March 19, 2025
  • Senior-vaccine

    CNN: ‘Don’t Be Alarmed’ if People Start Dying After Taking the Vaccine

    In an article on the COVID vaccine rollout, CNN says that Americans shouldn’t be alarmed if people start dying after taking the vaccine because “deaths may occur that won’t necessarily have anything to do with the vaccine.”

    The advisory appeared in an article titled ‘Why vaccinate our most frail? Odd vote out shows the dilemma’ in which Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition, cautions that vaccines don’t work as well on the frail and elderly compared to healthy people.

    “When shots begin to go into arms of residents, Moore said Americans need to understand that deaths may occur that won’t necessarily have anything to do with the vaccine,” states the report.

    “We would not at all be surprised to see, coincidentally, vaccination happening and then having someone pass away a short time after they receive a vaccine, not because it has anything to do with the vaccination but just because that’s the place where people at the end of their lives reside,” Moore said.

    She then said Americans shouldn’t be alarmed to see people dying a day or two after receiving the COVID vaccination.

    “One of the things we want to make sure people understand is that they should not be unnecessarily alarmed if there are reports, once we start vaccinating, of someone or multiple people dying within a day or two of their vaccination who are residents of a long-term care facility. That would be something we would expect, as a normal occurrence, because people die frequently in nursing homes.”

    • Anthrax-Military-Scandal

      35,000 Soldiers Died from the Experimental Anthrax Vaccine - More Than Those Who Died in Combat in Afghanistan and Iraq Combined

      Vaccine Syndrome is a film produced by Oscar nominated filmmaker Scott Miller, and provides exclusive interviews with military personnel who have had experience with the controversial anthrax vaccine.

      The film claims that over 35,000 soldiers have died from the anthrax vaccine, according to a “RAC-GWVI Government Report” published in 2008.

      Compare that to how many soldiers have died in combat in both Iraq and Afghanistan, which is 6753 at the time of the filming.

      The film starts out with a dramatized recreating of Lance Corporal Jared Schwartz, who refused to receive the anthrax vaccine.

      He had to face a military tribunal without legal counsel, and read a prepared statement.

      That statement can be found online, such as at the website.

      The film also mentions how pharmaceutical companies have legal immunity from any injuries or deaths resulting from vaccines, and that the civilian population only has recourse to sue the federal government in a special Vaccine Court.

      However, military personnel are prohibited from suing in this court, which is part of the National Vaccine Compensation Program.

      • Dr.-Pierre-Kory

        "I Can't Keep Watching Patients Die Needlessly!" Medical Professor Testifies to Congress that COVID Cure Already Exists with Ivermectin

        Dr. Pierre Kory M.D., a pulmonary and critical care specialist who is also an Associate Professor of Medicine at St. Luke’s Aurora Medical Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, pleaded with members of Congress to have the NIH, CDC, and FDA look at the “mountains” of data that he and his colleagues have gathered on the drug Ivermectin, which is already approved by the FDA as an anti-parasitic drug, and their success in treating COVID patients.

        He states: “If you take it, you will not get sick.”

        Dr. Kory is president of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), and their success in treating patients with COVID has been so dramatic, that he referred to it as a “miracle drug.”

        The most emotional part of Dr. Kory’s testimony was when he described what he was seeing in patients in the ICU.

        “I’m a lung specialist. I’m an ICU specialist.

        I’ve cared for more dying COVID patients than anyone can imagine. They’re dying because they cannot breathe.

        I watch them every day. They die. By the time they get to me in the ICU, they are already dying. They’re almost impossible to recover.

        Early treatment is key. We need to offload the hospitals.

        We are tired. I can’t keep doing this.

        If you look at my manuscript, and if I have to go back to work next week, any further deaths are going to be needless deaths.

        And I cannot be traumatized by that. I cannot keep caring for patients when I know that they could have been saved with earlier treatment.

        And that drug that will treat them and prevent the hospitalization is Ivermectin.”

        • FILE PHOTO: Vials and medical syringe are seen in front of Pfizer logo in this illustration

          FDA Announces Deaths of Two Pfizer Vaccine Trial Participants as it Prepares to Issue Fast-track Authorization

          The FDA released a 53-page “briefing document” for the experimental Pfizer COVID vaccine today in preparation for its December 10, 2020 meeting to discuss giving emergency use authorization (EUA) for the vaccine to Pfizer, the world’s largest pharmaceutical criminal organization.

          As is to be expected, the U.S. Pharma-controlled corporate media sang praises for Pfizer in the report in all of their press releases today, giving us a strong indication that the FDA is going to issue an EUA to Pfizer on Thursday.

          When we look outside the U.S. corporate media, however, we can see that other countries noticed the fact that people died during the Pfizer COVID vaccine trials, a detail completely left out of the U.S. press releases.

          Why would anyone trust a drug company that is on record as having the largest FRAUD settlements in U.S. history with the DOJ?

          In 2009 they reached a fraud settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice for $2.3 BILLION, the largest ever fraud settlement in the history of the DOJ at that time.

          And they have continually been tried in court for FRAUD by the DOJ multiple times since 2009!

          The FDA will more than likely approve this dangerous experimental vaccine anyway, because they are simply an extension of the pharmaceutical industry, deriving most of their revenue from Big Pharma.

          Scott Gottlieb now sits on the board of directors of Pfizer, and he is the former director of the FDA. No doubt current members of the FDA have also been promised lucrative careers in the pharmaceutical industry once they leave their government jobs, and therefore they are highly motivated to give Pfizer the green light to start mass vaccinating the public with their new COVID vaccine, which most certainly has not been proven either “effective” nor “safe.”

          • Doctors-Warn-COVID-Vaccine

            Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!!

            In an effort to combat Big Pharma Corporate Media and Big Tech censorship, doctors around the world are frantically trying to warn the masses of the devastating effects of the experimental COVID vaccines about to be mass injected into the unsuspecting public assisted by military forces around the world.

            What could possibly motivate these doctors, nurses, scientists, and other health professionals to make such an impassioned plea? What do they have to gain by taking the time to educate the public on the hidden dangers of a new class of vaccine about to be inflicted upon the citizens of countries around the world?

            They have NOTHING TO GAIN, and much to lose, including their careers, and possibly even their lives.

            So why are they doing this? Why are these doctors and professionals being censored so much if the new COVID vaccines are in fact “safe and effective”? What is it that the media and the government are hiding that they don’t want the public to know?

            They are doing this because they are doctors and scientists who actually understand the REAL science here, and who know the devastating potential consequences of those who choose to get this very toxic and dangerous vaccine, and they are trying to save as many people as possible from the carnage this vaccine is going to cause, which will include DEATH, brain injuries, life-long autoimmune disease, infertility, and more.

            Please watch this video and their urgent pleas, and then share it with as many people as you can, because time is short!

            • ER-Worker-Warns-of-Bait-and-Switch

              ER Medical Worker Treats Man Who Tried to Commit Suicide by Blowing His Brains Out - Appeals to Public to Stop Complying with COVID Orders Like Masks Because Vaccines Are Next

              A video going viral on Twitter earlier today featured a man who had just finished his shift in the hospital Emergency Room. He is not identified in the video, but judging from the comments and someone who apparently knows him, he appears to be in Southern California somewhere.

              They had just dealt with a patient who tried to kill himself by blowing his brains out, and is now brain dead.

              He complains about how the mental abuse from COVID restrictions is harming way more people than any physical effects of COVID, and is apparently seeing more cases from this mental abuse than actual COVID cases.

              He encourages everyone to stop watching the corporate news media on TV, which is brainwashing people right now to believe things that are not true about COVID.

              He encourages everyone to stop complying with wearing a mask, because he believes that once they achieve full compliance on mask requirements to move around and participate in society, then they will pull a “bait and switch” on the public, and then start requiring that everyone be vaccinated with a dangerous vaccine that nobody actually needs, in order to participate in society.

              • Sherrie-Saunders

                Former Medic Whistleblower Exposes How the Military is Testing Experimental Vaccines on Soldiers Using them as "Lab Rats"

                The U.S. military has been at the forefront of vaccine development for use in warfare, not “public health,” and they have a long history of testing experimental vaccines on our own troops.

                When things go wrong and people are killed or harmed by these experimental vaccines, it is covered up, and often blamed on something else.

                One of the first records of this happening was in 1918, at Fort Riley, in Kansas, during WWI. The soldiers were injected with an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine.

                The vaccine went horribly wrong, and a strain of bacterial pneumonia created a pandemic that ended up killing 50-100 million people.

                You never heard about this? That’s because it was covered up and renamed “the Spanish Flu.”

                In more recent times, there is now solid documentation backing up the fact that the military tested an experimental anthrax vaccine on our military members due to the alleged threat that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had “weapons of mass destruction” that were a threat to the U.S. Military, which were supposed to include anthrax.

                We may never know how many of our military members died, or were permanently disabled due to this vaccine, but for years the military tried to cover it up as a “mystery disease” known as “Gulf War Syndrome.”

                One medic who served in the military during this time has become a whistleblower, explaining the tragic story of how she found out that she was actually killing her fellow military members unknowingly with the anthrax vaccine.

                After she determined that the anthrax vaccine was actually harming our troops, she took it up her chain of command. But “black suits” were sent from Washington D.C. to “re-educate” her and keep her quiet.

                She is quiet no more.

                I am going to warn you right now, that this video will deeply disturb you, and probably make you weep. I cry every single time I watch it, knowing how many innocent lives were destroyed by this vaccine, and how evil our government has now become to have such a low value for human life.

                Spread this video far and wide! It could save many lives…

                • Vaccine-Injuries-and-Deaths-December-2020

                  $218 MILLION Paid Out for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths in 2020 for FDA Approved Vaccines (NOT Fast-tracked)

                  The federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services met on December 3, 2020, and the Department of Justice reported that during a 3-month period from August 16th through November 15th this year, 166 cases of vaccine injuries were compensated through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP).

                  The NVICP was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines.

                  Today, anyone suffering from a vaccine injury or death must sue the U.S. Government and go up against their top attorneys.

                  In the fiscal year 2020 the NVICP has paid out $218 MILLION in damages due to vaccine injuries and deaths.

                  Health Impact News is the only media source I am aware of that covers these quarterly meetings, and if we were to try and share articles like this one publishing these government reports, we would be accused of publishing “fake news.”

                  The $218 MILLION paid out for vaccine injuries and deaths this year was NOT paid by the pharmaceutical manufacturers. It is funded from taxes paid on each vaccine, and as of September 30, 2020, that fund had a balance of over $4 BILLION.

                  The other thing to understand is that these funds are paid on vaccines that have gone through the FDA full approval process, not fast-tracked vaccines approved for emergency use. It typically takes 5 to 7 years to bring a new vaccine to market.

                  So none of these funds will be available to anyone who suffers injuries or dies due to the FDA fast-tracked for emergency use authorization (EUA) experimental COVID19 mRNA vaccine.

                  Injuries and deaths due to those vaccines fall under a different program, the CounterMeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).

                  • Mewe-HIN

                    Health Impact News is on MeWe!

                    Twitter has already banned any articles from Health Impact News being shared on their platform, and Facebook has been removing our posts on the experimental COVID vaccine and is about to unpublish our main page, so we have now moved to and for our Social Media posts.

                    In the event that our websites are seized, please go to our Parler account or our MeWe account until we get back up and running.

                    Thank you for your continued support in trusting us for publishing the truth about Medical Tyranny and the rapid take-over of America and most of the world happening right now as the Eugenicist Gloablists make their move very rapidly now with the new COVID vaccines, and their stated goals in reducing the world’s population and installing a New One World Government.

                    This is no longer a conspiracy “theory,” but is unfolding before our very eyes right now.

                    • FILE PHOTO: Syringes are seen in front of displayed Biontech and Pfizer logos in this illustration

                      UK Government Warns Doctors About Infertility Possibility with Pfizer COVID Vaccine, But NO Warning to Patients!

                      As we reported earlier this week, the U.K. became the first nation to issue emergency authorization for the Pfizer experimental mRNA COVID vaccine, with jabs expected to start with the public any day now.

                      The UK Department of Health and Social Care and the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has just published guidelines for the roll out of Pfizer vaccine.

                      There is a 10-page document for UK Healthcare Professionals, and a shorter 5-page document for recipients. This is public information (for now), and Health Impact News has secured copies of each.

                      The longer document for doctors has a warning about the possibility of infertility being a future side effect, while the shorter document for patients does not.

                      So after someone reads the shorter leaflet prior to deciding whether or not to get the vaccine, the only way a young woman would know about the warning about potential infertility issues, would be if they asked their doctor or other healthcare provider a specific question about fertility.

                      And even then, it is dependent upon that doctor having completely read the longer document, and answering the young woman’s question on fertility issues accurately.

                      If you live in the UK, please print out the longer document published for the doctors, and make sure everyone you know who is considering getting this vaccine reads it, and not just the shorter document published for “recipients.”

                      • parler-HIN

                        Health Impact News is on Parler!

                        Twitter has already banned any articles from Health Impact News being shared on their platform, and Facebook has been removing our posts on the experimental COVID vaccine and is about to unpublish our main page, so we have now moved to for Social Media Posts.


                        In the event that our websites are seized, please go to our Parler account until we get back up and running.

                        Thank you for your continued support in trusting us for publishing the truth about Medical Tyranny and the rapid take-over of America and most of the world happening right now as the Eugenicist Gloablists make their move very rapidly now with the new COVID vaccines, and their stated goals in reducing the world’s population and installing a New One World Government.

                        This is no longer a conspiracy “theory,” but is unfolding before our very eyes right now.

                        • Burning A Medical Mask, Surgical Mask With Cleansing Decontamina

                          How To Avoid Mask Mandates & Vaccine Mandates At Work

                          I was a recent guest on the Tom Woods Show speaking about the importance of not wearing a face mask.

                          The appearance garnered this feedback:

                          “This whole comment section so far is ‘I don’t like masks. But I won’t do anything about it that might inconvenience me.’ 

                          The day before the mandatory mask order went into effect for my state, I told my boss I was not going to wear one and I would understand if they had to let me go. He had a shocked look on his face and said he would get back with me. He talked with upper management and told me to just keep coming to work as normal for the time being. That was months ago and now we only have ONE person in the whole office (100ish people) that even bothers to wear one now. You think any of them would have stood up in the same situation? Probably not, but I took the risk because my rights and the direction this is going, I see as a far bigger threat than the possibility of me losing my job. 

                          Americans have become fearful and soft. We have gone from ‘I do this FOR my children’ to ‘I can’t do anything because I have children.’ Freedom has a cost, we used to understand this.”

                          I seek out stories of inspiration like this — from people who have identified their boundaries, communicated their boundaries, and defended their boundaries —- and fill my day with them and surround myself with people who live life true to themselves.

                          Life is too short to do otherwise than to be in the presence of the best as much as possible.

                          I don’t know this commenter, yet I believe that he would have walked right out the door of his job and never turned back, like many good and brave men and women. They are the 1% of courageous people.

                          • U.S. President Trump visits Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies' Innovation Center in Morrrisville, North Carolina

                            Will the U.S. Government Bribe the Public to Take the New Experimental COVID Vaccine by Offering $1500 in Stimulus Funds?

                            In a story published at CNBC yesterday titled:

                            “Would you be willing to get a Covid vaccine in exchange for a $1,500 stimulus check? How one bold proposal would work.”

                            It appears that this article was written as a “trial balloon” to see how the public would react to receiving a new stimulus check in exchange for getting the experimental COVID vaccine, which many Americans are now hesitant about.

                            President Trump has previously announced that when the vaccine is ready, it will be offered for “free” at Walgreens and CVS to those who are targeted to receive it first, which are mainly seniors.

                            Apparently the lure of a free vaccine is not currently being seen as incentive enough to convince enough people to line up and receive it.

                            So with many Americans unemployed and waiting expectantly for the Government to give them a new “stimulus check,” they are floating the idea of bribing Americans who are down and out and might be desperate enough to take the risk of a new, experimental COVID vaccine in exchange for money.

                            The idea comes from U.S. businessman John Delaney, a former Democratic congressman for Maryland who also ran for president in 2020.

                            “We have to create, in my judgment, an incentive for people to really accelerate their thinking about taking the vaccine,” Delaney said.

                            To execute the plan, the government could create a system where people would receive a number once they were vaccinated. Once they enter that along with their Social Security number, they would receive a check.

                            I am not sure who instructed Delaney to float this idea out to the public, but it reads like a carefully worded script, as it included the obligatory terminology to try and calm the public’s fears that the vaccine will not be “mandatory.”

                            “If you’re still afraid of the vaccine and don’t want to take it, that’s your right,” Delaney said. “You won’t participate in this program.”

                            Not “this program,” but after “this program” is complete and people have sold their souls for $1500, what will be the next “program” to vaccinate the remainder of those who “don’t want to take it?”

                            • CDC-COVID-19-Immunity-Card

                              'Immunity Cards' To Be Issued To All Americans! Enable CDC To Track COVID-19 Vaccination Status In Database

                              On Wednesday the Department of Defense released the first images of a COVID-19 vaccination record card as well as vaccination kits, according to CNN.

                              “Everyone will be issued a written card that they can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when their next dose is due,” says Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition.

                              “Let’s do the simple, easy thing first. Everyone’s going to get that.”

                              What’s more, vaccination clinics will also report to their state immunization registries which vaccine was given so that third parties can verify one’s vaccination status regardless of what their card says (or if they’ve lost it).

                              • PCR-Cotton-Swab-Test

                                Are Cotton Swab PCR Tests Secretly Injecting Vaccines to Combat "Vaccine Hesitancy"?

                                Concern is growing that an innovative nanotech device developed at Johns Hopkins University may be used to secretly deliver the COVID19 vaccine to those people who are “vaccine hesitant.”

                                Certainly, the technology is real, but is their any merit to such a claim?

                                Patrick Smith (November 25, 2020) writing for explains:

                                “Inspired by a parasitic worm that digs its sharp teeth into its host’s intestines, Johns Hopkins researchers have designed tiny, star-shaped microdevices that can latch onto intestinal mucosa and release drugs into the body.”

                                Called “theragrippers” these tiny devices are made of metal and a thin, shape-changing film. They are coated in heat-sensitive paraffin wax and each is no bigger than a speck of dust.

                                Even the inventors of this microtechnology admit it can potentially transport any drug and release it gradually into your body and you won’t even know anything about it.

                                What reason would there be to engage in mass deception to secretly deliver a vaccine to defeat the coronavirus pandemic?

                                Surveys have been revealing a marked drop in public confidence that vaccines are really worth the risk.

                                In 2019, the World Health Organization listed vaccine hesitancy as a top ten threat to global health. Only half of surveyed American adults would receive a coronavirus vaccine if it were available today.  That number is down precipitously from over 70 percent since May 2020.

                                But all such reluctance against the COVID jab will be in vain if a vaccine can be delivered by stealth merely when anyone takes the now ubiquitous PCR swab test. The claim is that the dust-sized “theragrippers” can be implanted in the tips of PCR test swabs and be delivered to the innocent ”victim.”

                                • Pfizer-Experimental-vaccine

                                  Pfizer’s Experimental Covid-19 Vaccine—What You’re Not Being Told

                                  Pfizer’s long history of scandals, and the fact that they have never been held to account for their crimes, continues to be ignored by the media, even as its experimental mRNA vaccine candidate for Covid-19 draws ever closer to US government approval.

                                  The vaccine information war has kicked up a gear, and the mainstream media vultures are circling to descend on any content that they can easily label and dismiss as misinformation. Laws will be passed throughout legislatures globally to criminalise anyone who publicly misunderstands any part of the complex biological processes involved in many of the new experimental vaccine technologies that are being used to produce Covid-19 vaccine candidates.

                                  Even now, intelligence agencies and intelligence-backed tech companies are set to deploy sophisticated methods to censor content and deplatform news websites that they view as promoting ‘vaccine hesitancy’ as well as ‘vaccine misinformation’, particularly as a Covid-19 vaccine candidate lurches closer to approval.

                                  So here I’ll examine the DNA manipulating method, the vaccine, the people behind the research and development at BioNTech, but most important, I’ll examine Pfizer, and look at how the company has avoided accountability when things go wrong—and things do go wrong at Pfizer.

                                  • Pfizer-COVID-Vaccine

                                    BREAKING! UK First to Approve Pfizer COVID Vaccine as Former Head of Pfizer Research Says Vaccine Can Make Females Infertile

                                    In breaking news today, the U.K. became the first country to issue emergency authorization for Pfizer’s new COVID vaccine, with the first doses being delivered “immediately” and injections expected to begin in the U.K. next week.

                                    FiercePharma reports:

                                    “Pfizer and BioNTech have made history.

                                    The two companies’ BNT162b2 has become the first COVID-19 vaccine allowed in the Western world as drug regulators in the U.K. doled out an emergency use authorization on Wednesday, ahead of decisions by the U.S. and Europe, which are expected soon.

                                    For the broader vaccine world, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s decision means the world now has the first mRNA shot authorized for widespread use, opening up a brand-new chapter for vaccine development.”

                                    This announcement today comes one day AFTER an emergency STAY OF ACTION was filed with the European Medicines Agency by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and Dr. Michael Yeadon, the former head of Pfizer research.

                                    This STAY OF ACTION is very similar to the one filed last week with the FDA in the U.S. by Dr. Sin Hang Lee, and demands that clinical trials be STOPPED until there is an accurate testing mechanism in place to correctly identify SARS-CoV-2, since the PCR test is very inaccurate.

                                    Dr. Yeadon, the former head of Pfizer research, also went public recently in a viral video recording where he states that the COVID Pandemic is over, and that it is being kept alive by false narratives using the faulty PCR tests.

                                    In their STAY OF ACTION filed yesterday, one day BEFORE the U.K. issued emergency use authorization, Dr. Yeadon stated that this vaccine can make females infertile.

                                    Time is short now, especially for those of you in the U.K., as the vaccine is in route and will be deployed very soon.

                                    Like sheep being led to the slaughter, those who believe the Corporate Media narrative and fear for their lives from COVID, will line up to get this vaccine.

                                    The only thing stopping them from literally taking the “mark of the beast” with this new vaccine, is YOU!

                                    • Dr-christiane-northrup

                                      Dr. Northrup Discusses "Worst Case Scenarios" with New COVID Vaccine Dangers

                                      Vaxxed film director Polly Tomney interviewed Dr. Christiane Northrup a few weeks ago about the new planned COVID vaccines.

                                      Dr. Northrup is apparently a target of the Big Tech and Big Pharma censors, as Polly states at the beginning of the interview they had decided NOT to announce this interview in advance in hopes of getting it out to the public more before it was taken down.

                                      It is a hard interview to find online, but we found a copy, and we have published the first half of the interview that deals specifically with the COVID vaccines in the pipeline.

                                      Please note that there are literally hundreds of new COVID vaccines in the pipeline, and that Dr. Northrup is discussing the “worst case” scenarios here, specifically for the new class of DNA COVID vaccines that are being developed with nanotechnology.

                                      So while the first vaccines that are distributed may not have all the aspects that Dr. Northrup discusses here (although they may!), everything she discusses is backed up by facts that are easily referenced and verifiable, such as specific patents and technologies that are already being developed.

                                      This is part of the transhumanism agenda, which itself is very well documented, including here at Health Impact News. The technology now exists to have complete control over individuals by injecting them with these nano-particles, where they can monitor everyone’s activity from what you ate that day, to whom you slept with, everywhere you go, and so much more.

                                      And that’s if you survive horrible side effects of the vaccine.

                                      Doctors like Dr. Northrup and Dr. Igor Shepherd, whom we featured in yesterday’s article, are putting their careers and even their lives on the line to get this information out to the public. That’s how important this information is!

                                      • dr.-igor-shepherd

                                        COVID Vaccines "Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction" says Wyoming Medical Doctor and Manager for Wyoming’s State Public Health Department

                                        Dr. Igor Shepherd is a medical doctor/manager for Wyoming’s State Public Health Department/Preparedness Unit, and is on the Covid response team.

                                        I was able to have a conversation with Dr. Shepherd after he did a talk for “Keep Colorado Free and Open.”

                                        Dr. Shepherd wrote to me, and I was able to get a copy of his important talk. He has taken great risk to do this talk about the horrors of this new ‘Covid-19’ vaccine, so I recommend that all watch and listen.

                                        It is a fairly long talk and questions are answered at the end, but it is worth every minute of your time.

                                        He calls them “Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction.”

                                        Dr. Shepherd was born and raised in the Soviet Union, and became a Military Doctor in St. Petersburg, Russia, and studied under the Strategic Rocket Force.

                                        He is an expert today on bio-weapons, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and high yield Explosives,(CBRNE) and Pandemic preparedness.

                                        His view is that these vaccines are very similar technology to the bio-weapon RND used to develop viral weapons. He fully understands that the plan of depopulation and mandatory vaccinations will be at our doorstep very soon, and is shocked that the American people are so passive concerning this enemy takeover.

                                        He believes that this fake pandemic is the means by which a communist global government will be ushered into existence; one that cannot be voted out.

                                        • CDC-data-total-deaths

                                          Statistics Show that the Number of People who Died in the U.S. in 2020 will be the SAME as Previous Years, in Spite of COVID

                                          The COVID19 scam of 2020 is quickly unraveling, as more and more people are waking up to the fact that the public has been lied to when it comes to COVID19, and the government actions taken in the name of COVID that have destroyed so many lives have been completely unnecessary, as millions of people around the world now are taking to the streets and demanding their freedom from COVID medical tyranny.

                                          The PCR test, which is the main test used to determine if someone is COVID positive or not, is now universally accepted by top scientists around the world as being a faulty test.

                                          It has also been widely reported now that doctors and hospitals have used this faulty test to label people as “positive COVID cases” even if they do not show any symptoms of COVID or being sick. Hospitals have a financial incentive to label someone as “COVID positive” as well.

                                          Earlier this month (November, 2020) I reported how the CDC, in an unprecedented move, largely stopped tracking cases of influenza for the 2020-2021 flu season.

                                          So when people die of cancer, heart disease, and many other historical leading causes of death in the U.S., but test positive for COVID and are then claimed as a “COVID death,” we would expect to see only a slight increase of overall deaths nationwide over the course of time, or no increase of deaths at all, depending on how widespread the scam really is.

                                          Well, as we draw near to the end of 2020 many people are now crunching the numbers, and when 2020 closes out, about the same amount of people will have died in the U.S. this year as 2019, and 2018, and 2017.

                                          If you are waiting for an actual increase in deaths over the course of a time period, like a fiscal or calendar year, then you’re going to have to wait until next year, after the COVID vaccine is injected into BILLIONS of people, because then we will see REAL increases in deaths.

                                          And that’s been the goal all along.

                                          • London Protestor

                                            LONDON OUTRAGE! Massive Police Brutality Recorded with Attacks Against Peaceful Protesters Over COVID Restrictions

                                            The citizens of London were strictly ordered NOT to protest outdoors on Saturday, November 28, 2020.

                                            Tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, disobeyed their government and took to the streets in peaceful protests over new COVID restrictions. (The “official” corporate media report is that “300-400” turned out to protest. Watch the video below to see for yourself.)

                                            And the police responded. They ganged up and assaulted women, old men, and others.

                                            The corporate media is reporting “over 60” were arrested, but other reports state “hundreds” were arrested.

                                            Their crime? Walking in parks and on public streets. That’s it. 

                                            Words cannot describe what I have seen in recordings filmed during the protests in London earlier today and posted on Social Media.

                                            I grabbed as many of these video clips as I could as Twitter seemed to be deleting them as fast as I was downloading them.

                                            Watch for yourself.

                                            • Stop-Experimental-COVID-vaccine

                                              "Stay of Action" Filed Against FDA to STOP Approval of COVID Vaccine for Using Faulty PCR Tests in Trials

                                              An ADMINISTRATIVE STAY OF ACTION has been filed with the Department of Health and Human Services and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the new Pfizer COVID vaccine that has been submitted for “emergency use authorization” (EUA).

                                              It is widely expected that the FDA is going to grant EUA fast-track approval to Pfizer’s experimental COVID vaccine within days.

                                              The STAY OF ACTION is a Petition for Administrative Action Regarding Confirmation of Efficacy End Points of Phase III Clinical Trials of COVID19 Vaccines.

                                              The STAY OF ACTION is based upon the faulty PCR tests that were used in the vaccine trials:

                                              “Before an EUA or unrestricted license is issued for the Pfizer vaccine, or for other vaccines for which PCR results are the primary evidence of infection, all “endpoints” or COVID-19 cases used to determine vaccine efficacy in the Phase 3 or 2/3 trials should have their infection status confirmed by Sanger sequencing, given the high cycle thresholds used in some trials…. PCR test results have been widely acknowledged to lead to false positives.”

                                              The Petitioner of this ADMINISTRATIVE STAY OF ACTION is Dr. Sin Hang Lee, a pathologist and founder of Milford Molecular Diagnostics, a CLIA-certified diagnostic laboratory in Milford, Connecticut.

                                              Dr. Lee is a world-renowned expert on DNA sequencing-based diagnostics. He has trained and taught in some of the world’s most prestigious institutions and has published scores of scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals.

                                              • Modern Hospital Room. Hospital Bed In Clean And Modern Hospital.

                                                Are Hospitals Really Over-Crowded due to COVID Sick Patients?

                                                As governors and health departments across the U.S. try to justify a second round of lockdowns in the name of COVID, the corporate media is once again proclaiming that hospitals across the U.S. are being overwhelmed by the COVID “pandemic.”

                                                Since the corporate pharma-funded media got caught lying numerous times about over-crowded hospitals with alleged COVID patients the first time around back in March and April of this year, it is only prudent that we examine these claims and question the images they are broadcasting to see if they are in fact publishing the truth.

                                                But, a COVID vaccine that most Americans don’t want, and that NO American needs since there is already a 100% cure rate for COVID patients, will soon be distributed by the military as part of President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed program.

                                                We are now only weeks away from the first doses being distributed, and as we reported yesterday, doctors are already trying to condition the public to expect side effects to this vaccine.

                                                This will be the first RNA type of vaccine to be tested on the public. Bill Gates and his team, which includes most of the government “health” officials who are overseeing this, including Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, CDC Director Robert Redfield, and Moncef Slaoui, the Chief of Operation Warp Speed, have worked together for more than a decade trying to develop an RNA vaccine for HIV, unsuccessfully.

                                                But with FDA fast-track approval for “emergency use,” their goals are finally within reach.

                                                So who will be among the first groups of people to get this new, experimental vaccine?

                                                Medical staff working at hospitals will be among the first to receive it, and if many of them become sick or injured as a result, along with many in the population, then we will see REAL crowding at hospitals across the U.S., which in turn will probably be blamed on COVID.

                                                The only thing that will stop much of this at this point, is massive public resistance.

                                                • Covid-19 Corona Virus 2019-ncov Vaccine Vials Medicine Drug Bott

                                                  Doctors Urge the CDC to Make the Public Aware of Painful Side Effects of Experimental COVID-19 Vaccines

                                                  A group of doctors is urging the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to make the public aware of the painful side effects that will come with the experimental COVID-19 vaccines that have been rushed through the testing process.

                                                  Dr. Sandra Fryhofer of the American Medical Association (AMA) is worried that lying to the public will cause them not to pursue the full COVID-19 vaccine treatment, which is expected to take at least two doses.

                                                  “We really need to make patients aware that this is not going to be a walk in the park,” Fryhofer said during a virtual meeting with the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), a group of outside medical experts tasked with advising the CDC. “They are going to know they had a vaccine. They are probably not going to feel wonderful. But they’ve got to come back for that second dose.”

                                                  Dr. Nancy Messonnier, who works as director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, says their agency is working on providing a guidance of sorts for health care officials about the side-effects of the COVID-19 vaccines.

                                                  However, the CDC does not seem too concerned about educating the public about the dangers of these experimental vaccines. Big League Politics reported months ago on how initial guinea pigs for these shots experienced horrific side effects.

                                                  • Anastasiya-Pavlova

                                                    Vaccinated Children Are Sicker, Study Shows

                                                    Breaking science news: Vaccinated children are sicker than their unvaccinated peers, according to a landmark new study on vaccine safety: “Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination.”

                                                    James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D. and Paul Thomas, M.D.’s analysis is scrupulous and thorough. They analyzed the data several different ways to account for potentially confounding factors, such as an increasing tendency to avoid vaccination. They compared the new metric (RIOV) with the old measure of incidence. And they found that the new method correlates well but is more sensitive, thus more likely to reveal a true negative effect than the old one.

                                                    So what did Drs. Lyons-Weiler and Thomas find?

                                                    The results: cumulative office visits for asthma, allergic rhinitis, breathing issues, behavioral issues, ADHD, respiratory infection, otitis media, ear pain, other infections, eye disorders, eczema, and dermatitis were all much higher in vaccinated children than unvaccinated children.

                                                    In even the most conservative analysis, the study finds statistically significant elevated risks of anemia and respiratory virus infection in the vaccinated children.

                                                    • Ben-Swann-dr.-Fuellmich

                                                      German Lawsuit Against "FactCheckers" Will Force Them To Prove Legitimacy of COVID Tests

                                                      We have previously published the work of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, an attorney based out of Germany. In an interview last month, October, 2020, Dr. Fuellmich stated that those behind what he refers to as the “Corona Scandal” have committed crimes against humanity, and that those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages.

                                                      Dr. Fuellmich was recently interviewed by journalist Ben Swann of to discuss his latest lawsuit against the Facebook “FactCheckers.”

                                                      This is a defamation lawsuit, since Dr. Fuellmich works with many scientists and doctors in Europe who have been censored because they do not promote the Globalists’ narrative on COVID. This includes the doctor we featured in yesterday’s newsletter, Dr. Michael Yeadon, the former Pfizer Chief Science Officer.

                                                      The plaintiff in Dr. Fuellmich’s lawsuit against the FactCheckers is Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, who 12 years ago exposed the fraud behind the “Swine Flu.” He was a member of the German Parliament at the time, as well as a member of the Council of Europe.

                                                      Today, Dr. Wodarg’s criticisms of the PCR tests which are being used to lockdown the world over COVID, are being censored by these “FactCheckers.”

                                                      So Dr. Fuellmich believes that their lawsuit against these “FactCheckers” will put the burden of proof on them to prove that the PCR test is accurate, and that this lawsuit can then be used as a template for similar lawsuits in other countries around the world.

                                                      • david-nabarro

                                                        If You Are Advocating for Lockdowns and Complying, You Are Complicit with MASS MURDER

                                                        Those advocating for lockdowns have seen the destruction and death that those policies have wrought this year and we are living through that right now.

                                                        Not only are people being deprived of their livelihoods and forced into grinding poverty as a direct result of these shutdowns, but now the undeniable truth is that if you are advocating for lockdowns, you are advocating for some portion of the population to be consigned to death.

                                                        This is no longer debatable. It is even openly admitted—although months too late by the World Health Organization.

                                                        If you have managed to retain your sanity during this time of widespread insanity, I applaud you and wish to assure you that you are not alone. Many, many people all around the world are defying orders. They are protesting against these lockdowns. They are standing up. They are disobeying.

                                                        But of course the corporate controlled press don’t want you to know that disobedience is an option on the table and they will not report on this. But disobedience is an option. Open your business. Leave your home. Do not ask for permission. Disobey.

                                                        To those who are still advocating for lockdowns, I encourage you to do so to the face of those parents who have lost their teenage children due to suicide as a direct result of the shutdowns and tell them that their child’s death doesn’t matter because it wasn’t listed as being due to COVID-19. Or do so to the face of the tens of thousands of others who have already lost loved ones as a direct result of these shutdown or the hundreds of thousands more who will die as long as these lockdowns endure.

                                                        If you are advocating for lockdowns, you are complicit in tearing families apart. You are complicit in inflicting untold suffering on millions of people around the world. You are complicit in casting the poorest and most vulnerable in our societies into even further grinding poverty. You are complicit in murder.

                                                        • CicP

                                                          How Will the Injuries and Deaths from Hundreds of Millions of Experimental COVID Vaccines be Compensated?

                                                          Even before COVID became part of our life here in 2020, very few Americans even knew that a law was passed in 1986 that allowed pharmaceutical companies to not be sued in civil court for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines.

                                                          Prior to 1986, the pharmaceutical companies were being sued in court so often from vaccine injuries and deaths, that they threatened to stop producing vaccines unless Congress gave them legal immunity.

                                                          Congress obliged, and then President Ronald Reagan signed the bill into law. After the new law was in place, a special Vaccine Court was setup by the federal government, and one had to sue for damages due to vaccine injuries and deaths in this special court under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP).

                                                          To date, BILLIONS of dollars in damages have been paid out to those who have suffered harm and to families who had children die from vaccines, and Health Impact News publishes the quarterly reports from the DOJ listing these settlements, and this information is suppressed as “fake news” even though the source is the U.S. Government.

                                                          So here we are on the eve of the roll out of hundreds of millions of doses of a new experimental COVID vaccine that has never been in the market yet, and where there will most assuredly be deaths and injuries caused by the side effects.

                                                          How will the Vaccine Court handle all these claims that will inevitably result with widespread massive distribution of an experimental vaccine?

                                                          They won’t. Anyone injured or killed by a COVID vaccine will be covered under a different program, the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).

                                                          Wayne Rohde, author of the book “The Vaccine Court,” explains the difference between the two programs.

                                                          In short, if you are injured or have someone killed by one of the new experimental COVID vaccines, expect to pay all of your expenses out-of-pocket, because your life is not worth much to the U.S. Government, and they are asking the public to sacrifice themselves for “the greater good” to stop a virus that there is not even an accurate test that can identify it.

                                                          • Dr.-Mike-Yeadon

                                                            "Pandemic is Over" - Former Pfizer Chief Science Officer Says "Second Wave" Faked On False-Positive COVID Tests

                                                            This video provides one of the most erudite and informative looks at Covid-19 and the consequences of lockdowns. As AIER notes, it was remarkable this week to watch as it appeared on YouTube and was forcibly taken down only 2 hours after posting.

                                                            In a year of fantastic educational content, this is one of the best we’ve seen.

                                                            Dr. Michael Yeadon is an Allergy & Respiratory Therapeutic Area expert with 23 years in the pharmaceutical industry. He trained as a biochemist and pharmacologist, obtaining his PhD from the University of Surrey (UK) in 1988.

                                                            Joining Pfizer in 1995, he was responsible for the growth and portfolio delivery of the Allergy & Respiratory pipeline within the company. He was responsible for target selection and the progress into humans of new molecules, leading teams of up to 200 staff across all disciplines and won an Achievement Award for productivity in 2008.

                                                            Dr. Yeadon has published over 40 original research articles and now consults and partners with a number of biotechnology companies. Before working with Apellis, Dr. Yeadon was VP and Chief Scientific Officer (Allergy & Respiratory Research) with Pfizer.

                                                            What likely triggered the Silicon Valley censor-mongers is the fact that a former Chief Science Officer for the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer says “there is no science to suggest a second wave should happen.” The “Big Pharma” insider asserts that false positive results from inherently unreliable COVID tests are being used to manufacture a “second wave” based on “new cases.”

                                                            • Vera-Sharav

                                                              Vera Sharav Holocaust Survivor: America is at a Crossroads - Defy Authority or Become Like Nazi Germany

                                                              This is Part 2 of the interview with Vera Sharav by Stand for Health Freedom. The title of Part 1 was:

                                                              Holocaust Survivor: I Saved my Own Life by being “Oppositional Defiant” – Americans are not Rebelling Against Things that are Wrong!

                                                              In this Part 2 interview, Vera explains how eugenics came to Nazi Germany from the U.S., and is still around today.

                                                              She discusses the dangers of vaccines, and answers the question: Who bears the responsibility if your child is injured?

                                                              She urges parents need to rebel against mandated vaccines. She compares this rebellion to Martin Luther King Jr.’s rebellion for Blacks.

                                                              She discusses how foster children from 1985 to 2005 were used for HIV research, after they were medically kidnapped from their families.

                                                              She warns that America is at a crossroads, and that if people do not stop blindly obeying authority, that the U.S. will very soon be just like Nazi Germany was in WWII, as she sees the same things happening here in the U.S. now.

                                                              • Americans-Resist-COVID-Tyranny

                                                                "WE WILL NOT COMPLY!" - Americans from Coast to Coast Defy COVID Orders

                                                                Yesterday we reported how many law enforcement officials across the nation have stated that they will not enforce new COVID orders from governors.

                                                                The question I posed in the headline was, “Will the public follow?”

                                                                Early indications are they will! Apparently many people are fed up with the ongoing unending COVID orders that are literally destroying lives, and they are making it very clear that they will NOT comply this time!

                                                                In a video that has gone viral on YouTube, business owners in Buffalo, New York, had gathered at an Orchard Park gym to discuss what to do with the state’s new COVID orders, when the Health Department showed up along with two armed Sheriff Deputies in bullet-proof vests from the Erie County Sheriff’s Office to try to enforce Cuomo’s new COVID orders.

                                                                The business owners do not recognize the authority of either the Health Department or law enforcement, and tell them to come back once there is a law and they have a warrant, and told them to get off their property because they were trespassing.

                                                                When they do not leave, they start chanting GET OUT and they leave the building. Standing in the parking lot, they continue demanding that they leave and start chanting: WE WILL NOT COMPLY!

                                                                Faced with opposition, non-violent opposition at that, the tyrants leave.

                                                                In California, Governor Newsom, who was in hot water with the corporate media last week for being caught on camera in a restaurant with many other people breaking his own COVID orders, became the first governor in the U.S. this week to attempt to impose a COVID curfew, forbidding people to be outdoors between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m.

                                                                How’s that working out for you Komrad Newsom?

                                                                Watch the video of people in San Clemente and Huntington Beach letting Newsom know what they think of his curfew!

                                                                • facebook-lawsuit-feature-1024x534

                                                                  Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Files Amended Complaint in Lawsuit Against Facebook and "Fact Checkers"

                                                                  The amendment details allegations about how Facebook accomplishes its censorship of CHD’s page through its surrogate “fact-checkers,” who are neither “independent” nor objective, and why this agency relationship cannot insulate Facebook from liability under the federal Communications Decency Act, Section 230.

                                                                  • Facebook Danish Study

                                                                    Facebook's "Fact Checkers" Call Danish Study on Facemasks in Annals of Internal Medicine Journal "False"

                                                                    On Wednesday, scientists in Demark published a “revolutionary” study that demonstrates mask-wearing does very little to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. By Friday, an Oxford University professor, citing the study in an article published on The Spectator, reported that he was flagged by Facebook for “false information” as he attempted to repost the article on the social media platform. 

                                                                    Before we begin, we want to remind readers that hours after the study’s publication in Annals of Internal Medicine, titled “Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearer,” we asked a straightforward question of how social media companies would respond to these new developments. 

                                                                    Well, that answer quickly appeared as director of the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University Carl Heneghan tweeted Friday that his article titled “Landmark Danish study finds no significant effect for facemask wearers,” citing the new study, was flagged as false information by Facebook. 

                                                                    • Sacramento-County-Sheriff-Scott-Jones-on-Fox-News

                                                                      Law Enforcement Across the U.S. Overwhelmingly REFUSING to Enforce COVID Orders - Will the Public Follow?

                                                                      As literally millions of people take to the streets all across Europe to protest new COVID orders as many face a second “lockdown” this year in the name of COVID, there is growing evidence that as states in the U.S. try to order more people to obey their edicts as the U.S. also heads towards a second lockdown, that law enforcement simply is going to refuse to enforce these orders this time around.

                                                                      Why? Because they are too busy enforcing real laws and chasing down real criminals, than to worry about who is in your home for Thanksgiving, or if you are walking around outside without a face mask, etc.

                                                                      The vast majority of the U.S. public seems to still get their information from the corporate media controlled by the Globalists, so will enough of the public wake up to the fact that all of these COVID orders are NOT laws, and are legally unenforceable?

                                                                      The American public appears to be sufficiently uneducated enough today to not even understand what a “law” is anymore. A new law is made when someone in the legislature proposes a “bill” which then must pass both houses of the legislature, which is the government body tasked with making “laws,” and then signed into law by the executive branch, either the Governor at the state level, or the President at the national level.

                                                                      The executive branch can issue “orders,” but the issuance of an “order” does not automatically make it either “legal,” or “enforceable.” Not even during a “pandemic.”

                                                                      Since these COVID “orders” by Governors are supposedly in the name of “emergency health orders” related to COVID, it appears that most of the country’s law enforcement agencies are waking up to the fact that these Governors just mostly want more control, especially when they themselves do not even follow their own orders, and these orders actually have little or nothing to do with “health,” and are therefore refusing to enforce them.

                                                                      • Cute Children Boy And Girl In Medical Mask Stay Home On Quaranti

                                                                        4-Year-Old Almost Dies due to Lung Infection Caused by Prolonged Mask Wearing - Doctor Rants "How Many Children Must Die?"

                                                                        How long are parents going to continue masking their children causing great harm to them, even to the point of risking their lives?

                                                                        Dr. Eric Nepute in St. Louis took time to record a video rant that he wants everyone to share, after the 4-year-old child of one of his patients almost died from a bacterial lung infection caused by prolonged mask use.

                                                                        He states: “The system is set up to kill people right now.”

                                                                        • Ben-Garrison-Masks-Cartoon

                                                                          Danish Study Finally Published: Face Masks Provide No Statistically Significant Benefit Against COVID-19

                                                                          The much-vaunted Danish mask study was finally published today in the prestigious Annals of Internal Medicine. Now we know why three medical journals were so averse to publishing its findings. The study completely obliterates the cultish devotion to masks. The results of this massive real-life controlled experiment show that the group that wore surgical masks in April experienced a 0.38% lower infection rate than the control group that did not wear masks. That is about one-third of one percent, which is so low that it could just be statistically random variances that demonstrate no definitive efficacy even to that infinitesimal level.

                                                                          • covid-protests-berlin-2020-1558x900

                                                                            CENSORED in U.S. - Millions Across Europe Protest New Lockdowns

                                                                            As the U.S. media continues to focus on the election aftermath, millions of people across Europe are protesting against the second round of lockdowns that are destroying lives and jobs. This is being censored in the U.S. media, of course.

                                                                            As the U.S. begins new lockdown measures in many states using the fake “cases” that are said to be increasing, will U.S. Citizens also take to the streets to protest the destruction of their lives and jobs, even if it means they might be arrested?

                                                                            Or will they continue sitting at home in isolation watching the corporate media propaganda and trusting in the TV “doctors”?

                                                                            • Dr.-Roger-Hodkinson

                                                                              Top Pathologist Claims Coronavirus is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public”

                                                                              Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told government officials in Alberta during a zoom conference call that the current coronavirus crisis is “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.”

                                                                              Hodkinson’s comments were made during a discussion involving the Community and Public Services Committee and the clip was subsequently uploaded to YouTube.

                                                                              Noting that he was also an expert in virology, Hodkinson pointed out that his role as CEO of a biotech company that manufactures COVID tests means, “I might know a little bit about all this.”

                                                                              “There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians, it’s outrageous, this is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public,” said Hodkinson.

                                                                              The doctor said that nothing could be done to stop the spread of the virus besides protecting older more vulnerable people and that the whole situation represented “politics playing medicine, and that’s a very dangerous game.”

                                                                              Hodkinson remarked that “social distancing is useless because COVID is spread by aerosols which travel 30 meters or so before landing,” as he called for society to be re-opened immediately to prevent the debilitating damage being caused by lockdowns.

                                                                              Hodkinson also slammed mandatory mask mandates as completely pointless.

                                                                              “Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence base for their effectiveness whatsoever,” he said.

                                                                              • General-Gus-Perna-Operation-Warp-Speed

                                                                                Operation Warp Speed Reveals COVID Vaccine Distribution Plan by Military: "All of America Must Receive the Vaccine Within 24 Hours" After FDA Fast-track Approval

                                                                                While the nation continues to be fixated on the aftermath of the U.S. Presidential elections, the news of which is dominating BOTH the Corporate Pharma-funded media, and the Alternative media, a far more significant public briefing occurred in Washington D.C. yesterday that seems to have “slipped through the cracks” of media coverage.

                                                                                And perhaps this was intentional.

                                                                                This briefing concerned Operation Warp Speed, and the presenters were Army Gen. Gustave F. Perna, chief operations officer for Operation Warp Speed, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex M. Azar II, and Dr. Moncef Slaoui, chief advisor for Operation Warp Speed.

                                                                                You can watch the entire briefing on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services YouTube channel here. We will also upload a copy to the Health Impact News Bitchute channel, just in case it disappears.

                                                                                The entire briefing is 55 minutes long, but we have lifted out a 2-minute segment from General Gustave Perna’s presentation with something he said that should concern all Americans.

                                                                                Quote from General Perna:

                                                                                “Two things we must have.

                                                                                One, upon emergency use authorization (by the FDA), all of America must receive the vaccine within 24 hours.

                                                                                I think this is incredibly important. Fair and equitable distribution of the vaccine throughout the country, simultaneously.

                                                                                There is no haves and have nots. It is an equitable distribution, and we are driving hard to make sure that happens.”

                                                                                • Coronavirus Test. Hand In Gloves Holds A Test Tube With A Corona

                                                                                  Don’t Believe the COVID Case Numbers: It’s a Scam

                                                                                  I’ve been saying this for 9 months. Don’t believe the COVID case numbers. It’s a wall-to-wall scam.

                                                                                  The situation we’re facing is urgent right now. Red flags. Alarm bells.

                                                                                  Politicians all over the US and the world are using “rising case numbers” to drive people back into lockdowns.

                                                                                  The news media are trumpeting these reports of case numbers.

                                                                                  THE CASE NUMBERS COME FROM THE TESTS. AND FROM EYEBALL DIAGNOSIS.

                                                                                  Eyeball diagnosis can mean a doctor observes the patient has a cough, or chills and fever. That’s all. That’s all a doctor needs to make a diagnosis of COVID. That’s a case number. Ridiculous? Of course it’s ridiculous. It’s a con. Brought to you by the CDC.

                                                                                  The PCR test, as I’ve explained dozens of times, spits out false-positives like waterfalls. It’s set up to do exactly that.

                                                                                  Increase testing and you automatically get rising case numbers. That’s the real reason for pushing expanded testing.

                                                                                  And there you have the scam in a nutshell.

                                                                                  The fascist public health agencies and the politicians WANT lockdowns. They know the only way to justify the lockdowns is to claim rising case numbers.

                                                                                  • Portuguese-Court-Rules-PCR-Tests-As-Unreliable-Unlawful-To-Quarantine-People

                                                                                    Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests As Unreliable & Unlawful To Quarantine People

                                                                                    A Portuguese appeals court has ruled that PCR tests are unreliable and that it is unlawful to quarantine people based solely on a PCR test.

                                                                                    The court stated, the test’s reliability depends on the number of cycles used and the viral load present. Citing Jaafar et al. 2020, the court concludes that:

                                                                                    if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the rule in most laboratories in Europe and the US), the probability that said person is infected is less than 3%, and the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%.

                                                                                    • COVID_passport

                                                                                      UK Citizens Could Be Banned From Going Into Work Without Proof Of COVID Vaccination

                                                                                      UK workers could find themselves banned from pubs, restaurants, and possibly even the workplace if they refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine, according to a senior MP.

                                                                                      Speaking with HuffPost UK’s Commons People podcast, as noted by Metro, Conservative Tom Tugendhat has warned that he could ‘certainly see the day’ when proof of vaccination was required to return to normal life.

                                                                                      ‘If vaccination works and if we’re confident it’s safe, and all indications so far are good, then I can certainly see the day when businesses say: “Look, you’ve got to return to the office and if you’re not vaccinated you’re not coming in,”‘ he added.

                                                                                      “And I can certainly see social venues asking for vaccination certificates.”

                                                                                      • Polly-and-Mary-Holland

                                                                                        Pfizer and Moderna COVID Vaccine Results NOT based on Peer-Reviewed Science - ZERO Liability to Companies if Vaccine Kills or Injures due to FDA Fast-track Approval

                                                                                        VAXXED film producer Polly Tomney and attorney Mary Holland of Children’s Health Defense discuss the two most recent COVID vaccine press releases from Pfizer and Moderna which both claimed over “90% effective” and just what this means. 

                                                                                        Because these vaccines are expected to apply for FDA fast-track approval due to the COVID “emergency,” they do not go through the same peer-reviewed process, and if the vaccines end up injuring or killing anyone, they are immune from any legal liability.

                                                                                        • Tom Woods

                                                                                          The COVID Cult: Greatest Public Health Fiasco in the History of the World

                                                                                          This is the greatest public health fiasco in the history of the world, and the media has distorted it so badly, that much of the general public is celebrating villains and hissing at heroes. And, even — perversely enough — celebrating the destruction of their own lives and their children’s lives.

                                                                                          • denmark-protests

                                                                                            Forced Vaccination Law in Denmark Abandoned After Public Protests

                                                                                            The ‘epidemic law’ would have handed the Danish government the power to enact mandatory quarantine measures against anyone infected with a dangerous disease, but it was the part about vaccinations that caused the biggest uproar.

                                                                                            “The Danish Health Authority would be able to define groups of people who must be vaccinated in order to contain and eliminate a dangerous disease,” reports the Local.

                                                                                            “People who refuse the above can – in some situations – be coerced through physical detainment, with police allowed to assist.”

                                                                                            However, after nine straight days of protests against the new law, it has now been scrapped.

                                                                                            • vaccine-injuires-and-deaths-1024x620-censored-300x181

                                                                                              Are Websites Critical of Vaccines About to be Wiped Off the Internet as a New COVID Vaccine Becomes Available?

                                                                                              British and American state intelligence agencies are “weaponizing truth” to quash vaccine hesitancy as both nations prepare for mass inoculations, in a recently announced “cyber war” to be commanded by AI-powered arbiters of truth against information sources that challenge official narratives.

                                                                                              In just the past week, the national-security states of the United States and United Kingdom have discreetly let it be known that the cyber tools and online tactics previously designed for use in the post-9/11 “war on terror” are now being repurposed for use against information sources promoting “vaccine hesitancy” and information related to Covid-19 that runs counter to their state narratives.

                                                                                              A new cyber offensive was launched on Monday by the UK’s signal intelligence agency, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), which seeks to target websites that publish content deemed to be “propaganda” that raises concerns regarding state-sponsored Covid-19 vaccine development and the multi-national pharmaceutical corporations involved.

                                                                                              Similar efforts are underway in the United States, with the US military recently funding a CIA-backed firm—stuffed with former counterterrorism officials who were behind the occupation of Iraq and the rise of the so-called Islamic State—to develop an AI algorithm aimed specifically at new websites promoting “suspected” disinformation related to the Covid-19 crisis and the US military–led Covid-19 vaccination effort known as Operation Warp Speed.

                                                                                              Both countries are preparing to silence independent journalists who raise legitimate concerns over pharmaceutical industry corruption or the extreme secrecy surrounding state-sponsored Covid-19 vaccination efforts, now that Pfizer’s vaccine candidate is slated to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by month’s end.

                                                                                              Essentially, the power of the state is being wielded like never before to police online speech and to deplatform news websites to protect the interests of powerful corporations like Pfizer and other scandal-ridden pharmaceutical giants as well as the interests of the US and UK national-security states, which themselves are intimately involved in the Covid-19 vaccination endeavor.

                                                                                              • declining-covid-cases-vaccine

                                                                                                How They Will Make the COVID Vaccine Appear to be Working

                                                                                                I’ve described how the major clinical trials of the COVID vaccine are designed to prevent nothing more than a cough, or chills and fever.

                                                                                                The whole plan to gain FDA approval of the vaccine is a stark fraud.

                                                                                                Now let’s move on to the next con: how to make it seem the vaccine is a roaring success.

                                                                                                My readers know I’ve presented a complete case to show the SARS-CoV-2 virus was never proved to exist in the first place. So the whole idea of a vaccine is a non-sequitur, an absurdity. Likewise, the PCR test for “the virus” is a fraud on several levels.

                                                                                                For example, the number of “cycles” for which the test is set is a key factor. Each cycle is a huge amplification of the tissue sample taken from the patient.

                                                                                                When you blow up that tissue sample above 34 cycles, you get gigantic numbers of false-positive results, even by the standards of the test. Fauci has admitted it. I’ve pointed out that FDA guidelines nevertheless recommend doing the test at up to 40 cycles. This alone explains reports of “rising COVID case numbers.”

                                                                                                Let’s say Pfizer and then Moderna win FDA approval to release their vaccines in the US. With the military doing the logistics of shipping, millions of doses move out, and soon, an extraordinary number of Americans are lining up to take the shot.

                                                                                                After a suitable period of time, the elite medical planners will change the way the PCR test is done. The number of cycles will be drastically reduced. That order will go out to labs in the US.

                                                                                                What does this mean? It means that far fewer positive test results will occur.

                                                                                                Therefore, the trend of “new COVID cases” will stop rising. It will level off, and then it will fall.

                                                                                                This rigging will be heralded as proof that that vaccine is producing a victory over the virus.

                                                                                                • Rick Hazel in Court

                                                                                                  USA Today Reports How Florida Takes Children Away from their Parents and Puts Them with Pedophiles in Foster Care

                                                                                                  As we have reported many times over the years here at Health Impact News, the U.S. Foster Care System is the #1 pipeline to child sex trafficking.

                                                                                                  Numerous studies over the past several years have confirmed that children do far better when left in their homes, even troubled homes where parents may have drug issues and other problems, than when they are placed in foster care.

                                                                                                  Investigative reporters at USA Today have done an excellent job in showing just how corrupt the child welfare and foster care system is in Florida, documenting hundreds of cases where children were removed from their homes and then put into foster care settings where they were sexually abused.

                                                                                                  Several stories are highlighted in their report, including the case of longtime Florida foster father Rick Hazel, who they say repeatedly raped a child in his care, taking videos of the molestation and hiding a camera in the bathroom to watch her shower.

                                                                                                  More than 70 children allegedly passed through his home.

                                                                                                  When deputies arrested him in 2019, the Hazels were the longest-tenured foster parents in St. Augustine. More than 70 kids had passed through their home. In addition to the rape victim, the family members of two other foster children came forward with concerns of abuse or neglect.

                                                                                                  But following Hazel’s arrest, no one – not caseworkers, not child abuse investigators, not law enforcement – talked to all of the other children who had lived in the home to see if they had seen or suffered abuse.

                                                                                                  Those children were all adopted or moved on to new homes. Until contacted by reporters, the adults in their lives had no idea they had spent time with a man who ultimately was convicted of child sex abuse.

                                                                                                  Rick and Shirley Hazel were considered model foster parents.

                                                                                                  They took in children of all ages and races, including kids with autism, and adopted three of them. They were active at church and the foster parent association, meeting with biological parents on nights and weekends to make visits easier.

                                                                                                  “Wonderful human beings, blessed, doing God’s work,” one social worker commented in their file.

                                                                                                  “One of the very best places a child could be,” wrote another.

                                                                                                  As they gained a rapport with workers in the system, St. Johns County sent the Hazels more and more kids, even when their home reached – and surpassed – the state-mandated capacity of five total children.

                                                                                                  The stream of kids finally ended in 2019, when a 13-year-old told detectives that her foster-turned-adoptive father had “raped me like I was his wife.”

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                                                                                                    COVID Plans Include Family Separation and Involuntary Quarantine in “Camps”

                                                                                                    The CDC calls for “Isolation Camps” as part of a “Shielding Plan.”

                                                                                                    The plan subjects U.S. Citizens and residents who are deemed “high risk” for Covid-19 to be forcibly removed from their families and homes, and be involuntarily isolated in guarded camps.

                                                                                                    The public first got wind of this impending nightmare on May 4, 2020, when Governor Gavin Newson of California announced that the “army” – his word – will start with a deployment of 3,000 and grow to the 20,000 mark to chase down who, what, where, and with whom COVID positive people have had connections.

                                                                                                    In a video, Robert Levin, MD Health Officer / Medical Director of Ventura County, California, elaborated with details about the state’s plans — which included the forcible removal of people from their homes and the establishment of mass community contact tracing.

                                                                                                    • butt-head-graphic-image-Washington

                                                                                                      Why Do People Still Believe in Trump (Or Anyone in Government)? Will America Wake up in Time to Realize Government is Our Enemy, NOT Our Friend?

                                                                                                      I think it is clear to most that the perception is that this country is split right down the middle.

                                                                                                      Every four years, an ‘election’ process is produced and directed by the U.S. Political Policy Cinema Studio to see which puppet will be selected to be the head puppet in chief.

                                                                                                      The emotion and passion generated by this block buster show is startling to say the least.

                                                                                                      Why it is allowed to happen is unclear to any that still possess brain cells, but with well over 100 million voting for their master, the results are always 50/50 statistically speaking.

                                                                                                      Obviously that could not happen in any legitimate situation, but it seems to happen every time in this country, and almost no one notices or cares.

                                                                                                      This is certainly by design, as is all political maneuvering.

                                                                                                      Lets take a look at Trump for a moment.

                                                                                                      Four years ago, Trump said he was going to improve the economy greatly, he was going to put Hillary Clinton in jail, he was going to lower taxes, he was going to eliminate the Federal Reserve, he was going to stop the wars and bring the troops home, he was going to stop the pedophile networks, and he was going to make America ‘great again.’

                                                                                                      He promised a lot more, but for now we will concentrate on these few.

                                                                                                      Trump’s friend Hillary never was prosecuted or went to jail.

                                                                                                      No pedophile network was stopped as Epstein and many others continued this practice until he was allowed to be murdered, or was moved out of country and hidden to spend the rest of his life in leisure.

                                                                                                      Then the hoax called Covid-19 appeared, just as planned for decades, and Trump ran spending to all time highs of approximately $7 trillion in one year.

                                                                                                      He declared a national emergency, thereby allowing the shutdown of almost the entirety of this economy, destroying untold American lives forever.

                                                                                                      He deployed national troops, and stated that he would use the military to distribute a poisonous vaccine at the earliest possibility.

                                                                                                      My words are absolutely not meant to show any support for the evil Biden/Harris team, as they are simply leftist socialists and Marxists, but are only meant to expose that the entire political system in this country is atrocious, corrupt, and murderous.

                                                                                                      They are all thieves and manipulators looking to benefit themselves and the ‘master class’ that controls them at the expense of all of you.

                                                                                                      • Pfizer-world-headquarters-New-York

                                                                                                        Criminal Pfizer Inc. Wins COVID Vaccine Race? Hundreds of Millions of Doses Expected to be Ready Within Weeks

                                                                                                        Apparently beating out several competitors that earlier in the year were considered favorites to get the first COVID vaccine to market for distribution in the United States, dark horse favorite Pfizer Inc. seems to be the clear winner, announcing this week that their COVID vaccine is “90% effective,” and that hundreds of millions of doses would be distributed before the end of 2020, pending an FDA emergency use authorization (EUA).

                                                                                                        Of course for those of us who do not follow the propaganda media, and understand that there is not even an accurate test for COVID currently in the market, the question that begs to be answered is:

                                                                                                        Effective for what?

                                                                                                        It was announced back in June that Pfizer was one of the finalists in President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed program, along with AstraZeneca, Merck, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna.

                                                                                                        Should we trust Pfizer’s claims?

                                                                                                        Do you trust criminal organizations? Because that’s what Pfizer is. In fact, they may very well be the largest criminal organization in world.

                                                                                                        In 2009 they reached a fraud settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice for $2.3 BILLION, the largest ever fraud settlement in the history of the DOJ at that time.

                                                                                                        Since then, they have faced numerous other criminal investigations, the most recent one being reported just yesterday, November 10, 2020, with the foreign corruption units at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) looking into their activities in China and Russia.

                                                                                                        These investigations are regarding the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), which forbids U.S. firms and individuals from bribing foreign government officials to benefit their businesses.

                                                                                                        • trump esper

                                                                                                          What does President Trump's Firing of Defense Secretary Mark Esper Mean?

                                                                                                          Today President Trump announced that he had fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper, replacing him with Christopher C. Miller, the Director of the National Counterterrorism Center.

                                                                                                          So why is Trump making this move now, and what does it mean?

                                                                                                          • Face-Masks-Harm-Children

                                                                                                            Mom Explodes in Anger after Child Passes Out Wearing Mask at School - Comply Rather than Resist and You Put the Lives of Your Children at Risk

                                                                                                            In a video that is going viral today, one mother records her rant against mandatory face masks for children in school, after her son passed out wearing a mask during a Physical Education class at school.

                                                                                                            We have been publishing the risks masks pose to children, whose risk at suffering any harm due to the Coronavirus is statistically ZERO, since June of this year.

                                                                                                            When is the public going to wake up and finally realize, as this young mother just has, that government COVID mandates are NOT for our protection, and that these medical tyrants do NOT CARE ABOUT YOU OR YOUR CHILDREN??

                                                                                                            If you continue to go along with the crowd, instead of resisting, then you are putting yourself and everyone in your family at risk for serious harm, as this young mother, and probably thousands like her who are too afraid to go public, has now come to realize.

                                                                                                            This situation is going to get worse, not better, as long as the public continues to believe the lies of the corporate media which is funded by the pharmaceutical industry and the Billionaire Wall Street businesses and banks that serve their own agenda, and could care less what happens to you or your family.

                                                                                                            And for those of you just starting to wake up now, please understand that this did NOT happen overnight!

                                                                                                            This has been going on for MANY YEARS now, and all COVID did was give them a path to accelerate their agenda after they saw how compliant the masses were around the world to believe their fear mongering, to voluntarily start complying with all their mandates.

                                                                                                            Just ask the literal HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of parents who have vaccine damaged crippled children, who were previously pro-vaccine and believed all the lies the corporate media and Big Pharma told them about how “safe and effective” those vaccines were, and to not listen to the “anti-vaxxers” and “quack doctors” who were actually telling the truth all along.

                                                                                                            I have been publishing the truth on this issue for 10 YEARS, while the masses continued to sleep and comply to everything the medical tyrants wanted them to do. Go to to learn more.

                                                                                                            Or just ask the thousands upon thousands of parents who have lost their children to the “Child Protection” agencies and the Child Welfare Foster Care system, simply because they disagreed with their doctor’s advice and were then charged with medical “child abuse,” or worse yet, had their children suffer harm from vaccines or drugs and then had a “Child Abuse” pediatrician accuse the parents of causing harm that was actually inflicted upon them due to medical procedures or products.

                                                                                                            I have been reporting on this, covering hundreds of stories from families on our website for the past 6 years.

                                                                                                            And yet, the vast majority of the American public chose to sleep instead of taking action, listening to propaganda being spewed from the corporate media outlets that these were all “conspiracy theories” and “fake news” while the victims suffered as the rest of the public turned away.

                                                                                                            WAKE UP AMERICA!

                                                                                                            Because it is almost too late….

                                                                                                            • army-testing-liverpool-schools-1600x900

                                                                                                              British Army to Begin Testing and Bar-coding Children at School This Week Without Parental Consent

                                                                                                              As thousands of people in the UK this past weekend protested new COVID lockdowns, the British Army is planning on rolling out a massive new COVID testing initiative in the city of Liverpool this week, seeking to test a half million people in a program that will be rolled out to the entire nation if successful.

                                                                                                              As part of that initiative, a letter was sent out to the parents of children attending Broadgreen International School, letting them know that their child would be tested by the military even without their consent.

                                                                                                              Each student will be assigned a “unique barcode,” and those testing positive will be be “Isolated” and “secured.”

                                                                                                              Will parents and citizens comply with this?

                                                                                                              The U.S. military is also preparing to distribute new COVID vaccines in the U.S. as part of funding from “Operation Warp Speed,” so you can be sure the U.S. government and governments around the world are closely watching Liverpool (home of the Beatles) this week to see just how compliant the public will be to surrender their liberties to medical tyrants.

                                                                                                              • Manchester University Students ripping down fence

                                                                                                                U.K. REBELLION! Students, Medical Professionals, and Public Resist Lockdowns!

                                                                                                                While the U.S. Presidential elections continue to dominate the media in the U.S., citizens all across the U.K. protested the nation’s new lockdowns this week.

                                                                                                                At Manchester University, students woke up on the first day of lockdowns to find fences had been erected around their dormitories, penning them in like a prison.

                                                                                                                They had apparently had enough, and by that evening, the fences were tore down, and the University backed down.

                                                                                                                In Cornwall, an NHS nurse turned whistleblower publicly resigned while wearing her uniform before releasing the real numbers of COVID patients in her hospital and denouncing the government’s disastrous lockdown policy, stating that other doctors and nurses were trying to speak out.

                                                                                                                It was recorded, but quickly removed from YouTube and Twitter.

                                                                                                                We found a copy.

                                                                                                                Breitbart News, which has correspondents in London, is reporting that police in London arrested 190 anti-lockdown protesters at the so-called ‘Million Mask March’ against the second national lockdown in England. They have exclusive video coverage.

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                                                                                                                  Face Masks: A Danger to Our Planet, Our Children & Ourselves

                                                                                                                  It seems like only yesterday that a massive campaign against single-use plastic straws was trending. The much forgotten anti-straw trend was based on astronomical numbers; a suggested 500 million straws used each day in the US alone, with more than half a billion plastic straws being consumed and discarded, every day around the entire globe.

                                                                                                                  An estimated 8.3 billion plastic straws had come to pollute the planet’s beautiful beaches. The backlash against the straws appeared to be drive by the horrific impacts on the marine environment in particular.

                                                                                                                  Personal protective equipment (PPE) in 2020, in particular face masks, have become a new genre of pollution. The majority of face masks being purchase and disposed of are single-use surgical masks made of melt-blown fabric manufactured from polypropylene, a type of thermoplastic. The vast majority of all disposable face masks being consumed have two outer layers with a filter between them (polypropylene), made from nonwoven plastic fibres.

                                                                                                                  The paper COVID-19 Pandemic Repercussions on the Use and Management of Plastics published June 20, 2020 warns that a “monthly estimated use of 129 billion face masks and 65 billion gloves globally, is resulting in widespread environmental contamination.”

                                                                                                                  194 billion face masks and gloves equates to well over 6 billion face masks being consumed and discarded each and every day.

                                                                                                                  Based on the aforementioned paper, six months of face masks alone – equates to seven hundred seventy-four billion, while 12 months of consumption, equates to a stunning one trillion five hundred forty-eight billion face masks.

                                                                                                                  Meanwhile, “Canada alone has ordered more than 153 million N95 respirators, almost 400 million surgical masks and 18 million non-medical face masks. That doesn’t include demand from the private sector.” As a new emerging market, trees (biological communities invisible to the humancentric eye) cannot only be sacrificed on the altar of “green energy”, we can also pulverize them into face “ecofriendly” masks.

                                                                                                                  What happened to all those who cared about our environmental crises? That of climate change, biodiversity and ocean pollution?

                                                                                                                  • DOJ-seizing-websites

                                                                                                                    As DOJ Probes Big Tech Monopoly, They Also Use Big Tech to Remove Dozens of Websites Squelching Free Speech on Foreign Policy

                                                                                                                    Big Tech’s censorship and squashing of free speech has been a hot topic during this 2020 election year, and as the public in the United States continues to be fixated on the current corporate news media’s non-stop coverage on the elections, election fraud, and Big Tech censorship, the DOJ is quietly shutting down websites right and left in their own censorship purge, shutting down websites that dare to publish a different narrative about Iran than the U.S. and Israeli narrative.

                                                                                                                    And they are teaming together with Google, Facebook, and Twitter to do it, according to the FBI:

                                                                                                                    FBI Special Agent in Charge Craig D. Fair. “Thanks to our ongoing collaboration with Google, Facebook, and Twitter, the FBI was able to disrupt this Iranian propaganda campaign and we will continue to pursue any attempts by foreign actors to spread disinformation in our country.”

                                                                                                                    Global Research, an independent news organization out of Canada, reports that one of the websites seized and shut down was another independent news site in Canada, the American Herald Tribune (AHT).

                                                                                                                    Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, President and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), and Editor of, wrote:

                                                                                                                    “We stand in firm support of The American Herald Tribune and Professor Anthony Hall, who has the courage to confront the US corporate media.

                                                                                                                    The tendency is towards online media censorship in derogation of the Rights to Free Speech. Google and Facebook are collaborating with the FBI in this endeavor.”

                                                                                                                    • Stressed owner forced to close the restaurant permanently due to

                                                                                                                      Everyone's Life is at Stake Now: Don't Get Distracted by Politics

                                                                                                                      As Americans are fixated on the U.S. elections, which it appears will dominate the corporate news cycle for days on end now, the truly big story is not what is happening here in the U.S., but across the pond in the U.K. where the medical tyrants try to force a second lockdown on its citizens today (November 5th).

                                                                                                                      The second lockdowns are scheduled for here in the U.S. as well, by the tyrannical medical oligarchy, and no matter who is crowned President of the U.S., all these political medical authorities will keep their jobs which many of them have had for decades, as they watch presidents come and go.

                                                                                                                      And please make no mistake about this: the results of these lockdowns will be death and destruction, unless a large enough percentage of the public wakes up and figures out that their enemy is not a politician, but the evil forces behind the Globalists and their agenda of using medical tyranny to bring in their New World Order.

                                                                                                                      • CDC-Flu-Deaths1

                                                                                                                        In Unprecedented Move CDC Stops Tracking Influenza for 2020-21 Flu Season

                                                                                                                        I have been covering the fraud that happens every year with how the CDC tracks incidents and deaths due to the annual influenza for almost a decade now.

                                                                                                                        The numbers used each year to scare the public into getting the flu vaccine are based not on actual data, but estimates of number of people who die from the flu according to the CDC. Basically, anyone dying from “influenza-like” symptoms are all lumped together into supposed flu deaths each year. Autopsies are seldom performed to prove cause of death.

                                                                                                                        The CDC has admitted publicly in the past that these numbers are just “estimates.” If the real number of those infected with the influenza virus, and resulting deaths, were vastly lower than what the CDC reports based on their “estimates,” the public would have no way of knowing it.

                                                                                                                        So this has presented quite a dilemma for the CDC for the first couple of weeks of the 2020-21 flu season, which have just passed.

                                                                                                                        Because “flu-like” symptoms could also be attributed to COVID-19, and they have the now widely known ineffective COVID PCR test to back up these claims, which also kicks in federal funding for hospitals to treat COVID patients.

                                                                                                                        As one might expect, with the media widely reporting that cases of COVID are now increasing just as flu season starts, reports of flu cases have dropped dramatically during the same time period last year. Across the globe, it has been reported that incidents of influenza have dropped by about 100%.

                                                                                                                        Whoops! How did the CDC allow these numbers to be published?

                                                                                                                        In an apparent response to media reports about the fast declining flu cases here at the beginning of the 2020-21 flu season, the CDC did what any corrupt agency would do which doesn’t want the public to know the truth: They decided to “suspend data collection for the 2020-21 influenza season.”

                                                                                                                        To my knowledge, this is unprecedented, and has never happened before.

                                                                                                                        • CDC-revise-COVID-deaths

                                                                                                                          CDC Admits Few Deaths are Caused by COVID - Even Death by Heart Attack Attributed to COVID in Stats

                                                                                                                          The latest numbers from the CDC reveal hospitals have been counting patients who died from serious preexisting conditions as COVID-19 deaths.

                                                                                                                          One America’s Pearson Sharp has more, as the CDC counts over 51-thousand patients who actually died from heart attacks, as opposed to the coronavirus.