Medically Kidnapping Children for Drug Trials and Sex Abuse – The History of the CIA Project MK-ULTRA

We have reported on the CIA MK-ULTRA project in the past. (See: MK Ultra and Modern Day Mind Control: The Battle for America’s Soul) See also the film produced earlier this year, Out of Shadows. This history of the CIA Project MK-ULTRA program written by Larry Romanoff is one of the more comprehensive treatments I have seen online, and we want to re-publish here to give it more exposure. We have previously documented how children are medically kidnapped for drug experimentation, as well as kidnapped for child sex trafficking, and it is all "legal" in the United States, primarily utilizing Child Protective Services and the Foster Care system as the pipeline to traffick these children. But this exposé takes it a lot deeper than anything we have previously covered, with very horrible details that will shock most people. The content below will disturb you, especially once you realize just how corrupt our shadow government is, and the depths of depravity they go to accomplish their goals. A few months ago, I would have never considered publishing something that exposes so much evil. But we live in evil days, and it is time to bring to light what has been done in secret and darkness for far too long. You will recognize many of the same perpetrators of evil that we have previously reported, such as the CIA, the CDC, Health Departments, doctors and hospitals, and more. WARNING! VERY GRAPHIC MATERIAL! NOT SUITABLE FOR YOUNG MINDS!!

America is Led by Murderers – What Can Citizens Do?

There is overwhelming evidence that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, is guilty of mass murder. Earning huge profits from the pharmaceutical industry, he has been the main leader in the United States controlling the Coronavirus response, which has included squelching public information about hydroxychloroquine, a safe FDA-approved drug which has been in the market for decades, and which thousands of doctors are now saying has a 100% cure rate for patients diagnosed with COVID-19. This action alone has led to tens of thousands of needless deaths, as well as billions of taxpayer dollars spent on "new" cures for COVID-19, such as the very profitable Remdesivir, and the upcoming COVID vaccines. He seems to wield more power and influence than even the President of the United States. So is there no way to stop him or bring him to justice?

Newsweek: “Tens of Thousands of Patients with COVID-19 are Dying Unnecessarily” – by Dr. Harvey A. Risch

While not a "news" story, but an "opinion" piece, it is still rare to see a corporate media outlet like Newsweek publish the truth about hydroxychloroquine. Since this was written the week before the Frontline Doctors descended upon Washington D.C. to educate the public on how they were curing ALL of their COVID patients with hydroxychloroquine, we are republishing the entire editorial by Dr. Harvey A. Risch before it disappears. The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It - by Harvey A. Risch, MD, PhD , Professor of Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health, As professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, I have authored over 300 peer-reviewed publications and currently hold senior positions on the editorial boards of several leading journals. I am usually accustomed to advocating for positions within the mainstream of medicine, so have been flummoxed to find that, in the midst of a crisis, I am fighting for a treatment that the data fully support but which, for reasons having nothing to do with a correct understanding of the science, has been pushed to the sidelines. As a result, tens of thousands of patients with COVID-19 are dying unnecessarily. Fortunately, the situation can be reversed easily and quickly.

CENSORSHIP: CDC Takes Over Frontline Doctors’ Website and Replaces Content with Their Own Data

As we have been reporting this week, a group of doctors who have been on the front lines treating COVID patients, successfully, descended upon Washington D.C. this week to conduct press conferences and a 2-day "White Coat Summit" to share their experiences in treating, and curing, their COVID patients. They claim that they represent "thousands" of doctors who have been censored. Their first press conference was sparsely attended by the Washington D.C. media, and the only media company that filmed it and shared it online, Breitbart News, was immediately censored, and the video was quickly deleted from Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. But the video of that press conference has been preserved, and has now been viewed by over 20 million people. The next day, the Frontline Doctors' website, which used to be at, was removed by the company that was hosting it. Two days ago, the same day as the first press conference, someone bought the domain, which now displays the CDC's official website about COVID-19. The reason why the U.S. Government and their "health" agencies, as well as Big Tech, are censoring this information is very simple: cures to diseases are not profitable. Millions of Americans are out of work, tens of thousands of small businesses have closed, and the largest transfer of wealth in the history of the United States has occurred during the past few months, allocating close to 2 TRILLION dollars to Big Pharma, most of it for COVID vaccines. And all of this is a CRIMINAL ACT against the American people, if what these Frontline Doctors say is true, which is that there is a simple cure for COVID, and that "nobody has to die" from it. When you understand what is truly happening in America and around the world today, then it is very easy to understand why Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the U.S. Government, all of whom will profit from COVID vaccines and interventions, while at the same time putting into place massive surveillance systems to take away our freedoms, would want to silence this group of doctors who simply want to stop their patients from dying due to the COVID fear. Let's start calling this what it really is. This is MASS MURDER, with crimes against humanity being committed which should be prosecuted as TREASON.

Frontline Doctors on Censorship: We’re Coming After You Big Tech – We will Not be Silenced!

Less than 24 hours after the Frontline Doctors first press conference in Washington D.C. was censored and removed from Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, and after having their own website knocked offline in an attempt to silence them, the doctors were back in front of the steps of the Supreme Court building today (Tuesday, July 28, 2020) for their second press conference, at great risk to their lives, their families, and their jobs, as they remained determined to bring the truth directly to the American people that a cure for COVID exists, and that the public does not need to cower in fear anymore. While the corporate media continues to blacklist the group of doctors and refuses to cover their press conferences, some hecklers showed up to try and drown out the speakers. The fact that these doctors are seeing a 100% cure rate for COVID patients is a message Big Pharma, Big Tech, and their political leaders do not want the public to hear. Because it would mean that their drugs and their coming vaccines are worthless and unnecessary. They do not want healthy Americans. They want sick Americans cowering in fear so they can control us for their own purposes. Dr. Richard Erso was one of the doctors who spoke today and he said: "We cannot let our patients die without treatment. And that's the major thing that's happened. We've been told to hide in our houses, wear a mask, and wait for a vaccine. That's not a strategy. We have a strategy. Hydroxychloroquine works. Withholding it from patients is shameful."

“Nobody Needs to Die” – Frontline Doctors Storm D.C. Claiming “Thousands of Doctors” are Being Silenced on Facts and Treatments for COVID

America's Frontline Doctors stormed into Washington D.C. today to host their first annual White Coat Summit on Capitol Hill to combat the misinformation and propaganda on COVID being fed to the American people through the corporate media, while successful treatments against COVID are being censored by Big Tech. They held a brief press conference first that was sparsely attended, and where impassioned doctors, all of whom deal directly with COVID patients, claimed that the American people were being deceived, and that "nobody needs to die" from COVID, because all them are successfully treating COVID patients with effective cures that are being censored for political reasons. One of the speakers at the press conference today was Dr. Emmanuel from Houston, Texas. She stated that she studied medicine in Nigeria where she used Hydroxychloroquine for malaria patients, and is therefore very experienced with this medication, and that she has now treated over 350 COVID patients in Texas with Hydroxychloroquine, and none of them have died. "I'm here because I have personally treated over 350 patients with COVID. Patients that have diabetes, patients that have high blood pressure, patients that have asthma, all people. My oldest patient is 92. The result has been the same. I put them on Hydroxychloroquine, I put them on zinc, I put them on Zithromax, and they are all well. For the past few months I have taken care of over 350 patients with not one lost one. Not a diabetic, not somebody with high blood pressure, not somebody with asthma, not an old person. We've not lost one patient! And, on top of that, I've put myself, my staff, and many doctors that I know, on Hydroxychloroquine, for prevention. None of us have gotten sick. I came here to Washington D.C. to tell America, nobody needs to die! I'm upset! Why am I upset? Because I see people who cannot breathe. I see parents walk in, I see diabetics sitting in my office, knowing (thinking) that this is a death sentence! And they can't breathe! And I help them, and I tell them it's going to be OK. You're going to live. And we treat them, and they live. None have died!" When are you going to wake up, America, and realize that you are fearing the wrong thing! You do not need to fear COVID, you need to fear our political medical leaders who are complicit with MURDER!!

The Technocratic Coup is Advancing Rapidly – Is this the America You Want?

Do you know what "technocracy" means? If not, it is time you learn about it, because we are currently going through what technocracy expert Patrick Wood says is a Coup D'état as the technocrats take over the world, literally. Mr. Wood was interviewed this week by Spiro Skouras of Activist Post, and he stated: "The whole world right now is laboring under the same issues that we are laboring in our country. That is, the Great Panic of 2020... The technocrats who are pushing technocracy globally have finally succeeded in springing the trap on the entire planet. And in the process, they have shut down the entire global economic system. Around the world people in other countries are looking to America to save the world.... and it's not going to be our government that does it, it's the American citizens like you and me...." Technocracy is not all that new, and has been around since the 1930s here in the U.S. In their publication The Technocrat published in 1938, they defined "technocracy" as: "the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population of this continent." Mr. Wood elaborates on the fact that the goal of the technocrats is an economic system, and not a political system. They want a "Scientific Dictatorship." This was the driving force behind the eugenics movement in the U.S. during the 1930s and 1940s, and led to forced sterilization laws being imposed on "genetically inferior" women the technocrats did not want to continue breeding. This is a result of social engineering by the technocrats. He says: "I still see this at the United Nations today, and I still see it whenever Bill Gates speaks anywhere, they look at you and I as cattle steers in a giant feed lot where all of your food is pre-mixed, and you're force-fed, and you get shots with this thing, and that thing, and you get branded and you get pushed to this corral and pushed to that corral. This is social engineering in their mind. This is just a continuation of what's been going on for almost a hundred years. They just don't care about individual human life."

Uber Announces Participating in Contact Tracing – They Will Turn You in to Health Authorities

As I reported yesterday, law abiding citizens are now being arrested in their homes with ankle monitors to prevent them from leaving in some parts of the U.S., if one of the family members tests positive for COVID. Today, FiercePharma is reporting that Uber is now participating with health authorities to help with contact tracing. So if you thought that you could avoid being arrested in your own home by simply refusing to get a COVID test from among the more than 100 fast-tracked inaccurate COVID tests currently on the market, think again. Uber is providing their contact tracing services for free, not to you their customers, but to local health authorities. That means every time you use the popular ride-share service, they can track you to see if you have been in contact with any COVID positive people, including, apparently, previous riders in their drivers' cars which you would not even know about, and then turn your information into the health authorities. This apparently applies to food delivery apps as well. If you don't want to risk a knock at your door by health authorities and law enforcement forcing you to get a COVID test, the best option you have right now is to NOT carry around a cell phone, or if you do, keep it shut off or on "airplane mode." Start using cash for transactions (while you still can) instead of credit cards, as a record of a credit card purchase at a certain time in a certain location, could also identify you as being in contact with the COVID positive individual. Welcome to the "new normal." Civil liberties are gone, and things like HIPAA privacy laws no longer apply in this perpetual state of emergency over THE VIRUS.

Will Enough Americans Resist Tyranny? Formerly Law Abiding Citizens Now Criminalized as Prisons are Emptied

America is now living under medical tyranny, with more and more basic freedoms being lost on a daily basis as we rush towards a complete medical police state where the Constitution of the U.S. is set aside as meaningless all in the name of "emergency orders" to combat the Coronavirus, a virus for which there are currently over 100 tests in the marketplace, all of which have been fast-tracked, and none of which have been tested as completely accurate. And as the media wars fight over illegal mandatory face mask orders, the larger story is that the global medical cartel is rushing to test as many people as possible with these highly inaccurate tests in order to implement the next stage of the Plandemic, which is contact tracing and getting ready for the COVID vaccines. A family in Kentucky, Jeremiah and Elizabeth Linscott, along with their 9-month-old daughter, are now under arrest in their own home, being forced to wear ankle monitors, simply because Elizabeth tested positive for COVID, even though none of them are sick. Elizabeth wanted to take her baby to visit her mother and grandmother, so she was tested first. When the test came back positive, she was told to "self-quarantine" at home. In an interview with a local TV station in Kentucky, Elizabeth explained that she had no problem self-quarantining herself, but when the Health Department asked her to sign a document agreeing to get permission from them anytime she wanted to leave her home, she declined to sign it. She states that she wanted the freedom to leave her home at her own will if there were an emergency, and that she did not believe the Health Department had the authority to track her every movement and require her to get their permission. So the Health Department, along with the Sheriff department, sent over 5 cars full of people to force them to wear an ankle bracelet inside their home. They are doing the right thing by going public with what happened to them, and resisting by seeking legal help, as their 9-month-old daughter now is in grave danger of being removed from their home, as Kentucky is one of the most corrupt states in the U.S. when it comes to medical kidnapping. How long are Americans going to continue putting up with these restrictions on their liberties and face arrest for simply wanting to live their lives as normal people? If enough people resisted and said "no" as the Linscotts did, there would not be enough law enforcement agents or ankle bracelets to contain the resisters. And as long as they keep getting away with this, things are just going to keep getting worse.

Which Theory about President Trump’s Rise to Power is More Credible?

I can no longer ignore the issue of President Trump, because I have received so many emails about him now, some accusing me of supporting him, and others criticizing me for supposedly opposing him. But if you read carefully everything I have published in the past recent weeks, you should know by now that I do not fall into either camp: Trump haters, or Trump lovers. When it comes to my role as Editor of Health Impact News, my first responsibility to the public is to honestly report the truth, no matter where that truth leads us. I am truly an independent journalist. Nobody funds Health Impact News. The advertising revenue that is generated from our network of websites pays the expenses, and I get most of my own income from the other company I own, Healthy Traditions (formerly Tropical Traditions). That doesn't mean I am not biased. But I am honest about my biases, because I have no reason to try and hide them in order to achieve some hidden purpose, since I do not have investors or financial supporters trying to influence my views. So my view of President Trump, today, is based on the evidence of what he has actually done in office for his first term, which is coming to a close soon. And much of what I have reported about President Trump in recent days has been negative, because as President of the United States, this Plandemic which has robbed Americans of their wealth and transferred it over to Wall Street, and mainly Big Pharma, has all happened on his watch, and he publicly endorses it, especially the billions being spent on his project "Warp Speed" to develop COVID vaccines. But when it comes to the issues of how and why Donald Trump came into power to assume the office of the President of the United States, and whether or not there is some grand plan in place that is still unfolding, we now move into the area of speculation and theories. Since I have neither loyalties nor hatred towards President Trump, I believe I am in a good position to give an honest review of what I see as the two competing theories. Those who are entrenched into one or the other of these theories will not be impressed with anything I will present here, because they are driven by faith and belief in their own positions, and will judge everything I write next through the glasses they wear supporting their own beliefs. But things have changed so quickly and so rapidly in the world today, that I believe there is now a significant portion of the public questioning their own thoughts on President Trump, and open to exploring other possibilities to explain what is unfolding before us. As I wrote above, I myself am not without bias, and as I present this my own bias will become evident. But just remember the presuppositions from where I start. I am neither pro-Trump nor anti-Trump, and I have no "skin in the game" one way or the other. My own political views on the Right versus the Left have been clearly articulated already, and so I seldom write on these political issues because it is not worth my time when the real enemies need to be exposed. Personally, I only believe in two political systems: The Kingdom of God that originates in heaven but does extend to earth among the true believers, and the Kingdom of Satan who runs the current world system. You can read more about these topics on the website. But in short, here is really all you need to know: God wins. Satan is on his last leg, trying to setup his New World Order, but in the end Jesus will return to earth and setup the REAL New World Order, which will last on into eternity, while Satan and his demons are cast into Hell to get what they deserve.