Life of 10 Year Old Girl in Medical Kidnapping Case May be in Danger!
Health Impact News has just learned that one of the Diegel girls who were seized by Phoenix Children's Hospital may be in critical condition due to a recent asthma attack. Hannah Diegel has chronic asthma, and is required to carry both a rescue inhaler and an epipen. However, now that she has been taken into State custody and separated from her mother by being put into foster care, there is evidence that this medical advice is NOT being followed. We received information today that Melissa Diegel received a phone call last night from her insurance company, informing her that Hannah's asthma condition was not under control. The fear is that Hannah is now either in ICU or a hospital suffering from a potential life-threatening asthma attack. And she is completely separated from her family by court order, simply because her mother disagreed with the medical treatment she was receiving, and wanted to switch doctors.