Israel Blocks All Humanitarian Aid to Gaza – Threatens to “Open the Gates of Hell, Cut off Electricity and Water, Return to War” at Trump’s Bidding

The end of the negotiated ceasefire, phase 1, between Hamas and Israel, ended yesterday (Saturday March 1, 2025). While Hamas wanted to proceed to phase 2 to negotiate an end to the war, Netanyahu, reportedly in coordination with the Trump administration, instead wanted to extend phase 1 longer through the month of Ramadan, and blocked all humanitarian aid coming into Gaza until they agreed to these new terms. Egypt and many other countries strongly objected, accusing Israel of a "war-crime starvation strategy". This move was not popular in Israel, as thousands of Israelis took to the streets in Tel Aviv, and hundreds gathered outside of Netanyahu's residence to protest. The hardcore Zionists in Israel’s ruling coalition welcomed the block of humanitarian aid, and called for "the gates of Hell" to be unleashed against the Palestinians by cutting off electricity and water into Gaza, and returning to war, citing U.S. President Donald Trump as the source of such plans. An Israeli source reportedly told ABC News that: "The Israeli decision to halt aid into Gaza was coordinated with the Trump administration." As I have frequently reported the past year and a half, Zionism is a cult, although among Jews it is the minority view. Most Jews are not Zionists. If Netanyahu and the hardcore Zionists do not represent the majority of Israelis, then how do they remain in power? There is only one reason why these Zionist Jews remain in power: They are supported by Zionist Evangelical Christians. And these Christians are the ones who put Zionist Donald Trump back into power.

The Genocide Continues – 70% of Deaths in Gaza are Women and Children According to New UN Report

A new report was released today by The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) which stated that 70% of the deaths of innocent civilians in Gaza have been women and children. 52 nations at the UN co-signed a letter calling for the immediate halt to arms sales to Israel, including Russia. I agree with these nations calling for a halt to selling arms to Israel. Israel is simply a proxy state for the Zionists in the U.S., most of whom are Evangelical Christians, and not even Jews. Zionist Evangelical Christians who support genocide and ethnic cleansing today are the true "Synagogue of Satan" that Jesus mentioned in the book of Revelation. AMERICANS HAVE INNOCENT BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS! Israel could never do what they are doing in Gaza and Lebanon, without U.S. weapons, and without U.S. Big Tech. U.S. Big Tech companies are the largest employer in Israel, and their genocide against the Palestinians and constant bombing and committing acts of terror in Lebanon would never be possible without U.S. Big Tech. Here is a good report about Silicon Valley's role in this genocide, which includes interviews of tech workers who were fired from Google and other companies for daring to talk about the genocide in Gaza, and the role of Big Tech.

U.S. Zionist Christians Get Their Prayers Answered as the U.S. and Israel Bomb Iran – What Comes Next?

Since Israel's alleged retaliatory strikes against Iran 6 months ago were actually FAKE, Zionist Christians finally got their wish today, and what is surely seen by them as an answer to their prayers, as the U.S. used their proxy State, Israel, to launch an attack on Iran earlier this morning. Both sides admit that the attacks happened this time, with Iran admitting that 4 soldiers were killed by the attacks, which were reported to have targeted military sites in Iran. How effective those strikes were depends on which narrative you read. Christians United For Israel (CUFI), led by Pastor John Hagee, has been praying for the U.S. to attack Iran for almost two decades now, as their dispensationalist Zionist views of Biblical prophecy treat Iran as a biblically-sanctioned country to hate, and to support genocide against the Iranian people, as well as their Arab proxy states like Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, etc. As I have previously written, Iran has significant portions of their population who are Jews and Christians, but that doesn't seem to matter to the Zionists. Launching bombs into a major city like Tehran could easily land on Jewish synagogues or Christian churches. In fact, Zionist Christians are willing to bomb and kill ANYONE who is not a fellow Zionist, including other Christians who are not Zionists, especially if they are Middle Eastern Arab Christians. And let's review some Biblical history that the Zionists would rather you not know about, or if you do know, would rather you forget about. Abraham was the father of the Hebrew people. God made a promise to Abraham, and Abraham believed God, so he is the Father of The Faith. That "faith" transcends religion and religious titles, because throughout the course of the history of man, The Faith, has never changed. But Abraham had another son before Isaac, and that son, Ishmael, is considered the father of the Arab people, who are also Semitic people and descendants of Abraham, and God made a promise to Ishmael as well. Could the Semitic people who are descended from Abraham's other son have a different purpose in end time prophecies than what the Christian Zionists are claiming?

Israel Deliberately Destroyed all of Gaza’s Hospitals with US Approval and Support

While the United States government attempts to lecture the world about its supposed “rules based order,” it‘s aiding, arming and providing diplomatic cover for Israel’s unprecedented assault on Gaza’s already collapsed healthcare system. In fact, Israel’s attacks, justified by Washington in some cases, have resulted in the territory being left without a single functional hospital. Israel has killed more than 500 Palestinian healthcare workers in Gaza since the beginning of the war. To put this in perspective, between 2011 and 2024, 949 medical professionals in total were said to have been killed during the Syrian war, with the worst year on record seeing the deaths of almost 200, according to Physicians for Human Rights. For those medical professionals who remain, Doctors Without Borders has reported a major mental health crisis, with some doctors being forced to choose between treating their own family members and other patients. In one horrifying case, Palestinian doctor Hani Bseiso was forced to amputate the lower part of his teenage daughter’s leg on a kitchen table without anesthetic and using little more than a pair of scissors and gauze. She miraculously survived. Another Palestinian doctor wasn’t as lucky, as he was forced to watch his son slowly die while amputating his leg without anesthetic. Unprecedented is an understatement, and explaining what is happening to the people of Gaza due to Israel’s systematic targeting of hospitals and medical workers defies the English language. Yet, the US government continues to supply Israel with all the arms it seeks, protecting its actions in front of an international community in shock.

Exposing Christian Zionism False Teaching: God Saves Individuals, Not Groups of People

American Christian Zionism may be the most dangerous, and the most Satanic, teaching in the history of Christianity. Since the Zionist false doctrine is claimed to be taught in the Bible, I have used the Bible to prove that it is not, and that in fact the Bible teaches the exact opposite, so anyone can "fact check" my articles by going directly to the original source: The Bible. One very clear and easy way to refute Zionism from the Bible, is to look at the very clear and obvious truths that are taught in the Bible that almost all Christians agree on, and that totally contradict Christian Zionism. Christian Zionism differs from Jewish Zionism, but they both share the belief that the "Jews" are God's chosen people, and that this ethnic group of people has a special significance before God based on their membership in this ethnic group today. And while Christian Zionists can make this claim based on the writings of the Old Testament under the Mosaic Covenant, they cannot make this claim based on the New Covenant in the New Testament that followed the historical execution and subsequent raising from the dead of Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah. The apostle Paul in the New Testament, himself a Jewish leader who converted from Zionism (referred to as the "Circumcision Party" at that time), wrote: "Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called 'uncircumcised' by those who call themselves 'the circumcision' (that done in the body by the hands of men)—remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility." (Ephesians 2:11-16) So the first thing to notice here is that in the New Covenant it does not matter which group one belongs to, either Jews or non-Jews referred to as "Gentiles." What matters is if one is part of this "new man" also described as "one body" that was made possible by "the blood of Christ". Any other group affiliation is meaningless.

Evangelical Christians Praying for Armageddon and Supporting the Death Penalty for “Antisemitism”

In March of 2023, several months before the current war between Hamas and Israel broke out, Norwegian film producer Tonje Hessen Schei premiered the documentary film, Praying for Armageddon: When Biblical Prophecy Fuels Political Power. What this documentary film does is expose the Christian Zionist Cult, from the non-Christian perspective. It was just re-released to the public a few weeks ago on Al Jazeera, who published it in two parts, both of which are now available for free to watch on YouTube. This is a very enlightening, and VERY timely, documentary to watch to understand the "other side" of how non-Christians and non-Americans view Evangelical Zionism. I highly recommend viewing this film, even though I don't agree with everything in it. It accurately exposes how massive amounts of money in Evangelical Christianity define and support Zionism politically. No Republican politician can ever lead the United States without being part of this Evangelical Christian Zionism movement, and wholeheartedly agreeing with it and the Zionist (mis)interpretation of the Bible. This documentary also reveals why President Trump, during his first term in office, moved the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which legally gave the U.S. a presence in Jerusalem, so that if the U.S. Embassy was ever bombed by the enemies of Israel, it would be legally interpreted as an act of war against the United States. That international law that states all embassies and consulates are considered as part of the countries where they originate, and that any acts of violence or attack on these embassies would be legally considered as an act of war on that country which would then give that country the "right" to strike back, is EXACTLY what just happened with the Israeli attacks on the Iranian Embassy in Syria. The whole world knows that this was an act of war by Israel against Iran, and that Iran has a legal "right" to strike back, something that is considered imminent at the time of my writing this. And while everyone today seems to agree that Iran is about to make retaliatory strikes against Israel which they have a "legal right" right to do, what is not so clear is what the response of Israel and the United States is going to be, and if this is going to greatly escalate World War III. If it does, and if American lives are lost, look for stricter laws, executive orders, and emergency actions to be taken against "antisemitism", much like we saw during COVID with actions taken against "the unseen enemy (virus)", with mandatory orders (masks, lockdowns, social distancing, vaccines, etc.) given to allow continued participation in society. The main leader and face of the American Christian Evangelical Zionism movement today is undoubtedly Donald Trump, and he has already publicly stated that he wants a federal "death penalty" imposed for "antisemitism."