Elite Medical Doctors Seek to Control the Media and Public’s Perception of Child Abuse Specialists

There are many medical experts whose work we have covered at Health Impact News who challenge the conclusions of the branch of medicine known as Child Abuse Pediatrics. Due to the efforts of those who wish to silence them, good doctors who stand true to their Hippocratic oath and the principles of scientific research have been attacked, and careers destroyed. As a result of the unquestioned dogma of Child Abuse Pediatricians, many children are not protected from abuse. Instead, many children are placed by Child Protective Services into situations that prove to be far more dangerous than any that they left. According to many federal databases, they are at least 6 times more likely to be raped, molested, abused, or killed in foster care than they are in their own families, and those numbers may well be much higher. Other children who have serious or complex medical conditions are left to languish in hospital beds all over America, for months or even years, without the benefit of their parents' advocacy for their best interests. They lay in lonely wards, away from everyone who loves them, while their mothers are accused of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, or Medical Child Abuse. Media stands positioned to question the abuses of the Child Protective system and to provide "the other side" to the interpretations espoused by Child Abuse Pediatricians, unless they are "educated" to disregard the voices who challenge those interpretations. It appears that the education of media by an organization of elite medical professionals that are part of the Helfer Society, which seeks to squelch opposition by other doctors, as well as those in "the legal community and lay press," actively seeks to discredit doctors who dispute their interpretations of the data leading to Shaken Baby child abuse convictions.