of HHS, RFK Jr., they will seize you in your own home, and quickly whisk you away somewhere where nobody can find you. Do you still think I am exaggerating about this?

Catherine Austin Fitts: “How Many People in this Administration have Major Files in the Epstein Operation”?

Catherine Austin Fitts was interviewed on the David Knight show last week. Catherine Austin Fitts is a Wharton graduate, and was the first woman to be promoted to managing director of Dillon, Read and Co, Inc., the "prototypical elitist men's club Wall Street investment bank." Fitts was instrumental in building a new market for Dillon Read. She began underwriting previously unrated municipal bonds, in essence, financing large government projects which other Wall Street firms said couldn't be done. These novel bond sales helped revive New York City's crumbling subway system, and they provided funding for the City University of New York and other major projects. The market in unrated and low-rated muni bonds took off, earning Fitts the title of "Wonder Woman of Muni Bonds," in a glowing Business Week article (February 23, 1987). Fitts worked on the campaign of George H. W. Bush during the 1988 United States presidential election, and was appointed as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing in the Bush administration, where she was charged with repairing the department's reputation in the aftermath of the savings and loan crisis. She resigned her post in 1990, following a report that her relationship with Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Jack Kemp had soured. After leaving government, Fitts founded Hamilton Securities, an employee-owned brokerage house, which she ran until 1998. In 1993, Hamilton Securities won a contract with HUD to manage its $500 billion investment portfolio. However, she did her job too well, as she learned that when you save taxpayers money, you are often lowering revenues for the D.C. crime syndicate. The Bush family, or those associated with the Bush family, allegedly destroyed her career and threatened to murder people in her family if she went public with what she knew, and she briefly touches on this in her interview with David Knight. I have annotated down about 7 minutes from her nearly 1-hour interview with David Knight, where she talks about the Epstein financial network of laundering money.

Israeli Media Reveals that Hamas is Actually Funded by Israel – And of Course Israel is Funded by the U.S.

An explosive report by Israel's Shin Bet, their internal Security Agency which is similar to the U.S.'s FBI, was published in the Israeli media this week, where they revealed that the Israeli government has in fact been funding Hamas long before the Oct. 7, 2023 terrorist attacks. This news was scarcely covered in the U.S. media, or spun in a way to downplay its significance. The only way to explain how this was not headline news all over the world earlier this week when this report was published, is that the Zionists have a very tight noose around the English media empires, regardless of whether they lean "liberal" or "conservative". And of course, shortly after this report by Shin Bet was published in the Israeli media, it was reported in the U.S. media that the U.S. was in fact in direct communication with Hamas. And this report followed Trump's Executive Order that bypassed Congress to send over $3 BILLION in military support to Israel last week. I wonder how much of that will find its way into the hands of Hamas's military? As can be expected, Netanyahu received considerable criticism in Israel after this report by Shin Bet was published, and in his attempt to explain it, he did NOT deny that the reports were true.

What Kind of a World do We Live In? Palestinian Journalist States that The World Cannot Ignore Trump’s Death Threat to the People of Gaza

“To the People of Gaza: A beautiful Future awaits, but not if you hold Hostages. If you do, you are DEAD! Make a SMART decision. RELEASE THE HOSTAGES NOW OR THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY LATER!” - U.S. President Donald Trump. These were not the words of some far-right provocateur lurking in a dark corner of the internet. They were not shouted by an unhinged warlord seeking vengeance. No, these were the words of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, the most powerful man in the world. A man who with a signature, a speech or a single phrase can shape the fate of entire nations. And yet, with all this power, all this influence, his words to the people of Gaza were not of peace, not of diplomacy, not of relief – but of death. I read them and I feel sick. Because I know exactly who he is speaking to. He is speaking to my family. To my parents, who lost relatives and their home. To my siblings, who no longer have a place to return to. To the starving children in Gaza, who have done nothing but be born to a people the world has deemed unworthy of existence. To the grieving mothers who have buried their children. To the fathers who can do nothing but watch their babies die in their arms. To the people who have lost everything and yet are still expected to endure more. Trump speaks of a “beautiful future” for the people of Gaza. But there is no future left where homes are gone, where whole families have been erased, where children have been massacred. I read these words and I ask: What kind of a world do we live in?

Corporate Media Finally Asks About the Non-existent “Fentanyl Crisis” from Canadian Border and the White House Continues to Lie About It

The Corporate Media are finally catching up on what I have been saying and publishing for a couple of weeks now here at Health Impact News, which is that Canada does NOT have a fentanyl problem coming across the border. As I have previously reported, only about 50 lbs. of fentanyl entered into the U.S. from Canada in ALL of 2024, and according to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), only 56.1 grams of fentanyl were seized at the Canadian border last month (February, 2025), including 20 fentanyl pills. In the White House Press gallery yesterday, someone FINALLY addressed this question to White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt, and asked what the real purpose of the Canadian tariffs was. Her answer shocked most people, so absurd was it, and it has been in the corporate media news stream yesterday and today. Listen for yourself as she basically refused to answer the question as to what the real reason was for tariffs against Canada, faced with the statistics of how much fentanyl is actually coming out of Canada, but then revealed the main reason for these tariffs later in the press conference. I don't think anybody in the corporate media wants to go on the record for stating that we do not have a fentanyl crisis at the border with Mexico, in spite of the fact that Trump proudly announced this past Tuesday in his joint address of Congress, that traffic at the border has almost ceased since he came into office. So since nobody else in the media will ask questions about this and theorize as to what the real reasons are for the Mexican tariffs, I will.

Has Israel’s Goal Always Been to Occupy Gaza through Ethnic Cleansing and NOT to Defeat Hamas?

In a stunning admission today, the Trump Administration confirmed reports that they been having secret talks with Hamas leadership to secure the return of American hostages, and end the war. If you are an American like me, it has been drilled into our minds our whole lives that "The U.S. does not negotiate with terrorists." Well, apparently the Trump Administration does. Axios published an exclusive scoop on this earlier today, and then the Trump Administration confirmed that it was true. Since Trump has returned to office, he has talked a big talk when it comes to Hamas, and proudly declared shortly after he took office that the U.S. was going to take control of Gaza and rebuild it into high-end luxury beach properties. But the Hamas war in Gaza is now 16 months old, and the mighty American/Israeli military has still not been able to defeat Hamas, or rescue the remaining hostages. Did something give Trump the idea that this has now changed, or has he been bluffing all along? If the mighty American military had the power to just take Gaza, why would they be having secret talks with Hamas? Could it be that the Western Media has not been publishing the truth about this war? Could it be that if the U.S. and Israel want to develop Gaza as their own, that they will need the approval of Hamas first? Sam Parker, a Muslim writer with Behind the News Network, just published an article that may provide some answers to these questions, as he claims that the Rothschilds' Zionist Project is in serious trouble. This is the alternative, non-Western perspective on what is currently going on in Palestine.

The End of the First Amendment – Only Zionist Jewish Voices Allowed on U.S. Campuses

There is a new "pandemic" sweeping across the U.S., and President Donald Trump has issued an Executive Order to prevent it from spreading through college and university campuses, by creating a "Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism". And who better to lead this new fight against this deadly "pandemic", than the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. In a Press Release yesterday, Secretary Kennedy stated that antisemitism was a: "deadly and virulent pestilence" that "sickens societies and kills people with lethalities comparable to history’s most deadly plagues." Well, that sure gives "Make America Healthy Again" (MAHA) a whole new meaning, doesn't it? I wonder if Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is developing "antisemitic vaccines" yet, since he has been telling the whole world lately how much he loves vaccines? Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is also on the record for stating that "antisemitism is a virus" that is spreading quickly through the campuses of America's colleges and universities. The statement in Secretary Kennedy's Press Release that is the most concerning to me, is that this is "the first major action announced from the multi-agency Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism." What other actions may be in the pipeline by this "Task Force" to combat this "deadly plague" of antisemitism that RFK, Jr. says threatens our country?

From “Defending” Children’s Health to Destroying It: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Now Recommends MMR Vaccine After Years of Condemning It

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Trump's Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), published an opinion piece yesterday on Fox News about the current "measles outbreak." He wrote: "MMR vaccine is crucial to avoiding potentially deadly disease. Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons." Here is what Robert F. Kennedy wrote about the fraudulent MMR vaccine by Merck back in 2019: "If you multiply the known adverse events from the MMR by 100, you get 44,500 deaths and 8,900,000 injuries making the measles vaccine far worse than measles." The MMR is a 3-vaccine combo vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella. There is no actual "measles vaccine." It has been established that the MMR vaccine is linked to increased levels of autism in children. Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the poster-boy for Big Pharma who like to state that the claim that the MMR vaccine causes autism has been scientifically debunked, was the first one to go public with his concerns about the MMR vaccine and its link to autism. In 2014, Dr. Wakefield was exonerated when a CDC scientist who worked on the original study that the CDC says proves the MMR vaccine does not cause autism, confessed to Brian Hooker in a phone call that they had fabricated the study, and that his conscience continually bothered him about the fraudulent study. The scientist's name is Dr. William Thompson. Dr. Andrew Wakefield produced a video about his admission of guilt. It is hard to find on the Internet these days, but we have a copy.

Trump’s Crypto Reserve Will Bail Out Silicon Valley and Wall Street Billionaires at the Expense of Average Americans

One of Donald Trump's campaign promises was to create a government "Crypto Reserve" where the U.S. Government would own cryptocurrency assets to be used to run the country. Much of the talk was originally about the U.S. Government owning Bitcoin, but this past weekend Trump announced that it would include other cryptocurrencies as well. The news originally sent cryptocurrency values higher, but most of them came crashing back down today, as did Wall Street in general. Financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts of the Solari Report has been very vocal against any kind of Bitcoin or Crypto Reserve by the government, referring to it as a "reverse Robinhood" of stealing from the poor and giving it to the rich. Her fears are that such a reserve would be used to buy real assets, such as real estate, while leaving speculative cryptocurrencies in people's pensions and retirement funds. Here are a few short video interviews where she discusses this.

“America is Going Down” – Trump has Damaged the US’s Reputation “More than all of his Predecessors Combined” Chinese Colonel Says

Just two months into the Trump 2.0 Presidency, the United States has apparently become the laughingstock of the world, especially after the comedy show broadcast live from the White House to the whole world on Friday with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. This past week Trump has done something no other sitting U.S. President has ever done before him, and that was to basically declare war on Western Europe and NATO, while strengthening relations with Russia, considered an "enemy" of the United States and Western Europe since the end of World War II. The Zelensky show at the White House Friday, whether intentional or not, has unified Western Europe against the U.S., and has potentially strengthened Zelensky's position against Russia, just the opposite of what the Trump administration wanted. After being kicked out of the White House by Trump on Friday, he was welcomed with open arms in London by European heads of state who hastily came together in unity to support Zelensky. They apparently were fine with his wardrobe as well. But Europe was not the only place where these theatrics at the White House on Friday were watched . Zhou Bo, a retired senior colonel from China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA), stated that Trump was damaging the US’s reputation “more than all of his predecessors combined”.

Israel Blocks All Humanitarian Aid to Gaza – Threatens to “Open the Gates of Hell, Cut off Electricity and Water, Return to War” at Trump’s Bidding

The end of the negotiated ceasefire, phase 1, between Hamas and Israel, ended yesterday (Saturday March 1, 2025). While Hamas wanted to proceed to phase 2 to negotiate an end to the war, Netanyahu, reportedly in coordination with the Trump administration, instead wanted to extend phase 1 longer through the month of Ramadan, and blocked all humanitarian aid coming into Gaza until they agreed to these new terms. Egypt and many other countries strongly objected, accusing Israel of a "war-crime starvation strategy". This move was not popular in Israel, as thousands of Israelis took to the streets in Tel Aviv, and hundreds gathered outside of Netanyahu's residence to protest. The hardcore Zionists in Israel’s ruling coalition welcomed the block of humanitarian aid, and called for "the gates of Hell" to be unleashed against the Palestinians by cutting off electricity and water into Gaza, and returning to war, citing U.S. President Donald Trump as the source of such plans. An Israeli source reportedly told ABC News that: "The Israeli decision to halt aid into Gaza was coordinated with the Trump administration." As I have frequently reported the past year and a half, Zionism is a cult, although among Jews it is the minority view. Most Jews are not Zionists. If Netanyahu and the hardcore Zionists do not represent the majority of Israelis, then how do they remain in power? There is only one reason why these Zionist Jews remain in power: They are supported by Zionist Evangelical Christians. And these Christians are the ones who put Zionist Donald Trump back into power.

Trump Bypasses Congress with Executive Order to Send $3 BILLION in Bombs and Weapons to Israel to Expand War in West Bank

Once again, President Trump showed that he is ruling the U.S. like a king instead of an elected representative of the people, as he issued another "emergency" executive order and bypassed Congress to send $3 billion in weapons to Israel, as Israel expands their operation into the West Bank, where Palestinians are being attacked and murdered by Jewish settlers that can only be compared to the Nazi groups in the southern U.S. in years past, where Ku Klux Klan members attacked and brutally murdered blacks in one of the darkest eras of American history. While the corporate media is mainly reporting on what is going on in Gaza, Palestinians are being killed and driven from their homes throughout the West Bank, an area that is NOT controlled by Hamas. Please invest a few minutes of your time to view on-the-ground reports of what is happening in Israel from a non-Western and non-Zionist perspective. As the late great Paul Harvey used to say: "And now, the rest of the story....."

Zelensky Goes Off Script as Trump and Vance Have Temper Tantrum in Front of the Whole World in the White House

What a show we had in the White House today! What made it so entertaining, is that the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, clearly did not follow the script that was assigned to him, and in doing so, Trump and Vance became unhinged and threw a temper tantrum, in full view of the cameras from the press who were there to supposedly film the signing of a new deal with the U.S. offering to purchase "mineral rights" in Ukraine (and what most media sources will probably fail to report about that, is that the most valuable of those "minerals" is oil). The way this event is being spun, depending on your political alliances (I have NONE), ranges from Zelensky being a hero and the first one to actually stand up against Trump, to Trump showing him who's boss and kicking him out of the White House. But it was just a show! Whatever agreement was in place, was settled long before this incident, because world leaders do not negotiate deals for world peace in front of cameras from the U.S. Corporate Media. But don't take my word for it. Analysts on Wall Street said the exact same thing today, and as soon as they did, the stock market soared higher at the close, with the expectation that the deal is going to go through in spite of the theatrics in the show performed at the White House today. Another thing this show today in the White House did, was take media attention away from the embarrassment of the White House from promising to release some Epstein files that were supposedly going to be a "bombshell" and riled up the MAGA crowd. These files were supposed to reveal his client lists, but those lists have already been exposed and have been available on the Internet for a few years now. You can get your own copy on Donald and Melania Trump are in it, as is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his now deceased wife by suicide, Mary Richardson. What are still missing are the video recorded tapes that Epstein allegedly had, and I don't see anyone promising to release those. But the White House was backtracking today, blaming it on the DOJ and the FBI, in spite of the fact that both of those agencies are now fully under Trump's control with his own people running them.

Donald Trump Continues to Lie About Fentanyl as he Envisions Himself as King of Israel Ruling from Gaza

President Donald Trump renewed his threats to impose a 25% tariff against imports from Canada and Mexico starting next week on March 4, while lying in public about what he is claiming is the reason for these tariffs, which he claims is that they are still allowing too much fentanyl to come across the border. As I have previously published, there were only 50 lbs. of fentanyl seized coming across the very long border from Canada for ALL of 2024. Have seizures of illegal fentanyl somehow increased here in 2025 coming into the U.S. from Canada to warrant these crippling tariffs? Here is what is being reported about fentanyl seizures from Canada here in 2025 according to the Canada Border Services Agency: "Ahead of the looming March 4 deadline, Canada announced it was launching an effort, dubbed 'Operation Blizzard.' The effort is 'aimed at intercepting illegal contraband arriving and leaving Canada, with a focus on fentanyl and other synthetic narcotics,' according to a statement published by the Canada Border Services Agency Thursday morning. CBSA also shared that it seized 56.1 grams of fentanyl this month, including 20 fentanyl pills and 23 grams 'of a substance suspected to be fentanyl from two US citizens crossing at the Windsor-Detroit Tunnel port of entry.'” For those Americans who are math-challenged to understand metric weights, 28 grams is equal to about 1 ounce. So two ounces of fentanyl and 20 fentanyl pills here in 2025 are behind the "fentanyl crisis" coming out of Canada. Fortunately, we can learn what Trump's true reasons are for threatening Canada with tariffs, directly from Trump himself, in what appeared to be unscripted remarks he made after his staff meeting yesterday.

The Truth About the Commercial Egg Industry and the Fake Avian Flu “Virus” – Become a Backyard Chicken Producer for Your Own Fresh Eggs!

Here in the U.S., the nation's egg shortages and high prices have been part of the news stream for weeks now. The shortages of eggs and their high prices are being blamed on an "avian flu" outbreak, but this is, in fact, a business model for the commercial egg industry that has been in place for decades now, at least since 2006, when the first "avian flu" outbreak allegedly occurred under then President George Bush. Besides the obvious effects these "outbreaks" have on the nation's egg supplies, there has also been a concerted effort to deceive people into thinking this fake "avian flu virus", which is identified by the same fraudulent PCR test that got so much press during the COVID Scam, will somehow "mutate" and begin infecting humans, which of course would then require new "vaccines." I have sold eggs from small-scale farmers in the U.S. for over a decade, and in this article I will expose some things about the commercial egg industry that you may not read anywhere else. Ultimately, the solution to the egg problem is to just start producing eggs yourself! It really is not that difficult to maintain a small backyard flock of laying hens. If you know how to take care of a dog or cat, then you can easily take care of a few chickens who can provide you with fresh eggs.