Tesla Downfall Near as China’s EV Sells More Cars and Offers Free FSD – Is Tesla About to Crash the Entire U.S. Stock Market?

Heading into the 2024 U.S. Presidential elections, Elon Musk used his X bully pulpit and an interview with Joe Rogan the day before the elections to state: "Vote like your life depends upon it!" The implication was that if America did not elect Donald Trump, our lives would end, or become much worse. I wrote on election day: "Elon Musk Wants Americans to Vote because 'Your' Life Depends upon it, or 'His' Life Depends on it?" Now, almost one month into the Trump 2.0 presidency, we can clearly see that it was Musk's life that was in danger if Trump lost the election, because consumers overwhelmingly are turning away from his over-priced and over-hyped Tesla Electric Vehicles (EVs), and the main thing that has saved him since the elections is his close relationship to Donald Trump, as he is using the Trump presidency to eliminate the agencies who were investigating him, and investigating how dangerous his Teslas are on American roads. Still, Musk cannot go on fooling the public forever, and at some point he has to actually produce what he has been promising for a decade and a half, which is a Full Self Driving (FSD) vehicle where Tesla owners can become rich millionaires by renting out their Teslas as Robotaxis. Even though these FSD Teslas that can allegedly be used as Robotaxis are still not available, Tesla earned over a half $billion in sales last year from its "Full Self Driving system", which Tesla drivers across the U.S. have been led to believe will make them rich, at some point in the future. Well, there is just one problem with selling AI hype for over 15 years now. Eventually the day will come where everyone will wake up and realize that they've been scammed. That day may have just arrived last week, as the China-produced Byd electric car, which surpassed Tesla as the world's most popular EV in sales at the end of 2023, announced that they were now going to also include their FSD feature, for free.

“Jewish People Say NO to Ethnic Cleansing” 350+ Jewish Rabbis in Full Page New York Times Ad

350+ Jewish Rabbis and other prominent Jewish figures took out a full page advertisement in the New York Times last week, stating: "Jewish People Say NO to Ethnic Cleansing!" The full page ad was prompted by Trump’s announcement that the U.S. would expel Palestinians from Gaza, turn it into a beach resort, and not allow them to return. “Jewish leaders from across the political spectrum are outraged by the proposal and felt compelled to speak forcefully against it, even as some American and Israeli Jewish communal leaders endorse Trump’s plan,” a statement from Cody Edgerly, the director of the In Our Name campaign, said. The rabbis who signed the ad include those from Conservative, Orthodox, Reform, Reconstructionist, Renewal and Kohenet movements working in congregations, campuses, hospitals, rabbinical seminaries, and community organisations around the world, Edgerly said. President Donald Trump and many Zionist members of Congress are currently proposing to deport foreign students from U.S. College and University campuses who they label "antisemetic" if they protest for Palestinians, and are against ethnic cleansing. Many of the students in these protests on campuses are ethnic Jews. So are they going to be deported to Israel for being "antisemetic"?

Pro-Vaccine Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Cuts Deal to Keep Establishment View on Vaccines in order to Become the new Secretary of Health and Human Services

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was sworn in as the new Secretary of Health and Human Services this week, after reportedly making concessions and cutting a deal with the man who stood in his way and could have prevented his Senate approval, Senator Bill Cassidy, the pediatrician and medical doctor from Louisiana, and chairman of the Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) Senate Subcommittee. Kennedy needed Cassidy's approval to make it out of the HELP Senate Committee and come before the full Senate to be approved. Cassidy made it clear that he did not approve of Kennedy's past positions on vaccines, and went public after he voted to approve Kennedy and send him to the Senate floor for a full vote, to announce that he had secured several concessions from Kennedy and Trump before approving him. Among those concessions was to keep the CDC child immunization schedule in tact, keep the FDA drug and vaccine approval process in tact, and agree to NOT replace anything on the CDC website that claims vaccines do not cause autism. Senator Cassidy also stated publicly that he will have "an unprecedentedly close relationship" with Kennedy, and that Kennedy would consult with him "multiple times a month" and also consult with him on any appointments Kennedy would make, making one wonder if Senator Cassidy would actually be the one running the Department of Health and Human Services instead of Kennedy.

Conservative Jewish Prosecutor Opposes Trump’s Order to Let Corrupt NYC Mayor Who Mandated COVID Vaccines Escape Prosecution

Yesterday (2/13/25), we saw that once again, President Donald Trump will give preferential treatment to those who supported his Operation Warp Speed and COVID-19 injections, as his new head of the DOJ ordered prosecutors to dismiss charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who was indicted last September on charges of bribery and fraud. New York City Mayor Eric Adams is a person Health Impact News readers are probably familiar with, since I covered his COVID-19 "vaccine" mandates for New York City in 2022. Eric Adams enforced a mandate for NYC in 2022 that required all municipal and private-sector workers to be fully vaccinated with COVID-19 injections to keep their jobs, which resulted in 14,000 New Yorkers losing their jobs because they refused the jab. Adams did, however, provide exemptions from the COVID shots to a certain class of people living in New York City in 2022: the city's professional ball players and those in the entertainment industry. And he provided this exemption the day after the Supreme Court, led by Trump's "conservative" judges, ruled 6-3 that the U.S. military had a right to mandate COVID-19 shots for Navy Seals. Acting Assistant Attorney General Emil Bove, who was Trump's attorney in his "hush money" trial where Trump was convicted on criminal charges last year for paying off one of his hookers in 2016, ordered Danielle Sassoon, the acting U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York who was just appointed by Trump, to drop all charges against NYC Mayor Eric Adams who was indicted by a federal grand jury for fraud and bribery in 2024. Sassoon balked, and chose to give up her career instead of perverting justice, and immediately resigned. Six more prosecutors, at the time of this writing, have also joined her and have resigned. It is encouraging to finally see some opposition to the corruption in Trump's administration coming from these career prosecutors who value truth and the rule of the law over supporting anything and everything that Trump wants to do, and taking a stand against dropping charges over a liberal, democrat, corrupt mayor who destroyed so many lives in New York City due to his COVID vaccine mandates, is a good place to start.

Who is Investigating Elon Musk’s $Billions in Government Contracts? 5 Inspectors General Who Were Investigating Musk’s Government Contracts Fired

As Elon Musk and his Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) continue to target agencies to eliminate "government spending waste", apparently these agencies and programs that DOGE is targeting do not include the ones that have made Elon Musk into the world's richest man through government subsidies. Tesla became the best-selling EV in the U.S. largely, if not entirely, on government subsidies, as have many of his other companies, especially SpaceX, which ONLY sells its products (rockets, satellites, etc.) to the U.S. Government, and are 100% funded via U.S. taxpayer dollars. Since just SpaceX alone has received about $20 billion from the U.S. federal government, we can be sure that NASA will NOT be one of the agencies targeted by Musk. The MAGA folks who adore Elon and are cheering his efforts to end USAID might be surprised to learn that Elon himself has received funding through USAID for his Starlink satellite company to provide Internet service to Ukraine in their war with Russia, as well as South Africa, his home country. As one the largest recipients of federal government funding in the U.S., Musk and his companies have been investigated by General Inspectors at these federal government agencies to account for how he has spent U.S. taxpayer funds, but one of the first things Musk had Trump do, was to fire all of the Inspector Generals who were investigating how his companies were spending U.S. taxpayer funds.

Evangelicals Upset over Losing Funding from USAID for Drug and Vaccine Distribution and Child Trafficking “Ministries”

Ever since President Trump declared he was cutting off all funding for USAID, along with Wikileaks publishing data on who has been receiving a piece of the multi-billion dollar international U.S. Government "slush fund," the Conservative Christian "Alternative" media has had a field day with publishing articles about the evil "liberal" organizations pushing their agenda overseas at the expense of USAID and federal funding. This is just another example of the hypocrisy on the Right, and how they are most certainly not pro-Free Speech, but only pro-Conservative Christian Speech, while censoring news that implicates their own complicity with taking government funding through USAID for their own programs, called "ministries." The huge amount of money flowing through USAID also funds Christian child trafficking through overseas adoptions, as well as Christian "medical missions" which fund the distribution of vaccines and western pharmaceutical products in poor countries. Conservatives have made a big deal over the revealing of USAID funds flowing into the "Liberal" corporate media, ignoring that funds also flowed into "Conservative" corporate media as well, such as Christianity Today. Evangelicals and other Christian groups who are now at threat of closing down due to the loss of government funding through USAID are beginning to complain, as $billions of government funding has made rich Christian heavyweight international organizations such as World Relief, World Vision, Samaritan's Purse, and Catholic Relief Services.

Netanyahu Gives Golden Pager Award to Trump for “Successful” Terrorism Campaign to Blow Up Pagers in Lebanon that Killed and Maimed Thousands of Civilians

Benjamin Netanyahu presents a Golden Pager award to U.S. President Donald Trump to commemorate the joint U.S.-Israeli campaign of terrorism last year in Lebanon where pagers blew up in public places killing and maiming thousands of innocent civilians, including children.

Jesus Said He Did NOT Come to Make the World a “Better Place” – World Destruction is Coming and Only a Few Will Survive

Jesus Christ is one of the most famous people to have ever lived in recorded history, and billions of people worldwide claim to follow his teachings. One of the most common beliefs about Jesus is that he came to make the world a "better place", by providing an example of how to live a "Godly life," by serving others. What is truly tragic is that so few people today take the time to read what Jesus actually said, even though the records of his life and his teachings have been translated into most of the world's languages today, from the original Greek manuscripts in the New Testament portion of the Bible. I don't think that anybody who actually reads what Jesus taught, as opposed to listening to or reading what other "experts" like pastors claim he taught, could come away with the belief that Jesus came to make the world "a better place." In fact, he taught just the opposite. Here is one example from the book of Luke in the New Testament: "I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law." (Luke chapter 12) Jesus never taught his followers to "make the world a better place." He taught, instead, that the Kingdom of God was invading earth, and disrupting Satan's kingdom. The life of the followers of Jesus is vividly described by Jesus, and demonstrated by his own life and those who followed him in the New Testament documents, as a life of constant conflict, a spiritual war of encountering, and opposing, the world system ruled by Satan. Jesus never taught that we need to make the world a better place. He taught us to invade it and oppose it, until he came back to destroy it.

Exposing Trump’s Partner Zionist Oracle Founder Larry Ellison and his Long-Standing Relationship with the CIA and Role in Operation Warp Speed

Kit Klarenberg, writing for MintPress News, has just published an explosive investigative report today on Larry Ellison, the CEO and founder of Oracle, and who is now a prominent member of Trump 2.0. Unknown to most in the public before Trump 2.0, Larry Ellison could be called the "Father of Big Tech" in modern times, as he is older than Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook, and many others who rose to riches and fame with the PC Computer revolution of the 1980s. Ellison is closer in age to Donald Trump, and has been involved in technology development since the 1970s. His Oracle databases have been used by intelligence agencies like the CIA for decades now, and he is not shy to admit that his databases basically run the surveillance state, and its goal to catalog and track every bit of information on everything and everyone available on the Internet. He is quoted as saying: "The Oracle database is used to keep track of basically everything. The information about your banks, your checking balance, your savings balance, is stored in an Oracle database. Your airline reservation is stored in an Oracle database. What books you bought on Amazon is stored in an Oracle database. Your profile on Yahoo! is stored in an Oracle database…Privacy is already gone." And this was in 2004, 21 years ago! The title of the MintPress News article that was published today is: LARRY ELLISON HELPED TRACK COVID SHOTS—NOW TRUMP WANTS HIM CONTROLLING AI’S FUTURE. Oracle is the database that was used for the Pfizer trials on the COVID-19 "vaccine" that was first rolled out in the U.S. under Trump, and then also in Israel under an exclusive agreement with Netanyahu in 2020. Larry Ellison is also best friends with Benjamin Netanyahu, and has reportedly offered him a seat on the Board of Directors for Oracle with an annual salary of $450,000.

The Trump Jewish Family Real Estate Empire Wants Gaza for Themselves – Palestinians Told to Leave

This is the first edition under Trump 2.0 of regular reports I plan to publish in the "Zionist Cult Watch" series. President Donald Trump's family is part of this cult, and as I reported in my first article last month about the Trump 2.0 presidency, this Zionism Cult along with new planned vaccines are the two most dangerous policies one needs to be aware of in Trump 2.0. That article was written before the inauguration, and during the inauguration in Washington D.C., Donald Trump became the first president in U.S. history to NOT put his hand on the Bible in front of him as he took his oath of office, giving further evidence that he is, in fact, a converted Jew, since no religious Jew would ever put their hand on a Bible, because they totally reject Jesus as the Messiah, and consider the entire New Testament portion of the Bible as "blasphemy." The most evil and Satanic teaching of Zionism is the belief that one class of people is more privileged and special than all other classes of human beings, which then gives a "moral" reason to hate other groups of human beings, and even mass murder them and commit acts of genocide against them. I repeatedly reported during the Biden presidency that the U.S. is responsible for all the atrocities of the Zionists in Israel, such as the bombing of innocent civilians and children in Lebanon with the exploding pagers and cell phones, because the U.S. is supplying all the arms to Israel, and without the backing of the U.S., none of this would be possible. Israel is the de facto 51st State of the U.S. So while Biden and Harris pretended to be against Israel's genocidal acts of terrorism while at the same time supplying them with weapons and technology to do so, Trump came right out into the open yesterday and admitted that future operations in Gaza will be conducted by the United States, so that there can be no doubt anymore that Israel and the U.S. are one and the same today. In the days ahead watch what happens in the West Bank, and specifically in the city of Jerusalem, where the Zionists have been very open about having President Trump finish the job he started during his first presidency, when he had the U.S. become the first nation in the world to move their embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and establish a U.S. military base there. Their expectations are that Trump and the U.S. military will help them destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, and build a new Jewish Temple, which will most certainly begin World War III in the Middle East.