Did Israel Even Attack Iran??

The highly anticipated response by Israel over Iran's recent bombing of Israel with over 300 attack drones and missiles, which resulted in zero deaths and only some damage on a desert military base, was reported as being launched by Israel into Iran yesterday (April 19th). In the days leading up to this alleged "attack," the debate among the Israeli military was whether or not this attack should be "hard" in "revenge", or limited in scope to "avoid escalation" in the region. Here is how CBS News reported the "attacks" as they were allegedly happening: "Two U.S. officials confirm to CBS News that an Israeli missile has hit Iran. The strike follows last weekend's retaliatory drone and missile attack against Israel, which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to respond to. Officials were tightlipped about the location or extent of the Israeli strike." This was happening very late Thursday night (April 18th) in the U.S., when it was April 19th in Iran and Israel. I saw these headlines just before I went to bed Thursday night. The next morning, more details began to emerge, and it was reported that the alleged attacks were in the city of Isfahan, where Iran reportedly had nuclear facilities. As more and more details allegedly emerged, the U.S. media was reporting that the "attacks" actually came from within Iran, and were not in fact "missiles", but "drones." So I went to the Iranian English News site, TasnimNews.com, and they were reporting that there were no airstrikes at all. Later in the day the Iranian press updated their news to report that there actually were some  “suspicious” objects that were sighted. As the day progressed, the Iranian media began to mock the Western media, showing people in Isfahan allegedly going about their business as if nothing had happened. The Iranian press then stated that they identified these objects in the sky as "micro aerial vehicles" (MAVs), about the size of mosquitoes.

Iran’s Response To Israel Was Pure Political Theatrics as the Genocide in Gaza Continues

Iran's response to Israel's attack on their embassy in Syria which killed several people including top military personnel, resulted in ZERO Israeli deaths this past Saturday night. News sources reported that Israel was set to immediately strike back, until they received a phone call from U.S. President Joe Biden, who allegedly stated that the U.S. would not support them, which dissuaded them. The next day (Monday) it was widely reported that Israel was about to retaliate, but that the response would not be severe enough to "escalate" tensions in the region. When I got this up this morning (Tuesday), the news media began reporting that Israel was now trying to decide between a "hard" response in "revenge", or a more tempered one to avoid any escalation. This was the headline news this morning, but an hour or two later, most of those headlines disappeared, and it was reported that Israel would pick the time and location for their next response, which is almost identical to what Iran stated just after their embassy was bombed in Syria on April 1. By the time you read this, their alleged plans may have changed again. Meanwhile, while the world has been focused on Israel and Iran for the past few days, during that same time period the genocide in Gaza has continued with Israel's relentless bombing of the Palestinians. 68 people were killed and another 94 hospitalized in Gaza during a 48-hour period, as the death total has now allegedly reached over 33,000. Yesterday it was reported that new mass graves were discovered at al-Shifa Hospital and other places. Some of the bodies reportedly still had medical bandages and catheters attached to their bodies. Also published yesterday was a report by The Guardian that according to the World Food Programme, malnutrition among children in Gaza is spreading at a record pace, with starvation claiming at least 27 young lives of children, and thousands more are at risk. If the website OilPrice.com, publishing out of the U.K., is not in your newsfeed yet, it should be. This is the website for reading news from the lens of oil pricing, and is most likely used by the major Globalists who fund these wars. Gregory R. Copley published an article yesterday that seems to cut through the B.S. being reported in the corporate media about what Iran actually did on Saturday night: Iran’s Response To Israel’s Strike Was Pure Political Theater.

WW III Update ALERT: Iranian Attacks in Syria (and possibly other places) Against Israel are Imminent

The U.S. media has been warning the public for the past few days that an Iranian attack against Israeli targets is imminent. It seems to be an accepted fact that Iran is going to take action against Israel for the recent attack against their Embassy in Damascus Syria. And given the rhetoric yesterday and today, it appears that Iran's retaliation is most likely going to happen in Syria, although Israeli embassies around the world are on high alert, and U.S. politicians are (at least publicly) begging Iran to not attack U.S. sources. Since the U.S. is also being mentioned in these threats of retaliation, the U.S. media has been covering this and warning Americans about this imminent response. Sadly, the coverage of this situation depends entirely upon one's political bias, with the Democrats trying to publicly distance themselves from Netanyahu's actions, while the Republicans (who are mostly Zionists who support Israel) are stating that any attack on U.S. citizens will be Biden's fault because of "his" border policies. Even Nancy Pelosi, who is seldom in the news these days, publicly spoke with Biden to allegedly encourage him to stop sending military aid to Netanyahu. But the media's coverage of this supposedly imminent attack agrees with the evidence that this is going to happen very soon, regardless of one's political views.

Netanyahu Backs Down, for now, to Avoid Civil War in Israel

A day after the largest protests in the history of modern-day Israel, most Israeli embassies were closed today, including their embassy in Washington D.C., to show support for the protesters in Israel. In a much anticipated announcement, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a speech at around 8 p.m. local time Monday night stating that the government would pause their judicial overhaul plans, in order to avoid a civil war. There are questions as to how much support he has in the military. It remains to be seen if Netanyahu's remarks will be enough to end the protests and strikes. Opposition organizers have reportedly stated that a "temporary" pause in the government's plans to overhaul the judiciary are not enough.

Largest Protest in the History of Israel as Hundreds of Thousands Take to the Streets

Massive protests have erupted across Israel tonight after PM Netanyhau fired his Defense Minister, a day after he called on the Israeli leader to halt a planned judicial overhaul that has fiercely divided the country. As a reminder, Netanyahu and his allies say the plan will restore a balance between the judicial and executive branches and rein in what they see as an interventionist court with liberal sympathies. But critics say the constellation of laws will remove the checks and balances in Israel’s democratic system and concentrate power in the hands of the governing coalition. Gallant's dismissal signaled that Netanyahu will move ahead this week with the overhaul plan, which has sparked mass protests, angered military and business leaders and raised concerns among Israel’s allies. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis took to the streets in Tel Aviv and Haifa. Saturday night's crowds were reportedly the largest ever. Will there be a military coup in Israel?

Trump Claims he could “Easily” be Israeli PM – Is this why Pfizer Received First COVID Vaccine Authorization in U.S. and Exclusive Rights in Israel?

Former US President Donald Trump stated today that he is so popular in Israel, that he could "easily" be the Prime Minister there. And while he claims he is so popular in Israel, he acknowledged that Evangelical Christians are "far more appreciative" for what he has done for Israel, than "people of the Jewish faith" living in the U.S. Donald Trump continues to take credit for what he says was one of the greatest achievements of his term serving as President, which was forcing the FDA to grant emergency use authorization (EUA) for the COVID-19 vaccines. Here at Health Impact News, we gave extensive coverage in 2020 to the $BILLIONS of government funds that were being handed out like candy to Big Pharma to produce COVID-19 vaccines, and the early front-runners to get the first nod from the FDA for an EUA COVID-19 vaccine were Anthony Fauci's funded Moderna, and Bill Gates's funded Astrazenca shots. When Pfizer joined the mix, it raised some concerns, as their deal with the U.S. government and Operation Warp Speed was reportedly different from the other drug companies, and was conditioned upon getting approval from the FDA, something Astrazenca never obtained in the U.S. The deal with Pfizer reportedly also did not involve intellectual property rights. Pfizer ended up being the first company to get an FDA EUA for what became the first, and most lucrative, COVID-19 vaccine, but it took threats from President Trump to fire then FDA head Stephen Hahn if he did not approve the Pfizer shot. Shortly after getting the FDA nod for the first COVID shot in the U.S., Israel agreed to an exclusive deal with Pfizer in return for sharing data on its population, effectively making Israel the world's laboratory for the experimental Pfizer COVID-19 injections.

Israel Caught Concealing Children’s Vaccine Injuries

Israel’s Ministry of Health commissioned a study analyzing reports of adverse events from Pfizer’s COVID vaccine to Israel’s vaccine database, known as the Nahlieli system, between December 2021 and May 2022. The research team was headed by Professor Matti Berkowitz, director of the Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Unit at Assaf Harofeh Hospital (Shamir).  Prof. Berkowitz’s team found that children in the 5-11-year age group had twice to four times as many adverse events following the Pfizer shot as children in the 12-17 age group. This doubling of vaccine injuries is, in itself, extremely disturbing — and should have been immediately brought to the attention of the nation’s parents.  The parents were not informed. What’s more, the Ministry officials recommended booster shots for youngsters aged 5-11—thereby increasing the risk for serious harm. It is unconscionable that the Israeli Health Ministry knew about the serious risks of harm posed to young children, concealed the evidence, and further expanded the ever-increasing risk for children by authorizing the use of these UNSAFE and medically unjustifiable genetically manipulated injections for infants and toddlers! The exposure of children to unjustifiable risks constitutes — as the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko fearlessly categorized diabolical child sacrifice.

Is Israel Planning To Relocate To Ukraine?

Chuck Baldwin: I quoted Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky as saying that when the Ukraine War is over, Ukraine will be a “big Israel.” Of course, Zelensky is himself an Ashkenazi Jew, and Ukraine was the original home of those who became Ashkenazi Jews. Could it be possible that one of the motives behind the U.S. war in Ukraine is a potential relocation of Israel from Palestine to Ukraine? “Absurd!” you say. Maybe. Maybe not. America’s evangelicals have been brainwashed by the pseudo-prophecy doctrines of Cyrus Scofield and who believe that the Israeli state born in 1948 is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy and is a—no, THE—central prophetic sign of Christ’s Second Coming. And the vast majority of political conservatives are brainwashed into believing that Israel is America’s “greatest ally” in the Middle East and must be supported with American dollars and protected with American blood—at all costs. Both evangelicals and political conservatives are totally blind to the major role that Zionist Israel plays in the overall globalist machinations and agendas. This blindness is a source of grave cognitive dissonance within their own minds. They will do anything to support and defend the Zionist State of Israel, not realizing that Israel is one of the biggest enemies that America—and Freedom—has ever had and that it has done more to destroy our Christian culture and heritage, our economic stability and our constitutional liberties than any nation on earth. Therefore, what I will say from this point forward will be largely ignored or denigrated by both Christian evangelicals and political conservatives. So be it. What I’m writing about today is much more than mere fantasy. It is an idea being seriously discussed among geopolitical think tanks.

The Holocaust in Israel Exposed in Leaked Zoom Call with Pfizer Scientist Admitting that Israelis are Laboratory for Pfizer COVID Shot

Israeli TV recently exposed a leaked Zoom call with Pfizer Vice President and Chief Scientist, Dr. Philip Dormitzer, who stated that because Pfizer had an exclusive agreement with the Israeli Minister of Health to use only Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccines exclusively, Israel was the laboratory of the world, and that by looking at the high percentage of Israel's population that is now vaccinated, they can predict what will happen in the U.S. a couple of months later. An Israeli doctor was also interviewed on Israeli TV recently stating that the vaccine is not working, as 90% of the hospitalizations are among those fully vaccinated, and many of them are seriously injured.

Israel, Australia Report 95-99% Hospitalized are Fully Vaccinated

Reports coming out of Israel claim hospitals are being filled with vaccinated people, 95 percent of whom are suffering serious illness being fully vaccinated. “I understand that most of the patients are vaccinated, even ‘severe’ patients. Exactly. Naturally occurring. Old people, most of them are vaccinated,” Israeli Dr. Kobi Haviv told News Israel 13 Thursday. “Most of the population is vaccinated, and 90%… 85%-90% of the hospitalizations here are ‘Fully vaccinated’ people.” Dr. Haviv claims the infections mean the vaccines’ “effectiveness” is fading, possibly setting up a scenario where booster shots emerge as a necessary treatment. The news out of Israel coincides with similar statistics coming out of Sydney, Australia, where government health officials late last month announced nearly all new Covid hospitalizations involve vaccinated people – except one.