Jesus’s Teaching on Family vs. Christian Teaching on Family – Polar Opposites

The teachings of Jesus about our biological family members are the complete opposite of what most Christian churches teach today in America, where the false teachings are basically a version of the "prosperity Gospel" that tells people they can become rich as Christians without sacrificing anything, and without persecutions and suffering. If you are an "upstanding" and model Christian in these churches, you most certainly would never leave your family or job, as that would be seen as irresponsible and not "Christian." And yet, if you read the biblical texts yourself, you will clearly see that leaving our families is exactly what Jesus taught his disciples to do. There are exceptions, of course, in American Christianity. If you're a member of the armed forces and your government deploys you to some battlefield to kill people from other countries and other religions who are declared a "threat" to Christian America's "national security," for example, then that's OK. You can leave your family for a year or more on deployment to go kill some "bad guys" in another country, and no one will blame you for leaving your family behind in those situations, because it is the "Christian" thing to do. When we read the accounts of the life of Jesus in the New Testament, we see that Jesus had become so popular from his miracles of healing, raising the dead, and casting out of demonic spirits, that people from all over Israel, and beyond, traveled to see Jesus. But one place where Jesus was NOT popular, was in his own hometown of Nazareth, among his own family and relatives. While the whole nation of Israel was talking about Jesus and debating who he was and if he was, indeed, the promised Messiah, his own family thought he was insane, and literally tried to stop him by taking custody of him. Jesus made it very clear, publicly, that his new family were those who "did the will of God" and followed his teaching, and that his biological family who opposed him, had no authority over him.

The Concept of the American Christian Family is a Myth and is NOT Found Anywhere in the Bible

When you see an image, or an actual photo, of an American family such as the one above, what comes into your mind about the 5 people in this image? For me, being raised in a church-going family and part of the Christian religion, I used to look at images, photos, or actual groups of people resembling this illustration in public, and conclude that this was a "good Christian family" who all go to church together every Sunday. I would just assume that the adult man and woman in this photo were married and that the children with them were born to them after they were married. If it was an "ideal" Christian family, they would not have been previously married to anyone else, and would have been married as virgins because they were "good Christians" who saved themselves until God brought them the "perfect" husband or wife. However, I am older and wiser now, and when I see an image like this, or a group of people in public like this, I no longer imagine the same kind of things about these people in this "family" that I used to think. It would look more like the image below, with commentary about who each person in this graphic is more likely to be. And while some may want to say and believe that everything written in this graphic below is likely to be rare when one sees such actual "family units" in public or in photos, I am quite confident to say that the way I now see such "family" units as in the image below with the sample bios, is far more common than the false, storybook "ideal" Christian family that is portrayed by our culture. In fact the culturally-defined "Christian Family" concept is a myth, and is found nowhere in the Bible.