From ISIS to Solar Eclipse – Many Americans Now Fear an Imminent “Black Swan” or “False Flag” Attack

Russia has now identified some of the terrorists who killed over 100 people in Moscow this weekend, but there are still many things that do not add up according to official corporate media reports about this tragic event. The other event that many Americans who follow the Alternative Media are chattering about in recent days is the Solar Eclipse coming on April 8th, where a path through the U.S. will experience a complete blackout. Conspiracy theories are being published everywhere, and honestly, at first I did not pay any attention to these because it seemed to be very similar to the apocalyptic warnings issued last year before the Emergency Broadcast Network test. I did not cover that event either, because every year when there has been one of these tests similar doomsday predictions have been made - none of which have come true. As I researched this today, I found out that the last total Solar Eclipse in the U.S. was in 2017, and many apocalyptic warnings were issued then also, none of which actually happened. However, there is something else that could happen on April 8th that could be far more significant than a solar eclipse...