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Parents of Down Syndrome Baby Euthanized by Vanderbilt Hospital Expose Lies of Social Workers in Court

Could things start to be turning around for the Rivenburg family? At stake in the most recent court hearing was the termination of parental rights for the parents of Annalise Rivenburg, the big sister of deceased Baby Steffen. While their family and many supporters around the world waited and prayed, Steffen Rivenburg, Sr., and Patricia Tornberg walked into Judge Wayne Shelton's Clarksville, Tennessee, courtroom on Monday, July 9, 2018. They had been in that courtroom many times, and every time they felt like were walking into a lions den, facing attorneys, social workers, doctors, Guardian ad Litems (GALs), and a judge, all of whom seemed determined to tear them and their family apart. This time, however, it was different. Grandmother Lisa Rivenburg, spokesperson for the family, told Health Impact News: "It was epic! The judge LISTENED to the kids [Steffen, Sr., and Patricia] this time!" This is the first time since their children were taken from them by the Department of Children’s Services (DCS) on February 2, 2017, that the family has felt that they were listened to in court. They don't know why things changed, but they see this as a huge answer to prayer. Annalise is still not home with her family, but her parents' parental rights have not been severed. For now she remains in the foster home that she was placed in by DCS, but she is not up for adoption.

Mother Who Was Sexually Trafficked as a Child in Foster Care Has Her Own Baby Medically Kidnapped – Fears for Her Safety

A Maryland couple followed the advice of their doctors, and now their baby has been taken away from them by Child Protective Services. First time parents, Jennifer Guskin and Scott McFalls, were concerned about their baby's weight, but none of the three pediatricians they consulted noticed that baby Iris had a tongue and lip tie. By the time they found a doctor who figured it out, CPS had already decided to take their baby from them. It is the kind of nightmare scenario that could happen to any family. Doctors may not always be able to figure out why a child isn't gaining weight, but as soon as the baby is diagnosed with failure to thrive, Child Protective Services is often quick to blame the parents and seize the child. Unlike most families, Jennifer Guskin and Scott McFalls know all too well what kinds of horrors possibly face children taken by CPS and put into foster care. Jennifer was adopted as a baby herself, and she has recently gone public with horrific details about her childhood and how she became a victim of child sex trafficking and experimentation. Jennifer and Scott recognize the danger that their baby is in, and that thought terrifies them.

Tennessee Court Seeks to Terminate Parental Rights for Young Sister of Down Syndrome Baby Euthanized by Vanderbilt Hospital

It has been just over a year since the death of Baby Steffen Rivenburg Jr. at the hands of Vanderbilt Hospital, Tennessee Department of Children’s Services (DCS) and Judge Wayne Shelton's court. Since his tragic, senseless death, his family has been fighting DCS and the court for custody of Baby Steffen's older sister, Annalise. On Monday, July 9, parents, Steffen Rivenburg Sr. and Patricia Thornberg, will again go to court over custody of Annalise. Maybe. They were supposed to have court on Monday, June 11. When they went to court that day, they were told that court was cancelled. They again went to court on June 19 for a scheduled foster care review board hearing. When they arrived on that date, they were told that court was changed to July 23. They later received documents in the mail telling that that court was to be held on July 23. Quite by accident, they learned that the July 23 hearing has been moved to Monday, July 9. Steffen's mother, Lisa Rivenburg, the unofficial family spokesperson, told Health Impact News that they called the court this past Monday, July 3, about filing some paperwork. That was when they learned that their court date had moved up 2 weeks. If they hadn't called the courthouse, they never would have known about the date change. The hearing will presumably address motions filed by DCS, including a "Motion to Ratify Per Plan and Motion to Review Permanency" for Annalise. On June 11, 2018, DCS filed for termination of parental rights over Annalise. The family has 30 days to respond to the TPR filing. They hope to address the filing in court on Monday, July 9. The public is invited to come to the Montgomery County Juvenile Court at Two Millennium Plaza, Clarksville, TN 37040 on Monday, July 9, at 10:30 a.m.

Massachusetts Attorney Exposing Medical Kidnapping Threatened with Being Disbarred

Lisa Belanger says that she was always "Daddy's girl." She is the youngest daughter of Marvin Siegel of Boxford, Massachusetts, and she and her father have always been very close. It has now been more than a year and a half since she has seen her father, not by her choice or the choice of her father. A court, guardians, and lawyers have medically kidnapped her father, essentially imprisoning him in his own home, and they have forbidden his baby girl from having any contact with him. Lisa Belanger is an attorney who followed in her father's footsteps, and she is not taking this cruel twist of life lying down. She has been fighting to get him back since he was taken under state guardianship in mid December 2011. Now, in what she sees as retaliation for exposing the corruption in the guardianship system in and around the Boston area, an attorney, who has been fighting alongside the guardians against the family of Marvin Siegel, is attempting to have Lisa Belanger disbarred. This attorney, Marsha Kazarosian, was hired by Mr. Siegel at one time, but just before he was medically kidnapped, he attempted to fire her. In a handwritten statement, he wrote: "I want to terminate your services for going against my wishes." Kazarosian refused to be dismissed. Now, almost 7 years later, Lisa Belanger is still fighting the attorney for one of the most basic of human rights - the right to have a relationship with her father. She says that the complaint against her essentially boils down to this: They're saying, "We're going after you because you dare to expose us."

Children Taken by Arizona CPS for 2.5 Years Return Home with Horrible Accounts of Abuse in Foster Care

A young Arizona boy wrote a heartbreaking letter to his teacher describing the horrors that he saw while he was in a group foster home. Had the things that he talked about happened in his own family home, the teacher would have been mandated to contact Child Protective Services, and a social worker likely would have taken him from his home before the day was out. However, the incidents happened under state custody, and it was almost a month later that the teacher told the boy's mother about the letter. As hundreds of parents have reported to Health Impact News, the real abuse and dangers in foster care are swept under the rug by social workers, while minor incidents or accidents that happen in loving family homes are turned into major catastrophes that Child Protective Services must rush in and address. The children of Arizona mom, Aprilli Coumpy, were taken from her by the Department of Child Safety (DCS) in March of 2015, over an accidental injury involving spilled Ramen noodles. The children spent almost 2 1/2 years in various foster and group homes, before they were finally returned home. Their case was closed on August 15, 2017. The separation traumatized the children and their mother, and they are in counseling as they try to heal and move forward from the harm caused by those charged with protecting families. Now that the children are finally back home and starting the healing process, they want to go public with the horrible abuses the children suffered while in foster care.

Texas Mom Blamed for 4-Month-Old Daughter’s Accidental Gardasil Vaccine Injury – Loses Parental Rights

A Texas jury decided Thursday afternoon, June 21, to terminate the parental rights of a mother whose 4-month-old baby was injected with the Gardasil-9 vaccine in error. Anita Vasquez is devastated. She and her friends and supporters are shocked that this could happen. Instead of doctors and social workers considering the possibility that the symptoms her daughter, Aniya Blu Vasquez, experienced could be related to the vaccine that is not approved for children under 9-years-of-age, Anita was blamed, and her daughter was taken from her by Child Protective Services (CPS). Anita tells us that there was important information that the jury did not hear before making their decision. There were things that she believes her attorney should have presented but did not. For example, only doctors who believed that there were no side effects from the Gardasil vaccine were allowed to testify.

Florida Illegally Separating Children of U.S. Citizens from their Parents – Where’s the Outcry?

Young children torn from their parents, sleeping in a different bed every night. Families torn apart needlessly - and illegally -- over and over again. But this time it's not the U.S.-Mexico border. This time it's Florida. Who says it's illegal? A report commissioned by the state itself. Why is it happening? In part, because caseworkers are terrified of "media consequences" if they leave a child in her or his own home and something goes wrong.

Mother Faces Jury Trial As Texas Seeks to Terminate Her Parental Rights Over Daughter Injured by Gardasil Vaccine

A trial began this week for a mother who was separated from her baby after the 4-month-old mistakenly received a Gardasil-9 vaccine intended for her older brother. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services seeks to convince a jury to terminate the parental rights of Anita Vasquez for her now 22-month-old daughter, Aniya Blu Vasquez. Jury selection began on Monday, June 18, 2018, for the trial which is expected to last up to 2 weeks. We originally reported their story in June of last year. The previously healthy baby, Aniya, began showing symptoms of problems almost immediately after getting the Gardasil shot, a vaccine which is not approved for use in children under 10 years of age. Her mother sought medical attention for the symptoms that her daughter exhibited, asking each practitioner about the connection between the symptoms and the Gardasil-9 shot that her baby should not have received, but her concerns were rebuffed at every turn. No doctor that saw her daughter wanted to admit that the vaccine could have any kind of side effects. The doctor who made a medical error in giving her the vaccine has suffered no consequences, but the baby's family has been ripped apart, as the mother is being blamed for her daughter's medical condition.

Difficult Father’s Day for Dads Who Lost Their Children to Corrupt Child Protection System

It is Father's Day. The day that we honor dads. The holiday began decades ago as a day to celebrate the strong, heroic, protective men who inspire, encourage, and push us to be the best we can be. Most of us have a beautiful, nostalgic image of what today is supposed to be like, but for too many of our readers, that image is a painful reminder of what could be, what should be - but isn't. Children and parents are being separated by the hundreds of thousands in the United States. There are many fathers who want nothing more than to be with their children today, but a judge or a social worker has decided that they can't be. If they had done something wrong, the bitter separation might be somewhat easier to bear, but many dads today are in a situation that was created by a false allegation or by asking for a second medical opinion. They wanted to protect their children and give their best, but people who see their children as little more than dollar signs have stolen that basic human right from them. May God soon bring about the day of restoration of families, and may He hold and protect all of the children, and comfort every one who is missing a loved one today.

Foster Children Turned into Breeders? – CPS Seizes Half of All Babies Born to Teen Moms in Foster Care

According to a recent study published in June 2018, 1 out of 4 newborns born to mothers who are in foster care themselves are seized by Child Protective Services (CPS) within their first week of life. According to American Academy of Pediatrics, by the time the babies reach 2-years-old, almost half of them, 48.8%, are taken from their mothers. At Health Impact News, we have seen a clear pattern of CPS involvement with parents who were in foster care themselves, whether their babies were born while they were in foster care or after they aged out. Many such parents have reported that they feel targeted by CPS. Some have had children taken by the same social workers who took them from their families when they were younger, and some even appear before the same judge as both child and parent. This is the first study that looks at the numbers of children taken from mothers in foster care, and the results are shocking. They reveal massive failure on the part of the foster care system to help the children with whom it is charged with protecting. According to the study: "The biggest differences were seen for children taken into care within 7 days. ... those in care at the birth of their child (regardless of whether they were in care at conception) had more than 11 times the odds of having their child placed in care."

Are Children Taken Away from Parents Using Drugs Better Off in Foster Care?

Drug addiction and the opioid crisis are big news. It seems that policy makers and legislators on just about every level are discussing the problem and what to do about it. Certainly, child welfare agencies have been quick to jump on the bandwagon, removing children from their families at the mere mention of the word "drugs." Richard Wexler is the executive director of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform. He argues that the issue of drug usage is not so black-and-white, and he criticizes "child welfare’s typical, knee-jerk take-the-child-and-run response to the opioid epidemic." Wexler recently wrote an article, "Child Welfare Policy Around Opioids Driven By Ignorance and Arrogance," for Youth Today, in which he examines a "research brief" published in March 2018, by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which looked at parental substance abuse and children being taken by Child Protective Services. Wexler was not impressed by the methodology or conclusion of the HHS brief, and calls the child welfare policies "enormously dangerous to children." Wexler writes: "Indeed, the most important takeaway from the research brief is that child welfare policy on this issue lives at the intersection of ignorance and arrogance and that is enormously dangerous to children. The alternative to leaving children with parents who have substance abuse issues — foster care — usually is far worse for the children. This is not just the case for foster children in general. Research from the last great 'drug plague,' crack cocaine, found that even infants born with cocaine in their systems typically developed better when left with birth mothers able to care for them than they did when placed in foster care." This is a point that we have stated many times at Health Impact News - that children who are placed into foster care are at least 6 times more likely to be abused, raped, molested, or killed in foster care than they are if left in their own home, even in a troubled home, such as a home where the parent is a drug user. By removing children from parents who have drug issues, social workers are more often than not taking children out of the frying pan and throwing them into the fire. Many of the children taken from their homes end up being trafficked into the child sex trafficking trade. Social workers, judges, GALs, and society at large must reexamine CPS "protection." At what cost are these children being "protected?"

7-Year-Old Sister of Down Syndrome Baby Euthanized by Vanderbilt Hospital Still Not Returned to Family – State Wants Her Adopted

Friday, June 8, 2018, marks the 1-year anniversary of the tragic death of medically kidnapped Baby Steffen Rivenburg at Vanderbilt Hospital, under the care of Tennessee Department of Children's Services (DCS). His big sister, Annalise, remains in foster care and DCS is, again, trying to terminate parental rights. There will be a march and candlelight vigil in Baby Steffen's honor on Friday, June 8th, at the Nashville State Capitol building, followed by a Saturday afternoon event with several speakers discussing judicial accountability, family integrity, and other issues important to families. The public is invited to attend. Baby Steffen's story was one of the most heart-wrenching stories that we have covered at Health Impact News, and there still remains no justice for the family. At times, over the past year, it appeared that Annalise might be coming home. However, about 2 weeks ago, the family received a letter in the mail telling them to be in court on Monday, June 11, because DCS intends to file to terminate parental rights.

Publicly Open Pedophile Running for Office in Virginia Reveals How Foster Care is a Pipeline to Adopt Children as “Sex Toys”

An independent candidate running for office in Virginia has admitted to being a pedophile. Nathan Larson is a 37-year-old accountant running for the U.S. House of Representatives in Virginia's 10th district. As his extremely disturbing views on child rape, white supremacy, and more have come to light, the first reaction of many has been to hope that this was fake news. Sadly, it is not. Huffington Post reported the story last last week, and since then, many media outlets from Newsweek and The Hill to Fox and CBS have covered the story of the admitted pedophile. HuffPo's Jesselyn Cook conducted a phone interview with him and confirmed that he was the creator of websites suiped.org and incelocalypse.today, which Cook describes as "chat rooms that served as gathering places for pedophiles and violence-minded misogynists like himself." The websites were taken down last week. His campaign manifesto for his congressional run has since been taken down also. Between the interview, the websites, and his manifesto, there are enough vile, disgusting, radical views to keep the media occupied for days. The level of depravity within his writings is difficult to comprehend, and frankly, it turns the stomach. There is one aspect of his demented views that has garnered very little press. Yet, for readers who are concerned about the kidnapping of children for the adoption and foster care industry, it is an aspect that must not be overlooked. It reveals a very dark side to the industry that the media, even now, refuses to address. He confirmed to HuffPo that he wrote under the pseudonyms Leucosticte and Lysander. Under those names he has written to his followers, who are pedophiles like him, that they should endeavor to make enough money so that they can adopt children - for the purpose of using them as sex toys.

Is Mom Co-sleeping with Baby Child Abuse? A Safe Time-Honored Tradition Now Used to Kidnap Babies

As long as parents have been having children, babies and parents have been sleeping together. "Co-sleeping," as it is called now, has been a normal part of life across the majority of the world's cultures, throughout all of human history. It is only in modern times that babies have been expected to sleep in a crib, separated from the warmth and comfort of their mothers' breasts. Now, the practice is frowned upon by some doctors and experts, and it is even being used as justification for Child Protective Services (CPS) to take babies away from their parents. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) strongly warns against co-sleeping, and some have termed it "child abuse," connecting it to SIDS and even perversion and sexual abuse. These assertions fly in the face of the attachment parenting model as well as the practices of millions of parents world-wide. Proponents of co-sleeping cite many valid health and emotional benefits of co-sleeping. How do we separate fact from myth? More importantly, how do we protect children? Are they truly at a greater risk of dying by sleeping in their parents' bed? At what point does the risk of them being seized by CPS and taken away from their parents outweigh the benefits of co-sleeping? Michaeleen Doucleff of NPR recently addressed many of these issues in a well-documented article entitled, "Is Sleeping With Your Baby As Dangerous As Doctors Say?" She points out that the studies used to show the danger to babies from co-sleeping are misleading, because they lump all co-sleepers together. They fail to differentiate between parents who are drunk or high on drugs and normal, low-risk parents who sleep with their babies. Information that should be used for recommending safer practices are instead being used to demonize good, loving parents. It has come to the point where parents who co-sleep can no longer risk posting their photos of mommy or daddy sleeping with their baby on social media. There have been cases where innocent, sweet photos, like those that many of us have in our photo albums from an earlier time in history, have been reported to Child Protective Services.

State-funded Foster Care and The Church: Part of the Problem, NOT Part of the Solution

Lisa Wheeler of the National Review, a "magazine of conservative opinion" founded in 1955 by William F. Buckley Jr., has just published a commentary entitled "Pro-Life Should Include Foster Care, Too," criticizing American churches for not participating more in state-sponsored foster care programs. We beg to differ. In our years of covering state-sponsored child kidnappings and trafficking through foster care, the modern day American corporate church is part of the problem, not the solution. In fact, much of the philosophy behind modern child welfare social services can be traced back to Christian Church-based social services. All of the atrocities that we have documented and are happening in foster care today, from child kidnapping, to emotional and physical abuse, to using children for drug trials, to child sex trafficking - are also happening in Christian Church-sponsored foster care institutions. As good and noble as the solutions proposed by Wheeler and others at the National Review may sound on the surface, we must look deeper. We must recognize that the proposed solutions will not only not solve the problem but will, in fact, only serve to enable a system that ultimately destroys families and devours children. What we have come to recognize is that the good, well-meaning people in churches and in society have become pawns in a huge, wicked, corrupt system that profits by stealing children and trafficking them through the Child Welfare system. The church ENABLES the destruction of children and families, as they believe the lies told by the propaganda of the Child Protective Services, foster care, and adoption industry.

Canada Supreme Court Orders New Trial for Non-vaccinating Parents Accused of Son’s Death – New Evidence Points to Cover-up of Medical Malpractice

The Supreme Court of Canada issued a stunning reversal this week in a case that could have far-reaching implications for parental rights. David and Collet Stephen were convicted last year of "failing to provide the necessaries of life" when their son Ezekiel died. On Tuesday, May 15, 2018, justices in the highest court in the land deliberated for only a few minutes before issuing their unanimous decision. The Court could have waited months to render a decision, but Chief Justice Richard Wagner said that the consensus was that it was "appropriate to release the decision as soon as possible." Thus they gave a rare verdict from the bench on the same day that arguments were heard. Justice Michael Moldaver read the decision, stating that they would: "allow the appeal, quash the convictions, and order a new trial." A great deal of new information has surfaced since the trial 2 years ago, and it is apparent that there has been a massive cover-up, involving doctors, hospital staff, government officials, and the media. Almost from the beginning, the pro-vaccine lobby has seemed intent on blaming Ezekiel's death on the lack of a vaccine. People involved on every level worked together to paint a false narrative of events.

Philadelphia Family Court Judge Exposed and Charged with Illegal Medical Kidnapping

A state appeals court has accused a Pennsylvania judge of “judicially created parental alienation” and a failure to provide due process when she kept a baby in “protracted foster care” after receiving no explanation for broken ribs and then terminated parental rights. The judge, Lyris Younge of Philadelphia Family Court, abused her discretion when she refused to place the child known as N.M. in the care of a grandmother, according to the May 4 decision by the Superior Court of Pennsylvania. Younge also refused to allow the child’s mother to be represented by two lawyers at once, and refused to allow introduction of expert medical reports that attempted to explain N.M.’s broken ribs, the court said. Judge Younge has a history of violating parental rights in her courtroom, but because family court records and rulings are kept confidential on a non-public docket—unless appealed—they do not draw scrutiny. How many other families has Judge Younge destroyed?

A Mother’s Day Message for Grieving Mothers – A Message of Hope

To the mother whose children have been medically kidnapped or taken from them by Child Protective Services, the idea of Mother's Day can seem like a cruel mockery. There is no greater grief in the entire world than to lose a child. How can there be hope today when the children you carried in your womb are not with you? You are a mother. Nothing will ever change that. No judicial decree, no act of a social worker, and no piece of paper can ever undo the fact that you are the mother of your children. Even if a judge writes on a piece of paper that your parental rights are terminated, no judge is powerful enough to ever stop you from being your child's parent. There is an eternal bond between parent and child that no force on the planet can take away from you or your child, no matter how much they may try. It is written in every cell of your child's body. It is written on their heart. You are part of their soul. Even if your baby was taken away from you at birth, you carried your baby in your womb and formed a bond that no one can ever replace. This isn't wishful thinking or empty words to try to comfort hurting people. It is science. It is psychology. It is Scripture.

Mother’s Day Reunion: Military Dad and Mom Reunited with Children 3 Years After Kansas Took Them Over Medical Cannabis

Shortly before Mother's Day 3 years ago, on April 26, 2015, the Department for Children and Families (DCF) in Kansas seized 5 children from Raymond and Amelia Schwab over false allegations. Now, just before Mother's Day 2018 - 3 years later - their nightmare is officially over. The children are home and the case against them is finally closed. The final closure of the case was not expected to happen for another 2 months, but the unexpected email arrived Thursday, May 10, 2018 to announce the good news. Even so, Raymond told Health Impact News that even this is not really a "win" because they lost so many years with their children. Those are years they can never get back. Health Impact News has previously reported that, under DCF care, at least one of the Schwab children was sexually assaulted, and others were abused. The parents want to encourage other parents who are fighting for their children: "We've just got to keep up the fight and hope that our story inspires people to never give up. Never quit. Never surrender." The part of fighting DCF to get their children home is indeed over. But the battle for families is not over by any means. Raymond and Amelia Schwab and Jennifer Winn have each stated that they intend to keep fighting for justice for all families.

Almost 40% of American Families at Risk to Have Their Children Kidnapped by the State – Over 50% if You Are Black

A stunning number of American children are subjected to at least one Child Protective Services investigation by the time they reach 18 years old. According to a study published by the American Journal of Public Health, almost 4 out of every 10 American children will experience some kind of social worker investigation into allegations of child abuse or maltreatment at some point in their childhood. The rate is even higher for African American children (53.0%). Alarm bells should be sounding for every family in America. According to the 2010 Census, there are 74.2 million children under 18 in the United States. If 37.4% of American children will be investigated by Child Protective Services, at some point, by the time they turn 18, that means that the strong arm of the law, via social workers, is investigating almost 28 million children. Odds are strong that your children or your sister's or best friend's children will be investigated. Will the social worker be one who believes that they are justified in lying about you? Will the allegations be made up? Will they be from a doctor that the court will believe over you, no matter how much evidence to the contrary you have? Do you have the money to hire an attorney to help you fight? Will your newborn be deprived of vital bonding time and breastfeeding? Will your child be abused or trafficked in foster care while you fight in court? Will you lose family and friends in the face of accusations of things you never did? Yours could be the next family investigated. Chances are almost 40% that you will be investigated one day. Isn't is time to pay attention?