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UK Medicine Regulator Confirms COVID-19 Vaccines are 7,402% Deadlier than all other Vaccines Combined

The UK Medicine Regulator has confirmed that over a period of nineteen months the Covid-19 Vaccines have caused at least 5.5x as many deaths as all other available vaccines combined in the past 21 years. This means, that when compared side by side, the Covid-19 injections are a shocking 7,402% more deadly than every other vaccine available in the UK.

Supply Chain Problems Will Persist Because The System Is Being Sabotaged

Krugman is perhaps the worst and most arrogant economist/propagandist in the US, and though he belatedly acknowledged the inflation and supply chain threat after arguing for the past two years that it was “transitory,” he now claims that the traditionally accepted indicators of recession “don’t matter” anymore and that there is no downturn. How many times can this guy be proven ignorant and still keep his job? It’s this kind of disinformation that keeps the public in the dark on what is about to happen. Maybe it’s because of stupidity and ego, or maybe it’s a deliberate attempt to keep the population docile (I say it is deliberate), but in either case the American people are being put in great danger when it comes to the false narrative on inflation and the supply chain. The longer they are led to believe the disaster will simply go away on its own, the less time they have to prepare. The bottom line is this: Things are only going to get worse from here on. Maybe slowly, or maybe quickly depending on a handful of factors.

US Declares Monkeypox Public Health Emergency – Big Pharma Ready for Windfall Profits, Again

If there is one thing that the COVID-19 "Public Health Emergency" did with extreme efficiency, it was the fact that $TRILLIONS of emergency funds were redirected out of the U.S. Economy to Big Pharma, creating literally hundreds of new billionaires, and increasing the wealth of existing billionaires to record new highs in revenue. These billionaires and bankers knew full well that their ponzi-scheme economy based on debt could no longer be sustained, and so they created a worldwide "plandemic" which redefined upper respiratory diseases formerly named "influenza viruses" and used fear and massive testing where they could control the results, to implement a unified worldwide approach to bring in massive profits, before the financial system collapsed. By declaring a "Public Health Emergency" they could control health regulatory agencies such as the FDA and CDC to forego their normal approval processes, and rush to market novel new drugs and vaccines that would never have otherwise made it to market. From a business standpoint, it was a brilliant plan, and it worked so effectively, that I do believe they now plan on perpetuating endless "Public Health Emergencies" so the bankers can create more money to send their way, at least until they can eliminate cash and implement their Central Bank Digital Currencies which has the goal of making every citizen of every country slaves to the medical dictators. So it should come as no surprise that a "new pandemic" has now been granted "Public Health Emergency" in the U.S., even though the alleged "virus," the monkeypox virus, has only infected a few thousand people, and is so far only spread among men having sex with other men. And like COVID-19 which was predicted and planned for months before the first cases were allegedly detected in Wuhan, China, by running pandemic simulations, so too monkeypox had a potential pandemic simulated in March of 2021 hosted by the Nuclear Threat Initiative with the Munich Security Conference to “conduct a tabletop exercise on reducing high-consequence biological threats.” They even published a schedule and timeline on just how this new "pandemic" was going to unfold, and so far we are right on schedule. So what comes next?

76,789 Deaths 6,089,773 Injuries Reported in U.S. and European Databases Following COVID-19 Vaccines

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) database of adverse drug reactions is now reporting 46,999 deaths and 4,731,833 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines. In the United States, the Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS) is now reporting 29,790 deaths and 1,357,940 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines. A 2011 report by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) stated that less than 1% of all adverse events following vaccines are ever reported to VAERS. There have now been more deaths and vaccine side effects reported during the past 20 months to VAERS following COVID-19 vaccines than there have been for the entire previous 30 years for all FDA-approved vaccines before the Emergency Use Authorization of the COVID-19 shots in December of 2020. Here are some faces to place on these cold, deadly statistics to show how people's lives are being destroyed by the vaccines, while the pharma-funded corporate media continues to hide their vaccination status, and one has to find it usually on the person's social media accounts where they usually brag about getting a COVID-19 shot while ridiculing those who refuse them. They're dead now, while those who refused the shots cannot die by being injected by them. They just have to endure the ridicule and scorn from the pro-vaccine crowd, which is quickly dwindling.

Newest Threat to Medical Freedom—Monkeypox “Emergency”

The World Health Organization declaration of Monkeypox as a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” (PHEIC), was made by one man, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who has no medical training, over the objection of the majority of his own expert committee of medical and scientific advisors. Nine of the committee members thought a PHEIC should not be declared and six supported a declaration. “Nine and six is very, very close. Since the role of the committee is to advise, I decided to act as a tie-breaker,” Tedros said in a news conference called to announce the decision.” Perhaps it is the “new math” that leads to the conclusion of a “tie” with a 3-vote majority on one side?  And why did Tedros decide to go with the minority opinion rather than the majority? Rosamund Lewis, the WHO technical lead for monkeypox, said in a July 20 press conference: “About 98 percent of (Monkeypox) cases are among men who have sex with men—and primarily those who have multiple recent anonymous or new partners.” She then said they are typically young and chiefly live in urban areas. So why did Tedros decide unilaterally to declare a global emergency for the vast majority of people who do not fit this profile?

10,000% Increase in Cancers Following COVID-19 Vaccines as Doctors and Scientists Worldwide Sound the Alarm

Rates of cancer have exploded following the COVID-19 mass vaccination programs, with doctors and scientists all over the world now sounding the alarm. I did a search in the U.S. government Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) to see how many cases of the most common cancers had been reported following COVID-19 vaccines, and it returned a result of 837 cases of cancer, including 88 deaths, 66 permanent disabilities, and 104 life threatening events. And this not an exhaustive list, as I tried to include ALL cancers listed in VAERS, but the database could not handle the query. I listed the cases by age, and of the 837 cases, 375 of them had no recorded age, although often the age can be found in the description. So I put those 375 cases on the first page of the results, and starting on the second page you can see how young some of these cancer patients are following COVID-19 vaccines. It begins with a 12-year-old girl and a 15-year-old boy, followed by many young adults in their 20s. Using the exact same search terms for cancer, I then searched ALL FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30 years and found only 140 cases of cancer reported. That result is for 360 months (30 years), whereas the 837 cases following the experimental COVID-19 vaccines were reported in just 20 months, since the roll out of the COVID-19 shots beginning in December of 2020. That is an increase of 10,661.4%! A pathologist who lives in Sweden was just interviewed recently about the increasing rates of cancer she is seeing in her patients following the COVID-19 vaccines. Her name is Dr. Ute Krueger, and the video is found on the Doctors For Covid Ethics Rumble Channel. The Exposé has also just published an excellent review of some of the scientific literature showing how the spike proteins are interfering with "the DNA repair mechanism in lymphocytes."

Israel’s War On Cash Is About To Get More Drastic

Starting Monday, it will be a criminal offense in Israel to pay more than the equivalent of $1,700 in cash to a business or $4,360 in cash to individual, as the government intensifies its ongoing war on tangible money. Israel also limits the extent to which cash is used in transactions involving multiple payment methods. If the total transaction value is more than the above thresholds, cash may only be used for 10% of the purchase. Car purchases are given a higher, 50,000 NIS (New Israeli Shekels) limit -- about $14,700. Violators are subject to penalties that can reach 25% of the transaction for individuals and 30% for businesses.

Pfizer Vaccine Damaged Healthcare Worker to Unvaccinated Friends: “I Totally Commend You: I Wish I Was One of You.”

A healthcare worker who claims she was injured by the Pfizer COVID vaccine she was required to receive as a condition for employment, and now suffers from CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy) which she says has changed her life completely, recently went public to answer a question that apparently others in her social media network have asked her: "What do you think about people who have refused the COVID vaccine?" As we have recently reported, young, previously healthy doctors in Canada have been dying in mass recently, where COVID-19 injections, including boosters, are required as a condition for employment. So when one of them actually survives their COVID-19 shots, and has a message they want to take public, I think it is good to give them a voice to warn others. This woman who is not identified in the video, nor the place she worked (I am assuming that her injuries have maybe caused her to have to quit working and collect disability), starts out by saying: "If I had to do it all over again, I would never have gotten the vaccine." She fully admits that she received the COVID vaccine because she "believed" what the medical authorities and media were saying. She apparently did not take any time at all to investigate the other side of the story, and potential side effects. She started out mocking those who were the ones refusing the shots, but she noticed that the unvaccinated among her friends were the ones who were not getting sick, and those who did recovered quickly. So now she says: "I have totally changed my mind. They were the smart ones. They were the ones who didn't wear the masks. They were the ones that hung around each other and never caught it - never spread it. The ones that aren't (vaccinated), I totally commend you, and I wish I were one of you. I think very highly of you. I'm upset with myself. No job is worth it."

CDC Gave Big Tech Platforms Guidance On COVID Vaccine Censorship

The right of every American to question and criticize their government is enshrined in the Bill of Rights in the First Amendment. Prohibiting dissenting views on any government institution or practice is strictly unconstitutional. However, for the past few years many people have voiced concern about Big Tech platforms censoring dissenting views against the government, and the most common argument used by Big Tech is that they are simply a private platform that allows people to voice their views, and that the First Amendment does not apply to private corporations. But now emails between the CDC and Google, Facebook, and Twitter have surfaced that suggest that the U.S. Government is, indeed, censoring dissenting views by influencing these Big Tech platforms, specifically in regards to the COVID-19 vaccines. Given how deadly these experimental vaccines have been, this is a very serious matter, and I would expect more lawsuits filed in the weeks and months ahead for what appears to be a gross violation of the First Amendment and the right of American citizens to criticize and question their government, especially in regards to medical and health issues.

6 Canadian Medical Doctors Died Within 2 Weeks After 4th COVID Booster Shots for Employees Started at One Hospital

The alternative media was all a buzz this week as several previously young, healthy doctors all died within just a few days of each other. The biggest story came out of Canada’s Trillium Health Partners-Mississauga Hospital in Toronto, where 3 physicians from that hospital died "unexpectedly" within the same week, and according to a nurse who also works in the same hospital, the deaths followed after the hospital started mandating the fourth Covid shot for their employees. These deaths followed the announcement of the death of Dr. Paul Hannam, the Chief of Emergency Medicine and Program Medical Director at North York General Hospital (NYGH). Dr. Hannam was reportedly in excellent health, as he was an Olympic sailor and marathon runner. Any links to COVID-19 vaccines he may have taken were vehemently denied by the hospital and corporate media. Then Dr. Candace Nayman, 27, a resident at McMaster Children Hospital in Hamilton and also a triathlete, also died "unexpectedly" this week. Then yesterday, Gateway Pundit reported that 44-year-old family physician Dr. Shahriar Jalali Mazlouman from Saskatchewan "died unexpectedly" last weekend, July 23. That is quite a flurry of "unexpected deaths" in the medical community in Canada, which mandates COVID-19 vaccines as a condition for employment in the medical system. How long will the public continue to believe that these "unexpected deaths" of previously young, healthy doctors have "nothing to do with the COVID-19 vaccines"?

Los Angeles Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer Backs Down Indoor Mask Mandates As Multiple Cities Refused Enforcement

Earlier this month we reported that LA County Chief Medical Officer Dr. Brad Spellberg went public to humiliate Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer’s announcement that COVID-19 cases were on the rise and new face mask mandates were needed soon. "In a sign that perhaps even the pro-pharma pro-vaccine medical professionals are starting to get tired of the constant COVID hype and are beginning to speak out against health politicians who are appointed bureaucrats and never elected by the people to their public office, LA County Chief Medical Officer Dr. Brad Spellberg went public recently to humiliate Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer’s announcement that COVID-19 cases were on the rise and new face mask mandates were needed soon." Apparently the public put more stock into what Dr. Spellberg was saying as opposed to what the public health politicians wanted people to believe, and Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer backed down on the mask mandates today (for now), as several cities stated they would not enforce it.

Novavax Vaccine Contains 1 mcg Armyworm and Baculovirus Proteins Injected into you with Each Dose

You see, the vaccine’s spike protein is grown by genetically engineering baculoviruses to produce spike, and then infecting insect cells with the baculovirus to turn the whole thing into a spike protein factory. At the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices meeting that I live-blogged last week, it was revealed that the Novavax vaccine was being rolled out because it could be marketed as a “more traditional” vaccine, since it was not made from mRNA. Novavax was to be directed to the unvaccinated, although only 10% of the unvaccinated, it was anticipated, would accept it. The fact that no fetal cells were used in its development was claimed to be a marketing plus. However, thanks to a reader, it turns out that a human fetal cell line, (HEK) 293F, was used in the testing of the vaccine, as described in an article in Science. NOTHING about this vaccine is traditional.

W.H.O. – 99% of Monkeypox Cases are Among Men, 95% Men who Have Sex with Men – Calls for Global Censorship of MonkeyPox “Misinformation”

The World Health Organization published recommendations regarding the MonkeyPox "Global Emergency" today, and in doing so, they revealed that this "virus" actually only risks a very small portion of the world's population: men having sex with other men. WHO Director-general Tedros Adhanom then called for global censorship on any "disinformation" that does not follow the WHO approved propaganda, just as they did with COVID-19. So there you have it. Don't let history repeat itself, because we know now that those who researched the truth for themselves regarding COVID-19 (labeled as "misinformation") and determined that it was not a major risk, and therefore stayed clear from the "vaccines" and other novel, new medicines that were quickly authorized for "emergency use," are the ones who are still alive today and still have their hearts and brains in tact.

US Has Sold 6 Million Barrels From SPR To Hunter Biden-Tied China Firm

The Biden administration has sold nearly 6 million barrels of oil from the U.S. strategic reserve to an entity tied with the Chinese Communist Party, records show. From September 2021 to July, the Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded three crude oil contracts with a combined value of roughly $464 million to Unipec America, the U.S. trading arm of Chinese state-owned oil company Sinopec, according to a review by The Epoch Times of the DOE documents. A Chinese firm with ties to Hunter Biden had made an investment in the national oil giant. The sale would tap 5.9 million barrels in total from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to export to the Chinese firm. The latest contract was unveiled on July 10, consisting of 950,000 barrels sold for around $113.5 million. The two most recent sales to Unipec came out of an emergency drawdown of the U.S. oil stockpile, initiated under President Joe Biden on March 31 in what he said would offset the loss of Russian oil in global markets and tame rising fuel costs at home. But the Unipec contracts have been a subject of heavy criticism since the firm’s connections to the younger Biden came into focus in recent weeks. With Americans nationwide still reeling from the $5 per gallon gas prices in June, the selling of oil reserves to foreign adversaries such as China is at odds with U.S. energy and security needs, Republican lawmakers and analysts have said. “Biden is draining our strategic reserves at an unprecedented rate. This is an abuse of the SPR, far beyond its intended purpose. Sending U.S. petroleum reserves to foreign adversaries is wrong, and it undermines our national security,” Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) told The Epoch Times. What the United States should do, he argued, is to “unleash American energy production and ensure that our strategic reserves are stocked and able to meet the demands of a national emergency.”

Treasonous Biden and the Green Agenda is Shipping Gas OUT of the United States – War on the American People

U.S. President Biden's Administration continues to risk national security by taking millions of barrels from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve and shipping it abroad to Asia (including China) and Europe. And this situation just grew much worse, as today it was announced that the Biden Administration has actually shipped MORE liquid natural gas (LNG) to Europe than the U.S. even promised! Total exports of LNG to Europe have now exceeded total exports to Europe for ALL of 2021. This is astounding news given the fact Natural Gas prices are soaring to (so far) 14-year highs today, due to Russia cutting back on natural gas flow to Europe via the Nord 1 Stream pipeline. Last week, Germany and other European nations breathed a collective sigh of relief, as Russia turned the Nord 1 pipeline back on after maintenance work, against fears that they would not. It was only turned on to allow about 40% of its capacity to Europe, the same amounts as before they shut it down completely for maintenance earlier this month (July, 2022), which was already causing energy shortages in Europe. But then a few days later, it was announced that another turbine required maintenance, and that they were further reducing the flow to now only 20%. Now, natural gas prices are already at a 14-year high, and production in the U.S. has fallen as the Freeport liquefied natural gas plant in Texas, one of the largest U.S. operators of liquefied natural gas, will remain offline until almost the end of the year after a fire at their facility in June. Shipping U.S. natural gas to Europe as payment for their involvement in the Ukraine War while supplies are dwindling in the U.S., is a threat to national security, as we are obviously now in a "Proxy War" with Russia. How is this not a treasonous act?

Pandemic Creates New Billionaire Every 30 Hours — Now A Million People Could Fall Into Extreme Poverty At Same Rate In 2022

For every new billionaire created during the pandemic — one every 30 hours — nearly a million people could be pushed into extreme poverty in 2022 at nearly the same rate, reveals a new Oxfam brief today. “Profiting from Pain” is published as the World Economic Forum in Davos takes place for the first time face-to-face since COVID-19, a period during which billionaires have enjoyed a huge boost to their fortunes. In Canada, the wealth of billionaires has increased by 57.1 per cent since the beginning of the pandemic, in March 2020. The 41 richest billionaires own as much as the poorest 40 per cent of Canadians. “Billionaires gathered in Davos have enjoyed an obscene surge in their fortunes over the last two years. The pandemic and now the steep rise in food and energy prices have been a bonanza for the wealthiest, while millions of people face hunger and poverty as the cost living shoots up,” said Ian Thomson, manager of policy for Oxfam Canada. The brief shows that 573 people became new billionaires during the pandemic, at the rate of one every 30 hours. We expect this year that 263 million more people will crash into extreme poverty, at a rate of a million people every 33 hours. Billionaires’ wealth has risen more in the first 24 months of COVID-19 than in 23 years combined. The total wealth of the world’s billionaires is now equivalent to 13.9 per cent of global GDP. This is a three-fold increase (up from 4.4 per cent) in 2000.

WHO Declares Monkeypox “Global Emergency” After Vaccine Approved by EMA for Europe – Outbreaks are Only in Countries That Injected Their Citizens with Pfizer COVID Shots

The roll out of the Monkeypox "Plandemic" has been carefully planned and coordinated, much like the COVID Plandemic of 2020, including having simulations on how this "plandemic" will evolve, much like the 2019 Event 201 which simulated, with almost precision accuracy, how the COVID plandemic would evolve. This past weekend the World Health Organization officially declared the “monkeypox outbreak” a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). An important event had to occur before this announcement, however, and that happened on Friday last week, when the European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved Bavarian Nordic Smallpox/Monkeypox vaccine for distribution in Europe, so that Big Pharma can continue reaping windfall profits from vaccines that are supposed to stop "plandemics." This vaccine, while approved by the FDA in the US and now by the EMA in Europe, is largely untested in the public, and there were very serious issues with rates of heart disease in the clinical trials, which are actually higher than the rates of heart disease for the experimental COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. The World Health Organization has acknowledged that the vaccine is mostly untested, and that those being injected with the vaccine now are part of a “clinical study” for the purpose of data collecting so that researchers can learn more about the “effectiveness of the vaccine.” And perhaps the most interesting aspect of this planned and coordinated MonkeyPox "outbreak" was reported by The Exposé yesterday, where their investigation revealed that the only countries where these "outbreaks" of MonkeyPox are happening are only in countries where the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine has been injected into the citizens of those countries in mass vaccination campaigns. Russia and China, therefore, are allegedly not seeing these MonkeyPox "outbreaks," and "coincidentally" they did not mass vaccinate their populations with American-made Pfizer COVID vaccines, but used their own, locally produced, COVID vaccines.

Missouri Sheriff, Backed up by Missouri Attorney General, Refuses To Hand Over Gun Owners’ Info To FBI

A Missouri sheriff said he told the FBI that he won’t comply with audits regarding Missouri counties’ concealed carry permit information. Scotland County Sheriff Bryan Whitney said in public statements that his department won’t comply with the bureau’s audit. “As the sheriff of Scotland County, I want all my citizens to know that I will not allow, cooperate or release any CCW information to the FBI, even at the threat of a federal arrest,” Whitney, a Republican, wrote in a July 18 letter, referring to concealed carry weapons permits. “Point Blank, I will go down with the ship if need be.” Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, a Republican running for governor, issued a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray, telling the bureau chief to stop attempts to allegedly “illegally obtain information from local sheriffs on Missourians who have concealed carry permits.” “The FBI has absolutely no business poking around in the private information of those who have obtained a concealed carry permit in Missouri,” Schmitt wrote. “The Second Amendment rights of Missourians will absolutely not be infringed on my watch. I will use the full power of my Office to stop the FBI, which has become relentlessly politicized and has virtually no credibility, from illegally prying around in the personal information of Missouri gun owners.” Several weeks ago, the California Department of Justice leaked the private information of thousands of concealed carry permit holders in the state after it unveiled a new dashboard portal website, according to gun rights groups.

76,253 Dead 6,033,218 Injured Recorded in Europe and USA Following COVID Vaccines with 4,358 Fetal Deaths in U.S.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) database of adverse drug reactions is now reporting 46,618 deaths and 4,682,268 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines. In the United States, the Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS) is now reporting 29,635 deaths and 1,350,950 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines. There have now been more deaths and vaccine side effects reported during the past 20 months to VAERS following COVID-19 vaccines than there has been for the entire previous 30 years for all FDA-approved vaccines before the Emergency Use Authorization of the COVID-19 shots in December of 2020. (833,968 cases, 9,279 deaths.) The latest update in VAERS shows 4,358 fetal deaths following COVID-19 vaccines injected into pregnant and child-bearing aged women. This has to be the saddest, most criminal activity of Big Pharma and the FDA by allowing these COVID-19 shots to be injected into pregnant and young women. Pfizer had data showing how dangerous these shots were for pregnant women, but the FDA gave authorization anyway. Another 103 records of COVID-19 vaccine injuries were added to VAERS yesterday (July 22, 2022) for the 6-month to 4-years-old age group, continuing to show horrible side effects that include brain injuries, anaphylactic shock, dementia, depression, lupus, pancreatitis, colitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, eye infections, encephalitis, seizures, meningitis, and all sorts of rashes, since these shots were approved for this age group a few weeks ago, in June.

Drilling Under Lake Mead To Drain The Last Drop: 40 Million in U.S. West Without Water in 2023

Dane Wigington of GeoengineeringWatch.org revealed earlier this month (July, 2022) that drilling going on under Lake Mead to supply water to Las Vegas could soon reach a point known as a “dead pool,” which would have a devastating impact on the lives of tens of millions of people in the U.S. Southwest. "Many are now aware of and justifiably concerned about Lake Mead soon becoming what is known as a 'dead pool'. When this milestone is reached, the ramifications for tens of millions of Americans is beyond grave. What is not being discussed is the Lake Mead 3rd intake drain that was designed to drain every last drop from this diminishing and dying largest reservoir in the US. The remaining water will keep Las Vegas Nevada partying till the last possible moment. Even more dire is the official denial of the ongoing drought inducing covert climate engineering operations that are the core causal factor behind the unprecedented drought in the Western US. The six minute video below provides much needed information on the unfolding cataclysm surrounding the collapsing Colorado River water source." Last week Dane Wigington was interviewed by Greg Hunter where he explained how these engineered droughts in the West will affect 40 million people next year. "There is no speculation, no hypothesis or conjecture in any of this. Climate engineering is the primary cause for the protracted drought, and not just in the U.S. but in many other parts of the world. It also causes a deluge scenario, and all of it is crushing crops. We can speculate to the motives and agendas behind those who run these operations, but the fact that climate engineering is the primary causal factor for the western drought is inarguable. This is a runaway train of total cataclysm, and those in power are preventing anyone from even discussing this issue down to the point that there is an illegal federal gag order on the nation’s weathermen at the National Weather Service and NOAA." Last year I watched the documentary created by Dane Wigington, The Dimming, which conclusively shows how weather modification is being used by the military for warfare, and this has been happening for many years now. I am going to republish my review of "The Dimming" here, and provide the free YouTube version below that can be watched.