Jesus’s Teaching on Family vs. Christian Teaching on Family – Polar Opposites

The teachings of Jesus about our biological family members are the complete opposite of what most Christian churches teach today in America, where the false teachings are basically a version of the "prosperity Gospel" that tells people they can become rich as Christians without sacrificing anything, and without persecutions and suffering. If you are an "upstanding" and model Christian in these churches, you most certainly would never leave your family or job, as that would be seen as irresponsible and not "Christian." And yet, if you read the biblical texts yourself, you will clearly see that leaving our families is exactly what Jesus taught his disciples to do. There are exceptions, of course, in American Christianity. If you're a member of the armed forces and your government deploys you to some battlefield to kill people from other countries and other religions who are declared a "threat" to Christian America's "national security," for example, then that's OK. You can leave your family for a year or more on deployment to go kill some "bad guys" in another country, and no one will blame you for leaving your family behind in those situations, because it is the "Christian" thing to do. When we read the accounts of the life of Jesus in the New Testament, we see that Jesus had become so popular from his miracles of healing, raising the dead, and casting out of demonic spirits, that people from all over Israel, and beyond, traveled to see Jesus. But one place where Jesus was NOT popular, was in his own hometown of Nazareth, among his own family and relatives. While the whole nation of Israel was talking about Jesus and debating who he was and if he was, indeed, the promised Messiah, his own family thought he was insane, and literally tried to stop him by taking custody of him. Jesus made it very clear, publicly, that his new family were those who "did the will of God" and followed his teaching, and that his biological family who opposed him, had no authority over him.

The Imminent Demise of Christianity in America: “Come out of her my people lest you share her plagues…”

In my last article, I documented how a modern-day interpretation of Biblical prophecy taking into account recent events that have occurred since 2020 and the Great COVID Scam can easily lead one to conclude that the "revived Roman Empire" that many see in the book of Revelation can really only be applied to the United States as "The Great Prostitute" and "Babylon" that is the object of God's fierce anger and "last day" judgments against "Babylon", and "the Beast" which is the financial system. As I write this today, on December 7, 2023, world events are rapidly developing into what many people are referring to as an imminent "doomsday" scenario. These events are unfolding so fast right now, that I just simply do not have time to cover all of them, even though I am staying on top of them. Here are some of the news items (much of it censored in the U.S. Corporate Media) that have occurred in the past few days that suggest time is short now before major, cataclysmic events erupt (open the article to see). Israel and the U.S. Zionists are quickly losing the (dis)information war, and are now paying "influencers" on social media to promote Israel, or to take down content that criticizes Israel. As far as our "Beast" financial system, I am honestly very surprised it has not collapsed yet, as U.S. Banks are bleeding capital at a rate even worse than earlier this year when several banks, mostly tied to Silicon Valley, collapsed. The stock market continues to chug along even as the price of oil keeps falling, and the value of Gold is increasing. This is because, as I have said repeatedly in the past, the U.S. Stock Market has become a Casino without much difference than the large Casinos in Vegas, betting money that does not even really exist, in the largest Ponzi scheme the world has probably ever seen. As I wrote in my last article, this criminal financial system is probably the main "Beast" discussed in Revelation, with the second "Beast" that gives it a voice being "Big Tech" today. And one of the events that could bring down this entire criminal enterprise is a "Cyber Attack", something that is starting to be discussed again in the Alternative Media. In my last article I showed how based on current events, the only country that makes sense as "The Great Harlot" or "Babylon" as the leader over all other geopolitical nations in the world today as described in Revelation in the Bible, is the United States of America, the "revived Roman Empire." But historically, many Bible commentators writing about Revelation, especially in the late 1800s during the "Reformation" period in Europe, equated "Babylon" and the "Harlot" in Revelation to a religious force, namely "Christianity", Roman Christianity and the "Roman Catholic Church" led by "The Pope." However, looking at the vast geopolitical and religious landscape as it exists here today at the end of 2023, Italy and the Pope really are not all that significant in world events today, as they were during the Reformation period. Instead, the most powerful Christian Country in the world today is undoubtedly the United States, and the most powerful religious force in Christianity is American Christianity, especially Zionism. Therefore, it makes much more sense today to see "Babylon" and "The Harlot" as being the American Corporate Church. But I just identified "Babylon" and "The Harlot" in Revelation as probably referring to the United States in my last article. Am I now changing my opinion about this? No, because the U.S. Government and the Christian Religion in the U.S. today are inseparable, as one cannot exist without the other. They are two halves of the same demonic identity, "Babylon" and "The Harlot".