Evangelical Christians Turn Their Backs on Christians in Palestine Who are Being Murdered and Attacked by Jews as They Give Unconditional Support to Israel

The Evangelical Christian Zionism cult has made it very clear in recent days that they will support modern day Israel at any cost, even when Jews who do not accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah attack Christians living in Palestine who do accept that Jesus Christ was the Messiah. This fanatical belief by Zionist Christians has existed for years now, as they choose to side with the Jews who attack Christians, rather than the Christians who are being murdered by Jews. Please listen to what Christian leaders say who live in Palestine/Israel in these short videos. The theology of modern-day Evangelical Christians that believes one must support the nation of Israel at all costs, even when some Jews attack and kill Christians, is not found in the Bible. Today, those who are "blessed" or "cursed" are based on their belief in Jesus Christ, the descendant of Abraham, and not the "Jews". Did Jesus believe that all Jews were blessed? Not according to the Bible. Jesus believed and taught that there were Satanic Jews who served their father the Devil, and that there were righteous Jews who believed in him, whom he called his "disciples." Jesus, himself a Jew and a Semite, would clearly be labeled as "antisemitic" today for not supporting the nation of Israel, even though he did not support the nation of Israel 2000 years ago either.

Year 2023: Will America Fulfill Its Destiny? Jesus Christ is the Only “Transhuman” the World Has Ever Seen or Will Ever See

As the year 2022 comes to a close, there can be little doubt that the United States is a nation in decline, in many ways. More and more people are waking up to the fact that the U.S. Government is not looking out for the best interests of its citizens, and in fact is part of the Global plan to implement a New World Order. And a big part of that plan, is to reduce the world's population, something we saw accelerate in 2022 with unprecedented "unexplained sudden deaths" among young, healthy adults, as well as unprecedented fetal deaths. It is a shame that it took a worldwide scam known as "COVID-19" and then the roll out of the COVID-19 "vaccines" to start waking people up to this fact, even though most are still asleep and trusting their government and corporate media, when there have been others that have been warning about this plan to implement a New World Order for many decades now, but written off by pop culture and the corporate media as "conspiracy theorists," a term first used by the CIA to refer to people who did not accept the Government narrative on the assassination of President Kennedy in the 1960s. The fact is, the evidence that the U.S. is part of a New World Order that follows Satan rather than God, has been right in front of our eyes since the founding of this nation, as many of our "founding fathers" were members of Freemasonry, and their images and symbols are everywhere in our culture, including "The Great Seal" of the United States, which is printed into our currency on the $1 bill. One of the Latin phrases at the bottom of that seal is "Novus ordo seclorum," which means "A New Order of the Ages." The Latin phrase at the top of that symbol is "Annuit cœptis," which means "He/She favors our undertakings." The common interpretation of that phrase has been that "God" is the one who is referenced here, by the eye inside the triangle. However, the all-seeing eye is historically used as a symbol referring to Satan, or evil, and not to God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. So since the beginning of the United States in 1776, which is also the same year that Adam Weishaupt founded the "Order of the Illuminati," a secret society which later merged with Freemasonry, it has been predicted that the United States would become part of a New World Order. Will the ultimate fulfillment of this prediction that the U.S. would become part of a New World Order worshiping Satan come to fruition in 2023?