The New World Order: Creating a Crisis so the Rich Get Richer While Millions Lose Their Jobs

Earlier this week I published a report about how the plan to develop a "New World Order" through the United Nations is no longer a conspiracy "theory," as the plans have been published, and the whole coronavirus response has been exposed as a "Plandemic." One of the major results of the Plandemic has been that the world's wealthiest people have instantly increased their wealth, while at the same time millions have lost their jobs, and tens of thousands of small businesses have failed. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. reported earlier this week: "This nationwide, extended quarantine has permanently shuttered over 100,000 small businesses, cost 38 million jobs and 27 million Americans their health care. The Super Rich elite are flourishing while a despairing middle class flounders. According to a report by Americans for Tax Fairness, billionaires are watching their wealth compound beyond imagination. Between March 18, when lockdown began, and May 19, the combined net worth of Bill Gates (Microsoft), Jeff Bezos (Amazon) Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Warren Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway) and Larry Ellison (Oracle) grew by $75.5 billion. According to Forbes data, the total wealth of the 630 U.S. billionaires jumped by $434 billion—15%—from $2.948 trillion to $3.382 trillion. Tech stocks are the most bullish about the Surveillance State. Microsoft (Bing), Facebook and Amazon are facilitating our devolution into militarized oligarchy by enforcing censorship against all expressions of dissent." Dr. Ron Paul, a former U.S. Congressman, says that the "Deep State" is able to do this through the Central Banking of the Federal Reserve, as the Globalists control the world's monetary supply. He explains how without the Federal Reserve, and their ability to create money out of thin air, the coronavirus response never could have been accomplished. Dr. Paul covered the Federal Reserve's role in the Plandemic in his daily broadcast today, The Liberty Report. And now just this week a new crisis has emerged that has destroyed businesses in one major city already, and threatens to expand across the nation because of the tragic death of a young man that was filmed and broadcast around the country due to police brutality.

New York City Attorney Explains How to Sue the System When Children are Kidnapped by the State

Many parents feel that what we experienced at the hands of child welfare was unjust but that there’s nothing we can do about it. We wanted to find out if that was true, so we interviewed David Lansner, a family court lawyer in New York City and one of the few lawyers in the country that brings lawsuits against the child welfare system on behalf of individual parents and children.  Lansner explained that the bar for suing is very high. But he also told us about some parents and children who sued and won. And he gave us a lesson in history and government in the process.  Here’s what he had to say.

Texas Homeschool Families Take Back Their Public Park and Defy Orders to Leave as Police Back Down

Daniel McAdams writes about how his family and a group of about 35 people who are all homeschool families in Texas took their children to the local park to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, and tore down police tape that tried to prevent them from using a public park. They knew that neither the police nor anyone else had any legal authority to close the park or rope it off like that. Two police came and asked them to leave, and they responded the way every person in the U.S. should respond to such coronavirus edicts that have no legal authority: They stood their ground and refused to leave. They even rebuked the officer who asked them if they were "anti-vaxxers," as if that had anything to do with playing in the park! The police did not dare arrest such a large group, especially with mothers holding their babies in their arms, so after conferring with the chief of police, they concluded that they could stay. What a great lesson for these homeschooled children on how to stand up against tyranny! Now if we could just get the rest of the country to follow their example, we could get this economy up and running again very quickly.  Tyrants need a compliant public to get their way, so what are you waiting for America! Does liberty mean anything to you anymore? Oh, and by the way, the name of the park in Texas where this happened? Freedom Park.

The UN “New World Order” Has Now Been Published: No Longer a “Conspiracy Theory” – Out of Shadows

Now that we are a few months into the global Coronavirus event, it is time to pause for a minute and consider how we got here, and why. First, if you have been following Health Impact News throughout this entire time, you will know that this was a planned event, and therefore it is not a true "pandemic," but what many now in the alternative media are calling a "plandemic." Those who have been warning for many years that there is a concentrated global group of powerful people who want a global one-world government to control and rule every single person on the planet have been tagged with the pejorative term "conspiracy theorist," a term thought to be first used by the CIA labeling people who did not believe the official media and government reports on President John F. Kennedy's assassination in Dallas, Texas in 1963. However, during the height of the plandemic this past March, with almost no mention in the corporate media, the United Nations published a new website called: The United Nations New World Order. They issued a Press Release via PR Newswire: United Nations NWO (UNNWO) Launches COVID 19 Coronavirus Focused International Day of Happiness 2020 Campaign Theme HAPPINESS FOR ALL TOGETHER. The desire of a group of very powerful people to establish a one-world government, which also requires reducing the size of the world's population to a more controllable size, is no longer a "conspiracy theory." They are no longer hiding their intentions, and one of their leaders in particular, Bill Gates, is being courted by the corporate media and bringing his desires and intentions out into the open with seemingly no fear whatsoever. Will they succeed?

Bill Gates Documentary Reveals Ties to Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and Eugenics Movement

An independent media publisher named "Grace" who goes by reallygraceful on YouTube has produced what is the best documentary on the history of Bill Gates that I have seen so far. I have never met Grace, and Health Impact News does not necessarily agree with all of her commentary (we don't necessarily disagree either!), but these 3 short videos, which have been very-well produced, come with plenty of references to document the things she is revealing, and we will copy the references here as well, before YouTube removes these videos. Please contact us if the videos do disappear, and we will provide an alternative platform to view them. Also, the Social Media tech giants are suppressing much of our traffic these days on places like Facebook, and our emails also are increasingly being blocked, so be sure to read my article about how to use RSS feeds to continue receiving our articles.

North Carolina CPS Leaders Indicted on Criminal Charges for Taking Children Away from Parents without Approval from a Judge

The Carolina Public Press reported this week (May, 2020) that three current and former Cherokee County Department of Social Services leaders have been arrested on dozens of criminal charges for separating children from their parents without the oversight of a judge, a practice that is alleged to have been going on for years. The three are: Cindy Palmer, former DSS director and the wife of Cherokee County Sheriff and Baptist Pastor Derrick Palmer, former Child Protective Unit supervisor David Hughes, and former DSS attorney Scott Lindsay. Kate Martin and Frank Taylor wrote the article in the Carolina Public Press. This is not the first time that Health Impact News has reported news about corruption in Cherokee County, North Carolina, over illegally kidnapping children through Social Services. In 2018, Associated Press reporters Mitch Weiss and Holbrook Mohr broke the story of how social workers in Cherokee County had been reportedly coercing parents and taking their children illegally, bypassing the court system by threatening to adopt out their children or throw the parents in jail if they refused to sign paperwork known in NC as a CVA – Custody and Visitation Agreement. In 2019, Kate Martin, reporting again for the Carolina Public Press, reported that an internal memo revealed that state officials knew that Cherokee County Department of Social Services was illegally removing children from their homes, allegedly HUNDREDS of them, before a civil lawsuit was filed in 2018 and before a request was made for a State Bureau of Investigation probe into the matter. Health Impact News has published many stories of corruption in the State of North Carolina over the years on our website, suggesting that Cherokee County is not the only place where children are being illegally removed from their parents in the State of North Carolina. See: Native American CPS Whistleblower Goes Missing in North Carolina : Daughter on the Run - North Carolina Child Medically Kidnapped Starving to Death in Foster Care - Infant with Brittle Bones Medically Kidnapped in North Carolina as Mother is Arrested (Also featured on the Dr. Phil TV Show) - North Carolina Kidnaps Children from Grandparents because of Medical Kidnap Article - North Carolina Military Family’s Breastfed Infant Daughter Medically Kidnapped for 305 Days - North Carolina Mother Flees State to Protect Children from State-sponsored Kidnapping - North Carolina Man Records Call with Social Worker Asking Him to Date Her to Get His Kids Back - If you are new to the topic of "medical kidnapping" or kidnapping of any kind by State funded social workers, you might be tempted to wonder why North Carolina has such a horrible problem of corruption and kidnapping of children based on these reports. However, this goes on in all 50 states within the U.S., and since we have been reporting on these horrible stories since 2014, North Carolina might not even make our top 5 in States that have the worst record of abusing children and kidnapping them. And now with the current COVID-19 government response, this problem could get a lot worse, as states have even more reasons to take children away from their parents and traffick them through the foster care system.

If Your Child Tests Positive for COVID will They be Removed from your Home? Washington Hires More CPS Workers to Prepare

Introduced by Rep. Bobby Rush, Democrat, from the South Side of Chicago, it seems fitting that he introduced it on May 1, or May Day, the worldwide term for a distress call in a life-threatening emergency. Another bizarre and troubling detail, its number – 6666 – incorporates what is considered the number of the beast in the Book of Revelation. Omens such as these must surely give pause to even the agnostic among us. The bill is short – under five pages – but grants $100 BILLION to entities around the country “to trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals, and to support the quarantine of such contacts.” The Centers for Disease Control Director would direct the funds to health clinics, schools, high schools, universities or basically any other entity the CDC Director chooses. $100 billion in funding would be for Fiscal Year 2020 and “such sums as may be necessary” for FY 2021 and any year thereafter when the emergency continues. The bill almost humorously notes that it must not contradict medical privacy laws. One hundred billion dollars is the size of New Jersey and Illinois’ entire state budgets, combined. The bill is wildly unconstitutional on myriad grounds. Yet, it now has 58 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives. If passed, this bill would surveil EVERYONE. But as bad as the bill would be for everyone, H.R. 6666 is especially ominous for children. If passed, it would lead to family separations—as promoted by the World Health Organization—despite the fact that children rely on their parents and guardians in every way — physically, emotionally and psychologically. And the threat of child separation is not far-fetched—an ad on a Washington State job board suggests that child separation for quarantine is already in the works.

Another COVID Small Business Casualty: The American Christian Church

All across the U.S. small businesses are failing because they closed down during the COVID-19 situation. In some sectors, such as the restaurant industry, it is estimated that more than 50% of these small businesses will never re-open. Today I am going to write about one of the largest groups of small businesses that have also been hit hard by closing down during this "crisis" - the American Christian Church. American churches today are businesses, mostly non-profit small businesses. Hence, they are corporations setup just like other American businesses, requiring licenses and subject to the laws of the U.S. and their respective states. As we have seen recently, the government authorities can shut them down farily easily. The true body of Christ, however, is not a 501c3 non-profit church business. It is a living organism of believers not dependent on any business, and the leader is Jesus who rules from Heaven and empowers his people with supernatural power. This organism is not so easily defeated, if they function together as a body.

Oregon Mother’s Children Investigated by CPS After She Defied Governor and Re-opened Her Business

Lindsey Graham opened her Salem salon last week, in defiance of state lockdown orders. In response, Democrat Governor Kate Brown arranged a $14,000 fine through Occupational Safety and Health (Oregon OSHA) and sent Child Protective Services (CPS) to visit her kids at home while Graham was at work. It’s obvious that Gov. Brown has decided to bully Graham and make an example of her and the contractors that work out of her salon.

As Businesses Close Due to Coronavirus, the Business of Child Sex Trafficking in Foster Care Flourishes

While many businesses have closed during the current COVID-19 lock downs in the U.S., there is one profitable business that has not closed down, and if anything, is probably flourishing more than ever: Child Sex Trafficking through Foster Care. We have established over the years since we have been reporting on this topic that foster care is the main pipeline for child sex trafficking. As we have previously reported, the response to COVID-19 has led to more children being separated from their parents and put into foster care, and many parents are no longer able to visit their children who are in foster care during the COVID-19 lock downs. Since child sex trafficking through the foster care system was already a widespread systemic problem prior to COVID-19, it is no surprise that this lucrative business is doing well and perhaps even flourishing more than ever during the current lock downs. Here are some examples that have been reported recently in local and national media.