How Corporate America Shaped American Christianity Which Resulted in Electing Donald Trump as President

A Health Impact News reader emailed me a link to a video published in 2019 by Pamela Dewey, who has a YouTube channel titled "Meet MythAmerica". Since I have exposed much about America's past that contradicts the Conservative Christian views about America this year, he thought I would appreciate the work that Ms. Dewey has done to show the "other side" of how most Christians view America, and what led to Donald Trump's victory in 2016 when America's Christians were the driving force to put Trump in power. Her videos have very few views, which means very few people have been exposed to her work. I can testify myself that my own readership has greatly suffered in 2024, because I dared to contradict the Evangelical Christian majority, and the worship of their idols such as Donald Trump and Elon Musk. But I believe that featuring Pamela Dewey's work, which I was unfamiliar with before today, is a most appropriate way to end 2024, as we look forward to 2025, and an encore performance by Donald Trump, mostly due to the Evangelical Christians in the United States, who have returned him to power. This video traces the history of Evangelical Christianity back to the 1950s, and even before that to just after World War II, showing how it was not a spiritual "revival" that catapulted the United States into an era of economic prosperity, but that it was the Globalists who used Christianity and shaped its values to justify their wealth and power. Our regular readers will notice a parallel history of the 1950s and trying to justify the morality of America's richest families, to what is happening today, with the new Techno Christians who are doing almost exactly the same thing with the Silicon Valley billionaires.

Trump’s Legacy: COVID-19 Vaccines Still #1 Vaccine Killer in 2024 – Instead of Sitting in Prison for Mass Murder, Americans Want Encore Performance in 2025

As we head into the last days of 2024 this week, I decided to search the Government-run VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) database to see which vaccine was reported to cause the most deaths and injuries in 2024. Four years after Trump gave the COVID-19 vaccines emergency use authorization in December of 2020, COVID-19 vaccines were STILL the leading vaccines in the U.S. reporting injuries and deaths following vaccination here in 2024. Over 31% of all reports of vaccine injuries and deaths from all vaccines currently approved for distribution in the U.S. in 2024 were reported from COVID-19 vaccines, and over 55% of all deaths recorded following vaccination were from COVID-19 vaccines in 2024. To date, since Trump forced the FDA to approve these vaccines in 2020, there have been over 1.6 million injuries and deaths reported to VAERS, with over 38,000 of those reports being deaths. The U.S. Government's own studies have found that less than 1% of all vaccine injuries and deaths are actually reported to VAERS. That would equate to over 160 million injuries and over 3.8 million deaths from Trump's COVID shots. And this "vaccine" is STILL killing more people than all other FDA approved vaccines COMBINED here in 2024. Is Donald Trump ashamed of this? Has he apologized for any of this? Has he faced charges for these deaths and injuries? No. Not only is Donald Trump not being held accountable for the lives of millions of people his COVID shots destroyed, Americans want an encore performance and have "elected" him back into office as the President of the United States.

Trump Announces Former Big Pharma Lobbyist to Run White House Staff

The filling back up of the Washington D.C. Swamp has begun. Two days after his victory from "winning" back the Office of the President of the United States, Donald Trump made his first appointment for his new administration today, announcing that the co-chair of his campaign, Susie Wiles, will become his Chief of Staff. The President Chief of Staff is a position that does NOT have to be approved by the Senate, and is typically one of the first appointments made of a newly elected President, as this person will guide the President in choosing the rest of his staff and cabinet. This speaks volumes about who Trump is going to surround himself with in his new administration, and remaining true to his original loyalties during his first term, he went with former Big Pharma lobbyist Susie Wiles, who has previously worked as a lobbyist for some of the largest manufacturers of vaccines, including Pfizer. So who is Susie Wiles? She is someone who mostly stays behind the scenes, until today, and is called by some people the "most powerful and feared woman" in America. Liam Sturgess, writing for The Kennedy Beacon, profiled her earlier this year: "Susie Wiles Is a Lobbyist for Big Pharma. She’s Also a Key Advisor to President Trump. That’s a Problem. On April 26, former president Donald Trump revisited one of his most controversial pet projects: Operation Warp Speed. This time, he dragged his political opponent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. into the fray. 'His Views on Vaccines are FAKE, as is everything else about his Candidacy,' wrote the former president about Kennedy in a post on Truth Social. This ignited significant backlash from Trump’s base, highlighting the extent to which they disagree with him on COVID-19 vaccines. Given the increasingly vocal opposition to the COVID-19 vaccination program, including among his base, why does Trump continue to demand acclaim for his role in pushing the shots through? We find the answer in Susie Wiles, who appears to be the connective tissue between Trump and Big Pharma."

New “Ark of The Covenant” Constructed as a Weapon and “Communication Device” was Taken to Trump Before Bringing it to Jerusalem

Israeli journalist Alex Traiman wrote an article that appeared in many Jewish news publications last week, announcing that a new Ark of The Covenant replica, matching the ancient one that once was in the Tabernacle and first Jewish Temple in Jerusalem as described in the Old Testament scriptures, was now on display in Jerusalem. This new Ark of The Covenant was mainly built in the United States, and after it was completed, it was delivered to the home of Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago residence, before it was taken to Israel to visit sites there, and finally ending up in Jerusalem in recent days. During President Trump's first presidency, he became the first head of state to move their embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. It has been reported that Donald Trump converted to Judaism during his first term, and excitement among Zionists skyrocketed as it was reported that Donald Trump would spearhead efforts to build a new temple in Jerusalem, where currently the Al-Aqsa mosque stands. Trump never got to complete this task, however, as he failed in his attempt to be re-elected in 2020. While this new Ark of The Covenant is being called a "replica", Traiman writes that many Jews see it as a weapon to use in their current war against Palestinians and their Arab neighbors, much like it was used in battles in the Old Testament times, beginning with the fall of Jericho. He also stated that it was a "divine communication device." A new temple built in Jerusalem would not be possible without the support of American Zionists, most of whom are Christians. Republican Zionists, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, former North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows, and many others have been traveling to Israel for years now, working with Kahanist activists and members of the "Temple Movement", to plan the destruction of the Al-Aqsa mosque, and the rebuilding of a new Jewish temple in Jerusalem. Jewish Zionists who have now constructed this new Ark of The Covenant, believe that the Old Covenant under Moses, is still valid today, as they reject Jesus Christ as the Jewish Messiah. This is official Jewish doctrine, and to disagree and state that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, and that he implemented the New Covenant, which supersedes the Old Covenant, is officially "Anti-Semitic" and "hate" speech against the Jews. The current Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, has already passed legislation through the House of Representatives earlier this year (2024), that would make this the law of the land in the United States.

Neal Sutz Documentary: How a Powerful Mormon Family in Arizona Escapes Justice and Controls Politicians to Cover-Up Child Sex Trafficking

When I first met and talked with Neal Sutz in the summer of 2019, and learned about this story, I had already published dozens of stories on the corruption in Arizona regarding their Child Protection Services, and even exposing some of the key politicians who allowed these things to happen in Arizona. Arizona has always been one of the worst states in the U.S. to allow child trafficking, and that includes children being trafficked at the border. So when this desperate father from Arizona contacted me from Switzerland, while I was horrified by his story, it did not surprise me at all. His story supplied some new pieces of the puzzle in child trafficking in Arizona that I had not known about previously, so it was an easy decision for me to learn about his story, and then publish it. I am publishing a 1-hour documentary that Neal Sutz produced about his family, showing all the media personalities and politicians who knew about his case, but in the end refused to help him, and stopped covering his story. I also want to publicly state that I was active in trying to get political help for Neal Sutz in 2019, so I personally know some of the details of this case, and I can absolutely state that Donald Trump and his family knew about Neal Sutz and his case in 2019. I had a friend who was a business associate of the Trump family, specifically Eric Trump, and I used his connection to the Trumps to bring Neal's story to them. In 2019 we also bought radio air time from a local radio station based in Phoenix, KFNX, to bring Neal's story and others from Arizona directly to the public, and we produced and broadcast 6 shows in 2019 that aired live in the evening hours. After we produced the first show, "What is Medical Kidnapping?", my friend told me he had sent the show to the Trump family, as well as other influential contacts that he had, including Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, who were married at the time. Kanye was doing musical tours that year venturing into the venue of Christian music, and I was told that he and Kim had listened to the show and were going to promote it on Social Media. I was also told that Lara Trump, Eric Trump's wife, knew about the show and was requesting that I consider joining their campaign for re-election (Lara Trump was running the campaign that year). I had no interest in politics, of course, but there were great expectations that finally, the horrible child sex trafficking problem in Arizona, and with Neal's story revealing how far this stretched worldwide, was finally going to be exposed. But it didn't. Today, nothing has changed, other than the fact that some of those who covered this up are now being put forth in the media again as those who will "save" this country, while the entire Jeffrey Epstein U.S. system of banking and business that fuels the child sex trafficking network worldwide continues even greater than before.

Did Trump Admit He is NOT a Christian? Did Trump Just Predict the Fulfillment of the Noahide Laws and Mass Murder of Christians?

Former President Donald Trump caused a lot of controversy this week when he stated that if Christians turned out to vote him into office this year, that they would not have to vote anymore. And that is in fact what most media outlets are reporting. But here is a short clip, 26 seconds long, on the Wall Street Journal YouTube channel. Slow the speed down as low as it gets, 0.25 (it will make Trump sound like he is drunk), and turn on the subtitles (cc). The subtitles claim he said: "I'm not Christian". To be fair, I checked some other copies of this speech on YouTube and did the same thing, and some of the subtitles claim he said "I'm a Christian", while others are like the WSJ clip and claim he said "I'm not Christian." However, Trump is moving his head in the negative (back and forth) when he says this, which means negative, and not up and down, which means affirmation, and he uses the second person plural in the English language (repeatedly), "you" or "you all", when referring to "Christians", and not the first person plural "we" where he would include himself in the group of Christians. Trump has made it very clear in the past that his family is Jewish. While his son-in-law and daughter Ivanka are openly Jewish, many Jews claim that Donald Trump cannot come out into the open and declare that he is Jewish because of "antisemitism" backlash. Trump has done more to promote the Zionist agenda than any other President in U.S. history, and that includes endorsing the Noahide Laws, which makes believing in the New Testament and that Jesus Christ was the historical Jewish Messiah, illegal, and punishable by decapitation. Could this be the reason why Trump is stating that if he gets back into office this year, that Christians will no longer be able to vote, because they will either be dead or it will be illegal for them to vote anymore due to the Noahide Laws?

Iran’s Top Attorney Indicts Trump for Murder in Criminal Court of Tehran

In a story that has been widely reported in the Middle Eastern media since yesterday, June 23, 2024, Ali Alghasi-Mehr, the judiciary chief for Tehran province, has issued a 164-page indictment against 73 American officials regarding the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani and his companions back in 2020. The chief Iranian prosecutor stated that a public trial will be held next month, and that: “All the defendants, who are U.S. statesmen and military officials, have been officially notified of the case and required to introduce their lawyers." Only two of the 73 American officials have been revealed so far (that I could find), and that is former U.S. President Donald Trump, who ordered Soleimani's death, and Trump's former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. Skeptics and Zionist followers of the Trump Cult will be quick to point out that Iran has been trying to bring Trump to justice since 2020, the year Trump and the military assassinated General Qassem Soleimani, and that there is no chance Trump will ever stand trial in Iran. But many things have changed since 2020, and even since September of 2023 when it was announced that Iran was preparing these indictments, just one month before the Hamas attack on Israel in October of 2023. Also, recent events here in 2024 have dramatically changed the attitude in the Middle East with Iran and their allies. The first one was the explosion of pro-Palestinian student protests here in the U.S., which, perhaps for the first time, showed many Muslim people in the Middle East that not all Americans are Zionists, and that many Americans actually support the cause of the Palestinian people to stop Israel's genocide against them. Secondly, Iran joined the BRICS alliance at the beginning of 2024, closely allying with China and Russia to form a new “Golden Triangle” that is seen to be able to keep American and Israeli Zionist aggression in check. And lastly, military campaigns conducted by Iran and their proxies such as the Houthis have achieved far greater success than anyone in the West had previously thought was possible. If in the past it was impossible that any Americans would face criminal charges in Iran, one must consider the possibility that the situation is quickly changing, and that it actually could be possible at some point.

Exposing the Antisemitism Noahide Laws that Criminalize Belief in Jesus Christ as the Jewish Messiah Punishable by Execution

In my last article I discussed the new Bill that the U.S. House of Representatives passed this week titled "The Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023", which had bipartisan support. As you can observe from the title of the Bill that now heads to the Senate, the language for this Bill was written last year, 2023, after the Hamas military attack in Israel, and pre-dates the current student protests over the war in Gaza that began a few weeks ago. In fact, the language for this Bill was drafted under President Donald Trump, written by his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and was then enacted as a Presidential Executive Order on December 11, 2019. The text for that executive order that criminalizes "antisemitism" had never been able to be passed as law in the U.S. Congress, because it basically renders the First Amendment as null and void, and so by Trump's own admission during the ceremony where he signed this EO, he stated that he just did it himself anyway, because as President of the United States, he now had the power to do so. I checked to see if Trump's executive order on antisemitism from 2019 had been revoked by President Biden, and it has not. So this begs the question: If Trump's EO on antisemitism is still in effect, then why did the Zionists need this new Bill introduced to the House by Rep. Mike Johnson, which easily passed with bipartisan support? The reason seems to be that under the Biden administration, Trump's EO is being used to represent not only Zionist Jews who feel they are being discriminated against on college campuses, but also students of other faiths as well, such as Arab Muslims, who are also using Trump's EO to file discrimination lawsuits. This is apparently because Trump linked his EO to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. So having failed to meet their objectives with the Trump EO from 2019, the Zionists are trying, once again, to codify the meaning of "antisemitism" and criminalizing anyone who does not comply with their definition of "antisemitism", which includes denying that Jesus Christ was the Jewish Messiah. There had been rumors among some Zionist Jews that Donald Trump had converted to Judaism in 2017, but was afraid to go public with his conversion due to the backlash he would have received from Evangelical Christians. The rumor also stated that Jared Kushner, who openly admits he is a Jewish member of the Chabad Lubavitch sect, and is the son-in-law of Donald Trump, is the prophesied Jewish Messiah.

How Donald Trump and Alex Jones Fooled the Public About the Safety of the COVID-19 “Vaccines”

David Knight marked the 3-year anniversary of his being fired by Alex Jones where he used to broadcast his daily show on InfoWars until December of 2020. Knight reports that he was fired in December of 2020 for not endorsing Donald Trump, who was President of the United States at that time, because Trump was pushing everyone to get the COVID bioweapon shots in 2020, known as the "COVID-19 Vaccines." David Knight, like myself and several others in December of 2020, was trying to warn the public NOT to take any of these experimental "vaccines." And for taking that stand, he claims that Alex Jones fired him. Today, David Knight publishes his daily show independently. In his broadcast yesterday, 12/21/23, Knight provided video evidence from 2020 that showed Alex Jones clearly stated that Trump was developing a "safe" COVID-19 vaccine.

Trump Owns Stock in Pfizer and Drug Companies Producing Gender-Affirming Therapies and Hormone Blockers

Trump has promised to ban child gender transitions - but owns stock in the Big Pharma companies he's promised to investigate for 'illegally marketing' hormone therapies and puberty blockers. 'The left-wing gender insanity being pushed on our children is an act of child abuse, very simple. Here is my plan to stop the chemical, physical, and emotional mutilation of our youth,' Trump said in a campaign speech on February 1.  But as recently as the end of last year, Trump held between $600,003 and $1,251,000 in three companies that make gender-affirming therapies and hormone blockers, according to a analysis of his financial disclosures.  He also owns financial stakes in Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson.