12 States Now Using Mobile Digital Driver License IDs Based on Face Scans

I have been repeatedly warning our readers that the most imminent threat to our privacy and ability to conduct our lives without being continually tracked by the Government and the Globalists is the adoption of biometric IDs, where one has to scan a body part, such as palms, faces, eyes, etc., in order to conduct business and participate in society. And while things like Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are a very real threat for being implemented in the future, these biometric IDs are imminent, and they are already being implemented now in 12 states for mobile digital ID driver licenses, where one must provide a face scan to prove one's identity. These digital driver licenses are still optional at this point, as they develop and fine tune the technology, but how long will it be before it is required to surrender a biometric identifier such as a face scan in order to be licensed by the government to be able to drive a car, as well as do other things such as withdraw money from your bank account and ride on an airplane? Once you surrender something like your face scan online, it is there forever, and hackable. Government databases and hospital databases are constantly being hacked, meaning your medical records and biometric data are now out there on the Internet for sale to the highest bidder. The public is being conditioned to accept giving up their biometric data by creating fear and then promoting digital IDs as the solution to "keep safe." One area I am seeing this happening right now is in the fear that is being generated by the "Sound of Freedom" psyop film about "child trafficking." This fictional film does nothing to expose who the child traffickers actually are, and that is not surprising since the film was funded by billionaires with ties to child trafficking. Will this film and the fear it creates actually lead to more child trafficking as it will encourage parents to surrender biometrics of their children all in the name of "protecting" them, when in fact putting their biometrics online will make them MORE susceptible to trafficking?

Christian Leaders Are Teaching Doctrines of Demons in Their Synagogues of Satan Called “Churches”

In my recently published article, False Prophets Now Lead Their Deceived Followers as America Stands at the Brink of Collapse, I responded to a great comment in the comments section, and I wrote: "We have only one Head, one Pastor, one Bishop, one Priest, and one Lord, and his name is Jesus Christ. All others are impostors and false prophets." This statement seemed to confuse some readers, with some trying to post contradictory comments and claiming that this statement needed to be "clarified." So that is what this article is, a clarification to the statement that all the leaders who carry titles attached to their name to emphasize their alleged authority in Corporate Christianity, are impostors and false prophets. Here is the clarification: All men (or women) who put a title of authority before their name, such as pastor, priest, bishop, elder, etc., are leaders in the prophesied "Synagogues of Satan" spoken about in the book of Revelation, the last book in the Bible, and they are the ones referred to by Paul in his letter to Timothy where he wrote: "Now the Spirit explicitly says that in the later times some will desert the faith and occupy themselves with deceiving spirits and demonic teachings, influenced by the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared." (1 Timothy 4:1-2) Does that clarify things for you?

Hiroshima, Nagasaki Bombings Were Needless, Said World War II’s Top US Military Leaders

Since World War II no other nation on the planet has spent more money on their military, and killed more innocent civilians, than the United States of America. These weapons of war bring in huge financial profits to the Globalists, who use their puppet politicians and their control over the corporate media to spew their lies and propaganda to whip up the public into a constant fear over these alleged "enemies" of the American people. They have to justify huge spending on weapons of mass destruction by programming the American public to be in a perpetual state of fear over these "enemies," and the playbook changed dramatically in September of 2001, with the false flag "attacks" in New York that were blamed on "Muslim terrorists," and this began new levels of surveillance and until that time unprecedented military spending on the "war against terrorists" which could then include pretty much any Muslim country in the Middle East, which "coincidentally" happened to be rich in oil. This war propaganda machine rolled out another new playbook for the Central Bankers and the rich Billionaires of Wall Street and Silicon Valley in 2020, with the military operation led by Donald Trump - the "war against the unseen virus" and the accompanying military operations dubbed "Operation Warp Speed" which then proceeded to kill and injure untold numbers through a new, experimental "vaccine," which may go down in history as the greatest weapon of mass destruction ever created. And these perpetual wars and the huge military spending to keep the banks and Billionaires solvent, have not stopped, but were simply switched to the NATO operation in Ukraine in 2022. Reporter Brian McGlinchey has just published an excellent account of the bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of WWII that clearly show how the propaganda fed to the American public to justify killing hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese people, the majority of whom were women, children and the elderly, was opposed by the top American military leaders at that time.

False Prophets Now Lead Their Deceived Followers as America Stands at the Brink of Collapse

Here in 2023 the United States of America stands on the brink of total collapse. If you disagree with this beginning statement, then this is not the article for you. This imminent collapse will be a total collapse of our society which includes, but is not limited to, our financial system, our social structures, our civil institutions including politics, and our technology. How deep and how devastating this collapse will be I do not know, but every collapse of an "empire" historically has followed a moral collapse of that society, usually exhibited in human sexuality and the sacrifice of that society's richest resources: their children. I am not, of course, the only person in America who holds this view, the view that America is on the brink of collapse. The evidence is overwhelming that a great "reset" is imminent. Accepting this presupposition as true, or at least likely to be true, then the question before us is what do we do now? How do we prepare for this imminent collapse of the once powerful American Empire? Sadly, it is impossible to even discuss the solutions to the problems all of us face in America today, unless we can acknowledge that we have ALL been deceived, and that the first step is to come out of the deception and step into the light of the truth. And to do that, we need to first stop listening to and following the false prophets controlling the narratives through "media," whether it is the corporate media, social media, or the "alternative" media. "For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12)

CIA and FBI Manipulate Wikipedia According to Co-Founder

Wikipedia is the popular "free encyclopedia" on the Internet that anyone can contribute to and edit. We have reported for many years now that Wikipedia is biased, especially when it comes to anything that challenges Big Pharma and their stranglehold over the term "science." Now, co-founder Larry Sanger has confirmed what we all knew for years, that powerful forces are involved in controlling the content of Wikipedia, and that the FBI and CIA, among others, including the corporate media, have hired people to control this content.

Psychiatrist and Chairman of Arkansas Medical Board Charged with Medically Kidnapping 100s of People

Medical kidnapping is a tragedy that occurs every day in the United States, and yet because our culture treats medical doctors as a class of people just slightly below the rank of "God," seldom is medical kidnapping ever reported in the media for what it really is, HUMAN TRAFFICKING. The horrors of child trafficking, REAL child trafficking through the medical system, often overshadow the fact that adults in the United States are medically kidnapped at a rate that is about 3 times more frequent than child medical kidnapping. The absolute worst class of "medical doctors" licensed by the State to prescribe deadly drugs or vaccines, including by force against the will of the "patient," are the nation's psychiatrists, which as a class of "doctors" have the worst record of sex abuse and criminal convictions of any other class of medical professionals. Psychiatry is a religion, with psychiatrists serving as "priests" in this religion, and we recently published an article showing how the entire “brain imbalance” theory of "mental disease" has been proven to be bogus. One of these criminal psychiatrists who has allegedly kidnapped hundreds of patients has been featured in many of the corporate media news sites this past week, Arkansas psychiatrist Brian Hyatt, who was also the Chairman of the Arkansas State Medical Board. Hyatt reportedly incarcerated his victims against their will, and then fraudulently billed Medicare for services never performed on them. In one case, a victim reports that it took the sheriff to come into the hospital to rescue him from his medical prison. This doctor's crimes were so horrible, that the corporate media could not ignore them and were basically forced to cover this story once the State Attorney General got involved. But even in their reporting, they sanitize these crimes and do not call it what it really is: medical kidnapping and human trafficking. And it happens every day all across this country. This kidnapper in Arkansas got caught in his crimes, but most do not.

Kenya Bans Worldcoin and World ID as Other Nations Push Back on Privacy Concerns

Worldcoin, which says it wants to build a “more human internet” with its World ID credential and globular iris scanning device, has been told that the its plan is not welcome in Kenya until its biometric data collection practices have passed a legal assessment, according to Africa News. The country’s Ministry of Home Affairs announced it is suspending Worldcoin’s enrollments and cryptocurrency issuance while “the relevant government agencies certify the absence of any risk to the public.” Concerns about Worldcoin’s commitment to privacy and the legality of its practices mean that, for now, anyone left holding a Worldcoin token will have to wait to cash it. Regulators in the UK, France, Germany, Kenya and Mexico are also scrutinizing Worldcoin.

Innocent Woman Facing Life in Prison for Legally Purchasing Kratom & Driving 200 Feet Into Alabama

In a disgusting display of what's fundamentally wrong with America's drug war, Shaina Brown, an entirely innocent woman, who harmed no one, finds herself locked up behind bars, slapped with an egregious $1,000,000 bail, later lowered to a still absurdly high $250,000, all for the mere possession of a plant she bought legally, just 200 feet away from where she was arrested. The plant in question? Kratom, a botanical supplement that has been vilified by a select few states and the federal government, despite it being perfectly legal in the majority of the US, including where Brown had initially bought it. It is also extremely safe when consumed properly.

Cannabis: The “Gateway Drug” Leading AWAY from Prescription Drug Addiction

There are currently over 32 million Americans using FDA-approved anti-anxiety prescription drugs (benzodiazepines), based on 2018 data. That includes almost 400,000 children under the age of 5 years old, and over 100,000 infants under the age of 1. According to a study published on the National Institute of Health (NIH) website in 2016, benzodiazepine prescriptions increased 4.1 percent in 1996 to 5.6 percent in 2013, a 37 percent increase, while deaths from benzodiazepine prescriptions increased from 0.58 per 100,000 adults to about 3 per 100,000 adults, or about 8,000 deaths per year, an increase of more than 500 percent. And these statistics are for just one class of anti-psychotic drugs, anti-anxiety (benzodiazepine) drugs. According to data from 2020, about 77 million Americans are taking some form of an anti-psychotic drug. Over 100 people die every day in the U.S. from prescription drugs (pre-COVID, that number would be much higher today), and over 50% of all drug deaths in the U.S. are from prescription drugs. By way of contrast, about 52 million Americans use cannabis (marijuana), which is still illegal at the federal level and not FDA-approved, and to date there has not been a single death attributed to cannabis use, according to the NIH. The corporate media and Big Pharma have been saying for decades now that cannabis use is a "gateway drug" leading people to become addicted to more dangerous drugs. Well, I think everyone agrees that marijuana is a "gateway drug", but a "gateway" leading in which direction? The evidence points to cannabis use as a "gateway" AWAY from deadly prescription drugs, such as opioids and anti-psychotics, and is also being used to help people stop drinking alcohol. Of course that means decreased revenues for Big Pharma, and not just for anti-anxiety drugs. Learn more about the "other side" of cannabis that threatens Big Pharma.

Digital Concentration Camps: How Biometrics Are Making Our Homes Virtual Prisons in Preparation for the Next “Lockdowns”

All visitors have to register via biometrics, such as palm scans, face scans, eye scans, etc., before they are allowed to enter. Once they enter, they are continually monitored via cameras and microphones that monitor one's biometrics while on the premises. Anyone who approaches the premises is picked up by cameras that immediately seek to identify who the person is before allowing entrance. Did I just describe how one visits a friend or relative who is incarcerated in a jail, prison or mental ward, or did I just describe how new "smart homes" operate? Actually, both. And that's the point. The public is voluntarily surrendering their privacy for the sake of "convenience" and "security," while not understanding that what they are trading in for these "conveniences" and illusions of "security" is the ability for government agents to lock them down in their own homes, just as they lock down prisoners in jails, hospitals, mental institutions, and other places of incarceration. And for those of you who believe what I am writing here is an overstated "conspiracy theory," you have very short memories. It was just 3 years ago when most of the world was locked down in their homes all in the name of "COVID." If you think that they would never do something that again, then you are not living in reality. Everything in the media right now, which includes the corporate media, and the alternative media, is almost all a distraction to take your attention away from the imminent roll-out of biometric ID programs. If your bank or employer required you to surrender your biometrics to have access to your money tomorrow, would you comply? Would you allow them to scan your palm, your face, the irises of your eyes, or even provide a DNA sample of your blood, in order to access your money?