Pedophiles Continue to be Licensed as Foster Parents in the U.S. to Meet the Demand for Child Sex Slaves

It has been well-documented and frequently reported here at Health Impact News that the United States Foster Care system is the nation's #1 pipeline for child sex trafficking. Attorney Michael Dolce from the law-firm Cohen Milstein, who speaks from experience from representing children abused in foster care, wrote an opinion piece published by Newsweek in 2018 stating that the nation’s foster care system is set up to sexually traffic children. Dolce said: "Here’s the ugly truth: most Americans who are victims of sex trafficking come from our nation’s own foster care system. It’s a deeply broken system that leaves thousands vulnerable to pimps as children and grooms them for the illegal sex trade as young adults. We have failed our children by not fixing the systemic failures that have allowed this to happen for decades." In 2018 an independent candidate running for office in Virginia, Nathan Larson, admitted to being a pedophile. He encouraged other pedophiles to use the foster care system to adopt children as "sex toys." A recent State Department report on Human Trafficking confirmed that the United States is the top destination in the world for sex trafficking, and Geoff Rogers, co-founder of the United States Institute Against Human Trafficking, stated: "We have a major issue here in the United States. The United States is the No. 1 consumer of sex worldwide. So we are driving the demand as a society. We’re also driving the demand with our own people, with our own kids. So there are tremendous numbers of kids, a multitude of kids that are being sold as sex slaves today in America. These are American kids, American-born, 50 percent to 60 percent of them coming out of the foster care industry." Here are some recent local news reports of arrests of licensed foster parents accused of sexually abusing children in the past 30 days which is probably only a fraction of the actual number of foster parents sexually trafficking children, and shows that this problem is only getting worse, not better.

Idaho Mom Arrested Second Time as Attempts to Silence Her Fail – Meanwhile 16-Year-Old Son Suffers in Foster Care

Kristine McCreery has spent the entirety of 2019 fighting Idaho Child Protective Services for her 16-year-old son, Brandon, over allegations of medical abuse/neglect because of health issues potentially caused by an untreated Celiac condition. Canyon County Prosecutor Shari Dodge had Kristine arrested Saturday, August 10th, 2019, on felony Injury to Child charges. It was the second time she was arrested on the same charges, as she had posted bond back in June already. Kristine reports that even the police officers were confused as to why they had just arrested her a second time on the same charge, and they let her go without having to post bond a second time. Kristine has also now been charged with contempt of court for going public with her story. In reality, she is being held in contempt because and Fight for Lilly are refusing to remove Dr. Amy Barton’s picture and the St. Luke’s CARES video from the original article. According to court documents, Judge Courtnie Tucker also filed a written order, dated July 24th, 2019, demanding that the photo and video be removed from the article. As we mentioned in previous articles regarding this family, neither the website that contains the photo of Dr. Barton, nor the YouTube account through that hosts the CARES video, are within Kristine’s control. and have their own policies regarding the removal of such things from their websites, and choose to stand upon the rights granted under the First Amendment of Freedom of the Press. Canyon County Prosecutor Shari Dodge and Judge Courtnie Tucker are publicly funded officials, and the St. Luke’s CARES institution that employs Dr. Amy Barton is a federally funded program - all subject to public scrutiny because they receive public funds. Kristine says that since she went public, those involved in the case have lost focus of the real issue at hand, the health of sixteen year old Brandon: “They seem to care more about publicity than my son or his well-being.” Kristine says Brandon continues to lose weight in foster care, and that his medical needs are not being met by the department. She is greatly concerned about the malabsorption caused by Celiac and a possible lactose intolerance. 

Texas Judge Chastises CPS but 4-Year-Old Boy Still Not Returned to Family

On Friday, August 9, a status hearing was held in the Pardo case where the court considered what action steps would have to be taken before Drake could be sent home. Judge Tracy Gray, the same judge who signed the original emergency removal order on June 20, presided over the case. The tone of the hearing was strikingly different than the post-removal July 2 hearing presided over by Judge Michael Chitty, which Senator Bob Hall described as an “egregious injustice.” Judge Tracy Gray chastised CPS for the ridiculous list of requests included in their report to the court. Judge Gray threw out every item challenged by the family’s attorneys, ordered CPS to “expedite” their efforts to place Drake with family or friends, and to start allowing the family to bring a third party witness to visits with Drake, something CPS has prohibited thus far. While the hearing was a great success for the family, there is still a long way to go. Judge Gray clearly appeared frustrated by CPS’ brazenly unconstitutional requests (like a court-ordered admission of guilt). This offers a ray of hope that CPS may not be able to continue getting away with their illegal actions.

Arizona Dad Fighting for His Two Sons Sues Mormon Business Leader and Alleged Child Sex Abusers for $200 Million

Neal Sutz, an Arizona father who left the U.S. to try and protect his sons whom he claims were in danger of being sexually abused by his former Mormon in-laws, has filed a $200 million defamation lawsuit in Arizona against his former brother-in-law Damian Creamer, whom Sutz claims is "one of the richest, most politically influential men in the state of Arizona." The lawsuit names other defendants among Sutz's former in-laws that he claims slandered him, resulting in the loss of custody of his two sons just after they fled the U.S. and arrived in Switzerland, where Neal Sutz holds a dual citizenship due to his family being from Switzerland. His two special needs sons have been in captivity for over 2 years in Switzerland group homes, and Sutz claims that their health and well-being are deteriorating quickly, and he fears that without U.S. intervention for these American citizens suffering in Switzerland, his sons may not survive much longer. According to the lawsuit, filed with the Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County, Neal Sutz found out that his former wife, Cortnie Helen Creamer Sutz, along with "her numerous siblings," were sexually abused as a children "for decades" by Damian Parnell Creamer and others, whom Sutz attempted to have reported to authorities for their alleged crimes against minors. It was Sutz's insistence to his wife that they turn in the members of her family committing sexual crimes against children to the authorities that Sutz claims resulted in the beginning of her family defaming his character and ruining his reputation. Neal Sutz writes: "Damian Creamer controls the political landscape in Arizona by circumventing campaign financing laws and making contributions through family members and friends. He owns property in Paradise Valley, along with other family members, and their neighbors include such notable public figures such as Governor Ducey, and Backpage founders Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin. Before they were shut down, Backpage was reportedly running up to 75% of the U.S. sex trafficking through its website. Given Damian's past actions to try to silence me and destroy my reputation to hide his family secrets of child sex abuse, using the massive resources he has through his businesses, I think a federal investigation is warranted. Who knows, maybe even the current federal investigation into Jeffrey Epstein will reveal associations to pedophile networks in Arizona as well."

New Proposed Federal Law Would Make it Easier to Medically Kidnap Children by Doctors

It is not just fractures parents may have to try and explain to avoid a life sentence of being accused of child abuse, or Shaken Baby Syndrome, if one Child Abuse Specialist gets her way in new proposed federal legislation. According to Dr. Lynn Sheets, Medical Director of child advocacy and protective services at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, a bruise is a “sentinel injury.” Dr. Sheets claims: “One of the things we realized is if you just call it a bruise, everyone has bruises. Everyone thinks about it as a minor injury including the doctors, including child welfare. So we needed to change the way people are thinking about these minor injuries in young infants. They’re sentinel injuries." Dr. Sheets believes these “sentinel injuries” are common in abused children. She has now gone so far as to propose legislation in the U.S. Senate, S.B. 1009, which has been sponsored by Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin. This bill, if passed, is a recipe for disaster, fueled by money, and will likely result in countless more false allegations of child abuse. This means more CPS involvement in families, which will take more of their time that they could be using to investigate real abuse and neglect, tearing innocent families apart based on flawed studies, misleading information in medical reports, and biased opinions which are already why so many children are being medically kidnapped.

The Weaponizing of CPS – Lose Your Children IF: You Don’t Vaccinate, You Don’t Make a Dentist Appointment, You Don’t Pay School Lunch Fees, You Don’t Shut Up, Etc.

We’ve all heard stories about an angry neighbor or ex-spouse making false reports to Child Protection Services (CPS.) This weaponizing of CPS drew national attention recently because a School Board President, acting more like a bully than the director of a school, sent letters to parents threatening to call CPS if their child’s lunch debt wasn’t paid. However, this weaponizing of CPS has far greater consequences than simply intimidating parents to pay school lunch debts. It can lead to the death of children, the very children these taxpayer social service agencies are supposed to be "protecting." This is what happened to one mother pregnant with twins who was threatened to lose her twins at birth to CPS if she did not consent to receiving the flu shot. Out of fear of losing her babies to CPS, she complied, and her previously healthy twins died shortly later, before they were even born. CPS today is not really focused on "protecting" children, but intimidating non-compliant parents.

Kansas Mom Has Children Taken Away While Husband Dies in Jail for Using Medical Marijuana

A Eureka, Kansas couple reportedly had police enter their home recently without a warrant, based on what the police allegedly stated was a complaint from someone that they heard screaming from inside the home. Jennifer Hess answered the door and explained that no one was screaming, and attempted to close the door. Doug McVay, writing for reports: "At that point, they forced the door open. Two of them entered the house, and they demanded I go outside,” Hess tells Freedom Leaf. On June 14 on Facebook, she wrote: “They said they were getting a search warrant, alleging they had seen drug paraphernalia in the house.” Police searched the house and found “293 grams” (about 10 ounces) of cannabis, “all personal use.” Hess and Wilson both had medical conditions and used marijuana for that purpose, she said. “They made up a reason to come to my door, probably because there was no one we associate with to do a controlled buy.” Medical marijuana is legal in many U.S. States, but not Kansas. Jennifer and her husband Homer were arrested, and the two children, Ashton, 15, and Holden, 11, were put into protective custody. Two weeks later, with Homer having various medical conditions and being denied his medical marijuana, he died in jail. Facing criminal charges and having just lost her husband, Jennifer must now also fight to regain custody of her children. "On June 7, I was preparing to bond out and was taken to the interview room and informed by the Sheriff and a KBI agent that my husband had a medical emergency, and he didn’t make it. They proceeded to ask me questions about his health and habits, then left me in the interview room for about 30 minutes. Now, I’m separated from my kids and unable to be with them during this difficult time, and facing serious charges all alone. I’d like to know what makes us such a danger to society that my husband deserved to lose his life."

Beverly Hills Harvard-Trained Doctor Sues County of Los Angeles and Social Workers $750 Million in Whistleblower Lawsuit

In 2015 Health Impact News first reported on the case of Dr. Susan Spell (formerly Evans) whose 4 children were allegedly kidnapped by the LA County Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS). Her oldest child has since turned 18 and aged out of the system. This week, Dr. Spell and her son filed a $750 million lawsuit against LA County and some social workers. The Epoch Times has published an article about her case: Dr. Susan Spell, alongside her 18-year old son Nicholas, filed a $750 million lawsuit July 30 against the County of Los Angeles and individual social workers. “I want to bring awareness. This is the epitome of corruption and abuse of power. I have to pay to see my children,” Spell told The Epoch Times. “Susan is a physician in L.A. County. She went to pick her kids up from school one day, only to find that DCFS removed them,” Spell’s lawyer Stephen Lamont told The Epoch Times. “DCFS convinced the school they had a warrant. They did not have a warrant. They tried to get a warrant but it was denied. They said there was a restraining order against Dr. Spell, but that never existed.” Melinda Murphy, a former DCFS social worker who became a whistleblower, has supplied an affidavit in Dr. Spell's lawsuit stating that DCFS falsifies evidence to justify taking children from their parents. Murphy said in her affidavit that her trainer told her and others on their first day of training, “We should be ashamed of what we have done to some of the families that we have sworn to serve.” “During my training, my observations, and in my work experiences, I learned that the DCFS does not have a mechanism for backing down and, has a tendency, even if the parent is innocent, to make them appear guilty in some way, and that includes perjuring testimony, falsifying reports, and fabricating evidence to justify taking children,” Murphy said in the affidavit.

5800 Fake Families Found at Border – Children Brought Across Border to Feed Sex Trafficking Networks

Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Mark Morgan testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee this week (July 30, 2019). In questioning by Committee Chairman Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin, Mark Morgan, who was also the top official at Customs and Border Protection during the Obama administration, revealed that a new pilot program began using DNA tests at the border to determine if the children coming across the border were, in fact, related to the adult accompanying them. Initial tests found 5800 fake families trying to cross the border. As we have reported previously here at Health Impact News, we don't have a major problem in the U.S. of separating children from their families at the border. We have a child sex trafficking problem, which is luring adults in the human trafficking business to bring children across the border, posing as their parents. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently delivered the Trafficking in Persons report, which is created annually by the State Department to document human trafficking in the year prior. Geoff Rogers, co-founder of the United States Institute Against Human Trafficking (USIAHT), said in an interview with Fox News: “The United States is the No. 1 consumer of sex worldwide. So we are driving the demand as a society.” “We’re also driving the demand with our own people, with our own kids,” Rogers said. “So there are tremendous numbers of kids, a multitude of kids that are being sold as sex slaves today in America. These are American kids, American-born, 50 percent to 60 percent of them coming out of the foster care industry.” The problem of child sex trafficking should be a non-partisan issue, and the corporate "mainstream" media needs to stop portraying the problems with children at the borders as a problem with separating children from their parents. This is not the major problem this country is facing right now. The major problem is the lucrative child sex trafficking business, where children from American families are being put into foster care to feed this heinous business, and it draws in children from outside the U.S. as well. We need to abolish the foster care program in its present form, and dismantle the pedophile networks luring children across the border.

After 4 Years in Prison Father Wrongly Convicted of Murdering His 15-Month-Old Daughter Due to SBS Has Charges Overturned in Alaska

Dr. David Ayoub, a radiologist who has testified in court on numerous occasions during Shaken Baby Syndrome cases testifying that other medical conditions can explain symptoms often used to accuse parents of child abuse, has stated that by his calculations there are about 50,000 parents currently in prison suffering from wrongful child abuse convictions. On July 26, 2019, one father, Clayton Allison, who was in his fourth year of a 30-year prison sentence in Alaska, had his conviction reversed by the Alaska Court of Appeals. Like many cases that are being overturned in recent years where a parent or caregiver is falsely accused of harming a child due to the medical theory of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), a theory many are now calling "junk science," the original judge gave more credence to the State's doctor who was said to be "an expert in the medical evaluation of suspected abuse," then to the medical experts presented by the defense. The doctor whose testimony allegedly brought about this father's wrong conviction, Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, is listed as a "Primary Care Physician" on the Providence Hospital website. Her specialty is said to be "Family Medicine." A search in the American Board of Pediatrics website turns up a negative result when searching to see if she is certified as a "Child Abuse Specialist." She is apparently not even a pediatrician. She is, however, the medical director of Alaska CARES (Child Abuse Response and Evaluation Services) in Anchorage, Alaska. She has apparently won awards from the "Sisters of Providence" for her dedication "to helping abused children." Her qualification for this role is reportedly that she took a single course on "how to evaluate children for signs of sexual abuse."