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1323 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 900 Dead, After COVID Injection

It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. Many of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause. It wasn’t intentional, but at one point there were ominous numbers in the headline. 2 to the 10th power and 666 dead athletes. The so-called health professionals running the COVID vaccine programs around the world keep repeating that “the COVID vaccine is a normal vaccine and it is safe and effective.” In response to their pronouncement, here is a non-exhaustive and continuously growing list of mainly young athletes who had major medical issues in 2021/2022 after receiving one or more COVID vaccines. Initially, many of these were not reported. We know that many people were told not to tell anyone about their adverse reactions and the media was not reporting them. They started happening and ramping up after the first COVID vaccinations. The mainstream media still are not reporting most, but sports news cannot ignore the fact that soccer players and other stars collapse in the middle of a game due to a sudden cardiac arrest. Many of those die – more than 50%.

Funeral Embalmer: 85% of Dead Bodies Now Have Strange Blood Clots Since COVID Vaccine Roll-outs

Some of the strongest evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines have caused crippling injuries and huge numbers of deaths in the vaccinated population have come from funeral home directors who have reported huge spikes in deaths in their business that correlate with the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccines and mandates. There is strong social and financial pressure against these professionals to go public, but a few have stood firm against this pressure, knowing that these truths must be brought to the attention of the public in an effort to save lives, no matter what the personal cost may be to themselves or their careers. Two of these funeral directors have been featured in the Alternative Media this year, and they are John O'Looney from the UK, and Richard Hirschman from Alabama in the U.S. Both men have confirmed that other funeral directors in their profession are seeing the same things they are seeing, but are too afraid to go public. Besides reporting on the huge increase in deaths they have been seeing since the roll out of the COVID vaccines, the embalmers have been reporting what they are finding inside the veins and arteries of these dead bodies: huge "blood clots" that do not resemble traditional blood clots at all, but are long fibrous entities that can completely block a vein or artery. Richard Hirschman, who has been a licensed embalmer for over 21 years and has embalmed thousands of bodies, said in a recent interview with the RAIR Foundation that while he was accustomed to seeing blood clots in 5 to 10% of the bodies he embalmed, that now he is seeing almost 85% of the bodies he is embalming have blood clots, which started after the roll out of the COVID vaccines, and that these "blood clots" are nothing like he has ever seen before.

SMOKING GUN! Alleged RAND Corporation Leaked Document Written BEFORE Ukraine War Shows U.S. Planned the European Energy Crisis and Economic Collapse to Save the U.S. Economy

Nya Dagbladet, a Swedish online daily newspaper, claims to have obtained an internal leaked document from the U.S. military think tank RAND Corporation that was published on January 25, 2022, about 1 month before Russia invaded Ukraine. The "Research Report" stated that a weakened Germany and weakened Europe would strengthen the U.S. economy by having them get involved in sanctions against Russia as a result of the Ukraine conflict, which would cut off their energy supplies and collapse their economy. The report begins: "The present state of the U.S. economy does not suggest that it can function without financial and material support from external sources. The quantitative easing policy, which the Fed has resorted to regularly in recent years, as well as the uncontrolled issue of cash during the 2020 and 2021 COVID lockdowns, have led to a sharp increase in the external debt and an increase in the dollar supply. The continuing deterioration of the economic situation is likely to lead to a loss in the position of the Democratic Party in Congress and the Senate in the forthcoming elections to be held in November 2022. The impeachment of the President cannot be ruled out under these circumstances, which must be avoided at all costs. There is an urgent need for resources to flow into the national economy, especially the banking system. Only European countries bound by EU and NATO commitments will be able to provide them without significant military and political costs for us." It goes on to state that Germany is the key European country that needed to be toppled economically for "an increase in the flow of resources from Europe to the U.S." The document outlines how to do this, namely by drawing Germany and Europe into the Ukraine conflict by participating in sanctions against Russia that would cut off the flow of cheap energy from Russia. This "Research Report" was distributed to the White House Chief of Staff, the Department of State, the CIA, the NSA, and the Democratic National Committee, one month before Russia invaded Ukraine.

What the Media Won’t Tell You About KING CHARLES III

Really Graceful has put together a 2-part series on England's new King, King Charles III, and his associations with known pedophiles and sex abusers. She also talks about his ties to the World Economic Forum, pointing out he was the first one to announce the "Great Reset."

Astrophysicist Weather Expert: Climate is Always Changing and Has Nothing to do with Man – Climate “Scientists” are on “Gravy Train” to Secure Funds

Astrophysicist and meteorologist weather expert Piers Corbyn was recently interviewed by a reporter in RT.com's Moscow studio about the unusually hot weather seen in many parts of the world this year, with the reporter stating the standard corporate media line that this is a clear example of "climate change." But Piers Corbyn replied: "Well climate has always been changing, but this has nothing to do with man." Corbyn is the founder of "Weather Action" and he began to explain that they predicted that there would be extreme heat in Eastern Europe in Russia this summer before it even happened, and that these weather patterns are caused by "a certain circulation pattern", and not CO2, but a combination of solar activity and the phases of the moon. The reporter in Moscow then interrupts him with elevated voice and says: "Excuse me, just a minute! You say this isn't caused by man, how come they are reporting this heat wave is recognized as the worst in a thousand years in recorded history in Russia?! And for sure, man has something to do with it, hasn't he?" Corbyn replies calmly, "No." "Man has nothing to do with it. The only connection is that man is here at the same time as the sun and the moon are doing things." He then goes on to explain that a very similar situation happened about 132 years ago. He states that those who claim otherwise are simply trying to make money off of the Climate Change narrative. Piers Corbyn apparently often goes against the "science" dictators, as his Wikipedia page states: "Piers Richard Corbyn (born 10 March 1947) is an English weather forecaster, businessman, anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist." He didn't accept (gasp!) the official narrative on COVID.

European Metal Producers Warn that Industry Collapse is Imminent Due to Energy Costs as Many Plants Shut Down

"We call on European and national leaders to look at all available options for safeguarding our companies and their future." That is the desperate plea from 40 CEOs representing Europe's largest non-ferrous metals producers, who are urging emergency EU action to prevent permanent deindustrialisation from spiralling electricity and gas prices. Critically they warn that "50% of the EU’s aluminium and zinc capacity has already been forced offline due to the power crisis." The world's largest steelmaker, ArcelorMittal, released a statement Friday about shutting down two plants and idling one.  Europe's top steelmaker said two plants in Germany (one in Bremen and the other in Hamburg) would be partially closed at the end of September. A plant in Asturias, Spain, will also be idled.  ArcelorMittal blamed the coming smelter shutdowns on "the exorbitant rise in energy prices," which is devastatingly impacting the company's "competitiveness of steel production."

61,000 Millennials Aged 25 to 44 Died in 2021 After COVID Vaccine Mandates – 84% Increase in Mortality Rate

Edward Dowd, a former portfolio manager for BlackRock and the author of the upcoming book “‘Cause Unknown’: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022,” has been analyzing data related to all-cause mortality since March 2021. Dowd is familiar with predicting trends and observing patterns, and became interested in studying CDC data after he heard many anecdotal accounts of vaccine injury. He found a monumental spike in sudden deaths occurring in the fall of 2021 to early 2022 in the working age cohort, which corresponded to the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates for federal and corporate employees. “The age cohort from 25 to 44, which we call the millennials, experienced an 84 percent rise of excess mortality into the fall of 2021—August, September, October—and the rate of change was just dramatic,” Dowd told EpochTV’s American Thought Leaders program during an interview that premiered Sept. 6. That “represented about 61,000 Americans who perished from March 2021 to February 2022.”

Inflation: State-Sponsored Terrorism

Remember the quaint old days of 2019? We were told the US economy was in great shape. Inflation was low, jobs were plentiful, GDP was growing. And frankly, if covid had not come along, there is a pretty good chance Donald Trump would have been reelected. At an event in 2019, my friend and economist Dr. Bob Murphy said something very interesting about the political schism in this country. He said: If you think America is divided now, what would things look like if the economy was terrible, if we had another crash like 2008? Well, we might not have to imagine such a scenario much longer. If you think Americans are divided today, and at each other’s throats—metaphorically, but more and more literally—imagine if they were cold and hungry! Imagine if we had to live through something like Weimer Germany, Argentina in the 1980s, Zimbabwe in the 2000s, or Venezuela and Turkey today? What would our political and social divisions look like then? Ladies and gentlemen, we live under the tyranny of inflationism. It terrorizes us, either softly or loudly. I suspect it will get a lot louder soon.

Dutch Farmer’s Protests Lead to Agriculture Minister of Climate Change’s Resignation

The Netherlands’ agricultural minister Henk Staghouwer has been forced to resign following widespread protests from Dutch farmers over his radical climate agenda that seeks to destroy their livelihoods. Staghouwer was leading the Dutch agriculture ministry’s climate policy that involved confiscating farms in a forced government buy-out scheme. In the wake of the huge protests from farmers, Staghouwer has now been forced to step down. He told the Dutch cabinet that pushback from farmers had meant he would not be able to meet a September deadline for rolling out the government’s radical green policy, the AP reported. The climate agenda involves cutting nitrogen emissions from the nation’s farming sector to the point where it made it impossible for farms to continue operating. The initiative includes a $24.2 billion scheme to buy out local farmers and facilitate the transition away from intensive farming practices. The push provoked mass demonstrations by farmers across the continent. “Farmers and fishermen need certainty,” Staghouwer said in a statement to his ministry Monday evening, NL Times reported. The farming sector faced a massive upheaval due to emissions reduction goals, he added. In July, over 40,000 farmers took to the streets in protest of the policy, blocking roads with tractors and defacing government officials’ homes. Sympathizers elsewhere in Europe staged protests in solidarity with the Dutch farmers, arguing that such a policy is counterproductive amid highly elevated inflation levels and food shortages.

Criminal FDA and CDC Ignore Law and Approve New COVID Vaccine Boosters with ZERO Testing on Humans

The U.S. Government, via their alphabet "health" agencies the FDA and CDC, part of the Department of Health and Human Services, has done something this month (September, 2022) that has never been done before in the history of this country, and that is to authorize an untested vaccine into the American public, completely ignoring existing laws that prevent them from doing such a heinous criminal act, in order to use the American public as lab rats for a new version of the COVID vaccines. Dr. Meryl Nass has written the best summary of these crimes against humanity, and I am republishing it here. This is, first and foremost, a Spiritual War between Satan and his minions, and God Almighty, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. As I have previously written numerous times, vaccine products are the most evil products ever developed by the pharmaceutical cartels. They are the only products that are produced NOT to treat diseases, but are patterned after the insurance industry model of trying to sell you something to protect you against something bad that MIGHT happen to you in the future. Therefore, if you come down with something like the measles, you do not get a vaccine to treat your measles. If you get hepatitis, you do not get a vaccine to treat your hepatitis. You get vaccines in the hope that the promises of the pharmaceutical drug peddlers are true, that you will not get those diseases if you take their toxic vaccines, which they admit and the Supreme Court has affirmed, are "unavoidably unsafe," because all vaccines have dangerous side effects and risks - this is not even a truth that is in dispute. As we have documented these past two years, the rushed-to-market COVID vaccines that were given emergency use have resulted in more deaths and injuries than all other vaccines combined that were introduced into the market for the past 30+ years. They are evil. They are a mockery to God our Creator, who has promised to protect and heal those who trust and and have faith in him. A person who takes a vaccine based on the false promises of the criminal pharmaceutical companies, are basically denying their faith in God and his promise to take care of them, and doing the exact opposite: acting in FEAR, being afraid that they will "catch" some deadly disease that God cannot protect them from or heal them from. This mockery of God and his promises by promoting vaccines was demonstrated publicly yesterday, by the White House's COVID advisor Dr. Ashish Jha, who said: "I really believe this is why God gave us two arms — one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot!" The White House has ordered 171 million doses of these new, illegal and untested COVID booster shots, 105 million doses from Pfizer and 66 million doses from Moderna. That is enough to inject into half of the American population. Will you trust your government and the promises of the pharmaceutical industry, or will you say "no thanks, I would rather trust God and put my life in his hands"?

Why America’s Major Cities are Doomed to Collapse

Any city whose lifeblood ultimately depends on hyper-globalization and hyper-financialization will no longer be viable. Non-viability of the globalized, financialized urban model is currently considered "impossible."

SADS: “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” Explodes as Young and Healthy Adults Die Following COVID Vaccine Mandates

The sheer number of young, healthy adults dying "suddenly" has become so well-known now, that even the corporate media can no longer ignore these record number of deaths occurring among the working class ages between 18-years-old and 65. The correlation between these "sudden deaths" and the roll out of the COVID vaccines is indisputable, but because "correlation does not equal causation," the corporate media and the government health agencies continue to deny that the vaccines are at fault. Finding no other possible cause for these record number of deaths among young and healthy people, they simply lump them altogether under the category of SADS, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. But these stories are becoming so frequent now, that hopefully the blind and dumb-downed population who believed the lie are starting to wake up. I am republishing some of these stories in this article, and while some of those who died are known to have received a COVID vaccine, some of the other ones do not publicly reveal that information. But they are all members of institutions that mandated the COVID shots. Some are students and employees at Indiana University, and some are medical professionals who worked at facilities where the shots were mandated. This must be one of the most evil periods of human history, where so many people in position of authority in either government positions, or as heads of institutions, are guilty of mass-murder, and as of yet none of them have faced justice. How far does this guilt go, in participating in the genocide of an entire generation? How about you? Are you also guilty? If you answer with a resounding: "No way! I do not support the COVID vaccines!" - then I need to ask you a question. Do you own stocks in mutual funds? Is your retirement fund invested in stocks and mutual funds? Because if so, it is very likely that whoever manages your portfolio is invested in pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, and others, as Big Pharma is the "best place to put your money" right now if one wants to maximize their profits. That means you also share some of the guilt, even if you are not aware of where your funds are invested. Legally, you are a part owner in these companies who produced these deadly bio-weapons that are literally killing millions of people.

Following the Science? – 159 Children dead, 1.2k disabled, 14.5k hospitalised & 55k injured due to COVID Vaccination in the USA according to CDC

The latest figures published by the USA’s Centers for Disease Control reveal over 56,000 children have been injured due to Covid-19 vaccination across the USA, and sadly 1,174 of these children either suffered a life-threatening event or a permanent disability, while tragically a further 159 children sadly lost their lives.

Physician List & Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment

Since 1943, AAPS has been dedicated to the highest ethical standards of the Oath of Hippocrates and to preserving the sanctity of the patient-physician relationship and the practice of private medicine. They offer a free patient guide on early treatments, and a list of physicians who provide early treatments for COVID through private medicine.

Darker and Colder: Europeans Warned of ‘Unprecedented’ Power Failures This Winter as Russia Cuts Off Natural Gas Pipeline

Europeans are being warned of ‘unprecedented’ power failures this winter as the energy crisis brings a foreseeable future that will be colder and darker. “There is an increased risk of a lack of power this winter,” Klaus Winther, deputy director at Energinet, the Danish national transmission system operator for electricity and natural gas, told TV2. After a 3-day halt, Russian energy giant Gazprom was expected to resume critical supplies of nat gas to Europe via Nord Stream 1 tomorrow, but it appears that Putin who is enjoying the game of cat and mouse a little too much, had other plans and as a result, Russian gas flows toward Europe won't be coming back any time soon, as moments ago Gazprom announced that it had "completely halted" transport of gas to Nord Stream until a previously undetected oil leakage is rectified. That could takes hours, days... or months. The "shocking development" is a massive blow to Europe, which is scrambling to fill up its gas storage ahead of winter and which has been trying to guess Moscow’s next steps in the energy war for weeks. As Bloomberg puts it, "it marks a dramatic escalation in Europe’s energy crisis -- and comes just as prices were easing. If the shutdown persists, it puts households, factories and economies at risk, weakening Europe’s hand as it backs Ukraine in the war against Russia." Said otherwise, millions of virtue signalers will be cold, hungry and in the dark this winter but at least they will have an Ukraine flag in their twitter bio.

America’s Secret Government by Proxy

Security state agencies must justify their existence. There are 1,271 counterterrorist, homeland security, and intelligence organizations; 1,931 private sector analogues; 10,000 locations of these organizations; and ~854,000 people with top-secret security clearances as of 2010. To make matters worse, the line between private and public is obscure in this industry. Naturally, the need to justify the existence of government—propaganda—evolves into techniques to disseminate that propaganda in addition to censoring opposition to it. Therefore, a proxy government is established—a front for the actual government to do what it wants to do but otherwise cannot. The US government has incentivized a group of organizations to do just that. “Big tech censorship” and other control measures were not the result of free-market phenomena. The think tanks that refer to themselves as “counter-violent extremists” (CVEs) are America’s proxy government responsible for censoring, shadow banning, ad feed tampering, search result manipulation, and “racism/extremism” deception.

Pediatric Cardiologist: COVID Vaccines are Damaging the Hearts of Children and Young People

Kirk Milhoan is a pediatrician and board certified pediatric cardiologist for over 20 years. He has a PhD in cardiovascular physiology and pharmacology. His dissertation from the University of California in San Diego looked at the patho-physiology of the inflammation associated with myocardial ischemia. You would be hard-pressed to find someone more credentialed and experienced in heart disease in children and young people than Dr. Milhoan, who has just given, by far, the best presentation on how the COVID vaccines and spike protein are affecting the hearts of these young people, based on numerous studies now conducted and published all over the world. This is a MUST VIEW video! It is, by far, the best presentation on this issue I have seen so far, because he brings in the data from all the recent studies conducted around the world on the effects of the COVID vaccines on hearts. And the verdict is in: COVID vaccines are cardio-toxic! They have caused more cases of myocarditis and pericarditis that all previous vaccines COMBINED!

The American Kleptocracy: A Government Of Liars, Thieves, & Lawbreakers

The American kleptocracy (a government ruled by thieves) continues to suck the American people down a rabbit hole into a parallel universe in which the Constitution is meaningless, the government is all-powerful, and the citizenry is powerless to defend itself against government agents who steal, spy, lie, plunder, kill, abuse and generally inflict mayhem and sow madness on everyone and everything in their sphere. Think about it. Almost every tyranny being perpetrated by the U.S. government against the citizenry—purportedly to keep us safe and the nation secure—has come about as a result of some threat manufactured in one way or another by our own government. Cyberwarfare. Terrorism. Bio-chemical attacks. The nuclear arms race. Surveillance. The drug wars. Domestic extremism. The COVID-19 pandemic. In almost every instance, the U.S. government (often spearheaded by the FBI) has in its typical Machiavellian fashion sown the seeds of terror domestically and internationally in order to expand its own totalitarian powers. Who is the biggest black market buyer and stockpiler of cyberweapons (weaponized malware that can be used to hack into computer systems, spy on citizens, and destabilize vast computer networks)? The U.S. government. Who is the largest weapons manufacturer and exporter in the world, such that they are literally arming the world? The U.S. government. Which country has a history of secretly testing out dangerous weapons and technologies on its own citizens? The U.S. government. Which country has conducted secret experiments on an unsuspecting populace—citizens and noncitizens alike—making healthy people sick by spraying them with chemicals, injecting them with infectious diseases and exposing them to airborne toxins? The U.S. government. What country has a pattern and practice of entrapment that involves targeting vulnerable individuals, feeding them with the propaganda, know-how and weapons intended to turn them into terrorists, and then arresting them as part of an elaborately orchestrated counterterrorism sting? The U.S. government. Are you getting the picture yet? The U.S. government isn’t protecting us from terrorism. The U.S. government is creating the terror. It is, in fact, the source of the terror.

Thousands of Businesses Closing in Europe Due to High Energy Bills That Make it No Longer Possible to Stay Open

Over the past week, shocked Europeans - mostly in the UK and Ireland - have been posting viral photos of shockingly high energy bills amid the ongoing (and worsening) energy crisis. Several of the posts were from small business owners who getting absolutely crushed right now, and won't be able to remain operational much longer. As the Irish Times reports, "The cost of electricity to the Poppyfields cafe for 73 days from early June until the end of August came in at €9,024.70 an increase of 250 per cent in just 12 months. There doesn’t include the €812.22 in VAT, which brought her total bill to €9,836.92." "How in the name of God is this possible," tweeted cafe owner Dolan. Europe is facing economic devastation and depression at a scale that will make 2008 seems like a walk in the park. As the FT reports, German manufacturers are halting production in response to the surge in energy prices, a trend the government has described as “alarming”. German economy minister Robert Habeck said industry had worked hard to reduce its gas consumption in recent months, partly by switching to alternative fuels like oil, making its processes more efficient and reducing output. But he amusingly clarified, some companies had also “stopped production altogether” — a development he said was “alarming”. “It’s not good news," he said, “because it can mean that the industries in question aren’t just being restructured but are experiencing a rupture — a structural rupture, one that is happening under enormous pressure.”

New Law Punishes Doctors Who Challenge the Established Narrative on COVID-19

As The Free Thought Project (TFTP) has reported, Sen. Richard Pan, D-Sacramento, who has sponsored a slew of mandatory vaccine laws throughout his career came out in 2019 to threaten the speech of those who question forced vaccination. Throughout the pandemic, Pan has been staunchly opposed to free speech and advocated for silencing anyone and everyone who doesn't worship at the alter of Big Pharma and TheScience(TM). Now, with the passage of Assembly Bill 2098, this tyrannical state senator has finally gotten his way and even doctors who question the safety of a product from a company with a known history of criminal behavior — will be punished by the state for doing so. TFTP predicted this was coming after a letter Pan wrote to the Attorney General of the United States, claiming that the “deliberate spread of vaccine information discouraging vaccination” requires the surgeon general to “stop this attack on our nation’s health by addressing the spread of vaccine misinformation.” He literally advocated for people to be jailed for questioning vaccines — and now he's gone even further.