Globalists Launch Climate Terrorist Attack Against Citizens in Maui Destroying Lives and Property

Hundreds of people are feared dead and entire towns have burned to the ground in Maui, Hawaii, in what is clearly a climate terrorist attack by billionaire Globalists against the citizens of Hawaii, primarily on the island of Maui. Similar to what we have previously reported about past fires in California and Canada where the evidence is overwhelming that these fires are not natural at all, photos and video footage coming out of Maui right now clearly show that this is NOT a natural "wildfire" in their tropical climate, as buildings and cars burn to ashes while trees and other wooden structures are still standing. Peggy Hall of The Healthy American is my go-to person who does deep dives into these "wild fires" that appear to be anything but natural, and have all the markings of the result of energy weapons. We have featured her work before, including the work of Robert Brame, a forensic arborist who has analyzed 38 California fires and has come up with hundreds of photographic evidence of IMPOSSIBLE normal fire behavior. At the time of this writing, she has already done several deep dives into these unnatural fires in Hawaii, with over 3 hours of coverage so far. I have watched them ALL in preparing this report, and if you want to have an understanding as to what is really going on in Hawaii right now, these reports are well worth your time. I have condensed them down to a report that is less than an hour and concentrates on the evidence that these fires are not natural, and are acts of terrorism.