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Oregon Father of Little Girl Medically Kidnapped over Medical Marijuana in 2017 Killed during Road Rage Incident

It is with a broken heart that I write to share the news of the tragic passing of Cody Stanphill-Kiser. He was killed on April 1st, 2022, during a horrific road rage incident in Caldwell, Idaho.  I met Cody, and his girlfriend Kitrina, in a Walmart parking lot in Ontario, Oregon.  Kitrina’s daughter, Kaylynn, had just been medically kidnapped through a "Safety Plan."  The Bring Kaylynn Home case is one of the most successful cases I have ever had the honor to work. I consistently point to it as a perfect example of what to do when you are fighting CPS corruption.  Both parents fired their public defenders shortly after Kaylynn was taken because they were told to just do what CPS says, and both represented themselves beautifully. They took immediately to using our method of applying the law, constitution, courts and public scrutiny for fighting back. And because of their dedication to Kaylynn - they quickly won. Cody was a passionate, courageous man, who fought a corrupt system tooth and nail for a child that wasn’t even biologically his own. He was an amazing father to both Kaylynn & her baby sister Kassandra. He was a wonderful man who did not deserve such a tragic end to his short life. 

Horrific Details Emerge on Arizona Foster Care Pedophile Trafficking Ring where Children Were Raped and Sodomized

We have exposed the deep corruption in the State of Arizona for years now, where historically they have a higher percentage of children taken away from their families and put into the foster care system than any other state in the U.S., as a state that is deeply entrenched in the child trafficking network with corruption reaching the highest levels of government. Statistics from 2015 showed that one out of every 100 children in the State of Arizona was in foster care. One of the most horrific stories we have covered from the State of Arizona was the case of the little girl named Devani, who was taken away from her mother against her will, and put into a foster care home in Sierra Vista with David Frodsham, who was running a pedophile pornographic and child sex trafficking ring. David Frodsham worked with the U.S. military at Fort Huachuca in Arizona, and had previously worked in Afghanistan as a "top civilian commander," but was kicked out of the country for sexual misconduct. His commanding officer wrote: “I would not recommend placing him back into a position of authority but rather pursuing disciplinary actions at his home station.” Nothing happened, however, and he continued as a licensed foster parent in the State of Arizona, where according to the lawsuit brought against him he repeatedly raped little Devani. He was convicted and is now behind bars. Little Devani was not returned to her family, however, but put into another foster home in Arizona, where the foster mother burned 80% of her body with scalding water resulting in the loss of her toes. Earlier this month (April, 2022), Michael Rezendes, writing for the Associated Press, provided new details of this child sex trafficking ring operating through the Arizona Foster Care system, as two adopted sons of David Frodsham have come forward to file lawsuits for the years they were sexually abused. There is no way that something as horrible as this could be allowed to exist without participation in almost every level of government within the State of Arizona. From social workers, to judges, to politicians and law enforcement, everyone has to either be complicit or too afraid to expose the corruption, in order for something like this to exist. And it includes religious and private businesses as well, benefiting from the lucrative child trafficking system funded through foster care and adoption services.

4,023 Fetal Deaths Now Recorded in VAERS Following COVID-19 Vaccines as US Appeals Court Reinstates Vaccine Mandate for Federal Workers

The U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) was updated yesterday (April 8, 2022) and another 100+ cases were added this past week where an unborn child died after their mother received a COVID-19 vaccine, bringing the total now to 4,023 fetal deaths following COVID-19 vaccines for the past 16 months. By way of contrast, there were 2,238 recorded deaths of unborn babies in VAERS for the 30 years (360 months) prior to the authorizations of the COVID-19 vaccines in December of 2020, following all FDA-approved vaccines combined during that time period. So just by comparing the flu shots for the previous 30 years (360 months) to the COVID-19 shots for the past 16 months, we get an average of 1.5 fetal deaths a month following the flu shots, and an average of 251 fetal deaths a month following the COVID-19 vaccines. That's a 16,633% percent increase in fetal deaths following COVID-19 vaccines as compared to annual influenza vaccines. And yet the CDC and FDA continue to recommend the COVID-19 vaccines for pregnant women. In fact, the FDA is planning on modeling the COVID-19 vaccines after the flu vaccines, so they can keep injecting people every year with these COVID-19 shots. And earlier this week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit overturned a block on the Biden Administration's COVID-19 vaccine mandate for federal workers. This action will potentially cause more harm from these experimental vaccines that are killing and crippling so many people, including unborn babies, for people desperate to stay employed.

Contamination of U.S. Food Supply Worsens as 50% of Foods Tested Contained Cancer-Causing Glyphosate Herbicide

The Detox Project recently published their latest results from the most comprehensive glyphosate testing of food products ever conducted in the U.S., showing that the contamination of the U.S. food supply with the cancer-causing herbicide glyphosate is becoming significantly worse since their first report published 5 years ago. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the world's most heavily used herbicide, Roundup. So even though it has widely been shown that glyphosate is linked to higher rates of cancer, getting it out of the food supply is no easy task. What is particularly concerning is that even foods labeled as being "USDA Organic" or labeled as free from GMO contamination, also test positive for the presence of glyphosate. Many people, for example, choose gluten free alternatives to wheat, thinking that it is a healthy choice, but the grains, nuts, and seeds that make up most gluten free products are heavily contaminated with glyphosate as well. My own company, Healthy Traditions, began testing all of the food we sell for the presence of glyphosate back in 2014, when we did our own testing and investigation and found that most of our certified organic grains that we were selling at the time were contaminated with glyphosate. We were shocked to learn that the National Organic Program for USDA certification allows for smaller amounts of glyphosate to be present even in foods certified organic. So we mostly abandoned the USDA Organic program, and started testing all of our food ourselves, practicing strict batch control so that we could trace each batch back to the producer. We now do our own testing for glyphosate, and also for GMOs, as many foods advertised as being free from GMOs, also contain small amounts of GMO DNA, especially American corn.

Horror Show in Shanghai: Babies Taken from Parents to Quarantine Centers, Drones and Police Dogs Patrol Deserted Streets in China’s Largest City

In early 2020, something happened that changed the course of the world and affected everyone's life forever. And no, it was NOT the outbreak of a deadly new coronavirus. It was the fear over a deadly new virus that authorities in China used to convince over 50 million people in the Wuhan City area to voluntarily lock themselves down in response to that fear. The plan worked, perhaps better than anyone had ever imagined, and it became the blueprint for the rest of the world, as nearly every other country in the world followed suit and began to lock down their populations, and the world has never been the same since. Well don't relax now and believe that the worst is now behind us, because it appears that COVID 2.0 has just been unleashed in China, as their largest city of 25 million people is now in their 10th day of lockdowns, all over an increase in new "cases" of people testing positive for COVID. And it appears that the medical tyrannical police state has only gotten worse, as babies and young children who are testing positive are being separated from their parents by force and put into quarantine hospitals, as people cooped up in their apartments and homes complain through their windows as drones fly overhead telling them to "Control your soul's thirst for freedom" and close their windows. Is Shanghai the new test city for COVID 2.0 that is coming soon to a city near you? The last time I was in Shanghai was in 2007, and I was shocked this week to see film footage of familiar streets that are usually a massive sea of humanity with congested snarls of traffic be completely empty in the middle of the day. I could hardly believe what I was seeing.

Mask Wearing Has Left a Generation of Toddlers Struggling With Speech and Social Skills

Lockdown restrictions, including adults wearing face masks, has left a generation of babies and toddlers struggling with speech and social skills, according to an official report. Inspectors working for Ofsted found that infants being surrounded by adults wearing face masks for significant periods of time over the last two years has damaged their learning and communication abilities. Those turning two “will have been surrounded by adults wearing masks for their whole lives and have therefore been unable to see lip movements or mouth shapes as regularly,” the report found. “Some providers have reported that delays to children’s speech and language development have led to them not socialising with other children as readily as they would have expected previously,” it added. The restrictions also left toddlers struggling with crawling, using the toilet independently and making friends. Delays in learning had also regressed some children to the stage where they needed help with basic tasks such as putting on their coats and blowing their noses. “I’m particularly worried about younger children’s development which, if left unaddressed, could potentially cause problems for primary schools down the line,” said chief inspector Amanda Spielman.

42,507 DEAD 3,984,978 Injured Following COVID Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions

The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 42,507 fatalities, and 3,984,978 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots. From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,843,512) are "serious" injuries: “Seriousness provides information on the suspected undesirable effect; it can be classified as ‘serious’ if it corresponds to a medical occurrence that results in death, is life-threatening, requires inpatient hospitalisation, results in another medically important condition, or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly/birth defect.”

DEBATE: “Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?”

OffGuardian and Unlimited Hangout, two publications we have featured frequently here at Health Impact News, just had their first panel discussion recently which was a debate about Russia and their role in the "Great Reset." I have so many daily videos in my newsfeed that there are literally not enough hours in the day to watch them all. So it takes some pretty engaging conversation to get me to watch 2 hours of anything. This one was worth it. It was moderated by Whitney Webb (and we get to see her new baby!) and Kit Knightly, and I highly recommend it. And while at times the debate got hot and loud, the four guests, two each representing different views, had much more in common than they had differences.  They all believe COVID is a big scam, for example, and they all believe there are much larger issues at play in the Ukrainian conflict.  So even if you just want to get an understanding of what is really happening in the geo-political scene right now which will affect us all, and which the corporate media narrative is not telling the truth about, this is a very informative and insightful discussion. Thank you Whitney and Kit!

425 Different Tests for COVID Still Have Emergency Use Authorizations from the FDA in Third Year of “Pandemic”

Almost 2 years ago, on May 5, 2020, we published an article reporting that not a single test being used to allegedly detect the COVID-19 virus was approved by the FDA, and that the ones that were granted emergency use authorizations (EUAs) were admitted to be unreliable by the FDA and the pharmaceutical manufacturers. I included testimony from a reader of Health Impact News who had 43 years of experience in Clinical Diagnostics and was appalled that our nation was being locked down over an alleged virus for which there was no accurate test. Fast forward now 2 years to today, and the only thing that has changed over these faulty tests is that now there are a lot more of them that have been given EUAs, and still none of them have been granted FDA approval. We have previously reported on how the CDC withdrew their EUA request on certain PCR tests at the end of 2021 because they claimed that some of these COVID tests could not distinguish between an influenza virus, or a COVID-19 virus. We have also previously reported how the CDC changed how they reported deaths at the end of 2020, because the statistics at the end of the year were not showing excess deaths in the year the COVID "pandemic" started, and they added about 400,000 deaths to make COVID appear to be a serious killer virus, which then hid the real increase in deaths that occurred in 2021 after the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out. This is the biggest scam in the history of the world, as the flu disappeared in 2020 and still remains absent here in 2021, because there just are not enough sick people dying to inflate both flu and COVID numbers. And the real tragedy that this corruption has caused, besides the fact that the COVID-19 vaccines are destroying people's lives, is that this group of upper respiratory symptoms that used to be called "influenza" but is now called "COVID-19" is very easily treatable, by either using older drugs that are generally safe such as Ivermectin, or even natural products such as high-dose Vitamin C IV treatment. But to make sure these existing treatments do not interfere with the new vaccines and drugs that have been given EUAs by the FDA, the FDA has issued 215 warning letters for "Fraudulent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Products" to protect the pharmaceutical industry and their EUA products "by pursuing warning letters, seizures, injunctions or criminal prosecutions against products and firms or individuals" that dare to defy the FDA by using unauthorized products to actually heal people.

17,500% Increase in Heart Disease in Children Following COVID-19 Vaccines – This is NOT Rare!

The number of injuries and deaths recorded in the U.S. Government's database of Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID-19 vaccines has now reached 1.2 million cases as of the last update on Friday, April 1st. By way of contrast, there are 930,952 cases of injuries and deaths following all other vaccines for the previous 30+ years before the COVID-19 vaccines were issued emergency use authorizations in December of 2020. When you take the monthly average of cases filed in VAERS following all vaccines for the previous 30 years (360 months - 2,586 cases per month), and compare that to the monthly average of cases recorded after COVID-19 vaccines for the past 15 months (80,384 cases per month), that is an increase of 3,008%. The CDC admits that the COVID-19 vaccines are causing heart disease in young people, but they claim these cases are "rare" and so they continue to recommend the vaccines for children, as vaccine manufacturers are now petitioning the FDA to give emergency use authorizations to start injecting children below the age of 5 with COVID-19 vaccines. So let's "fact check" the CDC's claims that these cases of heart disease in young people are "rare" by using their own data. First of all, the CDC only reports on 2 types of heart disease: myocarditis and pericarditis. We are going to search for ALL cases of "*carditis," and since they want to start injecting babies with these shots, we are only going to include children under the age of 18 in our search of VAERS. That search produces 1,261 cases of heart disease in children under the age of 18 in the past 15 months since the COVID-19 vaccines were given emergency use authorization. By way of contrast, when we conduct the exact same search for all non-COVID vaccines for this same age group for the previous 30+ years, we get a result of 172 cases. When you look at the monthly averages then for case of carditis following vaccines, we see a 17,495% increase of reported cases of heart disease in children following the COVID-19 shots. How can this be considered "rare"? And as horrible as these statistics are, the current situation for children is actually even worse than this, because the vast majority of vaccines administered in the U.S. the previous 30+ years were primarily to children, beginning at birth with the Hep. B vaccine, while the original EUAs issued for the COVID-19 vaccines were only for people above the age of 16. Pfizer was issued an EUA for children between the ages of 5 and 11 several months later, and Moderna is still waiting for approval to use their COVID-19 vaccines in children between the ages of 5 and 11, and both companies are still waiting for approval to start injecting infants and toddlers under the age of 5. What will these numbers look like in the future if this genocide is not stopped, and the COVID-19 vaccines are spread to millions of more children and babies?? I can barely wrap my mind around this, it is so evil and so horrible!

Meet The New, Resource-Based Global Reserve Currency

It was something to behold. Dmitri Medvedev, former Russian President, unrepentant Atlanticist, current deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, decided to go totally unplugged in an outburst matching the combat star turn of Mr. Khinzal that delivered palpable shock and awe all across NATOstan. Medvedev said “hellish” Western sanctions not only have failed to cripple Russia, but are instead “returning to the West like a boomerang.” Confidence in reserve currencies is “fading like the morning mist”, and ditching the US dollar and the euro is not unrealistic anymore: “The era of regional currencies is coming.” After all, he added, “no matter if they want it or not, they’ll have to negotiate a new financial order (…) And the decisive voice will then be with those countries that have a strong and advanced economy, healthy public finances and a reliable monetary system.” Medvedev relayed his succinct analysis even before D Day – as in the deadline this Thursday established by President Putin after which payments for Russian gas by “unfriendly nations” will only be accepted in rubles.

Merck’s Gardasil Vaccine Continues to Kill and Maim Young Girls as Two New Lawsuits are Filed

Prior to 2020 and the COVID Scam, the #1 most-read topic on the Health Impact News network, by far, was the Gardasil HPV vaccine, and the carnage this vaccine has caused in the U.S., and around the world. If you type in "Gardasil" into the search feature of Health Impact News, you will get a result of 475 articles we have published on this topic. Just one article, the story of Katie Robinson, as told by her mother and originally published on Sanevax.org, is the most-read article ever published on Health Impact News, having been read by many millions of people and shared over a million times on Facebook. Gardasil is back in the news this week, as Judicial Watch has reported on two new lawsuits filed against Merck by plaintiffs who were young teenage girls when they received the vaccines. Under U.S. law, vaccines approved by the FDA and part of the CDC recommended vaccine schedule for children are covered by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, where the manufacturer of the vaccine cannot be sued. You have to sue the U.S. Government in their special "Vaccine Court." So the lawsuits against Merck, as the manufacturer of the vaccine, are limited to the fraud that was committed in bringing the product to market for FDA approval. And the evidence that Merck committed fraud in bringing Gardasil to market, along with the FDA and CDC committing fraud in approving it, is overwhelming.

USA Today Shows How States Pay Foster Parents to Take Care of Children Removed from Poor Families but Offer No Assistance to the Biological Families to Keep Their Children

I am pleased to see the corporate media cover an issue that we have covered here at Health Impact News, and especially on our MedicalKidnap.com website, for almost a decade now, which is that most children removed from their home and put into foster care are not abused, but are living in poverty where it makes it difficult for their families to take care of them. These children are medically kidnapped from their families for "neglect," usually "medical neglect," and not abuse. So rather than provide assistance to these poor families so they can keep their children, they remove them from the home, against their wish and the wish of their family, and put into the very lucrative child welfare system where they become foster children or adopted children. The tragedy in almost all of these stories is not only that the families lose their children, but that their children are usually suffering from the abuses of the medical system, which their parents blindly trusted. So while this story by USA Today does address many of the key issues, especially with children who are handicapped, they won't go all the way in their investigations to report that a child suffering from autism, for example, is most likely vaccine injured as well. The USA Today has started a series on this issue, and this one is about Florida. You know, that "family friendly" and "conservative" State.

Modern Medicine is Based on Politics and Dogma, NOT Science – Remembering British Biologist Whistleblower Harold Hillman

As the evidence continues to explode on a daily basis now showing how the COVID-19 vaccines are literally destroying people's lives with uninformed people willingly allowing themselves and their children to be injected with dangerous experimental shots that prior to 2020 would not even meet the accepted scientific definition for "vaccines," it is very important to understand what I have been saying for many months now, which is that the COVID-19 plandemic did not corrupt the medical system. The corrupt medical system gave us the COVID-19 scam now responsible for mass murder and genocide. This is not a popular view, as the medical system and the pharmaceutical industry probably employ more people than any other industry, and the whistleblower doctors who have exposed the fraud in COVID stop short of exposing the deep corruption in the entire system that gave us COVID, as they continue to profit and benefit from that same system. So I have taken a lot of heat for exposing the "superstar doctors" who oppose COVID-19 vaccine mandates, but themselves are still profiting from the medical system and overall are still pro-vaccine and would have no problem injecting you and your children with other vaccines. Which one of these current "superstar doctors," for example, has exposed the same fraud we just exhibited in COVID which has been present in the annual flu shots every year? The flu shot campaigns every year used all the same techniques and fraud that COVID did to sell influenza vaccines (inflated numbers to promote fear, faulty PCR testing, a vaccine that offered no benefits but only risk to injury and death, etc.), and that has been going on for decades. If the American public does not want to continue to be abused by medical tyranny, then one needs to understand that the medical and pharmaceutical system is thoroughly corrupt, political, and not based on science at all. So it is very rare to encounter anyone writing about how the entire system is corrupt, and not just parts of it, which is why I was pleased to see the late British biologist Harold Hillman get some recognition for his efforts to expose this corrupt system.

Pfizer CEO Bourla Calls People Spreading “Vaccine Misinformation” Criminals – Did His Wife Die after a Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine?

Andrew Chang interviewed Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla about developing the COVID-19 vaccine, and why he calls people who spread vaccine misinformation ‘criminals.’ Bourla states: "They literally cost lives. They know that what they are saying is a lie. But they do it despite that." Bourla mentions how people online claimed that his wife died due to taking a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine that he forced her to take. He said that was "all lies, of course." Did she die after getting a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine? Is he saying that she did die but that her cause of death is not due to the vaccine? His comments are not clear. He said: "But forget that. That's nothing compared to how many people did not do the vaccine and died because of that."

Disney Employees in Florida Arrested for Human Trafficking as Videos Appear Online Showing Top Disney Executives’ Desire to Sexualize Children with Transgender Teaching

For all of you parents and grandparents out there who still believe that the Walt Disney Company produces "family friendly" entertainment safe for young children, you need to pay attention to what is going on in Florida right now. First, four Disney employees in Florida were recently arrested for human trafficking, with one of them being a 27-year-old lifeguard who reportedly sent sexual images of himself and graphic sexual messages to an undercover detective who was posing online as a 14-year-old girl. Then, the Walt Disney Company publicly criticized a new law that was recently passed in Florida that is supposed to protect children from sexual predators. And then yesterday, a Twitter user named Christopher Rufo published 3 videos of 3 Disney Executives from an internal meeting where they discuss their transgender and LGBTQIA agenda for children. This is a good time to remind everyone that Walt Disney himself was a 33rd degree Freemason and that occult symbols have been used in Disney entertainment since the beginning. And let's not stop with just Walt Disney. This nation, the United States of America, was founded by many Freemasons such as George Washington, and while the Constitution they wrote and ratified was supposed to protect civil rights for all Americans, most of these founders were themselves owners of African slaves and involved in human trafficking. One doesn't have to look very far to see the influence of Freemasonry and their occult symbols on the founding of our nation. Just pull out a U.S. 1 dollar bill from your wallet, and you will see many occult symbols.

Medicalizing Grief: Psychiatrists Suggest If You Grieve Over A Lost Loved One After One Year, You Could Be An Addict! And There’s A Drug To “Treat” It!

In a continuing series exposing the American Psychiatric Association’s updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders-5 called DSM5-TR, CCHR draws attention to The New York Times on 18 March 2022, that reported the APA’s launch of a “new” mental disorder—prolonged grief disorder (PGD).  Psychiatrists suggest that grief has a time limit and that if grief continues after one year, it’s a mental illness, akin to addiction. The article was headlined, “How Long Should It Take to Grieve? Psychiatry Has Come Up With an Answer.” Come up with an answer? Hardly. It was psychiatry’s usual potpourri of subjective data, surveys, and conclusions that APA relies upon for DSM—not science discovering a disease. The official inclusion in DSM5-TR comes while there’s an addiction treatment drug under clinical trial to treat prolonged grief. It takes an extremely vulnerable and distressing time in a person’s life and pathologizes it as an “illness” that can be terribly misleading to someone in grief that for some, can last for years. There’s no etiology or cure for this new “disorder.” One study says that “the normal grieving process is not fully understood” but “one prominent theory holds that healthy grieving typically involves completion of loss-focused tasks and restoration focused tasks.” But that doesn’t stop psychiatrists from drugging the condition.

22,000% Increase in Deaths following COVID Vaccines for Adults Over 50 as FDA Authorizes 2nd Booster for this Age Group

The FDA announced today that it has issued another emergency use authorization (EUA) for a second COVID booster vaccine for adults over the age of 50, and as young as 12 years old if they are "immune compromised." Pfizer had made the request for a second booster shot two weeks ago, but their request was for adults over the age of 65. The FDA, however, lowered that to age 50, and issued the EUA for both the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. Do you think the FDA looked at the data in their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) regarding COVID-19 vaccines for this age group to see if there were any concerns before authorizing a second booster shot for this age group? Not likely. As we have previously reported, the FDA does no safety oversight on these vaccines, but simply takes the drug manufacturers' word for it, allowing them to police themselves. So we will review the data on this age group in VAERS as a service to the public.

Abortion Tourism and Infanticide are now California Attractions

The Governor who shut down California’s beaches and legendary tourist attractions, churches, bars and restaurants as a response to the COVID pandemic, is now promoting abortion tourism, inviting tourists to visit California and get an abortion if their own state has abortion restrictions. Gov. Gavin Newsom and the State Legislature are offering taxpayer funds to help out-of-state residents obtain abortions, as well as legalizing infanticide through recently amended legislation. With at least 26 states ready to ban all or most abortions, reports indicate that, if it happened, California would see a dramatic 3,000% increase of people traveling into California for abortions. But wait, it gets worse. AB 2223 by Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks (D-Oakland) legalizes infanticide, is a bill to expand the killing of babies past the moment of birth up to weeks after, The California Family Council reports. What’s next – California legislation allowing a mother to kill her fussy colicky baby, or unbearable misbehaving toddler? Why stop there? Moody, rotten teenagers could be on the list.

COVID-19 Vaccine Massacre: 68,000% Increase in Strokes, 44,000% Increase in Heart Disease, 6,800% Increase in Deaths Over Non-COVID Vaccines

The corporate media is now controlled by the interests of Big Pharma which has spent over $1 BILLION in promoting COVID-19 vaccines. Even last night's Oscar's show was sponsored by Pfizer and BioNTech. So when this corporate media now switches their focus to trying to convince the American public that Russia and Putin are a threat to our national security, that's an indication to look around and see what they are trying to cover up and hide. And one does not have to look very far to see the damaging effects of their COVID-19 vaccines. The government's own database of Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) through March 18, 2022 shows that there are unprecedented increases in recorded deaths and injuries following COVID-19 vaccines for the past 15 months since they were issued emergency use authorizations (EUAs), as compared to recorded deaths and injuries reported following all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30 years. These government statistics show there is no greater danger to the lives of Americans today than our own government which is sitting on data that show the following increases of reports in VAERS following COVID-19 vaccines: 68,000% increase in strokes, 44,000% increase in heart disease, 6,800% increase in deaths, 5,700% increase in permanent disabilities, 5,000% increase in life threatening injuries, 4,400% increase in hospitalizations. This is mass murder and genocide. If the corporate media switched from covering the war in Ukraine and published this data directly from the government's own database, there would be riots all across the U.S. right now, if not a Civil War. But the largely brain-dead American consumer is content to watch their corporate news and blame all the world's problems on Russia right now instead, as we face huge labor shortages and supply chain bottlenecks due to all these deaths and injuries from the COVID-19 vaccines that will now be blamed on Russia. A false flag attack on American soil that will be blamed on Russia seems imminent now.