Most Organizations formed to Combat Child Sex Trafficking are Actually Facilitating and Funding It
One of the tragic realities of child sex trafficking is the fact that groups who allegedly advocate for the end of child sex trafficking and the "protection" of children, are actually the very groups behind trafficking children. The most obvious example is the one we have been reporting on for years now here at Health Impact News, which is the government-funded child welfare system commonly referred to as "Child Protective Services," or CPS, which is the main vehicle by which children are kidnapped from their families and trafficked. Child sex trafficking has been a hot topic in the corporate media recently, and every time I am alerted to some of these news stories, especially where rallies or demonstrations are taking place, I always look at the group behind these public demonstrations, and who the leaders are within these groups. Very often Child Abuse Pediatricians and hospital child abuse clinics are involved, and as we have documented over the years, these doctors make their living solely by finding "medical abuse" so they can take custody away from the family and put them into the lucrative multi-billion dollar a year foster care and adoption system. We need to call this what it really is: Child Trafficking. These government-funded and privately run groups do not care about the welfare of children at all. If they did, they would do everything possible to keep children at home with their families, by supporting those families, which in many cases are poor, minority families. The Christian Church is one of the largest entities guilty of child trafficking, calling it "Orphan Care." The QAnon movement has also been in the media frequently in recent days, and a big part of this movement has been exposing child sex trafficking. Some of the Q followers, and some of the Q "droppings" themselves seem to have revealed true intelligence on the problem of child sex trafficking. But Satan is the "father of lies," and his most deceptive way of fooling the masses is promoting something that might be 90% or even 99% true, but 1% or 10% false, and this is the most dangerous deception of all. So while the QAnon phenomenon has exposed real intel on child sex trafficking, the belief that one person, a billionaire Wall Street insider turned politician and currently serving as the President of the United States, is going to clean up this entire mess of child sex trafficking and put everyone behind it in prison, might be one of the greatest deceptions of all time. Of course this religious-like belief is based on another deception, namely that the President of the United States runs the country. This is a false belief. The country is run by the Wall Street gang of billionaires and Central Bankers, which now includes the Silicon Valley moguls, along with the secretive intelligence agencies like the CIA who control the corporate propaganda media, and at the top of their leadership they are all pedophile Satanists, and most of them are probably addicted to Adrenochrome, which requires a fresh supply of blood from young children. Anyone who thinks Donald Trump can put away all of these Globalists has been thoroughly deceived. Reporter Whitney Webb has written an excellent piece exposing Ashton Kutcher's NGO group "Thorn" which supposedly protects children, and its links to's Jeff Bezos, facial recognition software, and the CIA.