Mom Speaks Out on Corrupt Kentucky Child “Protection” System that Destroyed her Family

Kentucky has a well-documented history of corruption within its Cabinet for Health and Family Services’ Department of Community Based Services (DCBS), which has been exposed by whistleblower social workers and attorneys, investigated at length, and publicized in local radio and news. Yet Kentucky continues to carry on business as usual. Here is another story which exemplifies the depth of corruption in Kentucky’s DCBS and Family Courts, a system that allegedly routinely destroys families based on lies, hearsay and allegations. Amanda Orsetti Downs was initially afraid to take her story public, fearing retaliation from DCBS, even though it’s been 12 years since DCBS removed her children and they’ve all been adopted out. She now lives in another state. Overcoming her fears, Amanda decided to share her powerful story, in hopes that her children will learn the truth one day, and that others will realize just how corrupt this system really is. Amanda warns: "I really don’t think anyone fully understands just how powerful these people really are. They have the attitude that they are above the law and they will do whatever they want to, to you or your family, and they just don't care because they have gotten away with it for so long. They will make your life a living hell if you even try to stop them. They got doctors behind them. They destroyed records. These people are vindictive, they will haunt you, stalk you, do whatever it takes, even if that means retaliation on you or to hurt someone close to you. They do not care as long as they are getting a big paycheck from the state. My attorney couldn't even help me because of how vindictive they really are. I pray that one day they will be held accountable for their wrong doings, but until then all I can do is give it to God and hope for the best."