A few of the Child Abuse Pediatricians who have been involved in medical kidnapping stories we have covered at Health Impact News. *
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
A new study just published in the Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism reveals that over 96% of the cases analyzed where child abuse was claimed to be the cause of “multiple unexplained fractures” in young children, the children had an underlying metabolic bone disease that would explain the multiple fractures.
The study was conducted by three medical doctors: Marvin Miller, MD, Dayton Children’s Hospital, Department of Medical Genetics; Adrienne Stolfi, Department of Pediatrics, Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine; and David Ayoub, Clinical Radiologists, SC.
The title of the study is: Findings of metabolic bone disease in infants with unexplained fractures in contested child abuse investigations: a case series of 75 infants.
The study is significant because it suggests that many parents and caregivers have been wrongly accused of child abuse based only on x-rays of broken bones interpreted by Child Abuse Pediatricians as being caused by child abuse. The false accusations frequently result in the parents being tried as criminals, and losing their children.

Dr. David Ayoub, radiologist and published rickets expert and lecturer, is a frequent guest in the media and an expert witness in court cases regarding child abuse. Image Source.
Radiologist Dr. David Ayoub, one of the authors of the study, has previously stated that he believes there are “tens of thousands” of innocent parents incarcerated today due to false child abuse charges.
And given the fact that Child Protective Service agencies all across the U.S. frequently remove children from their homes with no formal charges ever filed against the parents, the number of children medically kidnapped from their parents, usually by the testimony of a Child Abuse pediatrician, could easily be in the hundreds of thousands.
This is a national crisis.
There are over 400,000 children in the formal U.S. foster care system, and according to law professor Josh Gupta-Kagan, at least that many in the “hidden foster care” system.
The evidence today is overwhelming that the vast majority of these children, close to one million children, never should have been removed from their families in the first place.
Causes of Brittle Bone Disorders
The authors of this study state that when infants show “multiple unexplained fractures” (MUFs), medical reasons other than child abuse need to be explored. From the study:
When cases of infants with MUF are critically evaluated for explanations other than child abuse, predisposing factors for metabolic bone disease, mostly fetal in origin, are often noted. These factors are consistent with the contemporary model of bone physiology, the Utah Paradigm as shown in Figure 1, and include the following 7 risk factors:
1. Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) in pregnancy
2. Decreased fetal bone loading
3. Prematurity
4. Maternal use of acid lowering drugs during pregnancy that can decrease calcium absorption
5. Maternal use of phosphate binding drugs during pregnancy that can decrease phosphate absorption
6. Gestational diabetes
7. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome/joint hypermobility in parents and/or infant
Child Abuse Pediatricians: A Medical Profession Dependent on Finding Child Abuse
As we have reported numerous times over the years, the relatively new pediatric specialty of “Child Abuse Specialist” has resulted in an increase in medical kidnappings. These doctors usually make accusations of child abuse simply on the basis of radiology tests, and often never examine the child, nor interview the parents or the family pediatrician who cares for the family.
Their job is dependent on finding child abuse and putting children into the lucrative multi-billion dollar child trafficking business known today as “foster care.”
All across the country today, judges and courts are overturning convictions of child abuse against parents who were convicted solely based on the testimony of a Child Abuse doctor. If other testimony exploring medical reasons for why a child may exhibit signs such as multiple unexplained fractures was not presented during the trial, the case is almost always overturned today.
The problem is so widespread, that laws schools across the country, as well as the American Bar Association, are providing training to attorneys on how to fight against charges of Shaken Baby Syndrome, or Child Abuse, in cases where the testimony of a Child Abuse Specialist is used to take children away from their parents and accuse the parents of child abuse.
Legal Experts: Shaken Baby Diagnosis Leads to “Destruction of Families Beyond Anything Comparable in the Modern History of the American Justice System”
Are New Pediatric “Child Abuse Specialists” Causing an Increase in Medical Kidnappings?
Child Abuse Pediatricians: An “Ethically Bankrupt” Profession that Destroys Families
Swedish Health Agency Rejects “Science” of Shaken Baby Syndrome
History of Shaken Baby Theories Exposed: How an Elite Group of Pediatric Radiologists Started Medical Kidnapping in the 1940s
Elite Medical Doctors Seek to Control the Media and Public’s Perception of Child Abuse Specialists
Pediatric Child Abuse “Experts” are NOT Experts in Anything
Attorneys Being Trained to Fight Bogus Child Abuse Charges used in Medical Kidnappings
Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts Opens the Legal Door to Retry All Shaken Baby Syndrome Convictions
University of Michigan Law School Awarded $250K to Learn How to Defend Shaken Baby Syndrome Cases
Attorney: Child Abuse Pediatricians Aligned with Child Protective Services Destroy Innocent Families
Exposing How Child Abuse Pediatricians Medically Kidnap Children: A Guide for Parents
* Doctors in the image
Top row left to right:
Dr. Susan Lamb – Child Abuse Pediatrician at Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital, Columbia, South Carolina
Dr. Alice Newton, Medical Director of the Child Protection Program at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
Dr. Bethany Mohr, Child Abuse Pediatrics, Mott Children’s Hospital, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Dr. Channing Petrak, Child Abuse Pediatrician and Medical Director of the Pediatric Resource Center, Peoria, Illinois
Dr. Deborah Eve Lowen, Associate Professor of Pediatrics – Director, Center for Child Protection – Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee
Dr. Stacy Wood Thomas, Assistant Professor Pediatrics – Brenner Children’s Hospital, Wake Forest Baptist Health, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
2nd Row left to right:
Dr. Nancy Henderson, Child Abuse Pediatrics – Greenville Memorial Hospital – Greenville, South Carolina
Dr. Shannon L. Thompson, Child Abuse Pediatrics – Indiana University Health – Indianapolis, Indiana
Dr. Mary-Fran Crosswell – Child Abuse Specialist- Greenville Memorial Hospital – Greenville, South Carolina
Dr. Amy Barton – Child Abuse Pediatrician – St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital – Boise, Idaho
Dr. Verena Brown – Child Abuse Specialist – Vanderbilt University School of Medicine – Nashville, Tennessee
3rd row left to right:
Dr. Kathryn R. Crowell – Child Abuse Pediatrics – Penn State Center For The Protection of Children Penn State TLC Clinic – Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Dr. Michelle T. Chudow – Chief Physician of the GBMC Center for the Protection of Children – Drexel Univ College of Medicine – Towson, Maryland
Dr. Roberta A. Hibbard – Division Chief, Child Protection Program – Indiana University School of Medicine – Indianapolis, Indiana
Dr. Terra Nicole Frazier – Child Abuse Pediatrician – The Safety, Care & Nurturing (SCAN) program, part of the Division of Child Adversity and Resilience at Children’s Mercy Hosptial – Kansas City, Missouri
Dr. Matthew J. Cox – Child Abuse Pediatrician – St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital – Boise, Idaho
Dr. Carol Berkowitz – Director, Child Abuse Fellowship – Harbor UCLA Medical Center – Los Angeles, California