What Kind of a World do We Live In? Palestinian Journalist States that The World Cannot Ignore Trump’s Death Threat to the People of Gaza

“To the People of Gaza: A beautiful Future awaits, but not if you hold Hostages. If you do, you are DEAD! Make a SMART decision. RELEASE THE HOSTAGES NOW OR THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY LATER!” - U.S. President Donald Trump. These were not the words of some far-right provocateur lurking in a dark corner of the internet. They were not shouted by an unhinged warlord seeking vengeance. No, these were the words of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, the most powerful man in the world. A man who with a signature, a speech or a single phrase can shape the fate of entire nations. And yet, with all this power, all this influence, his words to the people of Gaza were not of peace, not of diplomacy, not of relief – but of death. I read them and I feel sick. Because I know exactly who he is speaking to. He is speaking to my family. To my parents, who lost relatives and their home. To my siblings, who no longer have a place to return to. To the starving children in Gaza, who have done nothing but be born to a people the world has deemed unworthy of existence. To the grieving mothers who have buried their children. To the fathers who can do nothing but watch their babies die in their arms. To the people who have lost everything and yet are still expected to endure more. Trump speaks of a “beautiful future” for the people of Gaza. But there is no future left where homes are gone, where whole families have been erased, where children have been massacred. I read these words and I ask: What kind of a world do we live in?

Over 500 Killed in Attack on Christian Hospital in Gaza – Florida Governor Supports Genocide of Palestinians

It was widely reported today that an air strike has bombed a Christian hospital in Gaza killing more than 500 people, many of them women and children. This horrible incident shows an important truth about the population in Gaza that is seldom reported in the U.S. media, that Muslims are not the only residents in Gaza, but that there is a strong Christian presence there as well. Chuck Baldwin is one of many pastors from the U.S. who has visited Israel and Palestine to hold services for Christians, and in his latest newsletter he wrote: "I’ve been to Israel and Palestine. I preached in two churches there: One was in Bethlehem, and the other was in Jerusalem. Over 95% of the Christians in attendance at these services were Palestinians; they were not Israelis. And I’ve got to tell you that the Palestinian people I met were among the kindest, sweetest, most humble, most gentle and most Christ-like people I have ever met—anywhere!" The Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City that was bombed today is a Christian hospital managed by the Anglican Episcopal Church in Jerusalem. The hospital has been in operation since 1882, and was founded by the Church Mission Society of the Church of England. Later, the hospital was managed between 1954 and 1982 by the Medical Mission of the Southern Baptist Church. Since 1980, the hospital has been run by the Anglican Episcopal Church in Jerusalem. Today was apparently not the first time this hospital was bombed, according to The Archbishop of Canterbury. This past Sunday Florida Governor Ron DeSantis joined other U.S. politicians calling for the genocide of the Palestinian people, saying that the U.S. should not accept Palestinian refugees and that Israel should NOT provide clean running water and utilities to the Palestinian people. Also, there are reports today that a much larger U.S. military force is being sent to the region than what the U.S. Government has been reporting.

American Politicians Call for Genocide Against Palestinians as They Buy War Stocks – Gaza Doctors Issue ‘SOS To Whole World’

The war in Israel continues to command headline news this week, as many U.S. lawmakers have now gone public to support the destruction of Gaza and the genocide of the Palestinian people. As I write this today, October 11, 2023, Israel appears to be ready to launch troops to go into Gaza and "wipe Hamas from the face of the earth." U.S. politicians are echoing this same sentiment, even while acknowledging that there is no way to destroy Hamas without also killing millions of innocent children and civilians, the very same thing Hamas terrorists just did to Israelis this past weekend. Jordan Majors, writing for Finbold News, a financial publication, reported that some US congressional leaders have been investing in military-related stocks. Investing in War is what has primarily kept the the U.S. economy limping along since the funding dried up for COVID, and that began with the Ukraine war in 2022. As is well-known, however, the U.S. Government and their military contractors don't keep track of the weapons they supply to warring countries, and they often end up all around the world in the hands of terrorists. CBS got in trouble when they reported that only 30% of U.S. military aid ever made it to the front lines in Ukraine for a documentary they were producing. And now there are reports that the Hamas terrorists used American-made weapons to kill Israelis. Meanwhile, the slaughter of Palestinian people in Gaza continues, as all civil services including electricity, fuel and water have been cut off.