Is the Drone Psyop Indicating an Imminent False Flag Attack?

The ongoing Drone Psyop is still making headlines today in both the corporate and "alternative" media, with seemingly everyone chipping in to give their opinion about what is really happening. We are going on almost 4 weeks now where the "headline" news in the U.S. has been obviously following a carefully written script to get the public's attention. It started with the assassination of Brian Thompson, the CEO of UnitedHealthcare, which amazingly stayed in the news cycle as the headline story for over 3 weeks. It took the drone story to displace that one, and it is very obvious that this story is also following a pre-determined script to try to accomplish something with the highly-medicated vaccine-damaged American public. What I usually like to do when it is obvious that the American public is being distracted by something that the corporate and "alternative" media is publishing that stays in the news cycle for so long, is to look outside of American media to see if there are significant other news stories that are being reported elsewhere that are NOT reaching the U.S. media. So this morning I looked at the two Russian English news sites, five different Middle Eastern English news sites, and 1 major English News site out of China. There was not one single article on the "drone crisis" in the U.S. I could see on any of the home pages of all those English News sites as of this morning, and yet it continues to dominate the U.S. News. The Middle Eastern news is, of course, still concentrating on the war in Gaza and the new situation in Syria, and China seems mostly consumed about Trump's alleged new tariff trade wars that are being threatened. When you look at the Russian news, however, this is the headline news today: "Western leaders think they’re chosen by God - West pushing Russia beyond ‘red line’ – Putin"

The Techno Christians: America’s Resurgence of Christianity for Millennials in the Technological Age

Julia Black of The Information has just published an article about the recent growth of Christianity in the United States among those in the Technology sector, who are primarily millennials. Her headline is: "The Antichrist and the New Apostles - Why many in tech are turning to devout Christianity." In her investigation for writing this article, she attended a worship service at Epic Church in downtown San Francisco. The Sunday she attended Epic Church was opening a $12 million space just down the street from the headquarters of Pinterest and Airbnb. The pastor of Epic Church, Ben Pilgreen, reportedly told her: "We really feel called to this particular place and its people." The church has several Big Tech investors and billionaires who are members and leaders of the church. According to Epic Church pastor Ben Pilgreen, those who follow these Big Tech superstars are a major draw to bringing people into his church. According to Black, most in the Tech world attribute the new Techno Christianity movement to Billionaire Peter Thiel. Thiel has an estimated net worth of US$11.2 billion and was ranked 212th on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. He supported Donald Trump's first Presidential campaign. Thiel grew up in an Evangelical Christian household but, as of 2011, described his religious beliefs as "somewhat heterodox". Thiel married his long-time partner Matt Danzeisen in October 2017, and they have two young children. Since gay people cannot produce children, and if the gay lifestyle becomes popular enough in the Techno Christian religion, how can the human race survive without producing children? The new Techno Christians think they have an answer to that problem: New designer superbabies created by technology.

GM Ends Cruise Robotaxi After Wasting $10 Billion in 8 Years – Wall Street Rejoices and Continues to Invest in Driverless Vehicles Which Still Do Not Exist

It was announced this week that General Motors became the latest automobile manufacturer to get out of the driverless car business after wasting $10 billion over 8 years for their "Cruise" robotaxis. GM joins Ford, Volkswagen, and others who have abandoned driverless vehicle development after wasting $billions over the years, only to realize that if such technology will ever be possible at a level that is profitable, it is still many years away in the future. How did Wall Street receive this news that yet another major automobile manufacturer was abandoning driverless robotaxis? They celebrated and started buying stock in the few remaining companies that are still trying to develop this driverless technology, as the NASDAQ topped 20,000 for the first time yesterday. The reason that was given for this surge in Big Tech stocks still invested in driverless vehicles yesterday, in spite of the news that GM was ending their robotaxi business, was that the robotaxi market was "too crowded". The remaining companies invested in robotaxis are mainly Google, Amazon, and Tesla. Do any of these companies currently have a successful robotaxi business that they are no longer wasting money on, but actually turning a profit? No. Tesla currently has ZERO robotaxis on the road, with the first ones being promised in either 2025 or 2026, and Amazon just recently received approval to put their robotaxis, Zoox, on the streets of San Francisco, but don't expect to offer rides to the public there until later in 2025. The autonomous vehicle market was reported at 208 billion in revenue in 2023, and is estimated to be 282.2 billion in 2024, and is anticipated to more than double in 2025, reaching 428.3 billion. And this "revenue" is what investors are investing into this technology, NOT what it is earning in the marketplace. To give this massive amount of money being wasted on driverless vehicles some perspective, total imports of products from China into the United States was $501.22 billion in 2023. That means that the expected money to be spent on driverless vehicles next year will be about 85% of the money spent on importing products from China. That means everything Americans buy from retail stores like Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Best Buy, etc., and a whole lot of other things that we import from China that keep our economy running, is almost equal to the money being spent on driverless technology, not to mention the hundreds of billions spent on other types of AI technology. Is that a sustainable economy? Wouldn't the rational thing to do for national security be to STOP the technocrats from ruining this country, by implementing regulations to STOP them from putting these dangerous vehicles on America's public, tax-funded roads? Well, that's not President-elect Donald Trump's plan. His plan is to ABOLISH regulations that are holding Big Tech back, and then implement tariffs on China-imported products that actually have REAL value and are purchased by Americans every day, making them much more expensive. What could go wrong?

The U.S. Fentanyl Crisis was Started by and is Fueled by Big Pharma and Their Physician Cartels, Not China and Mexican Cartels

Earlier this month the Global Times, an English language news medium based out of China, published a 2-part series on the fentanyl problem in the U.S., claiming that the United States has been wrongly blaming China for this crisis that is American-made. These are articles that were also republished in the Russian English news. While these reports contain useful information in understanding the fentanyl crisis in the U.S., they were hard to read, perhaps because they were first written in Mandarin and then later translated into English, and they were lacking references. So I have done my own investigation into the fentanyl crisis for the past couple of days, and I am going to show in this article that China banned all forms of fentanyl years ago, and that fentanyl was developed by Western pharmaceutical companies, and that these pharmaceutical companies continue to earn $billions from the sale of fentanyl, and according to some settled lawsuits on the "opioid scandal", the U.S. pharmaceutical companies themselves have developed their own "cartel" of willing physicians who intentionally prescribed fentanyl with the intention of getting people addicted to it to increase sales. While the ingredients to make illegal fentanyl continue to flow from China into Mexico for the illegal cartels to produce fentanyl to bring across the border, this "illegal" cartel pales in comparison to the "legal" cartel of U.S. pharmaceutical companies and their doctors who are licensed to prescribe fentanyl, that is then dispensed from "legal" drug dealers in the U.S. such as Walgreens and CVS. The most dangerous cartel with their drug pushers in the U.S. is operating under the color of the law, and can be found on almost every street corner of every city and town in America. So let's stop blaming China for America's drug addictions and diseases, whether it is fentanyl or the fake COVID-19 "virus," because the real criminals are, and always have been, the criminal pharmaceutical companies operating right here in the U.S.

Is a New Russian Turkey Alliance Forming? Syrian President Assad Moves to Moscow

It's been a few days since I have provided an update to the current conflicts in these beginning stages of World War III, and much has happened within a very short period of time. Let me outline the chronology of events first, before providing commentary. As I previously reported, on November 11, 2024, Russia shocked the world by launching their new missile, the Oreshnik, into Ukraine which demolished a Ukrainian defense industry facility in Dnepropetrovsk. There are currently no missile defense systems that can intercept these new missiles. Four days later, on November 25, 2024, Russia issued a public statement that was quoted in the Turkish media calling for an end to Israeli airstrikes on civilians in Lebanon. That same day, it was announced suddenly in the U.S. corporate media that a ceasefire agreement had been reached between Israel and Lebanon. The next day, on November 26, 2024, Turkey publicly complained about new sanctions on Russia that the Biden administration had just implemented, that would affect Turkey's ability to pay for natural gas from Russia to get through the winter. The day after this was published, on November 27, 2024, anti-Syrian rebel forces started a lightning fast military campaign that soon took over Aleppo, Syria's second largest city. These forces then rapidly marched on Damascus, Syrian's largest city, this weekend, with the result that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has now fled to Moscow, allegedly bringing with him much of Syria's national assets to ensure a comfortable lifestyle for his new home is Russia. Who exactly is going to run Syrian's government at this point is not clear, at the time of my writing this. So those are some of the facts, and all of this has happened so rapidly, that it appears there is no scripted description of these events in the world's English media newsrooms at this time. The perspective on what has just happened these past several days, will differ widely depending on which English news you are reading, as U.S., Russian, Arab, Iranian, and Turkish English news all have a different slant on what just happened in Syria. In my opinion, Russia is probably the one who brokered this deal, especially considering the chain of events that started after they unveiled their Oreshnik missile. However, while Russia may have been the driving force to allow this to happen, many sources believe it was Turkey who carried out the plans, and at this point, based on everything I have read so far, I tend to agree. Yesterday, December 8, 2024, Turkish President Erdoğan reportedly said something I have never heard him say before in a speech, and as far as I could tell, this was first reported by the official Russian media outlet Tass. He stated that there are only two world leaders left in the world, himself and Putin, as Erdoğan has been in office for 22 years, about the same amount of time as Putin has been in office.

Have You Overcome the World Yet?

There are certain truths written in the Bible that are so simple, that they hardly need any commentary or explanations. One of those truths is in 1 John 5:5: "Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God." John also wrote in his letter: "Do not be surprised, my brothers, if the world hates you." And he also wrote: "We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one." So here is the question every single human being still living on planet Earth has to answer today: Do you want to stay in the world which is under the control of the evil one, Satan, or do you want to overcome the world instead? It is a simple question; it really is. When you tune out the noise from the media and perhaps the people around you and just focus on this simple truth written thousands of years ago, it is so easy to see that there are only two kinds of people in the world: those who serve the one currently ruling the world, so that the world will love them, or those who have overcome the world, and that the world now hates.

Understanding UFOs: Military, Interstellar, and Interdimensional Insights

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), also more recently called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), are sighted and discussed a lot in all media. Even mainstream legacy media is talking about it as though there are visitors from other star systems visiting Earth because they are concerned about the way we are edging towards nuclear war. There are many sightings of multiple UFOs around important military sites. Also that the US government has covered up the truth of visiting aliens / UFOs for decades. It all adds to the mystique which might be used to get the masses to comply with authoritarian diktats. Any discussion of this topic must be related to the history of the universe as well as the physics of putative UFOs as vehicles that can traverse interstellar space. In my opinion there are only 3 possible areas of investigation to explain UAP: 1. Military Spacecraft, 2. Interstellar Spacecraft, 3. Interdimensional Craft.

Trump’s Huge Border “Control” Business is U.S. National Policy – Exposing Border Myths and Trump’s Lies

President-elect Donald Trump, during the campaign and now since the election, has stated that when he takes office, he will call out the military and begin the deportation of about 15-20 million illegal aliens. He's lying. There is 0% chance that Trump will begin mass deportations of millions of illegal aliens. Because if he actually could accomplish this feat, which he cannot, it would totally destroy the U.S. economy, and many millions of people would lose their jobs. The fact is that the U.S. Government could completely shut down the border with Mexico anytime they want. But they won't, because the business at the border, and that's what it is, a BUSINESS, is a matter of national policy that brings great wealth to the Wall Street and Silicon Valley Billionaires, no matter which political party happens to be holding office. I know people who have volunteered their services at the border in Arizona, where they try to ensure that children who are left alone after crossing the border into the U.S. at least get water and someone to stay with them until they can be processed by border patrol. In their experience, the cartels run the entire operation, on BOTH sides of the border, with the help of the U.S. Government. And they have more trouble with border patrol trying to get rid of them, than they do with the actual cartel members. When we look at the tremendous amount of money spent in the U.S. on the border "crisis," it is truly staggering. It is a massive business that includes human trafficking, child sex trafficking, and drug trafficking. And the shareholders in this business do not change much, if at all, between U.S. elections for the Presidency. The first thing to look at is, who controls the land at the borders?

Trump and 50 Heads of State to Attend Reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral and the Satanic Celebrations in Paris

On Friday this week (December 6, 2024), St. Nicholas Day will start the weekend of the reopening of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France. It was announced today that President-elect Donald Trump is making his first trip outside of the U.S. since being elected to attend the ceremonies of this iconic Christian building, along with 50 other heads of state this weekend. While the Cathedral will open to the public on Saturday when most guests arrive, the ceremony starts on Friday, December 6th, which is also St. Nicholas Day, with Paris Archbishop Laurent Ulrich putting on a show by banging on the cathedral’s ornate doors with his staff in a symbolic gesture that it is time for them to open again. Originally built between the 12th and 14th centuries over the course of 182 years, this building is basically a Masonic Temple, originally financed by the Knights Templar. When it was damaged by fire in 2019 just months before the COVID Scam, many theories were published as to the cause of the fire. Many of the iconic statues were "miraculously" moved to safety just days before the fire. The Freemason ties between Paris and Washington D.C. are very strong, as the D.C. city is patterned after Paris, and it was France who constructed the Statue of Liberty. It will be interesting to see who the other "heads of state" are that show up this weekend, with only the former Rothschild banker and current President of France, Emmanuel Macron, and the new President-elect of the U.S., Zionist Donald Trump, so far being named at the time of this writing. Will we see Benjamin Netanyahu, for example, show up to join the Satanic festivities and worship service? There was also a lot of Jewish history contained inside the Notre Dame Cathedral before the fire, and maybe he wants to come and take a look to make sure it was restored. I suspect we could see Christians, Jews, Muslims and many other religions represented, all taking part in the cult and pledging their allegiance to Satan, and the New World Order they think is about to appear.

Australia Passes “Age Verification” Bill to Keep Children Under 16 Off of Social Media – Back Door to Digital ID Requirements for EVERYONE

Last week, Australia became the first nation in the world to pass strict legislation prohibiting children under the age of 16 from using online social media. The reaction from Big Tech was mostly negative, as the issue at hand that this legislation concerns is "age verification" software in order to comply with laws such as this. While Australia is a small country when it comes to online social media users, most saw this as a "test case" and an issue that will soon spread to other countries as well. From the perspective of the consumer who uses social media, however, it became obvious that "age verification" requirements to access online services effectively mean that EVERYONE then will eventually have to prove their age, NOT just children. A few Australian lawmakers clearly saw this, and warned the public that this was a back door way of rolling out government-issued national IDs to everyone in Australia. And the sad fact here is that Age Verification IDs online will NOT protect children, but make them MORE available to pedophiles!

The Demonic Roots of Christianity: The Christians Jesus Said He Hated

I have frequently documented over the years that there is no new religion called "Christianity" that is found anywhere in the New Testament portion of the Bible, and that Christianity was codified into an official religion in the 4th Century under the Roman Emperor Constantine. The original apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ were all Jews, and they distinguished themselves from other Jews by claiming to be members of The Way, which was a term taken from the words of Jesus Christ himself, that he spoke to them shortly before he was executed by the Satanic Jews: "I am The Way and The Truth and The Life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Jesus himself distinguished between the Jews who believed in him and who were called his "disciples", and the Jews who rejected him as the Messiah, whom he said followed Satan as their father. However, "Christians" are referred to 3 times in the New Testament. Who were these people called "Christians," and were they viewed favorably by the true believers in Jesus Christ who were members of The Way?

Why Did Putin Say Trump is “Not Safe”? NATO at the Brink of All Out War with Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin was in Astana, Kazakhstan, last week during a two-day Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) summit. Most of his public remarks were about the war in Ukraine and their just launched new missile, the Oreshnik. But something else he said publicly, was that U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, was "not safe." This was actually headline news for quite a while on What makes this comment interesting, is that apparently nobody even asked him a question about this, and he appeared to offer this idea completely on his own. has a video of his comments along with English subtitles, and he allegedly began his comment about Trump's safety by stating: "By the way...." Does Putin have inside information about what might soon happen with Trump? Is he trying to clear Russia from any involvement in what might soon happen to Trump? While Trump's "assassination attempt" in Pennsylvania earlier this year was most certainly a campaign publicity stunt, there are real threats against Trump, including an outstanding criminal case against Trump in Iran for assassinating the Iranian national hero, General Soleimani, during his first Presidency.

Musk Declares That He Owns Everyone’s Twitter Account – X to Become Most Censored Social Media Platform in the World?

Elon Musk, hailed by MAGA supporters as the "Champion of Free Speech", reminded the world today that he owns everyone's X account, as his attorneys filed a claim in court today stating that The Onion, which is trying to purchase the media empire of Alex Jones, cannot take control of Alex Jones and the Infowars Twitter/X accounts, because Elon Musk and X own everyone's account on the social media platform, and not the users who created those accounts. Since Elon Musk bought Twitter and renamed it to X, has he ever used these terms of conditions to take over someone's X account simply because he owns them all? Yes, it has happened multiple times. In fact, he did it when he re-branded Twitter to X by seizing the @X account from someone else who already had it for 16 years. Elon Musk also seized the @America X account earlier this year when he started pumping $millions into Donald Trump's election campaign. The previous "owner" of that account had been critical of Musk and Trump. As I have previously reported, there is no such thing as "free speech" on these social media platforms that are owned by pedophile billionaires. They offer their services to the public for "free", but when you join that platform you sign a legal contract that gives them the right to do whatever they say they want to do. In exchange for your "free" access to their platform, you agree to let them collect whatever data they want on you and your followers, and they can shut down or seize your account anytime they want. And it's all legal.

Russia Threatens Air Strikes with New Missile on American Bases in the Middle East, Alaska, Hawaii, Montana, and North Dakota

The Russian media is reporting today that airstrikes inside Russia are continuing with American-made ATACMS missiles launched from Ukraine, and they have vowed to retaliate. Russia has also produced a video today showing how long it takes for their new Oreshnik missile to reach American troops stationed in the Middle East, Alaska, Montana, and North Dakota, making it clear that Europe is not the only place that should fear imminent attacks by their new missiles. There is currently no known missile defense system that can intercept the Russian Oreshnik missile. With the first devastating launch of an Oreshnik missile into Ukraine late last week, and the continuing bombing of Russia with American ATACMS missiles, this is not just rhetoric anymore. This is a serious escalation. If you are planning on traveling this week for the American holiday, please be careful.

After Biden Approved “Long Range” Missiles to Ukraine to Launch into Russia, Russia Redefines “Long Range” with New “Undetectable” Missile

Early last week, with President Joe Biden's approval, Ukraine launched long-range ballistic missiles into Russian territory for the first time since the Ukraine war started. They were Army Tactical Missile System (Atacms) missiles, reportedly one of the U.S. military's most advanced ballistic missiles, capable of striking targets up to 190 miles (300km) away. The missile attacks inside Russia reportedly struck an ammunition depot in Karachev, with some of those missiles reportedly being intercepted by Russia. Then on Thursday last week, Russia launched a brand new ballistic missile that they claim they built from scratch in just 5 years, the Oreshnik missile, into the Ukrainian city of Dnipro and reportedly hitting an ammunition depot. Russia claims that this missile, used for the first time, can hit targets 5000 km away, and travels at MACH 10, or ten times the speed of sound. As I researched Western reactions to this new Russian missile, Oreshnik, in preparation for writing this article, I found that the corporate media in the U.S. is basically downplaying the launch of this new Russian missile. Zelensky has reportedly stated that there are air defense systems that can intercept these missiles, while I have seen other reports state that this is not new Russian technology at all, but just upgrades to existing technology. In the "alternative media", of course, there are a lot of doomsday predictions being made about what Russia might do with these new missiles. But one angle of this news that I have not seen anyone address so far, is how does this affect the current war in the Middle East between Israel and Iran and their proxy states? We know that Russia has used Iranian drones in their war against Ukraine, and it was just reported that Yemen mercenaries are also fighting for Russia against Ukraine. Has Russia sold these missiles, or its technology, to others like Iran? If so, this is a huge game changer.

Trump Fills the Swamp to Overflowing – COVID-19 Vaccine Enthusiast is Surgeon General – LGBTQ+ Champion Billionaire is Treasury Secretary

President-elect Donald Trump has made a flurry of new appointments to his administration at the end of this week, and for now I want to focus on two of them for this edition of SWAMP WATCH:  The New Treasury Secretary is Billionaire gay man Scott Bessent, and the New Surgeon General is Fox News TV doctor Janette Nesheiwat, a champion of the Trump COVID-19 shots who stated during COVID that "vaccine hesitancy" to the Trump COVID-19 shots was a "global threat" to distribute more COVID-19 vaccines.

Revealed: The Israel Lobbyists Writing America’s News

MintPress News recently published an excellent investigative report about how the Israeli lobby controls the U.S. media. I am republishing it here. Here is a short video clip posted on X by Dillon Hosier of the Israeli-American Advocacy Organization who admits that they have put up an "Iron Dome for Israel" in the United States where they monitor "every elected official at every level of government" in the entire U.S. and then monitor them to "stop them" if they don't support Israel.

The Bewitching of America with the Evil Eye and the Mark of the Beast

While anyone is free to read this article, I want to make it clear in the beginning just who my intended audience is for this article. This article is written to the true saints of The Faith, who do not worship idols, but are faithfully waiting for Jesus to come back and judge this world, and the ruler of this world. The purpose of this article is to explain, from the Holy Scriptures, just how it could be that so many Americans who are citizens of the United States of America, are now siding with the pedophiles and evil people who run this country, while at the same time claiming to serve God and remaining active in their churches, as they rejoice in their newly elected King of America, Donald Trump. The truth is that America is fulfilling its destiny, and that most people in America are now under a "bewitchment", a spell that has been cast upon them, the spell of the "evil eye", as they welcome the mark of the beast as prophesied in the last book of the Bible, Revelation.

Trouble in MAGA Land? Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims Taxpayer Funds Used to Silence Victims of Sexual Abuse so “Epstein files, tapes, recordings, witness interviews” Never See the Light of Day

In one of my editions of SWAMP WATCH last week, I reported that Florida Representative Matt Gaetz was appointed to be the next U.S. Attorney General, and that he resigned from Congress the same day, which meant that an ethics report regarding his sexual conduct with minors that was due to be published in the House would no longer be published, because he resigned from Congress. Gaetz was also previously being investigated by the Department of Justice for the same thing, so Gaetz, if appointed, would oversee the very agency, the DOJ, that was investigating him. I had a couple of angry MAGA people email me, claiming that Gaetz was innocent and the victim of his enemies regarding such allegations, and criticizing me for publishing this. I always find it somewhat amusing when these MAGA cult members email me in a condescending tone, claiming that they know the "truth" while I am obviously ignorant of these matters. Do they know Matt Gaetz personally? How do they know that Gaetz is innocent of these charges? The thing is though, none of these people who chastised me mentioned the fact that Gaetz resigned from the House before this ethics committee report was released. This begs the question, if he is so innocent and has nothing to hide, why didn't he let the report come out and exonerate him before resigning? If he is appointed as head of the DOJ, he won't start work until January, after all. This MAGA "reasoning" also ignores the fact that the House of Representatives is not made up of "liberal democrats" who hate Gaetz and are his enemies. The House is controlled by Republicans, most of them full on board with the MAGA agenda, including Mike Johnson, the Speaker of the House, who has said that releasing the ethics report on Gaetz after he already resigned, would set a "dangerous precedent." "Dangerous" for whom? Well, today it is being reported that Congresswoman Majorie Taylor Greene, who can hardly be labeled as an "enemy" of the MAGA movement, or even an enemy of Matt Gaetz, has joined in with other Republicans who think that not only should the ethics report on Gaetz be released, but that a whole lot of other things should be revealed to the public because "there’s other lawmakers with skeletons in their closet", and that her Republican colleagues in Congress have covered up “sexual harassment and assault claims” by paying off victims with taxpayer money.

Body Parts of Women and Children Fly Through the Air as U.S./Israeli Bombs Massacre Hundreds this Past Weekend

As the corporate and alternative media report their headline news today that Biden has now approved long-range missiles to be used inside Russia, what should be the REAL headline news is that hundreds of people, including women and children, were massacred over the weekend by U.S. and Israeli bombs in Gaza and Lebanon, and now extended into Syria as well. As I looked at all the headlines and news articles from yesterday through today about Biden's new announcement that the U.S. was now allowing Ukraine to use long-range missiles to launch attacks inside Russia, I noticed how almost all of the media, including the English Russian media, were using the term "World War" in conjunction with this announcement. And while I am not denying that this is a very dangerous policy change, my concern is that this is probably being overstated when almost all of the media is reporting almost the exact same thing, and that a potential future event that has not even happened yet is getting more press coverage than what has already happened this past weekend with the slaughter of innocent women and children in the Middle East. Ukraine forces have already been inside Russia since August, with their offensive into the Kursk region where tens of thousands of Ukrainian troops have already reportedly been killed, so authorizing missile strikes in that area to counter the alleged North Korean troop buildup there, is not headline news in my opinion, given what is currently going on with the genocide and ethnic cleansing in the Middle East which has significantly escalated since the Trump presidential victory during the past several days.