Sound of Freedom: A Movie About Child Trafficking Produced by Child Traffickers?

I have been vehemently attacked and criticized by some people for daring to publish critical articles about the Sound of Freedom movie, especially the article about the people who funded the movie, the billionaire philanthropists with ties to human trafficking. But the source for this funding is Tim Ballard himself, who stated who was funding the movie in an interview in Utah 5 years ago on Fox News. This same local news outlet, Fox 13 News Utah, also reported in 2020 that Tim Ballard's organization, Operation Underground Railroad, was under criminal investigation for its fundraising methods. Some people have also attacked me for referring to Sound of Freedom as a fictional movie, and not a documentary. But again, the source of this information is Tim Ballard himself, who put up a page on the Operation Underground Railroad website stating that the movie was "based on a true story," but that many parts of the movie never happened and were fictional. Why did Tim Ballard wait until the week before the movie appeared in theaters on July 4th to publish this, when for years he gave interviews about the movie portraying it as a true story leading people to believe it was like a documentary? Also, why did Tim Ballard walk away from his $525,958.00 a year salary as the CEO and founder of Operation Underground Railroad just before the film was released on the Big Screen? The predominant narrative in the Right-wing Christian media is that only the "godless, leftist" media is criticizing the Sound of Freedom movie. Here is a headline from an article that was in my newsfeed today: "Journalists Attacking The Film Sound Of Freedom Should Have Their Hard Drives Investigated." Really?? Is it true that only the "godless, leftist" media is criticizing the Sound of Freedom movie??

New Documentary on Medically Kidnapped Girl Whose Mother Committed Suicide is the Most Powerful Film Ever Produced Exposing Medical Kidnapping

Last night I watched the new documentary that was released by Netflix last month (June, 2023), "Take Care of Maya." This is, by far, the best documentary I have ever watched that exposes the criminal enterprise allowed to operate in this country, and which I have been covering as a journalist for about a decade now, medical kidnapping. The documentary shows the true story of the Kowalski family of Florida, a medical kidnapping horror story that we have covered in previous articles. The documentary was produced by Caitlin Keating, who also writes for People Magazine. Here is an excerpt that was published just before the film was released on Netflix. Title: "An Allegation of Munchausen by Proxy, a Mom's Suicide, a Daughter's Pain: 'Take Care of Maya' Exclusive Clip." Description: "Maya Kowalski was rushed to the ER at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, Fla., in the early morning of October 7, 2016. She had crippling stomach pain ('so severe, her knees were going up to her chest, and she was screaming,' says her father, Jack,) related to the rare neurological condition complex regional pain syndrome or CRPS. The 17-year-old's first memory was with her mom days later at the ICU. She kissed Maya on the forehead, told her she loved her, and they'd see each other the next day. 'I never saw her again,' Maya says." This film clearly exposes how a medical doctor who in reality is not even practicing medicine, but is acting as a forensic criminal investigator with ZERO training in law enforcement or forensic evidence, the corrupt pediatric specialty of "Child Abuse Specialist" which is a recent specialty started around 2010, has the enormous power to destroy families, as judges are all too quick to accept their "advice". Maya's mother was denied the opportunity to even hug her daughter after one court hearing, and ended up committing suicide a short time later giving up all hope that she would ever be reunited with her daughter again. This film is far more significant in exposing child trafficking in this country than the fictional Sound of Freedom movie, in my opinion, and shows that the horror of child trafficking in this country is not just limited to sex trafficking, but includes medical kidnapping by the pharmaceutical cartels as well.

Veterans on Patrol has Rescued Thousands of Children Sexually Trafficked in the U.S. – Appeals for More Volunteers

I have written 2 articles on the blockbuster movie Sound of Freedom, a movie that has already grossed over $85 million in less than two weeks since its release on the big screen, and these articles have received tens of thousands of readers in the past few days, even though the movie does not expose child sex trafficking in the U.S., does not name the names of those funding this child sex trafficking network, and has no call to action to stop it. By way of contrast, I have exposed where much of the child sex trafficking in the U.S. is happening, with a recently published story of a man who pleaded guilty to sexually abusing young children through the foster care system, as well as an update on the ongoing lawsuits against Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking network, which DOES name names, and these two articles have received far fewer views than the Sound of Freedom film articles. In this article I am publishing today, about a group who has actually done something about child sex trafficking in the U.S., I suspect that it too will receive far fewer readers than the articles about the movie Sound of Freedom, even though this is an article about a group that has actually rescued thousands of women and children from sex trafficking right here in the U.S. during the past 7 years, and could probably rescue many more if people would join their efforts to expose and chase out the child sex traffickers neighborhood by neighborhood all across the U.S., rather than sitting in a theater and watching a movie about child sex trafficking outside the U.S.

The Bible Teaches Believers to Manage Their Own Business and to Not be Slaves to the System – Just the Opposite of Christian Teaching

Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to attend to your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12)

Car Manufacturers to Require Face Recognition to Drive Their Vehicles in the Near Future

The automotive industry is moving quickly now to take away one of the last freedoms most Americans still have: the ability to get in one's own vehicle and drive anywhere one wants, whenever they want to. In an announcement this week, Biometric Update reported that almost all of the major automakers have either recently announced or have already patented facial recognition technologies that will require drivers to supply a scanned image of their faces in order to use their autos in the near future.

JPMorgan Chase Files a Notice of Appeal in Jeffrey Epstein Case to Prevent All Future Lawsuits Against the Child Sex Trafficker

While the nation was obsessed with the movie Sound of Freedom this past week, which claims to expose the child sex trafficking industry (although it actually does not), the biggest news story of the week regarding child sex trafficking, a story that actually names names, went largely unnoticed. After searching through the Corporate News and Alternative News feeds for the past week, as far as I can tell, Pam Martens of Wall Street on Parade was the only one who covered this story, and it is extremely significant for anyone who wants to see justice served in the child sex trafficking industry. Most of the Corporate News reported that there had been a settlement reached for $290 million between JPMorgan Chase Bank and the victims who are suing Chase Bank for funding Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking network. Martens, who is a former Wall Street insider and is also a true investigative reporter, did not just regurgitate the Corporate News reports about this proposed settlement, but actually went out and got a copy of a "petition to appeal" to the settlement that Chase Bank's attorneys have filed. Not only are Chase Bank's attorneys challenging the settlement, they are proposing language in their appeal that would potentially prevent anyone else from ever suing Jeffrey Epstein's associates, including potentially preventing government officials such as State Attorney Generals and their right to sue Epstein associates for crimes committed in their State. This would be a huge blow to the victims of Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking atrocities in their ability to sue any of Epstein's former associates who may have potentially participated in this child sex trafficking crime syndicate, which includes most of the leaders in the U.S. today who are running the country, including former U.S. Presidents and current U.S. Presidential candidates. At this point, I think it is fair to ask the question: Is there anybody in a position of power in the U.S. today who has NOT been part of Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking network?

New Mexico Foster Parent Confesses Guilt of Sexually Abusing Children for Years but Does No Jail Time, 8-Year-Old Girl Awarded $485 Million

As the movie "Sound of Freedom" is shown to packed out movie theaters across the U.S. to millions of people sitting in air conditioned theaters eating their popcorn, shaking their heads at the "horror of child sex trafficking" that is portrayed in poor countries like Columbia, tens of thousands of young children are being sexually abused and trafficked right here in our own borders every day, begging for help, with their voices falling on deaf ears. And it is all "legal," because it is being done under the color of law in our nation's child welfare system. One of those cases actually made the corporate news this week, but was obviously drowned out by all the hype behind the Sound of Freedom movie. A jury in New Mexico awarded $485 million to an 8-year-old female victim of Clarence Garcia, a 66-year-old foster parent in New Mexico who sexually abused the girl while she was in his care. As horrible as this crime was, Garcia had been sexually abusing young children in his care as far back as 1999 when he was licensed as a foster parent in New Mexico, and pleaded guilty to charges of sexually abusing six girls in his care in January this year (2023). But in spite of the fact that he admitted his crimes and was now a convicted pedophile, he was NOT sentenced to do any jail or prison time, but simply given probation, where he reportedly continued his crimes resulting in the conviction earlier this week of the 8-year-old girl.

Sound of Freedom Movie Allegedly Funded by Billionaire Philanthropists with Ties to Human Trafficking

More information is continuing to surface about the people behind the box office hit movie "Sound of Freedom." As I wrote in my original critique of this film, the fact that this movie is becoming so popular on the Big Screen is proof that the "elite" are NOT censoring it, as so many in the Right Wing Christian alternative media are claiming. I received plenty of negative emails from Conservatives after my review of the Sound of Freedom film, because in the minds of so many "Conservatives" the child trafficking issue is only a "liberal" problem, and the child sex trafficking business, according to them, is all backed by the Bidens, who are the ones trying to stop the film from being seen. But new evidence is coming to light that indicates that not only do the wealthy child sex traffickers not mind if you go watch Sound of Freedom, but they are the ones who actually funded it. Billionaire John Paul DeJoria is listed as an "executive producer" of Sound of Freedom. He is a philanthropist who was invited by Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to become part of the Billionaire Giving Pledge which funded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Another Billionaire philanthropist who allegedly help fund Sound of Freedom, is Mexican Carlos Slim. Even the Right Wing publication National File saw some issues with this association : "Why did Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton’s Mexican Cartel Partner Carlos Slim Fund Sound of Freedom?" Others are also questioning the organization that received the donations from these Billionaire philanthropists to fund the film's release into theaters, Angel Studios. Neal Harmon is the CEO of Angel Studios, and is part of the Mormon Church. He did his missionary service in Mexico. Some have linked the Mormons in Mexico as working with the cartels. Greg Reese just published a video today showing how Angel Studios is encouraging people to "Help Combat Child Trafficking" by linking to sources operated by the Polaris Project, which is linked to John Podesta and the Clintons, and actually funds child trafficking, allegedly bringing in over $150 billion annually for child trafficking.

57 Banks and Financial Institutions Certified for FedNow Instant Payments – Fed President Admits Withdrawals Can be Limited

57 "early adopter organizations" have now been certified to participate in the U.S. Federal Reserve's FedNow instant payments program that will be rolled out later this month (July, 2023). Cleveland Federal Reserve President Loretta Mester stated yesterday that the FedNow program "should help ensure financial stability should bank stress arise," by limiting withdrawals. Last month (June, 2023), I reported how The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), an organization linked to the Federal Reserve, published a warning to consumers stating that funds held in popular online payment apps, such as Paypal, Cash App, and Venmo, lack FDIC insurance and should be transferred to “insured banks and credit unions.” I posed the question as to whether or not the Fed was getting ready to eliminate these apps in favor of FedNow, and wrote: "The Fed is basically warning you ahead of time that you are going to lose that money if you keep it there." And sure enough, Cleveland Federal Reserve President Loretta Mester did address this issue in her update on FedNow yesterday, stating that "it may seem more efficient to have fewer rails for smaller-transaction payments."

Study Debunks the Theory that Depression is Caused by a Chemical Imbalance in the Brain – America’s Problem with Criminal Drug Dealers

America has a huge drug addiction problem, where drug dealers are literally destroying this country. No, I am not referring to fentanyl, meth, crack, heroin, or any other "illegal street drug" and the people who push them. I am referring to the much larger drug addiction problem with drugs that are distributed by a much larger drug dealer network: FDA-approved and authorized prescription drugs. This is, by far, the largest criminal organization in the world. The pharmaceutical drugs distributed by medical doctors and purchased in drug stores that are on the corner of every city and town in America, are what is destroying this country. These drugs are the leading cause of death in the United States, and their drug dealers are the largest class of criminal organizations in the world. The worst offenders among these drug pushers, are the fake doctors called "psychiatrists," where 1 out every 5 of these "doctors" are arrested on criminal charges, where 40% of all women in psychiatric wards are raped, and where a child is 3 times more likely to be sexually molested by a psychiatrist than by a stranger or registered sex offender. The holy grail of psychiatry that is used to justify pushing psych drugs onto people diagnosed with "mental illness," including toddlers that are 2-3 years old, the "brain imbalance" theory, has been thoroughly debunked now by a study published last year in the journal Molecular Psychiatry. This study caused a lot of outrage in the field of psychiatry, which is understandable as it rendered most psych drugs as useless and dangerous, and the study totally discredited the entire field of psychiatry as a fraud. The authors waited almost a full year for all the criticisms to be sent in to them, and have now published their response.