Are the Space Wars About to Begin? Is the Second “Bowl” Judgment About to be Poured Out?

NASA's fake moon landing hoax from 1969 is getting more attention in the alternative media these days, as a clip from Russian Dmitry Rogozin, the former head of Roscosmos, the Russian state space agency, is going viral which has reportedly exposed the fake NASA 1969 moon landing. Is this perhaps military posturing over the rapidly increasing satellites and rockets that the new U.S. Military branch, Space Force, is launching into space? I have previously reported how NASA is a Freemason agency, and that the name of NASA's new military program is "Artemis," the name given to the main female "deity" during the days of the Roman Empire centered in the city of Ephesus. This female demonic "god" was known as "Ashtoreth" in Old Testament times, and today I believe she is known as "Columbia" or "Lady Freedom" and resides in the United States. This female head demon "deity" was also linked to worship of the moon, and was sometimes called "The Queen of Heaven", such as in the book of the prophet Jeremiah, who was the sole prophet who warned the inhabitants of Jerusalem that the city and the Temple were about to be destroyed in 586 BC by the military forces of Babylon. This "Queen of Heaven" was known as a fertility god, and believed to have been an image of the moon. Today, people in the United States are not "burning incense" and worshiping the moon, as far as I know, but we are "worshiping" her in different ways, by spending $billions on the NASA space program and the new military Space Agency, much of which today is flowing through the hands of Elon Musk and his SpaceX program, to go "back" to the moon "again," even though we never went there in the first place back in 1969. Are we approaching the "last battle" that originates in "heaven" where the Queen of Heaven, represented by "Columbia" and the NASA "space" program which "worships" the moon, engages in battle with Jesus Christ and his army?