Russia Laughs as NATO Decides to Send Tanks to Ukraine

I have been watching with great interest how some factions in the German government have been hesitating to agree to send tanks to Ukraine for this past week or so. Were the Germans finally figuring out that the United States is not their friend, and that there is no advantage to Germany to continue supporting Ukraine in their fight against Russia? Even if many people in Germany have now figured this out, in the end, the Globalists, in this case the Defense Contractors, won the day and convinced Germany to send tanks to Ukraine, as will the United States. So here is the Russian perspective as to what this means, and if one understands that the real winners in this Ukraine War are the Wall Street Billionaires and bankers who are invested in the companies who make these tanks as well as other weapons of mass destruction that can only be used up in a real war, then the Russian perspective seems very plausible, as they make plans to blow up and burn all these tanks. This will then release even more funding for the war to replace these tanks.

New U.S. Government Research is Finally Admitting that Glyphosate Weed Killer Causes Cancer

New research by top US government scientists has found that people exposed to the widely used weed killing chemical glyphosate have biomarkers in their urine linked to the development of cancer and other diseases. The study, published last week in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, measured glyphosate levels in the urine of farmers and other study participants and determined that the presence of high levels of the pesticide were associated with signs of a reaction in the body called oxidative stress, a condition that causes damage to DNA. Oxidative stress is considered by health experts as a key characteristic of carcinogens. The authors of the paper – 10 scientists with the National Institutes of Health and two from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – concluded that their study “contributes to the weight of evidence supporting an association between glyphosate exposure and oxidative stress in humans.” They also noted that “accumulating evidence supports the role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of hematologic cancers,” such as lymphoma, myeloma and leukemia.

If You Live in the United States You Are Part of the World’s Largest Child Sex Trafficking Cartel

John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute has published an article this week showing how prevalent child sex trafficking has become in the United States. However, if you click on some of the links for his sources, you will see that most of them are already very old, as far back as 2010. So as horrifying as these statistics he shares are, they are far worse today, especially post-COVID. Also, he quotes the corporate media's explanation for this problem as being primarily online and through social media where child sex predators target children. While this is most certainly true, it is not the primary way children are brought into the child sex trafficking trade. The primary pipeline of trafficking children into the lucrative child sex trafficking business is through the U.S. Government, and funded by the taxpayers in the United States, through the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) and their child welfare programs such as Foster Care, Adoption, Child Protection Services, etc. Since the Biden Administration has taken over control of the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government, the number one source of children entering into the services of HHS are unaccompanied minor migrant children crossing the U.S. - Mexican border, which now exceeds over 250,000 children since Biden took office. Thousands of these children are never heard from again once they cross the border. But children taken away from American parents still exceed migrant children, where each year around 600,000 American children are in the U.S. Foster Care system. So while it is true that children can be kidnapped by predators due to their online activity and contacts, American children are in far greater danger of being taken away from their parents and put into the Child Welfare system which is the main pipeline for child sex trafficking. That means your child is in the most danger whenever they are out of your presence and in places where there are groups of children available to predators, which include: your child's school, your church (Sunday School and Youth Programs), and hospitals, mainly "Children's Hospitals," where children are routinely medically kidnapped to feed the lucrative government child trafficking system called "Foster Care." America's rich and famous are primarily pedophiles, and this includes business, politics, and religion. So if you live in the United States, you are surrounded by child sex traffickers. They are in your schools, your churches, your hospitals, and there are probably a few of them living in your neighborhood.

35,702 Vaccine Deaths in VAERS Since 1990 – 32,052 of those Deaths Followed COVID Shots in Last 2 Years

A search of all recorded deaths following vaccines in the U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) for the past 32 years, starting in 1990 when the VAERS database was setup, shows 35,702 deaths for those 32 years, with 90% of those deaths, 32,052, occurring in the past 2 years following the emergency use authorized (EUA) COVID-19 "vaccines." This is a human tragedy of unprecedented magnitude. How has the FDA responded to these statistics which clearly show how deadly the EUA COVID shots have been? Today, they recommended that all Americans be injected with COVID shots every year.

The Kingdom of God is not a Matter of Talk but of Power

In the New Testament section of the Bible, there are two letters written by the ambassador (apostle) Paul to a city in Greece, Corinth. As I wrote last week in regards to the first of these letters, the letter was written to believers in that city who were divided by factions, following their "heroes" who helped teach them about the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Paul found himself in the center of this controversy, and explained that the believers there were immature, because they did not understand the difference between "natural knowledge" and "Spiritual wisdom." Another point that Paul made, and which is the topic of this article, is that: "The kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power." (1 Corinthians 4:20) The context in which Paul wrote this in chapter 4 in his first letter to the Corinthians, was addressing some people among the believers who were taunting Paul and were arrogant. Paul basically said that talk is cheap, and that he would find out what kind of "power" they had when he came to visit them. He wrote: "Some of you have become arrogant, as if I were not coming to you. But I will come to you very soon, if the Lord is willing, and then I will find out not only how these arrogant people are talking, but what power they have. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. What do you prefer? Shall I come to you with a whip, or in love and with a gentle spirit?" (1 Corinthians 4:18-21) A man identified as "Apollos" and who was a preacher and teacher in the New Testament faith, had visited the believers in Corinth, and apparently he was very gifted in oratory skills as an accomplished public speaker. But Paul made it very clear that when he had arrived in their city and began the work of teaching people about the Kingdom of God, that he did not rely on master oratory and debate skills, but on the power of God, usually demonstrated in healing people and the casting out of demons. He wrote: "My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power." (1 Corinthians 2:4-5) So what is this "power" that Paul was referring to?

Big Tech Crash Extends into 2023 as Does Science Fiction with “Hackable Brains” False Prophecies

The Big Tech crash that started in 2022 has now extended into 2023. The Big Tech companies have continued with massive layoffs here in the first few weeks of 2023. Here are some recent headlines: "Microsoft to Layoff 10,000 Employees as Part of a Massive Cost-Cutting Initiative" - "Amazon Announces Massive, Unprecedented Layoffs, Citing 'Uncertain Economy'" - "Google parent company Alphabet to eliminate 12,000 jobs" - "Facebook Parent Meta Is Preparing to Notify Employees of Large-Scale Layoffs This Week" - One of the big news stories of 2022 was the virtual death of the concept of fully autonomous self-driving vehicles. After decades of spending $billions of revenue in trying to develop a fully autonomous self-driving vehicle, Ford, Volkswagen, and many others finally pulled the plug on continuing to dump money into this concept, realizing that they had wasted significant resources in trusting the Technocrats and their techno-prophecies. The biggest B.S. AI story of the week, and one that was reported in multiple Alternative Media sources, was about Nita Farahany's presentation at the World Economic Forum regarding AI "decoding brain activity." And judging by how many publishers in the Alternative Media ran with this story, it is obvious that many actually believe that this science fiction is real.

Russia Prepares for Nuclear War

If news reports from the past few days are accurate, it appears that the conflict in Ukraine is about to go nuclear, as Russia prepares itself for nuclear attacks from NATO. Viral videos and photographs show that Russia has stationed missile defense systems on several Moscow building rooftops. Taking note of some of the photos, The Drive writes that the "Russian military appears to have emplaced Pantsir air defense systems on top of at least two different government buildings in Moscow, including the Ministry of Defense's headquarters." The head of the Russian Orthodox Church has warned that any attempt to “destroy Russia” by “madmen” trying to impose their values will lead to “the end of the world.”

Americans Abandoning Corporate Christianity and the Synagogues of Satan Called “Churches”

Fox News recently reported that a recent study examining the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns on church attendance in the U.S. has revealed that the pandemic "resulted in an overall depression of religious participation" as approximately a third of Americans have stopped attending religious services. They invited Franklin Graham, the president of Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Association, on to their show to explain why this is happening. Graham stated that it was not enough to just identify with Christ, but one had to follow him and live for him. "I believe there is actually just a very small percent of Americans that actually live for Jesus Christ.  Are you living your life for Jesus Christ?" He then gave the late Queen Elizabeth as an example of someone who "lived for Christ." Really? These people at Fox News completely missed why Americans are abandoning the Christian Church.  So I put together my own investigative report to explain the real reason why many people are abandoning the Christian Church.

ALERT! International Medical Billing Codes Used by the U.S. Government and Private Insurance Now Track Your COVID-19 Vaccination Status

Leo Hohmann has just published a special report about how the International Classification of Disease (ICD) codes used by the medical industry for billing purposes under Medicare-Medicaid and the private insurance companies, now include a code for COVID-19 "vaccination status." This means that if you visit a medical doctor, or are admitted to a hospital, they will ask you whether or not you are up-to-date on your COVID shots, and enter that into your medical records. Hohmann's report confirms that this code is now being implemented and has started. This is yet another reason why it is imperative to STOP using the medical system. If you don't use their services, they cannot track you.

Justice for Sale – Why the Criminals Running the U.S. Will Continue to Operate Until the Corrupt Judicial System is Replaced

As more and more people in the general public wake up to the fact that the U.S. Government is corrupt and run by criminals, it is time for me to republish some truths about why this is so, which I have learned for the past two decades plus, after I first learned that the U.S. Government was corrupt and run by criminals in the early 2000s. And so even though what I am going to publish in this article is mostly material I have already published in the past, it will no doubt be new information for those who have just recently begun to wake up to the truth that the U.S. Government is corrupt and run by criminals, and are now guilty of being involved in a population reduction plan all in the name of "saving the planet." This is then the truth that everyone who is now looking for solutions to overcome this corrupt Government needs to understand before any change can happen: The U.S. judicial system is totally corrupt and for sale to the highest bidder, so that those with the most money and power have zero chance of facing justice, and they use the "justice" system to enslave the masses. Are there still some honest and good people working inside the judicial system? Sure, there are, but they are completely powerless to change that system, and most of the honest and moral people in that corrupt system end up leaving, because of the fact that they are powerless to change it. I am going to highlight some of the most brilliant minds in the U.S. who understand this corruption far better than I do, but first let me explain why I feel qualified to write on this topic.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra on the BBC: Hero or Controlled Opposition?

British Cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra is making headlines in the Alternative Media for his appearance on the BBC this weekend. The Alternative Media are hailing this as a "breakthrough," claiming that the BBC "made a mistake" by allowing Malhotra to speak freely on his concerns about the mRNA COVID shots' link to cardiovascular deaths, and Malhotra's tweet seems to support that claim. Why did the BBC invite him to come on the air and do this interview this past weekend, when in the past Malhotra was accused as being a heretic in the corporate media because of his views against cholesterol-lowering statin drugs? They specifically invited him to come on the air to discuss the NHS's new guidelines that people could be prescribed daily cholesterol-lowering statin drugs to cut their risk for sudden heart attacks and strokes. Did they know that Dr. Malhotra's position on statin drugs was that he was primarily against them? Of course they did! That is exactly why he was invited on to their show, to convince people that statin drugs were not the right drug to use to treat all of these increases in sudden heart attacks and strokes. Like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, the former block buster statin drugs all now have patents that have expired, and they are available as cheap generics. So since statin drugs are so cheap now, Big Pharma wants to develop new drugs to treat the sudden rise in heart disease. We know for example that Moderna is working on an mRNA cancer vaccine, and have even partnered with Merck, the company that has the only cancer vaccine currently on the market, the deadly HPV Gardasil vaccine that has destroyed the lives of so many child-bearing aged young women. And as to Dr. Malhotra's comments on the mRNA COVID shots, do you really believe his views on this were not known to the BBC before they invited him on to their show? Malhotra went public in his opposition to the mRNA COVID shots last year, and in September of last year, 2022, he published a peer-reviewed paper calling for "an Immediate and Complete Suspension of Covid-19 Vaccines." Is it realistic to think that the BBC somehow missed this??

“Sudden Deaths” Continue to Explode at the Beginning of 2023

"Sudden deaths" of children and young, previously healthy people, continue to be reported here at the beginning of 2023. From celebrities to athletes to children, those who trusted in the COVID-19 shots continue to drop dead in unprecedented numbers, while the corporate media and the U.S. Government continue to try and dispute that these deaths have anything to do with the "vaccines." There is one thing that is certain: if you refuse the vaccines, you cannot die from being injected by them. Here is a short video collection of obituaries of those who have died suddenly within the past few weeks.

Spiritual Wisdom vs. Natural Knowledge – Why There is so Much Deception Today

"But a natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned." (1 Corinthians 2:14) Seek out Spiritual wisdom! No one knows you better than God, because he created you! King David wrote in Psalm 139: "O LORD, you have searched me and known me!" Have you ever stopped to consider what it means that “God searches” me? Why does he search me, and what does that mean?? Psalm 139 declares the wonderful truth that each one of us is specially created by God: "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." Think and meditate on that! Your “inward parts” were knitted together by God! So when he “searches us” as our Creator, he can see and find EVERYTHING there is about us, right down to the cellular level, or down to our DNA code, or even the specific atoms that are all strung together to make you who you are! So when a health problem comes your way, what is the first thing you do? Do you run first thing to the one who knows you the most intimately and actually searches you? Or do you automatically run to medical professionals who, while maybe having more knowledge than yourself regarding medical matters, cannot even compare to the knowledge God has of you, because he can search you all the way down to the smallest component of your physical being? And since God has this incredible knowledge of your physical, emotional, and spiritual makeup as your Creator, do you think he is interested in communicating to you what your problems are and what the solutions are?

Florida Governor DeSantis on COVID “Vaccines” – Savior or Murderer? 19,000% Increase in Senior Deaths After COVID Shots

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is being primed by the Republican Party to become the next Republican nominee for the office of the President of the United States. He is being advertised as anti-COVID injections, in an effort to offer a clear choice over the very pro-vaccine Donald Trump. However, if we look at the history of the roll-out of the COVID injections in the State of Florida, it becomes very clear from DeSantis' previous statements and actions that he has always been pro-COVID injections, and that he was also part of Donald Trump's Operation Warp Speed. I have put together a video that documents his history in rolling out the shots in the State of Florida that is under 10 minutes. Governor DeSantis strongly pushed the shots on seniors in Florida, and to this day neither he nor his Surgeon General have stopped recommending the shots for seniors. Data from the U.S. Government Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) show a 19,000% increase in the deaths of seniors following the experimental COVID-19 "vaccines," compared to the average of seniors who died following all FDA-approved vaccines from the previous 10 years prior to COVID in 2020. As to the children in the State of Florida, they are still being injected with these bioweapons, even though they are not "recommended." Over a thousand children have been recorded in VAERS as suffering adverse reactions following a COVID experimental shot, and many babies are included, even before the shots were authorized by the FDA for babies and toddlers, because Florida is home to three COVID-19 ongoing vaccine trials for Moderna for babies and toddlers.

ALERT: World Health Organization Meeting this Week to Propose Amendments to the International Health Regulations

James Roguski has been making the media rounds in the Alternative Media this week warning about a closed-door meeting happening at the World Health Organization (WHO) this week with The International Health Regulations Review Committee (IHRRC) from January 9-13, 2023. While the new WHO proposed "Pandemic Treaty" has grabbed the headlines in recent weeks, James Roguski believes that the meeting this week with IHRRC is much more important, because they are proposing amendments to an agreement that all 194 member nations of the World Health Assembly have already signed and ratified, including the United States, back in 2005, regarding International Health Regulations. The current agreement is "non-binding", but according to Roguski they want to change the agreement to remove the wording that states these "health regulations" are not just non-binding recommendations, but requirements to be implemented in all future "pandemics." The Review Committee is supposed to submit their proposals to the WHO by January 15, 2023, and then the entire 194 members of the WHO could vote on these amendments as soon as this May, in 2023. The amendments could be ratified by a simple majority vote among the 194 member nations.

MP Andrew Bridgen Takes a Stand for Truth and for the People by Sacrificing his Political Career in Opposing Pfizer and Moderna

Last month (December, 2022) I reported about 2 different political events where politicians publicly stated that the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines” were neither safe nor effective, and were in fact killing people, on the same day, December 13, 2022. One of those events happened at The House of Commons in the UK where Andrew Bridgen, a Member of Parliament (MP) delivered an amazing speech about the corruption behind the Pfizer COVID “vaccines” and how they were harming and killing people. The other event that happened on December 13, 2022, was a round table public discussion in Florida led by Governor Ron DeSantis and his Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, which also included other medical doctors, and alleged victims who had suffered from taking a COVID-19 “vaccine.” However, what Andrew Bridgen was calling for, an immediate and complete suspension of any more COVID vaccines, was different than what Ron DeSantis and Joseph Ladapo were calling for. Andrew Bridgen has not stopped trying to warn the public about the criminals who are mass-murdering people, and a Tweet he put out on Twitter earlier today has now effectively ended his political career. This is what he said in his Tweet: "As one consultant cardiologist said to me this is the biggest crime against humanity since the holocaust." The reaction was swift and immediate. Andrew Bridgen was stripped of the party whip after his tweet, and that led to widespread condemnation from politicians, Jewish groups and medical experts. This 17-word tweet has now effectively ended Andrew Bridgen's political career, because he "crossed a line." What was that "line"?

The U.S. Government is Guilty of Domestic Bio-Terrorism – But Who Will Bring the Criminals to Justice?

Christine Dolan interviewed Sasha Latypova, a global PHARMA regulation expert, and Katherine Watt, a U.S. paralegal, on how the U.S. Government was able to murder and cripple millions of Americans with bioweapons, called "vaccines", as a military operation. This is a great interview highlighting the recent work of both Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt in exposing how the PREP Act and Countermeasures programs were used to completely bypass Constitutional Law and implement their terror on the American people. But when Christine Dolan asks her guests at the end of the show: "So where do we go from here? What is it that people need to know, with this knowledge?" - the answers her two guests supply show their naïveté. The American judicial system protects the guilty, not the innocent. They serve the interests of Wall Street billionaires and bankers, and these are the true "deep state" or "cabal" or whatever description you want to give them, because they are the ones that make sure they have their own judges sitting in key courts, and that includes the U.S. Supreme Court. Both "liberal" and "conservative" Supreme Court justices have consistently ruled against plaintiffs trying to stop COVID vaccine mandates, just as they have not ruled against the fraud and criminal activities of the U.S. Vaccine Court prior to COVID. The only way these criminals are going to be stopped is if there is massive resistance among the public, and that is going to be extremely difficult when the country is so divided over partisan politics, where one half of the population blames the other half for all our problems today, simply because of their political affiliations and political heroes who they think are going to come in and save the day. The other problem in massive resistance is that America is a nation of drug addicts, addicted to Big Pharma's products, and how many are going to stop using their drugs and seek out natural alternatives that in almost every case are more effective? When medical doctors point out the COVID "vaccine" corruption and yet still fight to maintain their medical licenses so they can continue to collect their paychecks from a system that has now murdered and maimed millions of Americans, be very careful about listening to what they think the solutions are going forward, because they still want to profit from that system, when this evil medical system needs to be utterly destroyed.

The U.S. Government Does not Want You to Know the Truth About How the COVID Shots are Killing and Injuring People

With almost half of the American public now convinced that the increase in "sudden deaths" is linked to the COVID-19 shots, it is time to understand that the U.S. Government does NOT serve and protect the people, but instead serves and protects the interests of Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the rest of the Wall Street Billionaires and bankers. The evidence now is overwhelming that the U.S. Government completely violated the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States that allows for dissenting information and the right to criticize those in public office, by partnering with the Big Tech companies that control Social Media, such as Google/YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to censor information about the COVID-19 "vaccines" that contradicted the U.S. Government's propaganda. These are criminal actions that have led to the deaths and injuries of millions of people. And this was not an accident. This was premeditated murder, as the U.S. Military funded and operated the entire campaign of unleashing weapons of mass destruction on their own citizens, all in the name of "population control" and "saving the planet." As has almost always been the case throughout human history, the side of TRUTH is almost always the minority side, and to take a stand for TRUTH is to sacrifice oneself for the cause of liberty. The compliant ones are the ones who are now dead or crippled, the defiant ones are the ones still standing and telling the truth. The U.S. Government is not on your side. They are your enemy, because they serve Big Pharma and Big Tech, not you.

3 Active-Duty Massachusetts Law Enforcement Officers Die “Suddenly” within 7 Days – “Sudden” Deaths and Disabilities Continued to Increase in 2022

It used to be rare when a young and healthy member of law enforcement died while on active duty, and it would be a headline story in the local news. Most of the time those deaths occurred in the line of duty. Now, when 3 young and healthy law enforcement officers all die within 7 days of each other, and their deaths were not the result of performing their services in the line of duty, such as cases where weapons were discharged, but just "passed away suddenly," it barely even gets mentioned in the corporate news. Have we as a society become immune now to the surge of these "sudden deaths" among young, healthy people? This past week, the Massachusetts State Police announced the death of 3 of their law enforcement officers: Officer John F. Santos (25) of The Plymouth County Sheriff’s Department, Officer Sean Besarick (48) of the Brockton Police Department, and Officer Christopher A. Davis (42) of the Stoughton Police Department. This was announced on their Facebook Page. I could not find this story anywhere in the Corporate Media. Wall Street investor and analyst Edward Dowd was on the Dr. Jane Ruby show this week, where he discussed the data he has published in his book, Cause Unknown. Even as the COVID shots drastically decreased in 2022, excess deaths and disabilities among the young and healthy in the U.S. workforce continued to rise throughout 2022. Dowd is publishing his data now at and offering it free to the public.

Epigenetics Exposes Darwinian Biology as a Religion – Your DNA Does NOT Determine Your Health!

Darwinian biology has shaped the field of "science" for nearly two centuries now. However, Darwin's theories of life and origins have undergone many revisions and updates over the years as scientific discovery brings to light new truths that challenge many of Darwin's presuppositions. DNA, for example, is a system of classification that was unknown during Darwin's time, and many of the tenets of DNA have presented problems for Darwin's theories. In recent years, the whole field of "epigenetics" has proven that we are not the sum total of our "DNA blueprint." In fact, the growing field of epigenetics completely contradicts the tenets of Darwinian biology according to biophysicist Dr. Cornelius G. Hunter. Cornelius G. Hunter is a graduate of the University of Illinois where he earned a Ph.D. in Biophysics and Computational Biology. He is Adjunct Professor at Biola University and author of the award-winning book: "Darwin’s God: Evolution and the Problem of Evil." I encourage everyone to watch this video by Dr. Hunter on DNA methylation, which is just over 35 minutes long. This is a very important truth to understand, because there is a lot of false information going around in the Alternative Health media right now claiming that because the COVID-19 shots "alter one's DNA," that they cannot be healed from the damage, and that people are being turned into "transhumans" as a result, and are no longer "homo sapiens." This is totally false, and is spreading unnecessary fear. The field of epigenetics shows us that our bodies did not evolve out of random chance, but that they were wonderfully designed with mechanisms to turn off "bad genes," and to even develop "good genes" that can be passed on to future generations. A study published in Biophysical Journal in 2019 out of NYU revealed that "a team of scientists has identified how damaged DNA molecules are repaired inside the human genome, a discovery that offers new insights into how the body works to ensure its health and how it responds to diseases that stem from impaired DNA." They stated that "the human genome experiences about thousand DNA damage events every day, which can occur naturally or due to the external factors such as chemicals or UV radiation (e.g. sunlight)." In fact, if you search through PubMed for the term “DNA repair”, you will get over 100,000 results in the peer-reviewed medical literature.