Legal Experts: Shaken Baby Diagnosis Leads to “Destruction of Families Beyond Anything Comparable in the Modern History of the American Justice System”

Attorneys Randy Papetti, Paige Kaneb and Lindsay Herf have just published an article in Santa Clara Law Review exposing how the medical community representing Child Abuse Specialists are trying to convince the courts that Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) still has a "consensus" of support in the medical community. In the medical field of pediatrics, Child Abuse Specialists have increasingly been used by Child Protective Social Services (CPS) across the country to take children away from their parents based primarily on the examination of x-rays. The entire field of pediatric child abuse diagnoses has become very controversial, and all across the country parents and caregivers wrongly accused of child abuse by these pediatric Child Abuse Specialists are having their cases overturned, as the courts are recognizing the flaws in diagnosing SBS. The attorneys writing for the Santa Clara Law Review state: "Several serious and growing controversies surround a field of medicine known as child abuse pediatrics. One such controversy involves a diagnosis known as Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) or Abusive Head Trauma (AHT). The diagnosis is based on specific internal findings in a baby or young child’s head and eyes, which, when present, supposedly indicate that the child was violently shaken or otherwise subjected to inflicted head trauma. Within child abuse pediatrics, the diagnosis is endowed with a nearly iconic status and hailed as a critical discovery in our ability to identify abuse in very young children. But outside of child abuse pediatrics, the SBS/AHT diagnosis is very controversial. In fact, the scientific, medical, and legal literature overflow with challenges to the diagnosis’ reliability. And these challenges are not at the margins. Rather, the problems with the diagnosis may be so fundamental as to raise the specter of wrongful convictions and unfair destruction of families beyond anything comparable in the modern history of the American justice system."

Parents of Baby Kidnapped after Forced Cesarean in Connecticut Hospital Call on Public to Attend Hearing to Remove Parental Rights

Suzy and her husband Peter Saad will face a judge next week who will reportedly terminate their parental rights to their newborn baby, Sofia. The parents reportedly have no criminal record, and have not been charged with child abuse or neglect. They stopped in a hospital in Connecticut while on a trip to Maine because Suzy was experiencing back pain, and the staff there allegedly accused her husband of being a "Muslim terrorist," even though he is a U.S. citizen of Egyptian heritage, and a Coptic Christian. Suzy reports that they drugged her against her will and performed a cesarean birth to remove her baby, and then seized custody of the child. The basis the Judge is allegedly going to use to justify removing their parental rights is something called “predictive analysis” which supposed to predict who will become a good parent and who will not. This tool has received much criticism for being inaccurate, and nothing more than a form of racial profiling. The parents are calling on the public to rally at the courthouse before their trial: "In protest of the very obvious violation of our human and civil rights, we would like to announce that we will be holding a rally on the day of our trial coming up on June 18, 2019 in front of the superior court in Middletown, CT (from 8 am-5 pm.) We are asking that any and everyone who is willing and able, please come out and support us in our cause to save our daughter Sofia and please invite the press!!!"

Police Investigate Murder of Former Arkansas Senator Linda Collins-Smith – Frequent Critic of CPS Corruption

Former Arkansas Senator Linda Collins-Smith was found dead in her home last week, and local media sources are reporting that her death is being investigated as a homicide. Collins-Smith was a frequent critic of government corruption and child protective services, but who the attacker was and what the possible motive might have been are not being reported, and the public may never know, as Third Judicial District Judge Harold Erwin has ordered that documents and evidence obtained by the police during this investigation are to be sealed. Here is what we do know about former Arkansas Senator Susan Collins-Smith.

Former County Administrator, CPS Board Member, and Pastor’s Wife Sentenced to Prison for Child Sex Trafficking Involvement

Laura Lloyd-Jenkins, the former Toledo, Ohio County Administrator and board member of Lucas County Children Services, has been sentenced to a prison sentence for her involvement in a child sex trafficking scandal involving three Ohio pastors, one of which was her ex-husband. Lloyd-Jenkins pleaded guilty to charges of lying to federal investigators regarding what she knew about her ex-husband and two other pastors in a child sex-trafficking case involving a teenage girl associated with their churches.

Kentucky CPS, Sheriff Enter Home without Warrant and Strip Search Young Children Because Mom Left them in Car for Few Minutes to Buy Muffins

Lenore Skenazy and Diane Redleaf recently wrote an article published in the Washington Post showing what lengths Child Protection Services (CPS), along with local law enforcement, will go to harass and humiliate families all in the name of "child protection." Josiah and Holly Curry and their six children have filed a lawsuit in Kentucky District Court against Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Vickie Yates Brown Glisson, the Secretary of Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, two other individuals, and Sheriff John Ward. Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is representing the family. The lawsuit claims that while Holly left her six children in the family van for a few minutes while she purchased muffins on the way to her 5-year-old’s morning karate practice, that police detained her and reported her to CPS. The next day, a social worker appeared at the family's house demanding to enter the home and inspect it, and also check on the children. Holly, well versed in her Constitutional rights and understanding that she did not have to let the social workers in without a court order signed by a judge, offered to bring all the children to the door so the social worker could see them, but refused to let the social worker enter their home. The social worker threatened her, and stated she would return with the police if Holly did not let her in. Holly stood her ground, and later the social worker returned with a sheriff deputy, but no warrant. Threatening to take all the children away by force if she did not let them in, she finally complied. Skenazy and Redleaf describe what happened next...

Court: Arizona DCS Errors and Lies Caused a Father to Lose Rights to his Child

Sloppy work, lack of evidence and outright lies caused a father to lose parental rights to his daughter, the Court of Appeals argued in an opinion that criticizes the work of nearly everyone involved in the four-year-long case. The Department of Child Safety, not the father, is to blame for circumstances that led to a juvenile-court decision last year to sever the father's parental rights, the appeals court wrote. "(A)ny perceived lack of a bond between Melody and Father was not because of Father's lack of effort, but because of DCS's delay, contact restrictions and substantial failure to try to unify Melody with Father," the three-judge panel wrote.

Parents Seeking Non-medical Help for Autism Online Being Reported to CPS to Have Children Medically Kidnapped

Reporter Brandy Zadrozny has written an article for NBC News revealing how certain Facebook groups consisting of parents seeking natural cures for their children who suffer with autism have been infiltrated by fake Facebook accounts of people who want to turn in these parents to Child Protective Services (CPS) for the purpose of having their children taken away from them. While this may appear to be something illegal (and it probably is), Zadrozny seems to present these people who are using fake Facebook accounts as heroes. Her article has been picked up by many other corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media outlets. Zadrozny reports that the two woman profiled in her article are "moles" and claim to be mothers of "autistic children." They apparently believe that autism is "a condition with no medically known cause or cure" and that it is wrong to seek non-medical cures. Therefore, they see it as their mission to identify these parents, using fake identities, and attempt to have their children removed from their homes. "To gain entrance to these groups, Eaton and Seigler disguise themselves as desperate parents looking for answers to their child’s autism. Once they’re in, they take screenshots of posts from parents... Eaton and Seigler research the parents online to determine their identity and location, then send screenshots of the Facebook posts to the local Child Protective Services division..." Zadrozny's piece shows what lengths these impostors will go to try and hunt down these parents of children with autism, many of whom are suffering vaccine injuries. “The problem is if you manage to get one (Facebook page) knocked down, it reopens the next day but it goes secret,” Dalmayne said. “So unless you've got a good fake profile, which I have, and you're friends with people in these groups who will tell you where the next secret group has opened, you can't report them.”

Tennessee Couple Has Baby Ripped from Womb and Kidnapped Because They are an Interracial Couple

The nightmare of a Tennessee couple who was forced to have a cesarean birth and then had their newborn baby daughter medically kidnapped while traveling through Connecticut on their way to a vacation destination in Maine continues. See our previous articles for the background information. While fighting for the custody of their daughter and while attempting to get their case transferred to their home state of Tennessee, Connecticut DCF is reportedly making them drive 20 hours one way from Tennessee to Connecticut each week for a 2-hour visitation with their baby daughter. The Connecticut judge in their case has reportedly scheduled a hearing in June to terminate parental rights, allegedly ruling that they are guilty of something called “predictive neglect.” Suzy claims that the sole reason they have been found guilty is because they are an interracial couple.

Philadelphia City Councilman Endures Threats To Expose Corruption in CPS and Child Sexual Abuse

Earlier this month (May, 2019), Philadelphia City Councilman David Oh presented testimony before the Philadelphia City Council regarding abuses in the state-run child protection services (DHS - Department of Human Services), and how they we continually breaking state law, while not admitting to any wrong-doing. In fact, the councilman claimed that DHS "routinely and intentionally" violates state law. He claims to be representing over 50 "not-at-fault" mothers who all have solid evidence of wrongdoing, and have approached other elected officials many times over the course of years, with no results. He states that they were: "...never accused of doing anything wrong. They were never accused of being abusive or negligent. It was determined by DHS that the allegations were unfounded. Yet, they have been denied their children for years. Their children are being placed in multiple foster care situations where they are abused, they have run away, they're depressed, they're medicated, they're sexually violated. And it continues." During his testimony, Councilman David Oh states that "In the course of pursuing this....." And he then pauses for about 5 seconds, very obviously carefully considering just what exactly he wants to say next: "There have been threats made, threats intimated, that there will be retaliation, that there will be political consequences - all types of threats. And I wonder why? Why is that, when all we are doing is our duty to provide an oversight to an administrative agency that is responsible for protecting children. Why the threat, why the problems?"

Texas CPS Agrees to Pay $127K Sanction for Wrongful Removal of Children – But Does Not Admit to Doing Anything Wrong

Six months after a Harris County judge hit Child Protective Services with a rare $127,000 sanction for wrongfully removing a Tomball couple’s children, the state agency has abandoned its appeal and agreed to pay what may be an unprecedented sum for its handling of the case. But the agency still hasn’t admitted wrongdoing, a fact that irked the family and their attorneys. “To this day, they just can’t admit that they screwed up — to me that’s the saddest part for all of the children in Harris County,” said Stephanie Proffitt, one of the attorneys representing Melissa and Dillon Bright. “They could have at least said we may have messed this one up and we’ll do better next time. Instead they’re basically taking no responsibility. Shame on them.”

Pennsylvania Bill Prevents Doctors from Refusing to Treat Unvaccinated Patients – Stops CPS from Medically Kidnapping Unvaccinated Children

Legislation proposed in Pennsylvania’s General Assembly would prevent doctors and health care facilities from discriminating against unvaccinated patients. Doctors would be required to treat unvaccinated families in their practice, limit tactics used to place pressure on patients to use vaccines and prevent medical staff from requiring parents or guardians to sign a liability waiver if they decline or delay one or more federally recommended vaccines. The bill would also protect doctors from being penalized by health insurance companies for providing health care to unvaccinated patients and prevent child protective services employees from instigating a neglect investigation of parents solely based on a parent’s choice to delay or decline vaccines. Additionally, the bill prohibits investigations by child protective services should parents choose to delay or decline vaccination for their child.

Defiant Texas Mom Opposes Tyrannical Medical Doctors Trying to Medically Kidnap Newborn Unvaccinated Baby

Texas mom and InfoWars reporter Millie Weaver recently went public and talked about her experience with medical doctors regarding her newborn unvaccinated baby. Millie explains how she wanted to have a natural vaginal birth, even after her first child was born by cesarean (VBAC), but her doctors disagreed, and so her baby was born via C-section. As a result, they had to suction fluids out of the back of her mouth. At her baby's first doctor visit, they observed something at the back of her throat, which was probably a result of the suction process during the cesarean birth. But doctors were concerned that it could be an infection, and wanted to send the baby to the hospital for further testing. Millie refused, because the baby had no adverse symptoms, not even a fever. Doctors told her to bring her to the emergency room if the baby ever did have a fever, even just a fever above 100.3. A couple of days later, the baby's temperature registered as 100.6. Thinking that perhaps the baby had contracted some infection at the hospital, Millie decided to play it safe and follow the doctor's directive, and took her into the emergency room. Once she arrived at the hospital, they took the baby's temperature, and it was normal. There was no fever. However, the doctors at the hospital wanted to do further testing. When the doctors announced that they need to do a spinal tap on the baby, Millie put her foot down and refused. Doctors then threatened to call in CPS (Child Protection Services) to take custody of the baby, and also force her to get caught up on vaccines. But Millie held her ground, and eventually was able to bring her baby home.

Alabama Lab Owner Arrested for Falsifying Results of Drug Tests Used to Medically Kidnap Children

Local media in Alabama are reporting that Brandy Murrah, owner of A&J Lab Collections in Ozark, Alabama, has turned herself in to local police over charges that she falsified paternity tests and drug test screenings in child custody cases. Dale County District Attorney Kirke Adams has stated that Murrah's actions may have resulted in a potential "tidal wave" of DHR cases where children were removed from their parents based on false evidence from her lab. “We have no idea at this time how many people did not get their children back because of Ms. Murrah’s alleged fraudulent reports,” Adams said. “I anticipate the tidal wave is just building as far as ramifications,’’ Adams said. “I am furious and offended by these alleged crimes. I don’t understand how someone could be so callous and evil, to have no regard for the consequences of their actions. In my opinion, all cases affected by Murrah’s alleged actions must be redone in order to be fair.”

Judge Orders Children Returned to Parents Who Did not Take Child with Fever to Emergency Room

In a story out of Arizona that has received national attention, Judge Timothy J. Ryan ordered the children of a Chandler, Arizona couple returned home more than two months after police broke down their door at 1 a.m. to remove the children simply because the mother did not take one of them to an emergency room to check on a fever. In a turn of events that might be due to the public outrage over this case, Judge Ryan reportedly went against the recommendation of the assistant attorney general representing the Arizona Department of Child Safety who wanted the children to remain in state custody. While the children are all home for now by court order, the State of Arizona still retains custody of the children, and the legal battle continues for the children, even though there are no charges against the parents due to a lack of evidence.

Proposed New Bill Would Double Federal Funding for Foster Care – More Opportunities for Child Sex Trafficking?

Attorney Michael Dolce, who represents children in foster care, has referred to U.S. foster care as a system set up to sex traffic American Children at the taxpayer's expense. A new proposed bill would double the funding for the U.S. foster care system. Richard Wexler, writing for Youth Today, states: "The bill would more than double the amount of money the federal government forks over to states for foster care reimbursement each year. Even worse, this bill would remove the only small brake from what is less a runaway train than a lumbering foster care steamroller that crushes better alternatives for children." As we have stated numerous times here at Health Impact News, we agree with the late Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer that the current system of Child "Protection" Services and foster care is too corrupt to be reformed, and needs to be abolished. Allowing states to collect more federal funds for foster care is moving in the wrong direction, and could lead to an increase in child sex trafficking.

Multiple Studies Show Children Better Off Left in Troubled Homes than Put Into Foster Care

A new study conducted by Martin Guggenheim, from the NYU School of Law School, shows that children seized by Child Protection Services spend much less time in Foster Care if the parents are provided with high-quality legal representation, with no compromise in child safety. This means that many children in Foster Care today would not even need to be there if their parents had proper legal representation to fight the massive billion dollar foster care and adoption system, which for the most part has nothing to do with child safety. Richard Wexler, writing for the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform blog, notes that this is one of several studies showing that most children do far better when left with their biological families, even troubled families, than those children taken out of troubled homes and put into foster care. Taking the truth of what these studies conclude, that children are better off left in homes even when those homes are not perfect, with the fact that the child welfare system is so corrupt that some state legislatures have had to actually pass laws enforcing that child social service agencies stop lying and falsifying records in order to take children away from their families, such as a recently proposed bill in Texas, we come to the same conclusion that the late Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer did, that the system is too corrupt and too powerful to reform.

Connecticut DCF Punishing Tennessee Parents for Taking Their Story Public? Refuse to Let Parents Visit Baby

We recently published the story of a Tennessee couple who was traveling through Connecticut on their way to a vacation destination in Maine, when the wife, who was pregnant, starting experiencing back pains and decided to check into a hospital in Connecticut for a check up. Her Egyptian Christian husband was allegedly accused of being a Muslim terrorist, and before they knew it, she was being drugged against her will and forced to have cesarean surgery to remove her daughter from her womb, when she had been planning on having a natural birth. Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF) then proceeded to take custody of the baby, with no formal charges ever filed against the parents. The parents eventually had to return to their home in Tennessee with their other two children, making the 20-hour one-way trip back to Connecticut each week to have a supervised 2-hour visit with their daughter as they tried to comply with DCF to get their daughter back. After six months, the parents decided to take their story public. Suzy, the mother, has now reported that Connecticut DCF is refusing to allow them to see their baby since they went public with their story. "We have just driven all day yesterday and all night for the past nearly 20 hours straight to get to Connecticut to see our baby and now our case worker David Friend is telling us that he cannot accommodate our visit and we cannot see our child!"

Pregnant Mom Traveling Through Connecticut with Husband Stops at Hospital Where They Forcibly Drug her and Perform Cesarean Surgery to Kidnap Baby

In a story so horrendous that it reads like a Hollywood script to a movie that could only be fiction, Tennessee parents Suzy and Peter Saad have decided to go public with their story of alleged medical abuse and medical kidnapping in Connecticut. Peter and Suzy both have master's degrees and were former medical school students, which is where they met. However, they put their plans for medical school on hold to start their family. After delivering two boys by cesarean birth, mom's dreams were finally realized when she became pregnant for the third time, and this time it was a baby girl in answer to her prayers. Suzy wanted the best for the new daughter growing in her womb, so she sought medical help to try and have a natural birth, uncommon but not impossible when the first pregnancies end in cesarean births. The family was living in Tennessee, and Suzy was not happy with the prenatal care she was receiving. Peter's family is from New Jersey, and after one of his family members died and they traveled to New Jersey to attend the funeral, they found a birthing center there that Suzy felt comfortable with in terms of trying a natural birth. At 38 weeks of pregnancy with her daughter, Suzy was experiencing some anxiety and suffering from bad nights of sleep. Family and friends suggested she take a few days off with her husband, while family members watched the two boys. They knew about a lovely place in Maine they had been wanting to visit, and decided that the 6-hour trip would do them some good. As they drove from New Jersey to Maine, Suzy experienced some pain, and to be on the safe side, they decided to stop at a hospital in Connecticut. This is when the real nightmares began. Her husband's family is originally from Egypt, although Peter grew up in the United States and has been a U.S. citizen since he was a child. His family in Egypt are Coptic Christians, a minority group in a country that is predominately Muslim. Before they fully understood what was happening, Peter was allegedly being accused of being a Muslim terrorist and fleeing the law, and Suzy was being accused of being a drug addict, simply because she had some prescription medications with her to treat her high blood pressure and diabetes. She was allegedly drugged and forced to have cesarean surgery, and hospital staff then allegedly worked together with social service workers to take custody of her baby. After 6 months of trying to comply with everything the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF) was requiring of the parents in order to get their baby daughter back, they have now decided to go public with their story.

The Essence of Evil: Sex with Children Has Become Big Business in America

Children, young girls—some as young as 9 years old—are being bought and sold for sex in America. The average age for a young woman being sold for sex is now 13 years old. This is America’s dirty little secret. Sex trafficking—especially when it comes to the buying and selling of young girls—has become big business in America, the fastest growing business in organized crime and the second most-lucrative commodity traded illegally after drugs and guns. As investigative journalist Amy Fine Collins notes, “It’s become more lucrative and much safer to sell malleable teens than drugs or guns. A pound of heroin or an AK-47 can be retailed once, but a young girl can be sold 10 to 15 times a day—and a ‘righteous’ pimp confiscates 100 percent of her earnings.” Consider this: every two minutes, a child is exploited in the sex industry. According to USA Today, adults purchase children for sex at least 2.5 million times a year in the United States. Who buys a child for sex? Otherwise ordinary men from all walks of life. “They could be your co-worker, doctor, pastor or spouse,” writes journalist Tim Swarens, who spent more than a year investigating the sex trade in America.

Parents Share Their Pain of Being Wrongly Accused of Child Abuse and Losing Their Children

Knowing the date the fractures were discovered will never leave your mind. It will be some brutal anniversary you will always acknowledge, even when your "abused" baby is grown with children of their own. The flashbacks of the hospital. The clamps they put in your baby's eyes to check for retinal bleeding. The sound of the MRI machine. Your baby's wailing as they tried to insert an IV. The one nurse who couldn't make eye contact with you, wouldn't make eye contact with you, because she had already made her mind up about the mother whose child has 5 broken bones. The heavy weight you carry around, knowing CPS could be successful in terminating your parental rights, imprisoning you on false accusations. Your name permanently erased from your children's birth certificates. Wishing you could go back to believing every parent whose rights are terminated deserved it. Wishing every headline you read about an abused baby, you don't question if it was a medical disorder. Wishing you didn't know how many other parents are going through this, have been through this, who haven't made it through it. How will I heal from this?